Chapter 974
ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you!

There was no dream all night, Luoquan woke up before 06:30, and it was still dark.

After going to the toilet, Luo Quan put a pillow behind his back and started playing with his mobile phone.

After the physical fitness is improved, many places are much more convenient.

In this kind of weather before, if you want to play with your mobile phone, you have to wear a coat at least, otherwise your fingers will tremble from the cold.

But now she only needs to wear a thermal coat, and she won't feel cold at all.

It's a pity that although my physical fitness has been greatly enhanced, the monthly aunt is extremely punctual and never absent.

As the saying goes, the most guarded fortresses start to disintegrate from within.

Luo Quan's Wugou glazed golden body can even resist Bai Xingwei's innate sword energy, but when the aunt comes, blood must bleed.

She also specifically asked Bai Xingwei about this matter, that is, whether there is a solution to the monthly bleeding debuff on Huanyu Planet.

Although it's not a big problem, it's really not very comfortable to have to put something under your body for a few days.

Huanyuxing technology is so developed, there should be such a medicine.

But Bai Xingwei's answer left her speechless. :
"There are definitely medicines, but I suggest you don't use them.

Menstruation shows that you have fertility, and those old ladies who are getting old will naturally go through menopause.

If you are not determined not to have children in the future, then keep this debuff.

I know that many senior female cultivators felt that coming to the aunt was a hindrance when they were young, so they killed the red dragon early.

But when they found a Taoist partner and wanted to have a child, things became very, very troublesome.

It is not impossible to continue after the red dragon is cut, but it takes a lot of time and material resources, and the probability of failure is not low. If you are not lucky, you will have to toss for several years.

Therefore, none of the senior heroines who killed the red dragon did not regret it. I advise you to think it through and talk about this funny thing later. "

After listening to Bai Xingwei's advice, Luo Quan never mentioned this again.

She doesn't know if she will have children in the future, but if it causes semi-permanent damage to body functions, then she certainly cannot accept it.

Originally, she thought that the technology of Huanyuxing was so advanced that if it could be easily disconnected, it would be easy to reconnect, but it turned out that things were not that simple.

If so, let's keep the status quo.

She has been here for so many years, and she is actually used to it. Sometimes if it is delayed for a day or two, she still feels very uncomfortable.

Turn on the hot search on the mobile phone, the news about my elder brother Qian being sentenced is still on the hot search, but the number of hot search is not as many as it was at night.

It's a pity that Luo Quan was robbed of the headlines. After all, popularity can bring her popularity and attribute points. She could have had a big harvest tonight, but it's a pity that she only had a medium harvest.

But there is no way, who made me meet Brother Qian this time.

As far as Brother Qian is concerned, he is considered to be the only one with influence in the entertainment industry. Few people can prove him. Luo Quan is not wronged if he loses.

No one knows who will come first between the accident and tomorrow, Brother Qian probably has a deep understanding now.

Originally, he might have escaped legal sanctions, but unfortunately, his mother who doted on him sent her son to prison with her own hands, and the truth behind it really made people laugh.

As for the heroine of this incident, many fans asked her to evaluate it before.

Luo Quan's answer was that she couldn't comment, because only she knew whether the girl did it voluntarily or not.

But no matter what, being willing to stand up and expose Brother Qian and let him accept legal sanctions is definitely a great deed.

As for the stains that may exist behind her, there is no need to criticize too much, after all, it is not a crime.

It is said that this girl has also become an Internet celebrity now, earning a lot of money by live broadcasting goods every day, and has a group of fans who will shout to her "Sister is so sassy" and "Sister is so beautiful".

In general, it can be regarded as a lot of benefits.

And those girls who have been violated are also waiting for justice that is overdue.

In the words of Brother Qian, he must be the biggest loser. He went from being a top performer in the entertainment industry to a top performer in prison overnight.

When he returns to Huaxia, he will probably be in his late [-]s.

In addition, after Brother Qian was imprisoned, he was soon found out about tax issues and needed to pay more than 6 million yuan.

