Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1009 The Empress

Chapter 1009 The Empress
The voice of the maid made all the guests raise their heads, wanting to see the beauty of God Blessed Federation's number one beauty.

Unfortunately, despite coming to the dinner party, the saint wore a thin veil on her face.

Through the outline, you can see the saint's upturned nose, but other than that, you can't see any information.

Compared with the empress, Fafreya's maiden shows up even less often, and she rarely visits the territory of the Holy Tang Dynasty, so many of the people present here have never seen her.

Of course, this time the empress invited not only people from Saint Tang, but also many foreign guests from God Bless Federation.

After they heard that the saint was coming, they all stood up and saluted her.

As the Holy Mother of the Dawn Church, Luo Quan did not receive such treatment when he arrived.

I don't know if it's because the maid didn't report, or because the Church of Dawn didn't make an official announcement.

It stands to reason that her status in the church is higher than that of Fafreya, but the attitude of some federal people at the banquet is the opposite.

Luo Quan couldn't understand, but he didn't care too much, and even thanked the saint, after all, her appearance successfully diverted Li Tinghao's attention.

I saw his eyes cut Luo Quan, as if he was saying that he would like to toast you, someone would like to eat it!
Then he turned and walked towards the saint.

However, Li Tinghao was not the only one who wanted to show courteousness to the saint. Many federal people surrounded her, as if they had many things they wanted to ask her to do.

At this moment, Luo Quan suddenly understood why the difference in treatment between the two was so big.

The guests who can attend the Queen's Banquet are all dignitaries, upper-class people, and their needs are different from ordinary people.

Saint Fafreya has practiced in the church for many years, and her influence is second only to the Pope, comparable to, or even surpassed by, any cardinal.

Needless to say, the status of Dawn Church in God's Blessed Federation is the only designated religion, and 90.00% of the people in God's Blessed Federation are pan-believers of Dawn Church.

Therefore, the resources and power in the hands of Saintess Fafreya are likely to be valued by these guests, which is why they are so attentive.

As for her, an alien who had just obtained the title of Our Lady, although she had a high status in the Church of Dawn, she did not have any real power, so naturally she was not taken seriously by these officials and gentlemen.

But these people don't pay much attention to Luo Quan, but some people only have Luo Quan in their eyes.

The saint Fafreya passed through countless hands holding wine glasses, her eyes were fixed on Luo Quan, and she never looked at other people from the beginning to the end.

After walking in front of Luo Quan, the saint Fafreya stroked her chest and bowed to salute: "Good evening, Mrs. Virgin Mary."

"Hello." Luo Quan responded with a smile. She felt the system beating again, which meant that the saint in front of her was also a good girl worth accepting.

Speaking of which, after arriving in Huanyu, the frequency of the system beating is very high. Up to now, there are already four goals. If she stays here for a while, it will not rise to ten or eight. How can she be so busy?

While flirting like this, the saint respectfully said to Luo Quan: "Originally, I planned to come to see you after the banquet this time, but I didn't expect you to be here too, just to save trouble."

Luo Quan blinked curiously: "What's your business with me?"

The saint smiled and replied: "The pope asked me to tell you that if you are free, you can come to the holy city of Divanxi for a visit. All the believers in the dawn, including him, are eager to bathe in your holy light." .”

"Bathing in the holy light?" Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, "Where is this talking, why didn't I know I knew this skill?"

The saint explained: "When you played "Ode to Joy" just now, the light released by the singing spirit behind you is the purest holy light of dawn. Under this holy light, all believers can hear the teachings of the Lord of Dawn to them. , feel your love for them."

This disgusting description made Luo Quan unable to bear the goosebumps on his back.

Although instructing should be one of the responsibilities of Our Lady, she is not particularly adaptable.

It is fine to let myself live, chat and perform with everyone, but it is really difficult for her to love the world.

The main reason is that she doesn't know how to love her.

But such words must not be directly told to Fafreya. Anyway, according to her, the Holy Light can appear by playing by herself.

