Chapter 1007

ps. The past year was an extraordinary year, and we were in the same boat through thick and thin. Whether it was good or bad, it has become history with the arrival of the new year.

In the coming year, I wish you all good health and happiness!

"Actually, in my heart, the most beautiful is always my mother." Luo Quan then added, just like when she was just voted the most beautiful in the world.

And such an answer, in the eyes of the reporters, seemed a little too docile, without any vigor.

They have already reached this level, how can they not have the domineering arrogance?
It can only be said that Luo Quan is still too immature, and doesn't realize what kind of things he has now.

If Luo Quan knew what these people were thinking, he would probably find it ridiculous.

Why is she so domineering?

If you don't lead soldiers to fight, who will you show your arrogance to?
Besides, her personality is very Buddhist, even if she wants to be domineering, she can't be domineering.

It's better to get along with people in a friendly manner. After so many detours, it's purely nothing to turn to.

"So what's your plan next? Continue to do live broadcasts or officially switch to the entertainment industry?"

Finally, the reporters asked the questions they most wanted to know.

As reporters in the entertainment industry, they definitely hope that Luo Quan will officially become an artist.

In that case, the news materials for the next few months or even longer can only be obtained by focusing on her, which can improve a lot.

When Chu Yueyan first debuted, there was a low-level entertainment media company that gained huge traffic just by publishing the big and small things in her life and work. In the end, she never made it to the ranks of the second-tier media.

It is also because of this that this media is also called "Moon Yan Observer", as the name suggests, it is to observe Chu Yueyan.

But now, a girl even more beautiful than Chu Yueyan appeared, if there was a "Luoquan Observer", the traffic would definitely be high but not low.

That's why they asked Luoquan clearly about my plan to go back to my hometown and Hebei, and did my homework in advance.

However, Luo Quan's answer was different from what the reporters thought:
"My home planet is about to celebrate the New Year, and I am going to go back to my hometown to reunite with my family. Let's talk about the universe after I come back."

"Isn't the most important thing to do is to strike while the iron is hot?" Some reporters who did not understand Luo Quan's approach immediately raised their own questions.

"What kind of iron?" Luo Quan smiled slightly, "I haven't obtained the local account of Huanyu yet, everything will have to wait until I finish the Martial God Trial, compared to entertainers, warriors are my specialty. "

Hearing this, the expressions of the reporters became complicated.

Not to mention Luo Quan, everyone has almost forgotten that in addition to her good looks, she is also a talented warrior, and her martial arts are so good that she is highly valued by the Valkyrie Temple.

So she does not have the only way out of art, and her achievements in music are obvious to all, even if she is just a simple musician, she can still achieve success.

"This is an all-rounder." The reporter who had reacted murmured in his heart.

"That's it." Luo Quan turned up the volume, afraid that the reporters at the back would not hear, "Let's stop here for the press conference, and we will talk again when we have a chance."

After speaking, he didn't give the reporters a chance to react, and went out through the back door.

In the face of reporters, you must have such decisiveness, because they will definitely keep asking questions for news materials, even if the artist calls stop, it may not really make them stop.

The most common situation is that the artist is about to leave, but the reporters are still blocking the way and asking questions.

So Luo Quan didn't give them a chance to "drag the meeting" at all, and just slipped away after the interview was over.

She has been to a meeting room like this before, and was let in by the director of the annual conference when he arranged the performance, so she knew that there were two doors, front and back.

When she came in for an interview, she first glanced at the back door, and turned around and ran quickly as soon as the interview was over. None of the reporters expected her escape route.

However, after avoiding the reporters, Luo Quan did not go home and lie down on the big soft bed as he wished.

Both Bai Xingwei and her immediate boss, Ji Qingyue, sent her a message, asking her to pack up and gather at the main teleportation circle, and then she was going to attend a very important dinner party.

Luo Quan, who was not in a very beautiful mood, saw Bai Xingwei next to the main teleportation circle.

She was still wearing casual clothes just now, but now she is wearing a fluttering Hanfu, and she wears a thin layer of powder and daisy. She looks like a lady among the ladies.