Counting the liquidated damages that the brand had to pay for the termination of the contract before, the losses in this wave are estimated to be upwards of one billion.

And such a donation even made it into the top fifteen in the China Charity Rankings.

The reason why he is so familiar is that Luo Quan saw a piece of news that was the No. 149 most searched news, that is, Dong Ge became China's top benefactor with a huge donation of [-] billion yuan.

This is different from those charitable foundations established by donating to individuals. It is directly donated to official charities and is a real donation.

It is really rare for Dongzi to donate so much money when Goudong's recent situation is not very good.

Back then, when Gou Dong was hot, he looked like he wanted to fight against Tao Bao.

However, due to a series of reasons, in the end Goudong got worse and worse, and went downhill without turning back.

Of course, Taobao's situation is not very good, but this is a bad era, and you don't have to be good at yourself, as long as you are not as bad as your opponent.

Although it is not new for Huaxia Internet companies to rush to the street collectively, everything can be traced.

Bilibili started from giving up the game and Two-dimensional business, and Taobao started when its boss couldn’t recognize its own position.

Dong Ge is a little bit special. The story begins with a romantic encounter he had in the United States.

I remember that Goudong was developing well at that time. Brother Dong himself also had a beautiful wife, and he also had a hot stalk who didn't know his wife's beauty.

And since that night, Brother Dong's popularity has changed, and people's address for him has changed from "Dong Ge" to "Dong Zi".

According to the latest judgment made by the court some time ago, combined with the media and some rumors, the context of the matter is basically quite clear.

It's a story about a vain woman who recommended herself as a pillow mat, but was angered by the woman's licking dog and called the police after finding out.

For the sake of face, the woman lied that she was strong, but through the hotel video and later testimony, she found that this was what you wanted and what I wanted, and everything was caused by the dog licking.

As a billionaire worth tens of billions, Dongzi made a mistake that many men in the world would make. The only thing worthy of criticism from netizens is that Dongzi's vision is not very good.

As a married woman, his behavior must be extremely disloyal, without any sense of morality and responsibility.

You must know that when the accident happened, Dongzi's wife was still pregnant with her second child, and she attended the trial with her stomach full.

Since then, Goudong has gone downhill.

As for the relationship between the couple, outsiders definitely don't know about it, but it's impossible to pretend that it never happened and continue to be harmonious.

But regardless of Dongzi's previous moral flaws, the donation of so much money this time is worthy of a special announcement.

If entrepreneurs of his level can donate so much money like Brother Dong, Huaxia will have more children who can eat well and afford medical care.

But it's a pity, according to the donation list made by netizens, only four people in China have donated more than [-] billion.

Dongzi alone, then the boss of Meituantuan, followed by Mr. Lei of Rice Phone, and finally the boss of Anta.

After that, the amount of donations fell off a cliff, and the fifth highest was only 39 billion.

Just when netizens lamented that Dong Ge deserves to be a child from the countryside, it is really rare that he does not forget to give back to his parents and society after he has developed.

Then they were surprised to find that No.5 on the charity list, that is, the person who donated 39 billion was actually Luo Quan.

Fans know that Luo Quan has been doing charity, and will donate part of the income after every album and movie released.

There is no other company in the entertainment circle who can persist in doing this.

The key point is that she never used donations to offset taxes, and she paid as much as she should, and she never evaded it.

It sounds like a fantasy, but this speed is real, and the amount data is just in front of you, which is a huge amount of 39 billion yuan.

After this data was disclosed, it finally squeezed out Qianzi's embarrassing No. [-] hot search, and Luo Quan's name topped the list again.

After seeing that Luo Quan had donated so much money, netizens were also surprised and left a message in the comment area:
"Oh my God, is Luo Quan's donation serious? A celebrity has surpassed so many entrepreneurs and ranked fifth! Is she doing charity with all her wealth?"

