Chapter 1013
ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you for your support!

"Finally back, wait until the flowers are all gone."

"What flower, Bawang flower?"

"Little Heizi, are the chicken feet showing now?"

"As soon as you come back, you will add trouble to Luo Bao. You guys really like to make trouble."

"It's okay, Luo Bao is used to this level."

"You can't bully Luo Bao like this just because you're used to it, bastard."


The fans were still as stubborn as ever. After seeing Luo Quan's return, they celebrated happily while posting some embarrassing comments for her.

Other fans wished to honor the celebrity as if they were filial to their parents, but Luo Quan's fans were stronger, like the best bad friend, they tried every means to bury her.

It's a bit similar to those male students who used to be funny, funny, and pulled the hair of the female students in the front row when they were in school.

It is possible that they are not skins, but simply want to attract girls' attention in this way.

Of course, it does not rule out those bad species who only say they want to vent their anger in this way.

Fortunately, everyone's speeches in the comment area are not enough for the word "bad kind", they are just some harmless jokes.

In the past, Luo Quan might get angry when she saw it, but now she has learned to adjust her mood so that she won't be irritated by such a trivial matter, so she didn't ban these people.

After teasing the fans, they also began to ask about Luo Quan's current situation.

Although I was resting these days, it was impossible to lie in bed for more than ten days, right?I must have prepared something secretly, but I haven't told everyone.

Fans are curious about these things. They know that Luo Quan is a character who doesn't like to show off. If there is any surprise that can be said, they will definitely tell everyone as soon as possible.

And the past few days can be called a surprise, it should be the New Year's Eve party.

Seeing that it is less than a week before the end of 2020, major TV stations have begun to announce the star lineup of their New Year's Eve party, each of which can be called a star-studded star, each with its own top stream and big names.

As Luo Quan is currently the top player of the biggest brand, it is natural that fans are most concerned about her being able to stay with her family.

Although not as good as the Spring Festival Gala, the attention of several David TV's New Year's Eve Gala is still quite high, and the relevant hot searches in these few days of each year are all at the level of swiping the screen.

Luo Quan originally planned to choose one to perform on stage, but because he chose Huanyu's annual meeting, he had already missed the invitations to the New Year's Eve party of these TV stations during the time he left.

Although she hasn't checked her mailbox yet, she didn't need to know that there must be a lot of unread emails in her mailbox inviting her to participate in the New Year's Eve performance, but it is definitely too late to reply now.

"There is no arrangement for the New Year's Eve party this year, everyone should wait to see my Spring Festival Gala performance."

Luo Quan gave a unified reply below the fans who asked, and this answer disappointed many fans who were full of expectations:
"I thought I could see you on New Year's Eve."

"It's a pity, but it's expected."

"Indeed, except for Xiao B, Luo Bao has been to this New Year's Eve party a few times, and no other TV station has ever been there."

"Since her debut, Luo Bao has only been on TV a handful of times. She probably doesn't like to participate in such activities by nature."

"After all, lip-syncing is required at these evening shows, and it goes without saying how much Luo Bao likes to sing. Wouldn't it be insulting to ask her to lip-sync in front of everyone?"

"Cherish the star like Luo Bao who insists on real singing. In a few years, maybe the gala will be full of fake singing."

"Isn't that already the case?"

"That's why I always feel that these evening shows are nothing to watch, and it's interesting not to watch Luo Bao's live broadcast."

"One thing to say, indeed."


Fans' sharp comments are still so sharp and offending people, but it is a conclusion on the Internet that the party is not good. In recent years, no party has been held to satisfy the netizens.

It was nothing more than inviting a large number of celebrities to sing and dance, and another year passed in the laughter of the performance.

In the past, the status of these New Year's Eve parties was quite important, but with the decline in quality year by year, they have been completely reduced to Tuyile projects.

Since it is Tuyile, there are no too high requirements. When the family eats and chats, just put it next to it and use it as a BGM.

However, although Luo Quan also agrees with the fans' point of view, as a public figure, he must not say such words directly, after all, it is too offensive.

So no matter what the fans complained in the comment area, she didn't answer, but opened the mailbox to deal with the backlog of emails during this period.

