Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1011 Almost got stuck

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

Bai Xingwei ate a piece of pastry, looked up at the place where Luo Quan disappeared, thoughtful.

Saintess Fafreya came back after talking about the matter, but there was no news from Luo Quan.

She asked the saint, but the saint didn't know what the empress and Luo Quan were talking about.

But the majestic empress shouldn't do anything bad to Luo Quan... right?

Thinking that some of these things are useless, Bai Xingwei shook her head, lowered her head and began to concentrate on enjoying the delicious food in front of her.

At the same time, the empress also showed a smile of enjoying the delicacy of the world.

She stretched out her hand and gently stroked Luo Quan's face, and then sighed: "This beauty that can be touched really makes people have to sigh the greatness of the Creator."

The empress's beautiful eyes are full of emotion and affection, and at the same time, it also reveals the desire to explore and learn more about Luo Quan.

But Luo Quan was very anxious at this time.

For so many years, it was the first time that she was touched on the face like this.

And looking at the posture of the Empress, it seems that she is not only satisfied with touching her face.

At this time, she was like a doll, let the empress play with it at will, and she couldn't even say a word.

I originally thought that the king of a country should be an upright person, but I didn't expect to do such a difficult thing.

What's more, he didn't expect that he might be pouted soon.

It's not that she hasn't imagined similar scenes before, but it's just that the object has never been a woman.

While Luo Quan was frantically looking for a way to break the hold technique, the empress who was stroking her face felt more and more strange.

In terms of texture, Luo Quan's face was so smooth and delicate that he had never seen it in his life, like white jade and glass, but as the most beautiful in the world today, it is normal for his skin to be so good.

But after touching it for a while, she found that Luo Quan's skin was actually repelling her.

Both her mana and body are being rejected by Luo Quan's body.

But because her strength is too high, this repulsive power can hardly produce any specific effect.

But if it is a person with similar cultivation level as her, this kind of power can make her unable to get close to those who want to plot evil even when she is unconscious.

In the Empress' impression, this kind of physique should be called the Wugou Glazed Body.

According to the legend of the Tang Dynasty, the mother goddess of the human race created ten people after the first opening of the world.

These ten people are the first clan of all human beings in the later generations, and each of them has a special physique, and the Wugou Glazed Body is one of them.

In this world, everyone's physique is different, some are strong, some are tall, some are fast, and some are powerful.

And the Wugou Glazed Body represents the characteristic of beauty.

It is said that the body of a person with this physique is as beautiful as a work of art created by a mother goddess.

It's a pity that she is the empress of the Holy Tang Dynasty, and she has never seen Wugou Liuli's body in any video materials.

But before that, she had to confirm whether Luo Quan really had such a physique.

Henceforth, the empress began to look around Luoquan in all directions, then squeezed her arms and scratched her thighs from time to time, and then praised the hand feeling good with a look of surprise.

This scene made Luo Quan unable to deal with it.

Originally, she thought that she could not escape in Jie this time, that her 20 years of innocence would disappear in smoke, and that she would be more likely to face the doom of evil and fall, and she felt very sad for a while in her heart.

However, after the empress rubbed her face, she didn't seem to have any plans for the next step, but began to observe her carefully like picking pork.

This made Luo Quan deeply puzzled.

At this time, the Empress had also finished checking, and it was indeed the Wugou Glazed Body, but it was not the complete version.

With Luo Quan's current strength, it is unlikely that he will be able to show the true full version.

But even so, her body is absolutely beautiful.

This made the empress also start to wonder what kind of beautiful scenery is under this layer of clothes.

But just when the empress stretched out her hand to grab Luo Quan's collar, the eyes of the two met again

The Empress saw rejection in Luo Quan's trembling pupils.

She is not afraid, but extremely unwilling, and does not want anyone to force her to do something she does not want in any form.

The empress understood Luo Quan's heart, and retracted the hand that was hanging in the air.

"Hey, after all, I still can't do whatever I want like those ancestors."

The empress shook her head slightly, sighing: "My biggest shortcoming is that my moral bottom line is too high, and I don't like to do things that are difficult for others.

