Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1010 Protection

Chapter 1010 Protection
The moment Luo Quan's chin was lifted by the empress, her body shook suddenly, her chrysanthemum tightened, and she felt like she was about to be pinched.

Usually this kind of question is asked by the elders. Her grandfather likes to match people very much, and he has often asked such questions to young people from friends' families.

But now, when the Empress watched her say such words, the thoughts in her heart really tightened. It is impossible that she is asking for others, right?
Therefore, this made Luo Quan start to doubt the orientation of the Empress.

But before that, Luo Quan had to answer the empress's question first: "I'm not married yet, and I don't have this idea in a short time."

One sentence clarified my position. Although I don't know if the empress really wants to accept her as a concubine, but if she does, it is equivalent to refusing.

"There is a saying that male colleges should be married and female colleges should be married. Could it be that you plan to spend the rest of your life alone?" The empress was not very satisfied with Luo Quan's answer, "It stands to reason that even if you become the Holy Mother of Dawn, you are not forbidden to marry, right? "

Seeing what Fafreya was about to say, Luo Quan spoke first: "Actually, my choice has nothing to do with the Church of Dawn, whether I am the Virgin or not, I will not consider this aspect at the moment.

If I have to say it, I prefer to be single, free, unrestrained, and not burdened by feelings. "

"So that's the case. I'm asking too much, but if I hear in the future who you dated and got married with, I'll have to ask you both!"

The empress still looked at Luo Quan in the first half of the sentence, but in the second half, she turned her gaze to all the guests present, as if she was speaking for them.

Originally, Luo Quan thought it was a bit inexplicable for the empress to ask such questions in front of so many people.

But soon she understood and came over, and cast a grateful look.

This is not trying to pout yourself, this is obviously trying to protect yourself.

The prince protecting the north who jumped at his face just now is a dangerous signal. If there is one person who puts the flirting into action, there will be at least ten people who have the same idea in their hearts.

It's just that they may move a little slower, or lack a little courage, which also means that they will face many, many entanglements and even harassment back and forth.

If they were all like that Li Tinghao, then her life would not be over.

Unless you leave the holy city of Di Fanxi, you will never have peace if you stay in the Holy Tang Dynasty.

But it's different now, the queen's words seem to be restraining her, but at the same time it is also a kind of protection.

If anyone wants to strike up a conversation in the future, he can directly use the empress as an excuse to refuse.

Anyone who dares to continue pestering her would be blatantly disobeying the Empress' will. Luo Quan felt that no one present here should have the courage to do so.

"The empress is such a kind person!" Luo Quan looked at this peerless beauty with tears in his eyes.

In fact, the appearance full of oriental characteristics like the Empress was the real ideal type in her heart.

But this ideal type is not that ideal type, what she means is to have a black and white face like an ink painting like an empress.

Of course, she doesn't have such a strong desire now. It doesn't make sense to be east or west when she is as beautiful as herself. Even the empress is three points inferior in front of her.

It's just that no one would dare to say such words. Maybe they won't be able to get a fair evaluation until they have gained status and influence in the Church of Dawn.

As for now, probably only those netizens who don't need to be responsible for what they say on the Internet don't have to worry about the empress. After all, the law does not blame the public.

Such a small episode in the banquet was soon over. The empress stood on the high platform, raised her wine glass, and began to celebrate the arrival of the New Year to all her courtiers, and at the same time announced that she would reward everyone.

This generous decision caused the room to immediately resound like a tsunami, "The empress lives forever, and the holy power lasts forever!"

The specific meaning of this sentence is probably similar to wishing the empress a long life. It seems that the people of Shengtang also think that the longer the life, the better, but the words are different.

After the Empress finished her toast, she drank the Xianqiong Yulu in the cup, her face flushed slightly.

Putting down the glass, she turned around and returned to Luo Quan, and a guard who came back to Luo Quan said to her and Fafreya, "Your Majesty, please come to the room to have a talk."

Luo Quan hesitated for a moment, but thought that the Empress had done her such a great favor just now, so she and Favreya followed the guards.

"Why did the Empress call us?" On the way, Luo Quan asked Fafreya nervously.