Sure enough, many of the unread emails were invitations to participate in the New Year's Eve party from major TV stations.

Mango, Lychee, Tomato, and Blueberry, these are the four TV stations with the highest ratings besides China Central Channel, and the above nicknames are all set according to the station logo.

Speaking of which, I originally thought that they had already quarreled with Blueberry TV to the point of publicly tearing apart their faces, and the two sides had never been in touch with each other, but I didn't expect that they would still invite me this New Year's Eve, and the price they offered was higher than other TVs. Not a lot.

This is to think that if you have money, you can show off your face and eliminate old grievances with a smile, but is she short of this money?
In most cases, it is irrational to give up making money for the sake of anger.

But some qi must be set, and unreasonable thoughts can easily lead to depression.

For women, long-term mood depression can easily lead to breast hyperplasia.

In order to prevent the disease, of course she came here in such a carefree way.

So she checked all the invitations from the Blueberry Channel and sent them to the trash can.

However, Blueberry was not lonely for too long, and emails from other TV stations were soon sent in to keep company with it.

It's not that Luoquan has such a big enmity with these TV stations. It's just that after watching them all, don't delete them and keep them to take up space?

Speaking of which, station B also sent her an invitation to participate in the show, and the salary is not low.

Compared with the wealth and wealth of the past, station B can now be said to be Wang Xiaoer's new year, and the year is not as good as the year. From the stage to the staffing to the overall program planning, there has been a visible decline to the naked eye.

Of course, death does not mean death. Even though the short videos are being crushed by Douyin Kuaishou, at least for long videos, Bilibili is still the best platform in China.

All-encompassing, rich in content, that's it.

Short has its advantages, and long has its advantages. As long as this feature is maintained, Bilibili can still occupy a place in the video website.

But it is not realistic to want to go back to the grand occasion like 18 and 19.

Nowadays, domestic Internet companies have exhausted their dividends, and their stocks are plummeting at different speeds.

The video site is still good. Although the financial report has been in the red, the turnover is at least quite high, but it earns more and spends more. As long as it maintains its volume and industry-leading position, it may become a winner in the future.

As for the live broadcast platform, from the earlier "contending of a hundred schools of thought", it has almost collapsed now, and only two are still lingering, and life is not easy.

On the contrary, it is Douyin. Not only short videos are booming, but live broadcasts are also exploding in popularity. If nothing else, it will be the leader of Internet video content in the future.

As for station B, it belongs to wanting everything, and finally getting nothing.

However, as an old user of station B, she still has some feelings for this place. The place where she first became popular in China was also at station B.

If there is no station B, if I want to reach the current popularity in China, I may have to take a lot of detours.

So despite the tight schedule, Luo Quan decided to be invited to the New Year's Eve party at Station B.

Of course, all of this is based on the premise that the New Year's Eve party at Station B will be recorded and broadcast.

The New Year's Eve festival is a live broadcast, while the New Year's Eve party that is more in line with the taste of the public is all recorded and broadcast.

Calculating the time, this year's New Year's Eve party at Station B has probably already been recorded, and I don't know if it's too late for me to promise now.

"If you come now, can you still jump in the queue?"

Luo Quan replied to the invitation email sent by Station B, and the reply came back only half a minute later: "Of course! The New Year's Eve performance has just been recorded, and it is still in the editing stage, so it's completely in time!"

"That's fine, just find a stage, I'll record the video the day after tomorrow."

"Do you need to prepare anything?"

"No, just me alone."



The conversation was very short, and Luo Quan's style has always been uncluttered, pursuing efficiency in everything.

But just now I told my fans that I will not be participating in the New Year's Eve party. I don't know how I will feel when I see myself on the stage on the New Year's Eve.

I believe the expression will be wonderful.

After having dinner in the afternoon, Luo Quan put on a mask and went out.

Mom and the others have already arrived at Yifa Plaza located in the outer ring.

Usually there are not too many people here, but tonight it was overcrowded, because the tens of millions of fans on Douyin, the big internet celebrity Rose Sisters, organized a fireworks show.

They paid for a lot of fireworks and prepared to set them off. Many fans were ready to watch, and they also attracted many passers-by.