Now my concubine, I will give you a chance, if you are willing, then you will gain countless glory and wealth, you know what I mean. "

In the Holy Tang Dynasty, the emperor was the one with the highest status, and everything in the territory belonged to the emperor.

As for Ye Zhining's ancestors, accepting a concubine was nothing more than a normal thing, as long as they liked it, they could have it with just a word.

And the will of the person who is favored is actually not important, because the emperor's will is the rule of heaven, no rejection is allowed, and this person should be honored to be able to favor this person.

Ye Zhining grew up receiving this kind of education since she was a child. Her father told her that she wanted to get whatever she wanted in this world, and she didn't need to care about anyone.

But at this moment, Ye Zhining still couldn't be as natural as his father and previous emperors, and finally gave Luo Quan a chance to refuse, instead of cooking his fans into a mature meal.

She has never cared about the status of the so-called Holy Mother. No matter how powerful the Church of Dawn is, it is only a force of God's Blessing Federation after all.

And the Holy Tang Dynasty is on an equal footing with the God Bless Federation.

So let alone the Holy Mother, even if she took down the Holy Maiden again, the Pope would at most protest to himself through the light curtain.

However, because of her high moral bottom line, she was able to restrain her desires. After all, her desire since she was a child was to become a wise ruler, not a foolish ruler addicted to women.

So Ye Zhining raised his hand to lift the restraint on Luo Quan.

After Luo Quan regained his freedom, because he had been struggling just now, he couldn't control it all at once, and he jumped up from his seat directly, jumping three or four meters.

If she's wearing jeans, there's no problem doing this.

But she is wearing a skirt today and no leggings.

Ye Zhining looked up, feeling happy.

Of course, at this time, Luo Quan had no time to pay attention to these details.

After falling down, her first words were: "I don't want to, please take it back, Your Majesty!"

Not to mention Concubine Luo, even Empress Luo would not care about her.

"The voice is quite loud." Ye Zhining rubbed her chin with a smile, "If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have given you the chance to refuse. Just cook raw rice."

"Then all you can get is a corpse!" Luo Quan pretended to be a chaste woman, trying to protect her innocence by dying.

"It doesn't matter, there is a kind of flower in Shengtang Dynasty, its seeds can keep the corpse from decaying for thousands of years."

Ye Zhining smiled slightly, thinking that it would be better to save yourself from doing this with me.

After Luo Quan heard Ye Zhining's method, he also showed annoyed expression: "Your Majesty, you are so wise and powerful, why can't you leave me a way out?"

"But Concubine Ai, you are really beautiful. As an emperor, I can't take you into the harem. Wouldn't it be a great loss if someone snatched you away?"

Ye Zhining tapped her finger on the chair lightly, making a soft sound. She suddenly began to regret giving Luo Quan the chance to reject her.

"Didn't I promise before that such a situation would never happen? I pledged my life as a guarantee. Even if I really wanted to find someone to marry in the future, I would definitely take His Majesty as the first goal. Is this the head office?" Luo Quan While speaking, he raised three fingers to swear.

Normally, she doesn't like to say such words to express her position.

But in this situation, if I don't say that, I'm afraid I will be scolded immediately.

The empress's strength is unfathomable, she can use the freeze technique as she says, and she and the system are completely powerless.

So don't think that she is temporarily free now, but as long as the empress wants, she can put herself in any position.

This kind of situation is what I don't want to see, so even if she doesn't want to, she still has to coax the Empress, regardless of whether all kinds of promises can be fulfilled, throw them over to stabilize her first, lest she stop herself if she doesn't agree with her again .

Facts have proved that most people still follow this pattern. After Ye Zhining heard that Luo Quan promised that the first choice would be her, she suddenly laughed:

"Then since you have promised that my first choice will be my concubine, why don't you fulfill your promise in advance?
You can't really plan to live alone, can you?Sooner or later you will get married, right?Marry early and marry late at home, why not earlier? "

"I'm not ready yet, and how can such a hasty decision be made on major life matters, so you should wait for a while, Your Majesty."

