Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1006 Flawless Beauty

Chapter 1006 Flawless Beauty ([-])

It is not surprising that a song spirit is born while playing a song, as long as the song is good enough or the player's skills are good enough.

What's more, Luo Quan had already had ghost ghosts when he sang two songs online before, and most people expected the third song to appear again.

But what everyone didn't expect was that this time the birth was not a phantom, but a real song spirit, and it was an extremely rare portrait song spirit!

Usually, there are two kinds of song spirits.

A regular song spirit, no matter what its form is, cannot see its specific appearance.

For example, in Luo Quan's previous two songs, a night queen and a captain, although they are both human, their faces are blurred, and their specific appearances cannot be seen clearly. This is also the normal state of most singers.

As for the portrait of Song Ling, as the name suggests, Song Ling has a clear and specific appearance.

Only the greatest works and the most skilled musicians can give birth to a soul in the process of performance.

As long as they are like singers, their appearance must be based on the performers, because this is the proof that they have entered the Tao, and it means that they have reached the pinnacle of music.

In the world of comprehension, it is not a problem for this kind of person to be regarded as the incarnation of the heaven and earth.

The problem with Luo Quan's portrait is that he is too beautiful.

This huge seven-meter-tall figure exudes holy white light all over its body. The exquisite and graceful body is shrouded in this layer of veil-like white light. You can feel its undulating and hazy beauty, but you cannot witness the beauty beneath it. Beautiful scenery.

And on top of this ultimate body is a prosperous face with no flaws.

She has a seven-point image with Luo Quan who is conducting, but she is also fundamentally different. It looks as if all the defects on Luo Quan's face have been removed, and then a comprehensive upgrade has been carried out.

This is a modeled face that is perfect but enough to make all human beings feel envious, but it is the Creator who made her out.

Moreover, even the omniscient and omnipotent Creator must have exhausted his whole life's skills to make such a face, because there is no other one in the whole world that can surpass it.

Before seeing Luo Quan, people thought they knew what it means to be flawless.

After seeing Luo Quan, they finally knew what the real perfection was.

That is Luo Quan, her music is like a hymn, praising the greatness of human beings and the greatness of music.

Her face is like the first ray of light born in the Big Bang. The Creator said that there should be light, so she was born.

Under her light, all things have color.

But also under her light, everything lost its color, and only she was the most dazzling in the world.

Behind this beautiful portrait, there are twelve shining golden light spots hanging high.

Many viewers definitely don't know what this is, but the believers of the Dawn Church know very well that it is the twelve gold stars that symbolize "absolute purity", and only the Virgin of Dawn can have it.

Everything is showing Luo Quan's new identity.

At this moment, the believers of Dawn Church were undoubtedly excited and proud.

But in the depths of their hearts, unknown to others, there is also a trace of shame that they should have evil desires for the Virgin.

Obviously knowing that this is wrong, but I can't help but flirt in my mind.

Fortunately, the scriptures of the Church of the Dawn do not punish sins committed only in fantasy.

So believers only need to repent in their minds while masturbating.

The song ended when everyone was shocked, excited, and even weeping with joy. Luo Quan was immersed in the music the whole time, without even looking back, and of course he didn't see his singing spirit.

After conducting, the song spirit disappeared, and she once again raised her skirt to salute the audience, and what she got was cheers that almost made her hair rise.

The huge sound waves shook her eardrums, and many audience members even stood up and applauded her, as excited as an orphan seeing her long-lost mother.

Luo Quan didn't expect that everyone's reaction would be so intense. It stands to reason that just one song shouldn't be enough to make these people behave so badly.

In doubt, Luo Quan turned around and walked into the teleportation circle, and returned to the actress's lounge.

"Phew, call it a day!"

Luo Quan walked out of the teleportation circle, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with relief.