At that time, if there is a need, can you play it again by yourself?
Thinking of this, Luo Quan immediately beamed with a smile: "No problem. When I am free, I will definitely visit the holy city of Divanxi. Actually, I also have many questions and I want to ask the Pope for clarification."

"Please don't use the word visit."

Fafreya's expression suddenly became pious: "The holy city is your home, and in the big family of the Dawn Church, you are the one with the highest status.

Every believer respects and loves you like your child. You are not only the mother of the Son, but also the mother of all Dawn believers! "

Fafreya smiled brightly, but Luo Quan felt that this sentence was open to discussion.

When I was broadcasting live, there were indeed "mothers" and "mothers" in the barrage, and it looked as if my children were all over the world.

But she strongly suspects that the identity of the "mother" in these populations is different from what she knows.

Otherwise, how could each of them make the atmosphere of the bullet screen the same as the scene in a small Japanese drama movie?
"Ma'am, you don't want your child to be bullied at school, do you?"

The ghost knows what Luo Quan felt when he saw this kind of barrage, his eyes just went dark.

However, Fafreya doesn't surf the Internet as intensively as herself, and she probably doesn't know about this situation, so she doesn't see the complexity in Luo Quan's eyes.

Favreja paused, and continued: "In fact, the Pope is already starting to build your Summer Palace of Our Lady.

This will be the top priority of the Church of Dawn. At that time, countless believers who are quite accomplished in art will participate in the construction of Notre Dame's Summer Palace.

I believe this will be a majestic, magnificent and beautiful palace. "

"The treatment is so good?" Luo Quan was shocked when he heard this.

It's just a title, but besides an artifact necklace and some training resources, she was also given a palace right now!
This is still the case when the Church of Dawn has not officially announced her identity.

With such an important status as the Virgin Mary, there will be a whole coronation ceremony in the future, won't there be more surprises then?

If this wasn't the empress's banquet, she even wanted to go directly with Favreya and go to the Holy City to see what the palace the Pope built for her looked like.

But the empress still has to give her face, after all, she still wants to continue to hang out in Huanyuxing.

"The above are the basic configuration of the Holy Mother."

Seeing Luo Quan being so shocked, Fafreya took out a light curtain and put it in front of Luo Quan: "The treatment that the Holy Mother has is far more than what I said. What you see above is what you can do in the future." owned.

It's just that many of them are too big to carry around, so these will be moved into your summer palace.

If you don't want to live in the holy city for a long time, you can also build another palace in the holy Tang Dynasty or other places you designate.

Of course, if it is the Holy Tang Dynasty, our consent alone is not enough, and His Majesty's approval is also needed. "

"Let's talk about it later, as far as the current ones are quite rich." Luo Quan didn't look at the item list for too long, but chose to end the topic.

It's not that she treats money like dung, but because the Empress should have arrived.

The reason for saying yes is because she hasn't seen the deity yet.

However, a large number of burly Jinwu Guards in golden armor had already filed in and lined up on both sides of the dragon chair.

Regardless of whether the guests were chatting or enjoying delicious food, they all stopped immediately, groomed themselves, and then looked at the dragon chair eagerly.

Bai Xingwei also stood beside Luo Quan, with excitement in her eyes that couldn't be concealed: "The last time I saw the empress, I followed my master to participate in the Empress Dowager's [-]-year-old birthday. At that time, it was just a glimpse, but the empress's peerless beauty It is unforgettable.

It has been five years now, and I don't know if the Empress has changed much. "

"Then who is prettier, the Empress or I?" Luo Quan subconsciously asked this question.

"You are beautiful, who in the whole universe can compare with you now?" Bai Xingwei replied very unconvinced, "But you have never had the temperament of the empress, the aura of a king, even if it is not the common people of the Holy Tang Dynasty. I can’t help being shocked from the bottom of my heart.”

Originally, Luo Quan wanted to ask something else, but when the Empress came out, she kept her mouth shut.

With the saint's face covered, Luo Quan could not see the demeanor of one of the two peerless beauties in the universe, but the empress fulfilled her wish.

