Chapter 1014 On Fireworks ([-])

In fact, every platform has high-quality creators, and there are also people who have no bottom line for popularity.

It's just that the work done by Kuaishou is so ruthless that people have a stereotype that is difficult to reverse.

It is no exaggeration to say that when Lao Ba squatted in the toilet at the beginning, not only did he have to be nagged by netizens for a lifetime in the future, but he also succeeded in destroying the image of Kuaishou in the eyes of netizens.

Of course, similar things are the same as other platforms. For example, Douyu live broadcasts create people. Before station B became popular, you can find everything on the website. In fact, it is not much better than Kuaishou.

But whitewashing is a technical job. Do you think there are still people who often advance those things in the early years?
But Kuaishou seems to have been on the earthy road and gone forever.

Moreover, many earthy videos have also violated its original intention when it first appeared, from recording the lives of residents in towns and villages to deliberately pretending to be crazy to win attention.

The fat man in front of him is such a person, it's okay to do a bad job, it's a bad job that someone else has already done.

However, if it is posted on Station B, it is estimated that it will also get a lot of playback.

Luo Quan himself used to watch this kind of earthy video with relish, but when he actually witnessed it with his own eyes, he had a different feeling and felt very embarrassed.

Fortunately, this brother who was as fat as a tiger left in a hurry after the announcement, and his quality was not bad, at least he did not disturb public order.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with shouting such a sentence here, entertaining the public can still make money, but the process may be a bit shabby.

The small episode that happened in the corner of the square did not affect the atmosphere of the whole fireworks show. With the arrival of various snack vendors, the smell of gunpowder in the air began to mix with the aroma of various snacks.

The smells are mixed together, and poured into people's nasal cavity along with the howling wind, which makes people feel a puff of smoke in addition to being pungent.

But even though the end of the year is approaching, despite the fireworks, the taste of the New Year can no longer be found.

When she was a child, what she looked forward to the most throughout the year was the Chinese New Year, because during the Chinese New Year, she could eat delicious food almost every day, and from time to time, she could have dinner with relatives, and she could get lucky money.

On New Year's Eve, the sound of the elders playing mahjong, mixed with the performances of the familiar sketch actors on the TV, and the fireworks exploding outside the window from time to time, obviously everything is so noisy, but it makes people feel comfortable and at ease.

Because the greater the movement, the evil "Nian" will not dare to come out, and next year will be a peaceful world again.

But as you grow up, the relatives who used to secretly give you red envelopes don’t communicate much anymore, those old acquaintances on TV have a new batch of faces, and the sound of fireworks and firecrackers can no longer be heard outside the window.

Now, the "year" really isn't coming, but it makes people feel empty in their hearts and feel that something is missing.

When you think about it, many things have changed over the years.

Of course, Luoquan doesn't have the kind of sadness that things are right and nothing is right, and tears flow first when he wants to speak. He just sighs that the power of time is too strong, and it can make so many changes in the world.

Looking up and looking around, Luo Quan suddenly saw a boy leaning against the road not far away, playing a not-so-exquisite acoustic guitar.

His equipment is also very simple, just a microphone and a stereo, no bright headlights, no high-end beauty mobile phones, and the passers-by did not stop because of their simple way of performing.

But he has a smile on his face and takes every song he plays very seriously.

Luo Quan listened for a while, and found that his technique was quite good, and his vocal skills were also standard academic. He might be a student from an art school who came here to work as a street performer during the holidays.

Seeing that the boy was still so enthusiastic even when no one was supporting him, Luo Quan remembered the scene when he first performed on the street.

I remember that it was at the intersection of Shibuya that she started her first public performance in her life.

But even in the most prosperous area of ​​Tokyo, few people stopped to listen to her singing, until she sang her famous song "Lemon".

An anchor discovered her and gave her the first wave of enthusiasm. In the end, she took this opportunity to reach the pinnacle of her life.

Later, she always wanted to find a chance to thank the anchor in person, but the anchor went to travel in Europe for filming, and since then she has never had the opportunity to meet.

Perhaps out of emotion, Luo Quan decided to do the same thing as the anchor who helped him before.