I was a little too involved just now, both my muscles and my spirit were tense, but now I relax all of a sudden, and I still feel the long-lost fatigue.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

At this time, Luo Quan noticed that more than a dozen women in the lounge were staring at her, and their eyes were very strange.

"Luo Quan, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply." Xu Yanqing suddenly stood up, grabbed Luo Quan's hand and shook excitedly, as if she had found the meaning of life.

"What am I hiding? Didn't I always say that I'm very talented in music?" Luo Quan thought that Xu Yanqing was talking about Ode to Joy, so he replied as a matter of course.

"What music!" Xu Yanqing looked a little anxious, "I'm talking about your appearance, I didn't expect you to be the real number one in the world!"

"Haha, what are you kidding, isn't Chu Yueyan number one in the universe?" Luo Quan smiled and waved his hands, pretending to be confused.

"Stop pretending, your performance on the stage just now has exposed everything!"

As Xu Yanqing spoke, he took out a light curtain and began to replay Luo Quan's previous program from the perspective of the audience.

After looking at it for a while, Luo Quan's expression changed drastically.

No wonder these people's moods are so wrong, it turns out that the people like Song Ling have exposed all their old background.

"See, the appearance of the portrait song spirit is based on the real face of the performer. It is what you look like. Although I don't know what you used to cover up the original face, but now everyone sees it. Arrived."

As Xu Yanqing spoke, the complacency on her face turned into worry.

I was so excited after seeing Luo Quan's true face just now, I forgot that this is a girl from a remote star field who has no acquaintances in the universe.

If such an appearance does not have strong enough protection, it may not be a good thing for her.

Xu Yanqing soon figured out why Luo Quan had to hide his face, and at the same time became worried about her.

"Hey, I still didn't hide it after all."

Luo Quan sighed faintly, but he wasn't too worried.

Originally, she didn't expect to be able to hide it for too long with this earring, she just thought that she could delay it for a while, and when she was strong enough to protect herself, it didn't matter if she was exposed again.

But I didn't expect that I would be exposed in this way, and the time was a little earlier.

But it has already been exposed, and it doesn't make any sense to regret it. What needs to be considered is how to deal with the situation after the exposure.

Opening the hot search list, his name was unsurprisingly ranked first, even surpassing the annual meeting itself.

The trending search titled "Flawless Beauty Luo Quan" firmly occupied the number one position in the trending search, and the number of comments also exceeded ten digits.

"Is it my eyes, I seem to see a goddess."

"I don't think the goddess in myths and legends can be so beautiful. Luo Quan is really not from Huanyu? How can her genes be so good!"

"Don't talk about genes anymore. Parents of handsome men and beautiful women may also give birth to mediocre or even ugly offspring. This is a matter of probability."

"Obviously, Luo Quan's luck is far better than that of Huanyu people."

"To be precise, she is more favored by the Creator. Now she is the best image of the Virgin in my mind."

"No matter what, her beauty surpasses common perception, and it is one of the few in the history of civilization in the entire universe!"

"To say something disrespectful, I think the empress and the saint are inferior to her."

"It's not disrespect, it's the truth!"


Obviously, his appearance has completely conquered the netizens.

Luo Quan looked around for a long time, but he didn't see a single negative comment, and it was almost on the same level as the earth.

This was originally something to be happy about, but for some reason, she always felt that something bad was happening.

In order to avoid unexpected situations, Luo Quan planned to go home directly.

Originally, after the arrival of the new year, all the stars participating in the performance will be invited to a celebration dinner.

This is a good opportunity to increase contacts and expand communication, but now she has no thoughts on this, so she can feel at ease by going home as soon as possible.

After sending a message to Bai Xingwei who was still watching the show on the stage, Luo Quan got up and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, she greeted Xu Yanqing, the only acquaintance in the room, and said that she was going to leave.

"Why are you in a hurry?" Xu Yanqing also stood up, and after thinking for a while, she said, "But it's right to go home early and make preparations. There should be a lot of media coming to your door."

