Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1008 Toast without eating

Chapter 1008 Toast without eating
ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you for your support!

"Is there anything special about meeting the empress, such as etiquette or any taboos?"

In the corridor, Luo Quan asked Ji Qingyue about precautions.

Although the Holy Tang Dynasty was not a purely feudal society, the Empress was still an existence higher than the sky. If she offended her, who knew if she would be dragged out and put in the prison.

However, I don't seem to have read much about someone being punished for offending the empress on the Internet, and I don't know if it's because she has a good temper or everyone knows the rules.

"The empress has a bold personality, doesn't care about trivial matters, and has no special taboos, just grasp the relationship between the monarch and his ministers."

Ji Qingyue's answer reassured Luo Quan a little. Since he has such a personality, he will naturally not blame the people below for some inexplicable reasons.

"Speaking of which, how are Miss Bai's parents recently?" Ji Qingyue moved the topic to Bai Xingwei as she walked.

"They haven't been home for a long time, but they will contact me every once in a while. Judging by their looks, they should be pretty good."

Bai Xingwei said in a flat tone, usually she would rarely mention her parents to outsiders, but Ji Qingyue's status is quite special, so she answered anyway.

"Hallmaster, do you know Xingwei's parents?" Luo Quan became curious, then seemed to think of something, and quickly added: "If it's a secret, it goes without saying, I'm just asking."

"How can there be so many secrets." Ji Qingyue smiled slightly, "Miss Bai's mother and I are considered colleagues. We worked together for a while before, and we have some friendship.
Speaking of which, since her mother left Valkyrie, I haven't seen her for nearly 50 years. "

Hearing 50 years, Luo Quan almost exclaimed "You old Guigeng".

But remember that the lifespan of people in Huanyu is generally more than two thousand years old, and practitioners can easily break through Long Live. Merely 50 years is really nothing to them.

"After leaving the Martial God Palace and entering the palace, Miss Bai's mother won the trust of the empress, and she can be called a prosperous official. She has been the deputy commander of the empress's guard, and she is in charge of the 80 imperial troops in the empress palace.

If she goes a step further, she will be the youngest commander-in-chief of the emperor's guard in the history of the Tang Dynasty. This kind of grace has envied many colleagues in the Martial God Hall back then. "

When Ji Qingyue said this, her eyes sparkled, and she didn't know whether she was envious of the official fortune or the empress' favor.

Luo Quan thought it was probably the latter. After all, the empress's prestige was so high, even though Palace Master Ji was usually quite tall and cold, she would probably turn into a little girl in front of the empress.

"What about your dad?" Knowing about his aunt's job, Luo Quan asked about his uncle's job.

"He's the right general of Dongshan Bingma Camp." Seeing Luo Quan's bewildered expression, Bai Xingwei chose to change the phrase: "You can understand it as the third in command of the Eastern Military Region of the Holy Tang Dynasty, the first in command is the Empress, and the second in command It belongs to King Qingyun of the East Pole."

"I understand your father's job, but who is this King Qingyun of Dongji?" Luo Quan smiled awkwardly. Now that he was in a new environment, many new concepts emerged one by one.

Bai Xingwei was not impatient at all, but patiently explained to Luo Quan: "There are as many princes and barons in the Tang Dynasty as there are stars in the sky, but there are only five hereditary kings with different surnames, namely:

King Qingyun of the East Pole, Yun Feipeng.

The King of Longevity in Antarctica, Xu Tianheng, Xu Zimo who came to see you before is his son. I don’t know if you still have any impression.

The King of Zhongji Xuantian, Luo Tao, should have been with your family 50 years ago.

The North Pole Exorcist King, Li Daoxin.

The Great King Lifeng of the West Extreme, Ji Huangyue..."

Having said that, Bai Xingwei glanced at Ji Qingyue and hesitated a little.

Luo Quan reacted almost instantly, turned his head and looked over: "Master, your surname is also Ji, so you are not in the same family as King Xi?"

"To be precise, it's King Pingxi." Bai Xingwei corrected Luo Quan's mistake, "King Zhengdong, King Zhennan, King Pingxi, King Hubei, only the one in the middle is the king of Zhong."

"That's right." Ji Qingyue nodded with a smile, "I am indeed the sister of Pingxi Wang Ji Huangyue, but I have left the family a long time ago, and the two sides have no contact with each other. .”

"Why don't all of them have a good relationship with their native families?" Luo Quan murmured in his heart.