Mom and the others are one of them, and they are probably the same as me. I haven't set off firecrackers to watch fireworks for a long time, so I want to join in the fun.

As for Leon Mia and his wife, they haven't experienced this since they were young, so they must feel fresh.

After taking a taxi to Yifa Plaza, Luo Quan found that the place had been covered by bright red decorations.

Lanterns, colorful lanterns, banners, Spring Festival couplets, firecrackers, whether they are hung on trees or placed on the ground for sale, are all lined up in a row, and the sound of firecrackers exploding can be heard from time to time.

But this is not the place to set off firecrackers. The venue is 50 meters away, where it is more open and there are fewer combustibles.

Sister Rose's team has arrived at the scene and started the live broadcast. Luo Quan stood by and listened for a while, and learned that they will not set off fireworks until one hour later, at eight o'clock.

As Douyin Internet celebrities who became popular by singing cover songs, Rose Sisters have not yet entered the mainstream stage like their predecessors, and are still in the accumulation stage, so they are working extra hard.

Before it was time to set off, they sang songs to enhance the atmosphere.

If it is a song with a relatively high popularity, I will directly point the microphone at the fans and have a big chorus.

As more and more people gathered, the atmosphere of the entire square became more and more lively.

But Luo Quan looked at it for a while, then ran to the nearby stall and bought three boxes of cannons and a pair of Sky-Speeding Monkeys, and went to regain the joy of his childhood.

"Hey mom, you're here too." Luo Quan just threw a few cannons on the ground when he saw his mom and others who seemed to have made a big purchase.

All of them are carrying big bags and small bags, some are products from sisters in the mall, and some should be hand-held fireworks and fairy sticks bought nearby.

"You are... daughter!" Luo Ni frowned, but she didn't realize it immediately, after all, Luo Quan was wearing a mask.

But after looking at the hair and combining it with the voice, I recognized it immediately.

"We just came over after buying firecrackers and fireworks, and we are about to set them off when it gets dark." Luo Ni raised the one-meter-long fireworks barrel in her hand, "The big fireworks have been sold out, and this is all that is left, do you want it?" One too?"

"Forget it, I didn't like to set this off since I was a child, let's just play with the cannon and watch the fireworks in the sky later."

As Luo Quan spoke, he lit another sky-swapping monkey, and let go of the moment the fuze was about to burn out. The sky-stalking monkey almost didn't fall, and immediately rushed into the sky with a scream, and then exploded into pieces with a bang.

"Hey, it's fun." Luo Quan looked at the empty night and smirked.

Luo Ni looked at her childlike daughter and shook her head helplessly: "Are you hungry? I still have a few beef burgers here, do you want to eat?"

"I just came out after eating." Luo Quan shook his head at his mother.

In the next ten minutes, Luo Quan used up all the cannons and monkeys that he bought.

After getting over an addiction, I began to search for other fun.

Although there are a lot of people in the square, most of them are concentrated on the Rose Sisters side. The area where Luoquan is located is less crowded, and it is also the place where Internet celebrities who come to catch the heat wear.

Tonight, Yifa Square is holding a fireworks show. Many Internet celebrities know that outdoor anchors from station b, Douyin, Kuaishou, and Huya have all come.

It's just that depending on the software, the whole work is not the same.

The vibrato at station B is a little more technical, and they all sing songs with musical instruments or microphones.

In the case of Huya, a large number of people are wandering on the road, taking the audience to experience the lively atmosphere of the square.

But when it comes to the whole job, it has to be the anchor of Kuaishou.

Suddenly a fat man jumped out of the crowd, raised his hands and shouted: "Okok, all eyes are on me, look at me, I'll make an announcement!"

Although he didn't use a microphone, his loud voice still attracted everyone's attention.

Luo Quan realized that this might be a famous scene, so he turned on the recording function of his phone.

The fat man with small eyes and big belly shouted at the crowd with the momentum of the Declaration of Independence: "I'm an idiot!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone nearby was shocked.

As for why he thinks it is Kuaishou, Luo Quan admits that it is because of prejudice.

(End of this chapter)

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