Chapter 973

Ordinary people actually have no concept of overtones.

In layman's terms, playing without overtones is like singing with a big white voice, dry and lacking in beauty.

With overtones, it's like adding a singer's voice to the big white voice, and the overall sense of hearing will rise in a straight line.

To play high-quality overtones, you need extremely accurate and fast fingering, and practice for a long time.

After mastering this technique, even an ordinary piece of music will appear quite advanced when played.

And "The Clock in the Reverse Direction" originally belonged to the kind of music that is very beautiful and beautiful, so after applying this technology, the sense of hearing became extremely surprising, and it conquered everyone's ears almost instantly.

If there is anything more beautiful than this guitar, it is only Luo Quan's singing.

She hasn't sung for a long time. She opened her voice with a medium-tempo love song that is not very difficult. Generate quite a lot of association and sense of substitution.

In the morning, I would say that I would make the fans cry, but now the first song is so sad, it is true that words must be practiced.

Before the song was finished, tears welled up in the barrage.

It seems that this sad emotion has brought back memories of many fans.

"Is it alright?"

After the song was over, Luo Quan put down his guitar, took a sip of hot water from his water cup.

"This song is a relatively new Chinese song. It is estimated that everyone has been listening to it recently, and I think it is quite popular on the Internet. I used it as the opening, thinking that the effect should be good."

Luo Quan explained the reason for singing this song, but it was actually completely unnecessary, because no matter what she sang, fans would be happy to listen to it.

"Okay, after listening to the old songs, it's time to listen to the new songs this time."

As Luo Quan said, he kicked his feet on the ground, and he and the chair slipped and fell beside the electronic piano.

I actually have a keyboard at home, but it is too big to be kept in the recording studio, so I can only use an electronic keyboard instrument instead.

Fans were ecstatic to hear that there was a new song.

Originally thought that this time the fan club would be to choose some old songs to sing, but I didn't expect Luo Quan to prepare new songs, which was really a surprise.

"The name of this song is "Reminiscence of Summer and Homesickness". It is pure music. I hope everyone will like it."

Luo Quan played the piano with both hands, and the melody, which was as clear as a wind chime and soft as a stream, flowed out from her fingertips, making everyone's heart tremble.

Her movements are sometimes extremely gentle, as if touching her lover's skin, full of tenderness.

Sometimes it becomes extremely intense, and the speed of pressing the keys is so fast that phantoms appear.

Her slender fingers are like a gorgeous dancer, dancing a passionate dance on the black and white keys.

With that dazzling fingering, Luo Quan weaves a beautiful and moving music.

At the end of the song, Luo Quan lowered his head, enjoying the aftertaste of the melody he played with an intoxicated expression.

This perfect face like a sculpture, surrounded by wonderful music, reminds people of Apollo in ancient Greek mythology for no reason.

This male god is the embodiment of light, the embodiment of talent, and the embodiment of beauty.

As a girl, it is not very appropriate to use Apollo to describe it, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that he can only be used.

Because what Venus said is only beautiful, and what Luo Quan is showing now is far more than her own beauty.

The only thing that makes some fans feel a little regretful is that the melody of this song is a little simpler, which is more typical pop music.

It sounds good, but it's hard to get into textbooks.

If Luo Quan knew what these fans were thinking, he would definitely be dumbfounded.

In fact, most of the songs she sings are because the songs are good and she wants to sing them to fans.

Getting into textbooks was never her goal. Just like this fan club, everyone must have come to the live broadcast room with a relaxed mood. It is estimated that no one really wants to read any textbooks.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the music in textbooks is not good.

On the contrary, the music in textbooks is almost all classics.

It's just that there is a threshold for appreciating these classics. Not all classical music is as refined and popular as Canon, suitable for all ages.

Luo Quan can't satisfy everyone, so she chooses to satisfy most.

"Recalling Summer and Homesickness" is such a popular style of pure music, perhaps its melody is simple, and it is repeated in many places.

But the melody it repeats is pleasant to listen to, and it can make people fall in love with it as soon as they hear it, and then set it as the ringtone for incoming calls.