But in front of Luo Quan, whose seal has been completely lifted, he will appear much inferior.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you're finally enlightened, are you willing to reveal your true face?"

Bai Xingwei looked at Luo Quan in a white gauze dress, and felt that she was more pleasing to the eye in this way, and people couldn't help but smile from the bottom of their hearts when they saw her.

"Didn't I not expect that the statue of Song Ling would expose himself?"

Luo Quan shook his head helplessly: "Actually, what I hope more is that the audience can immerse themselves in the music rather than being obsessed with my appearance. Being too beautiful is not too important for a job that does not depend on appearance. Great benefit."

Bai Xingwei shuddered again and again: "Yo, yo, I didn't expect you to be so enlightened, so now there is an opportunity for you to change your face, are you willing to accept it?"

"Then how is it possible?" Luo Quan refused righteously, "The body is hairy and skinned, and I have received it from my parents. How can I change such an important thing privately because of my own preferences?"

Bai Xingwei didn't speak, but her mouth, which was almost turned into a duck, fully revealed what she wanted to say.

Luo Quan laughed when he saw this: "Just kidding, of course I know that God has rewarded me for growing up like this, so I should always be grateful, after all, not everyone can have such good conditions as me.

Let's not talk about this, tell me what the dinner party is like. "

Speaking of which, she sighed: "I'm really not good at dealing with those interpersonal relationships at dinner parties. I originally planned to go home and rest. If you and Princess Ji hadn't asked me to come, I really didn't plan to Give this face."

"Whether you like it or not, you still have to give some people face."

Supporting her with one hand, Bai Xingwei smiled slightly: "The organizer of this dinner is Her Majesty the Empress, this is a dinner that only the top dignitaries in the universe can attend, and even I am only participating for the first time, and I am still in the honor of my parents.

Outside, I don't know how many people racked their brains to get an invitation letter, just to show their faces in front of the empress. "

Bai Xingwei brushed her hair while talking, and looked in the mirror by the way, it seems that she is also full of caution and anticipation when meeting the Empress.

"It turned out to be the empress's dinner party, no wonder." Luo Quan heard that it was the empress's treat, and his expression became similar to that of Bai Xingwei.

Since the first day in the world, she has heard about the deeds of this empress.

It is said that this is a beauty that cannot be measured by rank, and is listed as the pinnacle of beauty in the universe along with Saint Fafreya.

At the same time, she also has the wisdom, wisdom, tenacity and closeness to the people that an excellent king should have.

All the people of the Holy Tang Dynasty did not sing praises for her.

If the Queen Empress makes her debut one day, her popularity will definitely reach [-]%.

It's a pity that although the empress is not as in-depth as the saint, she usually doesn't leave the imperial city very often.

Although there are two to three visits to the palace every year, and the common people can meet with her, the video about the Empress can only be saved on the official media website, and private possession is not allowed.

It's a pity that the official media website can only be browsed by residents with Huanyu's local household registration, so until now Luoquan has not seen the true face of the Empress.

Now that he finally had the chance to see the real face, Luo Quan was also curious about who was more beautiful compared to himself and this empress.

She could no longer find an opponent on Earth, and after arriving in Huanyu, the only one who could pose such a slight threat to her was Chu Yueyan.

And this is already the most beautiful one on the bright side of the universe.

The only ones left are the more mysterious Empress and Saintess, and one of them will be seen soon, so Luo Quan, who was originally very impatient, is now eager to fight.

Beautiful women are always attractive, even if they are beautiful women.

Luo Quan likes to look at beautiful women very much, it can make her feel happy physically and mentally.

If possible, she would also like to sign all these beauties, and then all of them would come to work for her.

Of course, the empress must be dead. How could the majestic king of a country come to work for her as an employee.

Even if the empress herself is willing, the courtiers in the court probably won't agree.

"It's really fantastic, how could the Empress come to work for me?" Luo Quan patted his head and drove these messy thoughts out of his mind.

Bai Xingwei next to her looked at her suspiciously, not knowing why she suddenly hit her on the head.