Following the arrival of a high-pitched and shrill empress, the supreme ruler of the Holy Tang Dynasty, surrounded by a group of guards and court ladies, came to the dragon chair.

There was no long live, long live, long live, long live, my emperor as expected. All the guests just bowed down and made a unique emperor and minister ceremony of the Tang Dynasty, and then shouted "Empress Sheng'an".

"Free from courtesy and flatten your body." The empress raised her hand with a calm expression.

Her eyes were like a sharp sword, and the cold light on the sword slowly passed over everyone's faces, scrutinizing everyone present.

Finally, the light stopped on Luo Quan's body.

And Luo Quan happened to be staring at the Empress.

"Don't keep staring at the Empress's eyes like this, it's disrespectful." Bai Xingwei who was next to her noticed something strange, and found that Luo Quan was staring at the Empress, how amazing this is, so she hurriedly reminded her.

"Ah, what else is there to say?!" Luo Quan was also shocked by this reminder, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at the empress again.

However, in the few seconds when the eyes of the Empress met, Luo Quan was able to get a glimpse of the most beautiful face of this Shengtang.

In her mind, the empress is the pinnacle of oriental beauty, not only with picturesque features, but also engraved with spirituality and elegance like ink paintings.

Obviously the eyes are so cold and majestic, but the bright red spots on the lips make the whole face look so hot.

This is a beauty intertwined with ice and fire, her arrogance and beauty have reached the extreme, there is nothing more contradictory and more harmonious than this in the world.

Especially when the empress's cold eyes, which treat everything like ants, touch the heartstrings of everyone who looks at her, and interpret this contradiction to the peak.

It was said that Luo Quan is both holy and sexy, but she never knew where the holiness in her body came from, because she always liked to go with a mature and sexy style.

Probably because of her status as a virgin, these people have preconceived it and mistakenly think that there is such a contrast in her, but in fact her style has always been like this.

As for the empress, this should be the real contrast.

Although the appearance is as cold as an iceberg, deep down in his heart, he seems to be eagerly longing for something.

Luo Quan felt this desire, or it was produced through intuition. It is unknown whether others have similar feelings.

After all, in the Holy Tang Dynasty, few people dared to look at the Empress for so long like her.

And through such a pair of eyes, the system that had just stopped for a long time started beating again, expressing excitedly that another target appeared.

"Stop shaking, I can't take this away." Luo Quan shouted to the system in his heart.

Even Xu Yanqing and Chu Yueyan, who are far more popular than her now, she is confident that she can bring them into her company through hard work.

But whether it is a saint or an empress, if you want to achieve the task of receiving speed, it feels that you can't do it by hard work.

If it's a boy, then she can still have some confidence. After all, her appearance is here, and she has a [-]% attraction buff bonus for the opposite sex.

But it doesn't have such a big attraction for homosexuality. Looking at the saintess and the empress, they should be career-oriented strong women, and they probably don't have any interest in the little things of love between children.

Therefore, Luo Quan never thought of being able to subdue these two from the very beginning, and it would be quite good to be able to get along with them on an equal footing, and only when they are equal in status can they be qualified to discuss further matters.

However, Luo Quan felt that it was not so difficult to be equal to the Empress.

Just like now, when the empress looked over, she couldn't help lowering her head.

This is not because there is any slavishness in the bones, but because the empress' gaze is too oppressive, it feels like a real sharp sword, and it hurts people.

This kind of effect cannot be explained by a word of domineering aura, and the Empress's cultivation must be ridiculously high, and her gaze alone is enough to have an impact on a person's body.

Fortunately, the empress did not feel offended by Luo Quan's behavior, otherwise it would be more than just a sharp sword stabbing.

"Just now I heard that there is an alien from the universe outside the universe, and there is a beauty that can't even be compared with Fafreya and me. When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation."

The Empress slowly walked in front of Luo Quan, stretched out her fair and slender fingers, slowly raised Luo Quan's chin, and asked lightly, "Beauty, are you married?"

(End of this chapter)

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