After speaking, Luo Quan stood up, ready to take this opportunity to run away with oil on his feet.

But how could Ye Zhining let her go so easily?

Seeing that Luo Quan wanted to run, he immediately grabbed Luo Quan's wrist, and with a slight flick, Luo Quan immediately fell on the chair and turned on his back, with both jade legs raised.

Luo Quan, who was naked again, put down his skirt, only feeling that there is no way to go to heaven or to go to earth at this time.

This was probably the most embarrassing moment in her life. She couldn't beat her, but she couldn't run away, and the opponent's psychology was completely uncontrollable, and she might change her mind at any time and attack her hard.

In order not to irritate the empress again, Luo Quan also gave up the idea of ​​running away, and just sat on the chair obediently, like a young daughter-in-law who just passed through the door, waiting for the empress's fate.

"That's right." Ye Zhining nodded in satisfaction, "How could you go if I didn't let you go? Does Aifei really dislike being with me so much?"

Luo Quan squeezed out a smile and explained: "Your Majesty, you are worrying too much. I just sat for too long and my legs were a little sore, so I stood up and wanted to move, not to walk."

"So you wanted to exercise, so you should have said it earlier." Ye Zhining immediately sat next to Luo Quan, "I have many ways to get you active."

"No, no, no, those two steps just now are enough." Luo Quan was so frightened that he hurried to the side, but half of his buttocks sat empty and almost fell to the ground.

Seeing this funny look, Ye Zhining couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear.

Obviously, he is usually very serious, but for some reason, when facing Luo Quan, he always wants to tease her frivolously.

And seeing Luo Quan's distressed appearance made him very happy.

She has never seen such a state in the palace since she was a child.

The outside world said that his father, queen and queen played harmoniously, respected each other like guests, and had deep feelings.

But she had never seen such an expression on their faces.

Perhaps, this is what people on the Internet are talking about?

But regardless of whether she was moved or not, anyway, she really wanted Luo Quan to be her concubine, even the queen.

But looking at Luo Quan like this, he definitely wouldn't agree.

There are many people in the world who are greedy for glory and wealth. An opportunity to be a queen is in front of them. It is estimated that 90.00% of women will be moved.

But Luo Quan doesn't seem to have any thoughts in this regard, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he regards prosperity and wealth as floating clouds.

"Forget it, let's wait for a while. It just so happens that her Wugou Glazed Body hasn't fully evolved yet, and now is definitely not the time."

Ye Zhining convinced herself in this way in her heart that Luo Quan is a civilized person of Huanyu, and she has been working hard to join Huanyuxing's account, so she can't escape anyway, and it's not impossible to bring up the old story when the time is right.

As for now, let her go first.

But thinking so in her heart, Ye Zhining's hand still dishonestly climbed onto Luo Quan's shoulder.

Being embraced like this, Luo Quan immediately trembled twice like a frightened rabbit, wanting to escape, but couldn't.

"Aifei, since you are not willing now, then I will not force you."

Ye Zhining's salty pig hands stroked Luo Quan's shoulders. If these were a pair of rough hands, Luo Quan would definitely feel disgusted both psychologically and physically.

However, smelling the fragrance wafting from the empress, it seems that this is not bad.

It would be even better if she was holding the empress. Unfortunately, in this situation, she cannot take the lead. The difference in strength has led to a clear distinction between the two.

And Luo Quan doesn't like to be the passive side

"Your Majesty, it's very good of you to think so. I will definitely keep my promise!" Luo Quan mentioned this again, just to reassure the Empress.

"I believe in you." Ye Zhining smiled and pinched Luo Quan's soft face again, "That's it, my concubine, you can leave this time, but if I need you for business in the future, you are not allowed Shit off."

"Naturally!" Luo Quan would agree to any conditions as long as he could leave now.

After seeing Ye Zhining nodding, Luo Quan also stood up and prepared to leave.

"By the way." Ye Zhining called Luo Quan suddenly, "My name is Ye Zhining, don't forget my concubine, and when the letter of appointment comes down in the future, don't say you don't know her."

Hearing this, Luo Quan felt that he had caused a big trouble.

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