Bai Xingwei is like this, and so is Palace Master Ji Qingyue. Sure enough, people with complicated backgrounds often have stories.

"What are you thinking?" Ji Qingyue asked softly seeing that Luo Quan had stopped talking.

Luo Quan smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just think that Shengtang Dynasty has a lot of interpersonal relationships to remember, and maybe God Bless Federation will do it again in the future. Thinking about it, I feel overwhelmed."

The corners of Ji Qingyue's mouth rose slightly: "As the Holy Mother of Dawn, you will inevitably have to go to various nobles and even royal banquets in the future, and you will also inevitably have to contact all kinds of big people. Now it is time to get used to it in advance."

While speaking, the three of them had walked out of the long corridor.

This corridor seems to have a teleportation effect, obviously there is no obstruction in front of it, but Luo Quan can't see the scenery at the end of the corridor even if his eyes are wide open.

In her eyesight, this should not have happened.

After leaving the corridor, what greeted his eyes was a door that was slowly opening.

The four maids, who could be called beautiful and heavenly, stood by the door. When they saw the three of them, they immediately bowed their heads and saluted: "Welcome to Palace Master Ji, Princess Xingwei, and Madonna Luo."

"Mother Luo..." Luo Quan almost fainted when he heard this address.

The first two titles are very nice, why is she so hip-stretching when you come to her, I thought it was Los Santos in the hands of Grand Theft Auto.

The Virgin Mary is the Virgin Mary, there is no need to add a surname in front.

It's just that in the public, Luo Quan can't criticize anything, so he can only hold his nose and admit it.

After Ji Qingyue came in, she looked at the highest platform, where there was Zhang's luxurious and exquisite red jade throne, but there was no one on the seat, and there were four guards wearing masks standing behind.

Looking at the bulge of the armor on his chest, Luo Quan guessed that it should be a female guard.

"Her Majesty the Empress hasn't come yet, let's have our meals first." As Ji Qingyue said, she walked towards her familiar colleagues, leaving Luo Quan and Bai Xingwei looking around in this resplendent hall.

However, the appearance of the two also attracted the attention of many guests at the banquet.

Some of them looked at Luo Quan openly, with surprise in their eyes.

Some of them dared to sneak a peek out of the corner of their eyes because of the female companions around them, but they were soon discovered to be strange.

If it wasn't for the queen's banquet, the couple would probably quarrel immediately.

Luo Quan, who caused this situation, didn't notice it at all. She was scanning the sumptuous delicacies on the long wooden tables with affectionate eyes.

The Empress's dinner is even higher than the banquet at Bai Xingwei's house, and you can tell it just by smelling it.

Moreover, there were many dishes in the banquet that she had never seen before. It seemed that Bai Xingwei's Huanyu Banquet was not the complete version.

Although she is not a gourmet eater, the delicacies on the table did exude a huge temptation, which made her unable to resist picking up the plate.

"Are you going to eat now?"

Seeing Luo Quan's actions, Bai Xingwei smiled, and then took two cups from the passing maid: "This is a good thing, why don't you take a sip first to appetize?"

"What is this?" Luo Quan put down the plate and stretched his neck to look over.

The cup was filled with a dark green liquid, which obviously didn't look particularly good, but it had a strange fragrance that could overwhelm the entire sense of smell. It couldn't be more appropriate to describe it as refreshing.

"This is the national wine that can only be drunk in the Queen's Palace - Xianqiong Yulu, made entirely of fairy fruit. The fairy fruit tree blooms every ten years and bears fruit every ten years, and one fruit can only brew ten drops. , yields are appallingly low.

Therefore, this kind of fairy wine can only be drunk at the banquet held by the empress, and there are almost no ways to smell its incomparable fragrance. "

While Bai Xingwei was speaking, she couldn't wait to raise her head and finish drinking the Xianqiong Yulu in the cup, and then sipped the fragrant wine, her cheeks were also stained pink.

After drinking, Bai Xingwei laughed happily: "The best thing about Xianqiong Yulu is that although it is on the face, it will not make people drunk to death, but only in a slightly drunk state.

It's a beautiful thing to have reason, but it's like a dream, just like a lucid dream. "

"Since it's such a good thing, then you should drink more." Luo Quan said, pouring his share into Bai Xingwei's cup.

"You don't want to drink?" Bai Xingwei's eyes widened in astonishment, "I introduced it to you for nothing, right?"

