Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1015 Young Master and Old Slave

Chapter 1015 Young Master and Old Slave
Luoquan seemed to have made an appointment with the fireworks. As soon as the song came out, it exploded, blooming a flower cluster composed of countless bright spots in the air, and finally the stars scattered in the night sky.

This beautiful scene, paired with Luoquan's moving singer, made the fans in the live broadcast room couldn't help but smile with joy, thinking that if the New Year's Eve party can be designed like this, it will definitely be very exciting.

In fact, a stage design that satisfies the audience does not require gorgeous lighting or gorgeous costumes. As long as the background and the song complement each other, it can produce the effect that one plus one is greater than two.

Of course, as a performer, Luo Quan would definitely multiply this formula by ten.

But if you invite a singer with strong singing skills to sing, the effect will definitely be very good.

It's a pity that those who make shows now just don't understand this simple truth, they keep moving closer to the gaudy direction, superstitious about fresh meat and traffic, and the quality of the final things presented can be imagined.

After singing a song, Luo Quan was still a little unsatisfied, but when she saw that the crowd seemed to be surrounded by her, she immediately realized that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, and left the scene after hastily saying goodbye to her elementary school brother.

"I'm going, is this the anti-Gank awareness of the Summoner Master?"

"I'm almost there, I didn't expect Luo Bao to slip away early, let's see if I can bump into her by luck."

"It turns out that everyone recognizes that this is Shanghai Yifa Square. Goutou.jpg"

"Shanghai is the only place where there will be a large-scale fireworks show tonight. I just didn't expect Luo Bao to join in the fun."

"Have the brothers arrived? I have seen Luo Bao."

"Rush forward and take Luo Bao down!"


On the Internet, fans are all reckless, but offline, they become like little daughters-in-law.

He clearly saw Luo Quan, but he still hiccupped far away and did not dare to act rashly.

The reason why Luo Quan ran away was not to hide from fans.

It's that the singing just now attracted many passers-by, and now the fans are also here. There are so many people in the two groups, if there is a stampede in the crowd, it will be troublesome.

Now that the fans are here, it's okay to say hello and take a photo, but you have to pay attention to safety.

So when Luo Quan came to a relatively empty corner, he said to the fans in the live broadcast room:

"My family, I am going back. Those who have come to Yifa Square can come to take a photo with me now. It will only take 5 minutes. I am afraid that it will affect the order after a long time."

"Damn it, I thought Luo Bao, you didn't go out after you went back, what a blood loss!"

"I still have 2 minutes to go, wait for me!"

"Since Luo Bao has said so, then I won't wait and see, I'll be the first one!"

"You all stand back, Luo Bao is mine, let me come first. Crying.jpg"


Many of the Shanghai locals in the barrage saw the location of the live broadcast, but they thought that Luoquan would not stay for long, and they would miss out if they went, so they didn't leave.

But the society knows that Luo Quan will take 5 minutes to take a photo with fans. Fans love fans, but those who didn't go seem to have missed [-] million.

It must be too late to leave now, obviously they can also take a photo with Luo Quan, but now they can only watch those activists enjoy this rare benefit.

Soon, the first male fan who mustered up his courage came to Luo Quan: "Luo Bao, I've been your fan for ten years, can I take a photo with you?"

"Of course, didn't I say it all during the live broadcast?" Luo Quanshui smiled brightly and took off the mask.

It's also fortunate that she put the earrings on after returning from Huanyu, otherwise she would have been awesome, and in the physical sense.

But even so, her beauty, which is the most beautiful on earth, still makes fans who appreciate this beauty up close sigh: "You are really much more beautiful than you look on your mobile phone."

"It's normal. No matter how good a camera is, it can't compare to the human eye."

Luo Quan said that Chao took the mobile phone from this male fan, and the two stood side by side, raised their hands to make a gesture, and then they took a photo successfully.

After one session was over, there were more than a dozen fans around, both men and women, all very excited.

Compared with the fan meeting I participated in when I first debuted, taking photos with only a dozen or so fans is quite easy.