"What I'm worst at dealing with happens to be the media." Luo Quan chuckled, as if thinking of many bad memories.

The few black spots since her debut are all related to those unscrupulous media.

It's definitely not right to overturn a boat with one shot, but it's rare to see people with a conscience in the media, and she hasn't seen many of them so far.

"It's true that the media in the entertainment industry is not easy to get along with." Xu Yanqing also had a deep understanding of Luo Quan's troubles, "Then goodbye, and we will get together again when we have time."

"It's definitely going to be a reunion." Luo Quan smiled slightly, thinking that you are one of my must-sign stars in Huanyu's entertainment company.

However, as soon as the words fell, the director's voice rang through the radio in the lounge: "Can Luo Quan hear it? Can Luo Quan hear it?"

Looking at the radio above his head, Luo Quan had a bad feeling in his heart, but he still replied: I can hear it. "

"Great, please come to meeting room No. [-] immediately, friends from the media want to conduct an exclusive interview with you."

When Luo Quan heard this, he was like a deflated balloon.

"This group of people came very quickly." Xu Yanqing patted Luo Quan's shoulder with a smile, "Let it be, your popularity is exploding now, and you are the one taking the initiative."

"I hope so." A flash of determination flashed in Luo Quan's eyes.

It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

Since you can't hide, you can only bite the bullet and go up.

After the thought was clear, Luo Quan pushed the door out and went to the No. [-] conference room.

There are two worlds inside and outside the door of the conference room. The corridor is very quiet and there is no pedestrian in sight.

After opening the door, there were hundreds of journalists inside.

They who were chatting in full swing stopped discussing when they saw her, and looked at her with piercing eyes. Those silent eyes seemed to want to see through her true face under the disguise.

Luo Quan clenched his chin, and took the position of the stars who were obviously reserved for her.

"Actually, I was planning to go home, but the director abruptly called me here again. I can only say that everyone's reaction was too fast."

Luo Gan said with a smile, which was also a greeting to the reporters.

Soon, a reporter standing not far in front of her began to ask questions: "Luo Quan, why do you want to cover up your real appearance?"

This directly skipped the verification stage, and asked her directly why she had to change her appearance.

Luo Quan didn't speak, but first took out a makeup remover wipe and rubbed it on his face.

After removing her makeup, she took off the earring that Bai Xingwei gave her.

Finally, her true face, which had been hidden for several months, finally appeared in front of everyone.

That is beyond the level of "Yue Ying", and it is the legendary "Star Charm" that can make the stars fall!
The reporters, some unidentified visitors, and those who were looking at the room through the camera all took a deep breath when they saw such a magnificent view.

Sure enough, the portrait of the singing spirit is Luo Quan's true face, and he fully deserves the words "No. [-] in the universe!"

After Luo Quan took off the earrings, she was not in a hurry to put them on. After putting them into the storage ring, she looked at the reporters and said:
"As an alien who is not familiar with the place, the first thing I have to consider is safety, especially when I know the true level of my appearance.

So, with the help of a good friend, I masked my real appearance.

Originally, I planned to keep it like this until the martial arts were strong enough to protect myself.

But I didn't expect to be exposed because of a performance. What I want to say here is that I did deliberately conceal it from everyone, but I hope everyone can understand my difficulties and don't regard me as a liar. "

After explaining the cause and effect, the reporters below immediately began to discuss in low voices.

However, due to the large number of people, the entire meeting room still seemed a bit noisy.

But soon some reporters launched a second attack on Luo Quan:

"Luo Quan, your appearance is already the best in the world. Among the beauties I have seen, none can compare to you. Would you like to take this title?"

Sure enough, an entertainment reporter who does not engage in trouble cannot be called a good reporter.

This was obviously a rhythmic question, and it also made Luo Quan feel a familiar taste, only to see her answer:
"What the people of the world like is the most beautiful. The selection of a few people will never compare with the likes of the majority."

(End of this chapter)

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