Chapter 1012
This was probably the fastest time for Luo Quan to run. After leaving the room, he just ran away, completely ignoring the gazes from the guards in the corridor.

There is an old saying that a companion is like a tiger, and after getting in touch with Empress Ye at close range, she finally had a deeper understanding of this saying.

Although Empress Ye is not moody, her psychology is really unpredictable. In the room just now, she was completely led by the nose and could not control the initiative at all.

But there was no other way, after all, Empress Ye's strength surpassed hers too much, and she couldn't even move without understanding what was going on. In this case, it was really impossible for him to take the initiative.

Fortunately, Empress Ye didn't do whatever she wanted like ordinary feudal emperors, she still had a moral bottom line, and she was clearly able to control her, so she let her go in the end.

It's just that he just let himself go temporarily. According to Empress Ye, sooner or later he will be unable to escape from Jie.

Fortunately, Empress Ye didn't set a deadline for this result. It could be several years or decades, it all depends on when Empress Ye finished her patience, and that day is almost here.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan couldn't help but sigh.

If I had known that the Empress of the Holy Tang Dynasty liked this, she would never come to this year meeting.

Originally, I just wanted to increase a little popularity and earn some extra money when the year was approaching, but I didn't expect to get myself into it now. It was like losing my wife and losing my army.

After running wildly like this, after hearing the noisy voices from the banquet hall, she finally felt relieved.

In order not to attract attention, Luo Quan slowed down his pace, and by the way tidied up his hair and clothes that were somewhat messy from running.

The guests in the hall were still toasting, smiling and celebrating the New Year together. Not many people noticed that there was one more person.

After Luo Quan came back, he pretended nothing happened and walked towards Bai Xingwei.

Fafreya was also nearby, carefully tasting a piece of smoked venison leg.

"Why have you been there for so long?" Bai Xingwei looked at Luo Quan curiously.

"The empress asked about my hometown, and we talked for a little longer." Luo Quan found an excuse, and evaded the truth.

In the situation just now, it must be impossible to tell the truth. You can't tell Bai Xingwei that you were almost pouted by the empress, right?That's too embarrassing.

So this matter is still in the stomach, anyway, Empress Ye will not do anything in a short time, if it is ten or eight years later, with her martial arts talent, the Empress might not be her opponent by then.

Suddenly, Luo Quan was also full of ambition.

Just now being restrained by Empress Ye and unable to move, she felt only despair.

But now that her freedom has been restored, and she still has plenty of time to prepare, she has unlimited possibilities.

I am no match for Empress Ye now, but it doesn't mean I can't beat her forever!
"Are you thinking about it?" Bai Xingwei approached Luo Quan, "I don't talk to you?"


Luo Quan suddenly came back to his senses, and then explained: "I was thinking about how to improve after I became popular, and my mind was a little distracted."

Bai Xingwei chuckled: "It's not easy, with your good looks and figure, if you shoot a film and television work casually, wouldn't you be full of enthusiasm?"

"It's really that simple." Luo Quan sneered at Bai Xingwei's superficial views, "When you are popular, you should cherish your feathers. If you really squander it casually, you will lose your popularity sooner or later."

"That's true." Bai Xingwei nodded, knowing that she had taken it for granted.

"By the way, I have to go back later."

Originally, Luo Quan planned to stay for another day or two, but after being so frightened by Empress Ye, she just wanted to return to Earth as soon as possible, because aliens are too dangerous.

"I'm leaving now?" Bai Xingwei suddenly felt that the meat in the bowl was no longer fragrant, "Could it be too sudden?"

"It's been so many days since I've been out, so it's time to go back." Luo Quan shook his head lightly, "And the new year is coming soon in our place, so we must go back and reunite with our family."

"That's the reason." Bai Xingwei nodded lightly, "If there is anything wrong, please contact Lingxijing."

"no problem."

Luo Quan made an OK gesture, Bai Xingwei blinked, and didn't understand what it meant, but it was still understandable based on the artistic conception.

Next, Luo Quan bid farewell to Saintess Fafreya and Palace Master Ji respectively.