Just as he was about to ask, the teleportation circle lit up.

"Come on, it's our time."

Bai Xingwei greeted Luo Quan, then took a step forward, and at the same time took out a bright red invitation letter.

Luoquan also has this thing, but it's a photo sent by Palace Master Ji Qingyue.

"Light it up and let the machine scan it." Bai Xingwei turned her head to remind her, and Luo Quan immediately pointed the screen at the door.

A beam of light shot out, swept across the two people, and then a gentle electronic prompt sounded:

"Identification succeeded, sending!"

After a muffled hum, Luo Quan only felt a tremor on the soles of his feet, and then the safety barrier outside the magic circle was opened.

The outside room has changed its decoration, from a cool-toned style with a sense of technology to an antique wooden structure.

As soon as he walked out, Luo Quan saw Ji Qingyue sitting on a chair next to her, crossing her legs and looking at the affairs that needed to be dealt with in the Martial God Hall.

Under the gorgeous and heavy Hanfu, a pair of snow-white and round long legs are exposed. They usually look so majestic and cold, but now they are so bold and sexy.

"Palace Master." Luo Quan took the initiative to say hello.

Ji Qingyue raised her head, and her icy eyes suddenly showed seven points of amazement and three points of doubt: "You are... Luo Quan? I haven't seen you for a while, why are you like this?"

The reason why Ji Qingyue was so surprised was that she was notified to attend the empress's banquet right after the retreat, and she had to bring Luo Quan with her.

She didn't know why she brought Luo Quan before, but after seeing him, she probably understood a little bit.

I don't know if he was irradiated by gamma rays and had a genetic mutation. Luo Quan's current appearance is completely different from before.

If she were a man, she would work hard to get such a beauty.

"Actually, this is my original appearance, but I have been hiding it before." Luo Quan explained to Ji Qingyue with a smile, but she didn't know that her immediate boss had changed a little bit in his heart.

Ji Qingyue nodded expressionlessly: "You are so beautiful, you really need to hide it. Now that you are exposed, you will inevitably provoke those stinky men with strong emotions in the future."

"I did this because I was worried about this." Luo Quan told Ji Qingyue about his difficulties, but he also wanted to sound out her words.

"You don't have to worry about it in the future!"

Ji Qingyue raised her hand and said the wrong thing Luo Quan wanted to hear the most: "As the master of the White Tiger Palace, if you can't even protect a subordinate tree, how will you get along in the future?
I can't guarantee anything else, but you will give you 120 hearts for this matter. If there is any crazy bee and wave butterfly who dares to pester you in the future, just tell me, and I will let her know what the method of the Valkyrie Temple is! "

Hearing such a guarantee from the palace lord, Luo Quan felt much more at ease.

"By the way, Palace Master, there is one more thing to tell you, that is, I seem to have become the Holy Mother of the Church of Dawn." Luo Quan suddenly remembered this, and immediately reported it.

"The Holy Mother of the Dawn Church?" Ji Qingyue couldn't believe her ears, "Which song is this?"

"I don't know, but they said I was, and gave me this as a token." Luo Quan said, and lifted the Necklace of the Morning Sun Necklace out of the ravine. Her warmth and fragrance.

Ji Qingyue glanced at it, and swallowed her saliva with a thud: "My dear boy, Fall of the Morning Sun, the Church of Dawn can actually give you such a treasure."

"That's right. I thought they gave me such an important treasure, so they must not be trying to lie to me, otherwise the cost would be too high." Luo Quan nodded in agreement, and then gave the necklace to Yuan Lu Sai went back.

"No matter what, the identity of the Holy Mother of Dawn will be another umbrella for you. There is no conflict between the Temple of Valkyria and the Church of Dawn, and you can take on both roles with peace of mind."

Ji Qingyue patted Luo Quan's shoulders twice, setting off a turbulent wave: "But the main thing right now is to go to see the Empress with me. If you are valued and promoted by His Majesty, you are in the territory of the Holy Tang Dynasty. It's true peace of mind!"

(End of this chapter)

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