The saint replied in a low voice: "I applied in advance and wanted to see the Empress alone. Apart from meeting you, this is another main task that the Pope ordered me to do."

"So that's how it is." Luo Quan didn't ask any more questions. She also said that it would be better to pay less attention to the secret communication content of such important people. The less you know, the less likely you will be involved in unnecessary incidents.

In Luo Quan's view, it is a golden rule to meddle in your own business and live a long life.

The distance between the banquet hall and the inner room is not very long, but along the way, it can be said that there are three steps and one post, five steps and one post, and the security is extremely strict.

Although in Huanyu Star, there should be no one who can't think that it will be bad for the empress, but the Jinwu guards and the empress guards guarding the corridor still stare as big as walnuts.

With that stern look, it seemed that he didn't even intend to let the dust in the air go.

After entering the inner room, all the hustle and bustle and tension of the outside world disappeared instantly in the beautiful scenery in front of me.

Let’s talk about the inner room, but there are rockery and flowing water in the room, and there is still a layer of milky white mist with fragrance floating on the floor. When people walk up, they will immediately kick up a ball in the air.

This situation is like a fairyland on earth.

Bypassing the rockery, it is the place where Her Majesty the Empress rests.

I saw her lying on a chair, with two beautiful maids behind her rubbing her shoulders, and the other two were peeling a fruit that Luo Quan didn't know, and after peeling it, they gently stuffed it into the empress's mouth. mouth.

"This is the day of the gods." Luo Quan looked at the contented empress enviously, thinking in his heart.

Although she is already very rich on Earth, she never thought of enjoying life in this way.

Some celebrities, even if they just ask their assistants to wear shoes, they will be scolded bloody by netizens, because in the modern age where everyone is equal, such behavior is an insult to personality, it is also a squeeze on people, it is capital Slavery in disguise!
In China, where slavery has long been abolished, such a thing of enslaving people is still happening, which is unacceptable to the public.

Therefore, no matter how rich Luo Quan was, he never thought of hiring a large group of people to take care of himself like a paralyzed patient.

But in the Holy Tang Dynasty, although there was no slavery here, similar behaviors existed, and no one thought there was a problem.

As long as you pay, you can do almost anything, except for some things that will clearly endanger social order, there are basically no taboos.

Compared to those high-ranking officials who played in secret and didn't know how extravagant they are, the empress just asked the maid to squeeze her shoulders and feed the fruit, which was already very simple.

You must know that this is the king of a country, and she holds the resources of the entire country in her hands. As long as she wants, she can be extravagant to the extreme, and no one can control her.

However, it seems that the empress simply enjoys the treatment of the ancient landlord level. The idea of ​​my so-called fairy life just now is true, and I have never seen the world.

But anyway, no one really said it, and no one could hear it.

"Saint Fafreya, I don't know that you have requested to see me alone this time. Is there anything you want to discuss?"

When the empress saw the two coming, she waved her hand to signal the maid not to feed her, and she lay down a little bit, and the maid behind her immediately took a cloud pillow and put it behind the empress.

The so-called cloud pillow is actually a black technology of Huanyuxing. It has a magical friction force. Leaning on it will give the back an upward lifting force. No matter how small the angle is, it will prevent people from slipping to the end. .

Luo Quan used it the last time, and found that lying on the bed was more comfortable after using it. This time, she planned to take a few back to use, but she didn't know if it would still be effective on Earth.

The cloud pillow used by the Empress must be much more expensive than that used by ordinary people. It is soft and comfortable, and fits her body curve perfectly.

In a daze, Favreya had already explained her purpose to the empress.

It turned out that the Pope wanted to add a few more pastoral districts in the territory of the Holy Tang Dynasty, and wanted to promote the faith of the church more.

To make a big move in the territory of the Holy Tang Dynasty, of course it is necessary to ask the empress for her opinion.

As a lobbyist, of course, Saintess Fafreya would not just use the magic stick to fool the Empress, but promised a large number of real benefits, and at the same time she understood it with emotion and reason.