There were only a few of her acquaintances in the banquet hall. After saying hello, she returned to Bai Xingwei's room with the usual teleportation circle, and then used the system's teleportation gate to return to Earth.

When she stepped on the wooden floor covered with carpet in her bedroom, Luo Quan finally felt a sense of solidity.

Hometown is better, safe, warm, and cozy. There won’t be a situation where you are eating hot pot and singing, and then someone suddenly comes out and poots you.

"The room seems to be very clean." Luo Quan touched the edge of the computer desk and bed, and found that there was no dust.

Even in a closed room, dust will still appear over time.

I walked for more than ten days, although it is not too long, but it is not so spotless.

Could it be that my mother Wen Xia and the others came in to clean it?
"Wow!" Dahei suddenly called out, looking excitedly looking at me, looking at me, looking at me.

"Could it be you who interrupted?" Luo Quan slapped Dahei's head, "I didn't realize you still have housekeeping functions."

Having received the master's compliment, Dahei stuck out his tongue happily.

And Xiaoyu watched all this squinting from the side, with a three-pointed indifference.

As the noble Jade Seal passed down to the country, Xiaoyu has always been reluctant to move it. After all, a body of ten thousand gold cannot be overstated.

Compared with Dahei, he is very simple, he can do almost everything, and the personalities of the two babies perfectly match each other's pet breeds.

After returning home, Luo Quan's first thing must be to go downstairs to report to his family that he is safe.

After not seeing anyone for so many days, my mother must be very worried about herself.

After all, she has only just come into contact with such things as martial arts, so she probably can't fully accept this kind of new things, and naturally she can't understand why a person can go without food for so long.

But after Feng Luoquan went downstairs, he found that there was no one in the huge living room.

"Where is the person?" Luo Quan ran to the kitchen to search around, but he didn't see anyone.

I touched the bowls and chopsticks and found that they were all dry, indicating that they hadn't been used for a while.

"Could it be that you went out to play?" Luo Quan quickly took out her mobile phone and charged it up, and immediately called her mother after turning it on.

"Hey daughter, are you out of customs?"

The mother's voice was mixed with the noisy environment, probably in some lively place.

"Where did you go to play? Why is there no one at home?" Luo Quan asked loudly, afraid that his mother would not hear.

My mother smiled and replied: "In Disneyland, I took everyone out for a walk every day these days, and we almost covered half of Shanghai. There will be a fireworks show tonight. Do you want to come and see it together?"

"Fireworks party?" Luo Quan was taken aback, "Can Shang Hai set off fireworks now?"

According to relevant laws and regulations, fireworks and firecrackers have been banned in major cities in China several years ago, and the stricter the control becomes when it gets closer to the New Year's Eve.

In the downtown area, you may be warned if you take out a cannon, and there is a fireworks show. Are you sure it is not a party in the detention room of the police station?

Although she thinks it is really good to be an aspiring young man who sets off fireworks and ideals in the streets on New Year's Eve, she has not let off fireworks or lit firecrackers for many years.

However, if the policy does not allow it, it is not allowed. Anyone who dares to do it will be punished. Luo Quan feels that the person who organized this fireworks show will be taken down before the fireworks are set off at night, and the event will definitely be banned.

"Of course you can let it go."

Mom's words made Luo Quan's eyes widen in surprise: "Really!"

"Why am I lying to you?" Luo Ni replied impatiently, "You don't know if you have retreated these few days, and now there are new regulations, cities can also set off fireworks, but Shang Hai can only do so in the outer ring. And discharge outside.

This time, an Internet celebrity organized a fireworks show on the Internet, and many passers-by responded that they wanted to go to enjoy it. "

"Well, then I really have to go and have a look." Luo Quan said excitedly.

I remember that when she was a child, her favorite things to play were cannons and sky monkeys.

After igniting it and throwing it in the pond, seeing the splash of water makes people feel happy physically and mentally.

Fireworks are relatively powerful, and adults are usually playing with these things, and she hasn't let them go.