She turned on the live broadcast function of her mobile phone, and the fans who were chatting in her live broadcast room were immediately pleasantly surprised:

"Hey, didn't you say that there will be no live broadcast tonight?"

"It seems that Luo Bao still has me in his heart and hates me. Shy.jpg"

"Delusion is a serious mental illness with delusions as the basic manifestation. The sooner treatment is carried out, the greater the possibility of recovery."

"Luo Bao is my let me go...I'm not crazy..."

"This is terminally ill."

"So Luo Bao really misses us?"


There are a bunch of users in the barrage, and Luo Quan is no stranger to it: "Nonsense, I must be missing you, how can you live broadcast if you don't want to?"

These words immediately aroused the barrage of cheers, and titles such as wife, lady, and dear came out all at once.

Luo Quan laughed when he saw this: "Haha, actually I was wandering on the street and saw a live broadcaster who was performing on the street, and I remembered my past, so I wanted to start a live broadcast because of my feelings.

I'll talk to this anchor later and see if I can borrow his equipment to sing two songs. "

"It still needs to be discussed. If you take off the mask, everything will be resolved?"

"I'm afraid there will be riots at the scene."

"By the way, where is Luo Bao shopping? It looks so lively."

"I seem to have heard the sound of setting off firecrackers, can they be set off in the city now?"

"It has been possible for a long time. This year, fireworks can also be set off in the city."

"That's pretty good, good thing."


The fans were happily discussing the changes in the regulations on fireworks display, while Luo Quan saw the boy singing a song and went up to start negotiating.

"Hello, anchor, you are very good at singing, you should be a student in an art school, right?"

Luo Quan walked up wearing a mask, complimented him for a while, and then asked where he was studying.

"I'm indeed a freshman at Shanghai University of the Arts." The boy stood up from the stool and said politely.

Hearing the boy say that he belongs to Shangyi, Luo Quan and the fans all laughed:

"Isn't it a coincidence?"

"So it's Luo Bao's elementary school brother."

"You can meet classmates even when you go shopping, awesome."


"That's such a coincidence. I'm also from Shangyi. I studied in the fashion department for a year, and now I have graduated for more than a year." Luo Quan said to the boy.

"So it's senior." The boy also showed a pleasant smile, "I'm also from the fashion department, and my name is Fang Oak!"

"Fang Xuedi, I don't know if I can borrow your equipment to sing. I just listened to it for a while, and suddenly I felt a bit ticklish." Luo Quan pointed to the microphone and asked.

"of course can!"

Fang Oak immediately stepped aside and took off the guitar straddling his shoulders: "Senior sister, do you want a guitar?"

"Okay, just play and sing." Luo Quan said, placing his mobile phone on Fang Oak's mobile phone holder.

Fang Oak has been broadcasting live for more than half an hour, but the popularity is only about a few thousand, and the barrage can't be seen ten times a minute, which can be said to be quite bleak.

But when Luoquan fan Fang Oak got the name, he immediately searched on Bilibili and Douyin.

"Haha, it was broadcast live at station B, but the number of followers is too small, less than [-]."

"Since you are Luo Quan's junior, please help me and pay attention."

"I think it's enough for everyone to pay attention. Don't go to the live broadcast room and post some bullet screens about Luoquan fans visiting here. That would be too loud."

"It makes sense, we Luobao fans must grasp the quality."


Because of the persuasion of rational fans, Fang Oak's live broadcast room immediately returned to calm after a wave of bullet screens ushered in.

This is the result of Luo Quan often preaching to fans in the live broadcast. You can make jokes with her casually. It doesn’t matter if the scale is too big, but you must be careful when dealing with others. After all, not everyone is as strong as her.

After all this happened, Fang Oak didn't know that tens of thousands of people suddenly flooded into his live broadcast room, and he didn't know that his account had tens of thousands of followers, and the number was still rising.

He is helping to adjust the height of the microphone at the moment, because he is not very tall, only a little over 1.6 meters, and Luo Quan has to lift it up a lot if he wants to use it.

"How do you sing while wearing a mask?"

"But if you take it off, are you sure it's a real man (no problem)?"