Luo Quan listened for a while, and found that he didn't quite understand a lot of content, and he really wasn't suitable for politics.

"This proposal is a serious matter. I need to consider it carefully. I can't give you and the Pope an accurate answer in a short time. Allow me to discuss with the ministers and then tell you the result."

The queen's expression showed no liking or disliking for this matter, even after Fafreya told her about the rewards, she didn't even blink her eyelids.

Favreya didn't even plan to negotiate the matter in one meeting. She was very patient and could wait.

"Is there anything else?" The empress blinked her beautiful eyes and issued an order to evict the guests.

"Then I'll take my leave first." The saint nodded slightly, glanced at Luo Quan, then turned and left the room.

With the empress raising her hand, the four maids also retreated, and there were only two people left in the huge room.

Luo Quan swallowed nervously, and made a muffled sound, which seemed so abrupt in the room where needles could be heard falling.

Seeing Luo Quan's embarrassment, the empress, who had always been expressionless, also laughed at this moment: "You seem to be nervous?"

"Don't be nervous." Luo Quan clasped her skirt with her fingers, which she often did when she was nervous.

"Since you're not nervous, then find a seat and sit down. I want to have a good chat with you." The empress waved her hand, signaling to sit down casually.

Hearing this, Luo Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and chose a seat not too far from the Empress.

"I heard that you come from an extremely remote galaxy. It hasn't been long since your parent star mastered nuclear fusion technology?"

The Empress stuffed a peeled fruit into her mouth, and began to understand Luo Quan's life experience.

"That's true." Luo Quan nodded and admitted, "Many people think that I'm pretty, and that I'm actually a descendant of Huanyu people, and it's just a marketing gimmick as an alien.

But in fact, I'm really not from Huanyu. I didn't even know the existence of Huanyu a year ago. "

"People on the Internet are indeed very skeptical now, not to mention that it is too rare for an alien to grow up like you."

The empress held her chin with her fingers, looked at Luo Quan with great interest and said, "It is no exaggeration to say that before you appeared, I was the most beautiful woman on this planet, but after you appeared, this title will change accordingly." Lord."

"Saint Fafreya, I haven't seen the real face, so it's hard to comment, but I think I belong to the same level as Your Majesty."

In this situation, Luo Quan didn't dare to admit the empress' compliments, and could only say in a nasty tone: "What's more, things like aesthetics are quite subjective, how can you draw conclusions so easily?"

Anyway, I think His Majesty's charm is unparalleled, and no one can match it. "

"Are you accommodating me?" The empress suddenly laughed, "Although the netizens on the Internet are outspoken and often utter vulgar words, they have one advantage, that is, they are not very good at hiding their true opinions.

And after your performance just now, the controversy over the most beautiful in the universe has been completely over. The winner of this title is neither I nor the saint, but you, a girl from an alien planet.

More than [-]% of the netizens think that you are better than me and the saint, and after seeing you in person, I also think that this view is correct, you are indeed so beautiful. "

"Your Majesty, you are very beautiful." Luo Quan responded with a smile.

"That being the case, why don't you be my concubine?"

The empress looked at Luo Quan with burning eyes, she didn't look like she was joking at all.

"Fuck, I knew there was an ambush!"

The alarm bell rang in Luo Quan's heart, but he still couldn't make such a big movement on his face: "Your Majesty, I don't even plan to look for a man, so how could I look for it again... What about you, besides, the empress accepts a concubine, this kind of thing is really serious. is it okay?"

The empress shook her head and laughed: "It seems that you don't know. Although the number of empresses in the Holy Tang Dynasty is very small, no matter whether they are male or female, they have the right to accept concubines. As for what kind of concubine to accept, of course it is up to me to decide." .

I think you are very good, so I decided to accept you as my concubine, and I will call you Concubine Luo, what do you think? "

"Of course not!" Luo Quan was so anxious that he almost yelled, but found that he couldn't open his mouth at all, and even his whole body was controlled by an invisible force and couldn't move.

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your acquiescence." Seeing this, the empress smiled even brighter, stood up slowly, and walked towards Luoquan, who seemed to be hit by a momentary stop.

(End of this chapter)

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