I remember that during the fan meeting, I shook hands and signed autographs, and had to take pictures from time to time. After a whole morning, I probably met hundreds of fans.

It was because this fan meeting exhausted her so much that she never organized similar events after that.

It's not that she doesn't like fans, it's because there are too many fans and she can't handle it.

Five minutes later, Luo Quan took a photo with the last fan, put on a mask and waved goodbye to everyone, then looked down at the phone camera:
"Everyone is going to come or has already come, you can go back, because I am also going to go home, and I will take pictures with you again when I have the opportunity."

The barrage suddenly filled with mourning:
"Damn it, I'm in a traffic jam here, otherwise it would be too late!"

"Can Luo Bao wait another minute?"

"I'll wait another minute, maybe another minute~~~"

"It's so familiar, which song's lyrics are these?"

"My dad loved the hit song on the Internet ten years ago, and it's been used as a ringtone for mobile phones until now."

"I'll talk about the song later, can Luo Bao wait a little longer?"


Luo Quan is a person who seldom compromises, but she can't be hard-hearted in the true sense, so when she sees the fans in the barrage who say they are coming soon, she still can't tell them not to come.

"It's really up to you." Luo Quan sighed helplessly, "Then wait another 5 minutes, I'll wait for you here."

"Wuhu, long live Luobao!"

"It has to be our Luo Bao, who is really too fond of fans."

"Damn, if I just left 5 minutes ago, I'd be almost here now."

"This story tells us that even if we know it may be too late, it is best not to give up early, because you never know what turning point will appear in the process, but if you give up early, then there is no chance at all."

"So, as long as I persevere, Luo Bao will be able to catch up?"

"Don't just drink, eat some food."

"It's pretty beautiful to think about, but I can only think about it."


Without a doubt, today was another day that made her fans love her even more.

Although most people do not have this opportunity to take a photo with her, she is willing to stay and wait for those fans who are coming.

Compared with those celebrities who are taken for granted by the eight fans, Luo Quan and them seem to be creatures of different dimensions.

What's even more rare is that Luo Quan never seems to use these things to boast about his difficulties.

Up to now, fans have been praising him, but after Luo Quan said he would continue to wait, he started talking about other topics.

It seemed to her that waiting a few more minutes was not a big deal, even if she had millions of dollars per minute, she was still willing to waste these few minutes for fans.

The truth is, waiting a few minutes isn't really a big deal, it's just getting home late.

Fans rushed over in such a hurry at night, it's always not good to leave them empty-handed, not to mention that some of them are almost here, it would be a pity if they missed it.

So Luo Quan said that he would wait another 5 minutes, but in fact he waited at the same place for about 10 minutes and took a group photo with [-] fans before finally announcing his departure.

If her mother hadn't come to tell her to go back, she might have stayed for a while longer.

"Fans who haven't come yet really don't come this time, my mother told me to go home and rest." Luo Quan said to the camera with a smile.

But it's been more than ten minutes. Unless you live more than ten kilometers away, you can just take a taxi and come here.

But if it is more than ten kilometers away, there is really no way to wait. There are so many people in the whole Shanghai, it is impossible for her to wait regardless of the distance.

Fortunately, this time she didn't see any fans asking her to wait another minute in the barrage. It should be possible to come. As for the others, it is estimated that they are far away from home, so from the beginning No idea of ​​moving here.

"Quanquan, are you free after the Spring Festival?"

After getting in the car, Luo Ni didn't know that her daughter was broadcasting live, so she called her by her nickname and asked about her New Year's plan.

"Quanquan is okay, can you punch your chest?"

"Our mother is here too, my son-in-law is being polite."

"The response is quite fast."

"Listen carefully, Luo Bao is going to announce the New Year's plan next."


Luo Quan just glanced at the barrage of ridicule, didn't pay attention to it, turned to his mother and said, "Not for now, just live broadcast, staying at home, playing games and so on."

If it was before, Luo Ni would say something like "How do you know how to play".

But she knows that this is one of the few breaks for her daughter, and when her daughter is really busy, she will have to check everything from movies, music, programs, and games, and she will be very busy.