"If it is really taken off, it may not be long before it will be surrounded by water."

"But I definitely can't sing with a mask on, and I can't even make my voice out."


The fans chattered about, they knew that Luo Quan could sing well, but no matter how good he was, it was impossible to sing well through a mask.

Don't look at the singers in The Masked Singer all wearing big and thick masks to sing, but it has no effect on singing.

But the material of these masks is actually quite thin, just like tulle, which hardly affects the transmission of sound.

But the mask is different, especially the cotton mask that Luo Quan wears. When he speaks, his voice is muffled, let alone singing.

But then Luo Quan showed fans an extremely outrageous operation, that is, tore it apart along the center line of the mask, exposing the upper and lower lips inside.

"I wipe it, this one can still be opened."

"Then what's the point of this mask?"

"Luo Quan doesn't wear a mask for the purpose of being in the hospital, it's just to cover her face that turns all living beings upside down."

"There is only one sentence in my mind now, and that is to take off your pants and fart."

"Seeing this design, I couldn't help thinking a little bit."

"Ah, this is the car to the kindergarten. Why does it feel a little bit wrong?"

"You guys can always come up with something new for me."

"One thing to say, this is Luo Baozheng's new trick, but I don't know if the design of adding a nylon button in the middle of the mask is the first. It is recommended to apply for a patent."


Luo Quan's strange mask design has aroused heated discussions among fans. She herself knows that this thing is funny, but she bought it exclusively on Taobao.

When going out, in order to avoid attracting attention and causing road congestion, masks and sunglasses have become her essential supplies.

But if you wear this all the time, sometimes you will face a dilemma when you want to eat.

You can't eat while wearing a mask, and your identity will be easily exposed when you take off the mask.

Ever since, Luo Quan came up with a whim and bought a mask with a nylon buckle that can be opened and closed freely.

Although its protective effect is about zero, it can not only cover the face, but also untie the meal, which fully meets her needs.

So since finding this product, Luo Quan has always worn this mask.

She seldom ate out in the past, so fans didn't notice it. Today, she untied it because she wanted to sing. Let the fans call out for good ideas. I suggest that Chanel design an enhanced version, such as the whole point pattern or hollow out, and it will definitely be next year lead the trend.

Luo Quan couldn't help laughing when he saw these funny remarks.

But he soon restrained his smile, held the microphone in one hand and the guitar in the other, and said loudly: "The fireworks will be set off here later, so let's sing "Sparking Fireworks" for everyone."

This is the second song she released in her debut, and it also carries a lot of memories.

It's a pity that compared to "lemon" and "I've thought about it once, I've thought about it too much", "On the Fireworks" is at the bottom of the debut mini-album.

It's not that it doesn't sound good, it's mainly because the other two songs are too good.

However, Luo Quan thinks that the melody of "On the Fireworks" is a masterpiece, with a kind of melancholy with a touch of sadness, and it only needs to be listened to once to engrave an imprint on people's minds.

Recently, she feels that the imprint of fans has faded, so she is going to come and let everyone relive this song.

After clearing his throat, Luo Quan plucked the strings of the guitar and sang softly:
"The coast that secretly gazed that day
suddenly appeared in front of my eyes
The words carved in the scattered gravel

piece together a blurry back image

The clear and translucent singing made the passers-by walking nearby subconsciously turn their heads to look over, wondering whose singing is so beautiful.

The originally noisy environment also miraculously fell into a brief silence because of Luo Quan's singing voice.

The barrage gradually thinned out, and the fans closed their eyes gently, listening to the music Luo Quan presented to them.

Just when everyone's attention was attracted by Luo Quan, a soaring ball of light pierced the night sky, connecting the night and the earth.

At the moment when it rose to the highest point, Luo Quan's singing also reached its climax:

"Suddenly blooming with a bang
Between the elliptical rays of light

Falling still remains at the end of summer
heartfelt wish


The dazzling fiery trees and silver flowers bloomed in the dark night sky, almost simultaneously with the climax of Luo Quan's singing.

Everyone opened their eyes wide at this moment, admiring the dazzling beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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