For example, the barrage in the live broadcast room has already started to suppress the clouds collectively because of the moving melody "Recalling Xia Homesickness":
"I really miss the past. The scenery of my hometown is always out of reach."

"Hope and sorrow are a ray of light that falls in life. Maybe we all have unspeakable regrets. It is hidden in tears, lost in years, lost in stubbornness, and finally disappeared in the sea of ​​people."

"Summer has passed, and this year is really coming to an end."

"Young people are not afraid of leaving their hometown, but they are homesick."

"After graduating, it's rare for some of our old classmates to get together. When the wine glasses collide, it's the sound of dreams shattering."


One paid long barrage after another was hung in the live broadcast room, and Luo Quan read them out one by one.

Not to mention, they are all well-written, which is a qualified work of fresh and sad quotations for middle school students.

In fact, if similar copywriting is used in the composition, it can add a lot of points.

But it seems a bit hypocritical to send it to the live broadcast room suddenly.

But if it is copied and pasted from Wangyiyun, it is not surprising, because the above comment area is full of this style of painting.

In comparison, Shuaigou's comment area is like a story club, where everyone is making up stories.

So the users of these two music apps don't say who they are.

However, Yi Yun's Quotations didn't stop the fan club for too long, Luo Quan started singing the next song after reading a few.

And just the second song, the popularity of the live broadcast has exceeded 500 million.

This data is more than half higher than her usual live broadcast data. It seems that the fan club is still quite attractive.
In order to push the fan club's popularity to a new peak, Luo Quan also began to strengthen himself.

The third song, "Suffering".

If you want to choose a high-pitched song that can lift the ceiling from Luoquan's Chinese songs, "Suffering" and "Little River Flowing Water" are definitely the only two choices.

There is a popular piece of music and a piece of folk music, the former has a deep and powerful chest voice, and the latter has an ethereal and high-pitched head voice. Not only is the tune very high, but the technique is also very complicated. They are both of the kind that few people dare to cover on the Internet.

On station B, there are a few up hosts who are good at treble, and they have released cover videos, but none of them have the same flavor as Luo Quan.

So she has to come by herself.

And after she took out the song "Suffering", she finally got rid of the hot search list. Five of the top ten are related to her. Anyone who is playing Weibo tonight will know that Luo Quan is at station B Open a fan club.

And even if you don't go to watch, you can still know what she sang tonight, because all the hot searches are full of song titles.

This should be her first Weibo dominance after her comeback.

Although it's not that it hasn't been on the top of the hot search before, usually only one or two entries appear.

But this time there are five out of the top ten, which is quite "spectacular".

Many netizens are even teasing, if someday the artists of Quanshui Entertainment collectively make a big hit, I don't know what kind of grand occasion it will be, so they won't directly contract the hot search, right?
Judging from the development speed of Quanshui Entertainment's artists, this day is really possible.

But today, it is clear that Luo Quan is not the only one.

Less than an hour after she dominated the rankings, the real overlord came.

Brother Qian, whom we haven't seen for more than a year, finally has news.

Before that, he entered the detention center because of improper relationship between men and women, waiting for investigation and evidence collection.

Now the case has been basically investigated, and the verdict has come down, and it has been 13 years.

As far as Luo Quan knows, this should be the longest sentence in the entertainment industry.

Others are either fined, apologized, or blocked if they are great.

But Brother Qian is more powerful, and the sentence of 13 years in prison can be regarded as a precedent in the mainland.

Because this news might be explosive, related people and things immediately took up the trending searches, and even Luo Quan was squeezed out.

Now the netizens who eat melons are leaning towards this big melon one after another, which makes Luoquan less popular.

But Luo Quan and the fans didn't know that she couldn't stop singing as soon as she started singing, and she finally called it a day when she sang until twelve o'clock.

Originally, she wanted to continue, but the fans felt sorry for her voice, saying that singing for four hours in a row was already very hard, so would it be okay to sing for another two hours?

If it is really done like this, it will be a trivial matter to lose my voice tomorrow, but it would be too tragic if my voice is broken.