But when she grew up, these things were gradually no longer allowed to appear.

In fact, Luoquan does not understand that these actions are prohibited for the sake of the environment. Foreign nuclear waste water is often discharged into the sea, and several natural gas pipelines are blown up. The pollution caused is comparable to that of fireworks in China for decades.

But even so, few news media came out to take responsibility.

On the other hand, Huaxia set off fireworks and burned paper money, and the others didn't do much, so their own people shouted first.

Luo Quan felt that releasing it once a year would not cause too much pollution.

In Japan, there are three fireworks festivals a year, and I haven’t heard anyone on the Internet saying that the air in Japan is bad.

Of course, she felt that it was useless, and she had to do whatever was stipulated.

Fortunately, this regulation has finally been relaxed, at least in the outer ring can be set off, this is a big progress.

Maybe in a few years, the city will be full of fireworks like when I was a child.

"Then play first, I'll come to you at night, let's watch the fireworks together."

Having not touched these for many years, Luo Quan's hands were itchy for a while, and he wanted to have a good time.

"That's fine, I'll send you the address later, let's not talk about it for now." After finishing speaking, my mother hung up the phone neatly.

Looking at the empty living room, Luo Quan took a bottle of Bingkuo from the refrigerator and went back to the room.

She had been eating vegetables at the banquet just now, and she couldn't find anything else to drink except Xianqiong Yulu. From the show to now, she hasn't drank water for a long time.

She had been distracted by other things before, and she didn't feel anything yet.

Now that I am free, I really feel a little thirsty.

He raised his head and took a big gulp, Luo Quan belched contentedly.

Fortunately, there was no live broadcast at this time, otherwise the fans would have arranged another nickname for her.

Speaking of fans, she hasn't interacted with them for more than ten days, and she doesn't know if she misses herself.

Opened his live broadcast room and found that the popularity was not low.

On the pitch-black screen, there were many sign-in barrages with the words "check in today".

I checked my last post, but I didn't see too many comments urging me to come back.

After all, her fans asked for her vacation this time, so if you don't take a break, you will be in a hurry with her.

It just so happened that she had something to go to Huanyu, so she came along with the flow, and the fans who asked her to take a vacation, of course, would not rush her back so soon, wouldn't that mean slapping themselves in the face?

So this time the comment section was surprisingly quiet.

"It would be great if it was like this in the future." Luo Quan couldn't help sighing.

It's a pity that the situation is special this time. After I return, those unsatisfied fans will definitely push me to release new songs and movies.

"Next, it will be quite busy." Luo Quan stretched himself on the bed, already mentally prepared.

During the period when the fans gave her a vacation, she actually continued to work in Huanyu without resting at all.

After returning now, everyone thought that she had rested enough and would definitely start outputting at full strength.

If it was in the past, her body would definitely not be able to withstand such consumption.

But of course it doesn't matter now, I won't feel physically tired after three days and three nights of high energy, at most I will be a little mentally sluggish, but as long as I close my eyes and rest for an hour, I can fully recover.

So Luo Quan was not worried about the upcoming reminder.

She was thinking about what to give fans to live out.

As a singer, director, actor, and anchor, he actually hates presenting fans with seriously homogenized content.

Innovation and fun have always been her pursuit of the whole life concept. If the same content is used every time, fans will get bored sooner or later.

It's just that her strength is the last, so this "sooner or later" may come later.

But she can't just be content with the status quo just because she came late, she can't stop her new work easily, and she can't wait for fans to start complaining before starting to think about the next plan, and she has to plan ahead.

However, at present, Luoquan has no goals for the new life, and needs to find inspiration in life.

In short, let's talk about tonight's fireworks show first.

But before that, she had to post on Weibo to announce her comeback to fans.

"I'm back full of blood, do you miss me?"

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Quan suddenly posted such a post on Station B.

Just such a line of words made it to the hot search on station B, and the number of hits exceeded [-] in an instant. Every time the comment area was pulled down to refresh, it increased by hundreds of comments.

Twelve words declared Luoquan's status at Station B.

(End of this chapter)

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