"It's not that I don't drink."

Luo Quan smiled helplessly, and then put it in Bai Xingwei's ear and whispered: "I am born with a constitution that does not allow me to drink alcohol, just one sip, I have to pour it out after I drink it, and if I don't sleep until the next day, I won't be able to wake up three times a night kind of."

"It's so exaggerated." Bai Xingwei showed a smirk, "Then if someone tricks you into taking a sip secretly, wouldn't you be able to do whatever you want?"

"If you don't tell me, no one will know, and if others don't know, they won't force me to drink." Luo Quan glanced at Bai Xingwei, "I only explain the reason to you because I trust you, and you must not let others know what."

"Am I that kind of person?" Bai Xingwei thrust her waist, "Don't worry about it, my mouth is the strictest, but it's a pity that you can't drink such delicious wine."

After finishing speaking, he drank the second cup of Xianqiong Yulu in one gulp.

After drinking, Bai Xingwei smiled even happier.

Although I was very curious about the taste of this wine, she also knew that she would not be able to enjoy this blessing when she came to Luoquan, so she should just eat the delicious food on the table honestly, not much difference.

It's just that just after Luo Quan took two bites of an unknown type of chicken leg, a tall man walked up to her.

This is at least 1.7 meters for men, and Luo Quan's bare feet are [-] meters [-]. I haven't met many people who need to look up to, but today I finally met them.

However, this man is tall, but his figure is not burly, he belongs to the slender category, his appearance is quite satisfactory, neither ugly nor good-looking, but he has a special power.

"Miss Luo, I've heard of you a long time ago, and I've been fascinated by it for a long time. I didn't expect you to be more beautiful than in the live broadcast."

After finishing speaking, the tall man took out a box from his arms: "I'm protecting Li Tinghao, the son of Prince Bei, a small meeting gift is not enough respect, I hope Miss Luo can accept it."

But Luo Quan quickly waved his hand: "We've only met for the first time, how dare you accept your gift, Mr. Li... Xiao Wang, let's put it away first, I appreciate your kindness, why give a gift when we are friends."

"But my rule is to make friends first and give gifts first." Li Tinghao just looked at Luo Quan with a smile, "And the gifts I sent out have not been taken back yet."

These words suddenly made the atmosphere more subtle, Bai Xingwei frowned, and was about to show up.

But Li Tinghao laughed: "However, in order to make an exception this time, Miss Luo, I will save this gift first, and it won't be too late to give it to you after I get acquainted with you later.

Now... how about this, I offer you a toast. "

As he spoke, Li Tinghao took two glasses of Xianqiong Yulu from the plate held by the maid next to him.

"Oh, to die for."

Seeing this situation, Luo Quan said something was wrong, but fortunately, Bai Xingwei stood up in time: "Li Shizi, Luo Quan is too strong to drink, why don't you drink something else."

"Can't drink wine?" Li Tinghao looked puzzled, "This is the fairy rain dew bestowed by the empress. You will never come across such fine wine."

"I really can't drink it." Luo Quan replied helplessly.

"Could it be that you can't drink with me?"

At this time, Li Tinghao saw the empty wine glasses in their hands, and immediately sneered: "I just drank a glass just now, and I didn't see much face, is this the power of drinking?
Don't accept gifts, don't drink toasts, it seems that Miss Luo really looks down on me.

But it doesn't matter, the glass of wine I'm toasting to you today, you'd better drink it, otherwise the consequences will be serious. "

"My lord, you misunderstood." Luo Quan sighed helplessly, "Xingwei drank my glass of wine, and I didn't touch a drop."

"Why explain so much to him, if you don't drink, don't drink, what do you do?"

Bai Xingwei has a bad temper, and she immediately exploded when she heard Li Tinghao say such a thing. If it wasn't for a banquet, she might have raised her hand to beat him.

"How?" Li Tinghao's smile became colder and colder, "I don't need to say who I am. No one who provoked me has a good end."

"Then what exactly will happen?" Luo Quan asked solemnly.

Clay figurines also have a three-point earthy nature, and she is not a soft persimmon who is submissive. This son who feels good about himself and has too much self-consciousness seems to be unable to get along well.

In this case, she didn't bother to pretend to be a gentle lady.

And just when Li Tinghao was raised eyebrows by Luo Quan's question and was about to explode, the maid by the door made a voice:

"Saint Fafreya of the Church of Dawn is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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