"Isn't the vision low? Luo Bao now has more ways to make money. The movies released are all making more than one billion yuan. Needless to say, albums have been breaking records.

The other is games, Warcraft, Overwatch, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, these are the most popular online games and stand-alone games in the world at present!

So the 39 billion should not account for too much of her savings. "

"Actually, you all overlook one thing, that is, she is still the second largest shareholder of Nikola Motor Company, accounting for 30.00% of the shares, and the second largest new energy vehicle company in the United States has a market value of more than 1000 billion U.S. dollars , calculate how much she is worth now?"

"Damn, 300 billion US dollars, what a super rich woman."

"Exchanging [-] million for [-] is already money that many people can't earn in ten lifetimes. Luoquan's wealth is really exaggerated."

"In fact, the amount of wealth is not important. The key is that Luo Quan has already donated a lot of money before becoming a shareholder of Nikola Motor."

"Indeed, we can't ignore this point. Luo Quan has really spared no effort in doing charity since her debut."

"Remember when she crowdfunded [-] million swimsuits? All the [-] million dollars she raised were donated!"

"Haha, I forgot a long time ago, I just remember that Luo Bao's swimsuit is so white."

"Shouldn't it be big?"

"It's wrong, I think it's a warp!"

"Is there a possibility that these are the characteristics of Luobao's swimwear?"

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"


Originally, the charity chat was good, but after a few sentences, the question went off the rails again.

But there is no doubt that the first place in the hot search this time brought her a completely positive effect.

As the star with the highest donation in Huaxia, Luo Quan has played a leading role very well.

If the rest of the stars can be conscious, they will follow suit to donate some.

Even if it's just for show, as long as you donate money, it's a good thing.

Luo Quan would definitely be very happy if he could really drive these stars in the entertainment industry.

I'm afraid that these celebrities have reached the point of insensitivity, and they can't spend the money at all. They would rather put it in the bank and put it in the stock market than donate a little bit.

And Luo Quan's radiant behavior may become the beam of light shining into the dark room, carrying the original sin that stands out from the crowd.

If this is the case, it can only mean that internal entertainment is hopeless.

At the moment, there are no such signs yet, so it is not possible to draw conclusions arbitrarily.

And as more and more netizens saw hot searches, the news of Luoquan's donation of 39 billion began to appear on major social platforms.

In fact, she not only donated such a small amount of money, she also donated a lot abroad, but because it is Huaxia's charity list, I can only count the amount of donations to Huaxia.

But even so, she still ranked fifth in the country. Not only celebrities, but also those rich entrepreneurs should reflect on it.

When they were the richest people, they were all high-spirited and didn't take money as money. As a result, when the charity list came out, there were only a few who broke through [-] million, which made people speechless.

Of course, the remarks of the above netizens are suspected of moral kidnapping, but when netizens complain, they don’t care about your morality or immorality, and they will talk about it first.

And Luo Quan has improved to a higher level when the reputation is already very good.

Even in the most hostile post bar, Luo Quan enjoys the treatment of a goddess. Posting a photo of her, the comment area is full of brains, and the ratings and evaluations are also gods.

Of course, it is not known why some people scored 34. It is estimated that only old fans of Luoquan understand this matter.

As for the post bar, Luo Quan used to go shopping and have fun.

But now there are fewer, because she found that she has become Le Zi herself, and the friends in the bar are more YY than the fans at station B, and the words are quite explicit. After watching it for a while, Luo Quan also said that she couldn’t stand it .

Although they knew that they were talking, but the strength of this kind of talking was too much.

Compared with the two men's and women's restrooms on Tieba Weibo, although Station B has been criticized for being naive, the environment is generally very good, and the proportion of normal people is higher.

So Luoquan prefers Station B, and coming back here is like going home.

But before she read the comments on station B for too long, the system's notification tone caught their attention.

"It has been detected that a large number of heat values ​​have been harvested, please pay attention to the host to check!"

Luo Quan entered the panel and was shocked after seeing his income this time.

(End of this chapter)

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