In addition, my daughter has grown up, so I definitely can't educate her in the way I treat children.

In other words, the current daughter no longer needs education, Luo Quan has become mature and rational, and has taken care of her life in an orderly manner.

"I'm going to go back to New York after staying for a while. Your dad called me yesterday to ask about it."

Hearing his mother talking about private matters, Luo Quan turned off the live broadcast, and then asked with a smile: "Why, dad misses you and your sister so soon?"

"Then what should I do? This is probably the charm of being a mother." Luo Quan's mother said proudly, brushing her hair.

Leon and Mia laughed and said nothing in front, while Wen Xia said: "Lolo, Li Jiang from the game branch asked me to ask you, the year is coming to an end soon, let you see if you want to publish a year-end summary. "

"Is there anything to sum up?" Luo Quan waved his hand, "It's empty to draw big cakes and promote unity. It's true that the salary and bonus are in place. The company's performance this year is good, and everyone's year-end bonus can be increased by [-]%. gone?"

"You are quite simple and rude." Wen Xia gave Luo Quan a thumbs up, "If the bosses in the world have your conscience, life as a worker will be much easier."

Leon scratched his chin, but finally did not choose to speak.

In China, a boss like Luo Quan who pays an extra [-]% bonus at the end of the year can already be called a conscientious boss, but in the United States, this small favor is not enough for the standard of conscience.

Eight-hour working system, weekends and weekends, monthly leave, annual leave and holiday leave, various benefits, minimum hourly wage.

It's hard to imagine any of these things in China.

However, the national conditions are different, and it is meaningless to make a hard comparison.

Besides, not all jobs in the United States have such good pay, and the people at the bottom should suffer as much as they should.

Therefore, Lyon did not make fun of Wen Xia's statement.

After driving home, everyone didn't even bother to sit on the sofa after playing for a day, and went directly upstairs to wash and prepare to rest.

For Luo Quan, the nightlife has just begun.

In the past, she had a regular work and rest schedule. She basically rested before twelve o'clock and rarely stayed up late.

Up to now, her energy level has not been what it used to be, and she only needs a little sleep every day to be in good spirits, even if she doesn't sleep for a day or two, it doesn't have any effect.

Therefore, Luoquan live broadcast, which was rarely seen before, is now open.

Fans were even very surprised after seeing Luo Quan open Weibo again:

"Is Luo Bao planning to continue the live broadcast?"

"Sure, Luo Bao, you have already downloaded the broadcast at this time in the past."

"Where's our mother?"

"Our mother is ready to go back to New York to accompany our father."

"Are you so familiar, you people?"

"What time is Luo Bao going to broadcast tonight?"


Luo Quan tore away his tied hair, and took off his mask: "When you doze off, you will download it. It's still early. Come on, my family, do you have any hot topics that you want to discuss together?"

Fans immediately spoke enthusiastically: "

"What do you think of the prospects of the national football team's 2022 Qatar World Cup qualifiers?"

"Damn it, it's Wang Zha from the moment it comes up."

"Do you even have to ask? I put all my money on the national football team not to enter the World Cup!"

"Don't be embarrassing, I remember I got in in the class in 18."

"Cool knowledge: The host of the World Cup can play directly in the group stage, and does not need to play in the qualifiers to compete for places."

"No wonder, I said why the national football team is so fierce all of a sudden."

"Haha, this topic is not very interesting, after all, everyone knows what the final answer is."

"The national football team will play Thailand in the morning of the Spring Festival, and it should be able to win."

"hope so."

"Instead of talking about the national football team, let's talk about Wanliu Academy."

"Oh, this is amazing."

"What Wanliu Academy?"


Luo Quan's heart at this moment is also the same as the last barrage, what is Wanliu Academy?
It sounds like setting up a school. Could it be that another student in the school had an accident, and then the school concealed it and didn't report it?

Luo Quan saw that the term was mentioned a lot in the barrage, so he started searching for related videos on station B.

There are quite a lot of related videos, but after watching a few of them, Luo Quan gradually frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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