Don't you see, how many days later, people will suffer from deafness and throat problems in middle age.

It's not just that when you were young, you were too desperate, wearing headphones for a long time to soar high, and overusing your body. When you get older, you will naturally slap your face.

Fans know that Luo Quan has outstanding talent, but because of this, they should cherish this hard-won talent even more.

Therefore, rest when it’s time to rest, and don’t force yourself to sing for everyone for six hours because of the heated atmosphere.

It's high after singing, but the possible consequences are unpredictable.

Therefore, Luo Quan downloaded the broadcast amidst the urging voices of countless fans.

This was the first time fans begged her to start the broadcast. They always begged her to start the broadcast before, and complained about her being a salted fish every now and then.

But when she really started to work hard, these people became reluctant again.

In fact, Luo Quan didn't tell them that his current physique was beyond comparison.

Not to mention singing for six hours, even singing for sixteen hours will not be a big problem.

Wugou Glazed Body improves physical fitness in an all-round way, not only in defense, but also in durability.

So she is really capable of singing for such a long time, and after singing, she will not cause any harm to her body.

However, it is estimated that few people will believe this kind of thing, and the fans will only tell her not to be brave.

In fact, not only her body, but her spirit is also very sufficient now, and she didn't feel any fatigue even after singing for four hours.

Ever since she started alchemy with the real fire of Samadhi, her energy has become very sufficient, as if she can't use it up at all.

In addition, she could also feel a warm current surging in her lower abdomen.

Luo Quan guessed that this place should be where a person's dantian is.

To be precise, it is the lower pubic region, because human beings have three pubic regions: upper, middle and lower.

The upper dantian is between the eyebrows. It is the door to the Tao and the place where the gods are hidden. It contains the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and is extremely precious.

The middle dantian is located at Tanzhong acupoint, which is the chest and heart. It is the most vigorous, and it is extremely important to connect the upper and lower dantians.

The lower dantian is the most well-known dantian, also known as the sea of ​​qi, located three inches below the navel, where life is stored and true qi ascends and descends.

Men hide essence, women raise fetus, both cannot do without the cultivation of lower dantian.

The rise and fall of a person's qi, life and death, are also closely related to the strength of the lower dantian.

From childhood to adulthood, Luo Quan only knew that there was such a thing in the human body.

There is often such a sentence in martial arts TV dramas, that is, "Qi sinks in the dantian". When this line appears, the actor will sit down in Panxi, and then put his hands up and down between his knees.

In the story, whether the protagonist is practicing martial arts or is injured, the first thing he does is sink his qi into his dantian, and then circulate his internal energy.

When she was a child, she imitated Qi Shen Dantian more than once, hoping to gain abilities through this method and become a master of martial arts.

But even though her face was flushed from shaking, she still wanted to pee in the end.

Now that I think about it, I was really naive at that time, but I didn't expect that I would really master it now, and I was even more powerful than those martial arts masters.

As for this dantian, it is no longer a simple gathering place of qi.

She can use the aura in the upper, middle and lower dantians to refine the golden elixir with her body as the cauldron.

But so far, the shadow of Jindan has not been seen, and it is not known when it will be refined.

But every time the aura circulates in her body for a small week, her strength will increase by one point, which is completely detectable.

Moreover, the increasing attributes of the system panel also proved that her "alchemy" is effective.

Among them, Samadhi True Fire has made great contributions.

Although it didn't cause much results when fighting Bai Xingwei before, it was broken by Bai Xingwei's Sumeru Sword.

But at least in her current practice, it occupies a pivotal position.

Before, she didn't understand why the "random supernatural power that suits her" would randomly get this, which obviously didn't match her attack method at all.

Now she understands, and she is very glad that she can randomly get such a good supernatural power.

After having the Unlimited Sword System, his attack power is no longer a shortcoming. How to become more resistant to beatings and have a larger aura reserve has become a crucial issue.

And Sanmai Zhenhuo perfectly helped her solve this situation, even if she was given a golden mountain, she would not change it.

(End of this chapter)

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