Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1016 Young Master and Old Slave

Chapter 1016 Young Master and Old Slave ([-])

The so-called Wanliu Academy is actually not a school, but the name of a building.

But this real estate is not ordinary. Even the cheapest apartment is worth more than 1000 million yuan, and the more expensive ones are directly tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

Originally, this kind of real estate is not uncommon in China. After all, the number of rich people in China is comparable to that in the United States. Except for those on the table, there are more invisible rich people.

In order to meet the needs of these wealthy people, there are actually quite a few high-end communities like Wanliu Academy.

The cause of the incident was that a boy posted a short video of himself dribbling a ball under his crotch on Douyin.

Then sharp-eyed netizens discovered that he posted the video at Wanliu Academy.

At first, no one recognized where it was, until some netizens said that this is the top mansion in Beijing, with a level of 20 per square meter, and then its broadcast volume began to soar.

Countless netizens on Douyin heard the news and came to watch this rich son who lives in a top mansion.

It is human nature to be strong and rich, and spying on the lives of the rich is also something that easily attracts people's attention.

On Youtube, videos showing off wealth has always been a popular category, with a lot of followers. It can be said that these people worship money, but the vast majority of people in this world cannot escape the level of chasing money.

After all, if you want to survive, what thing doesn't need money?
However, if you give up your dignity and kneel down for the sake of money, then you are obsessed with money and willing to degenerate.

In the video comment area of ​​the boys of Wanliu Academy, there are countless people like this.

After the video became popular, many netizens came to please boys in a self-deprecating way.

Netizens called the boys young masters, and then called themselves old slaves, housekeepers, servants and even dogs. They tried their best to flatter and look like ancient eunuchs.

And after the hangup behind the young master of Liu Academy that night was appraised by some brothers as an authentic Qi Baishi worth hundreds of millions, the flattering mood in the comment area immediately reached its climax.

Netizens use nasty words, which makes people feel like returning to the feudal era.

There are also female netizens who handwritten a thousand-character confession letter, wanting to become the young master's girlfriend.

This farce made Luo Quan's scalp tingle and he felt a little embarrassed at the same time.

Pursuing wealth is not a heinous thing, but Luo Quan thinks that a gentleman loves money in a proper way.

"Luo Bao, why don't you speak?"

"It seems that this matter is so against the sky that Luo Bao was silenced."

"One thing to say, I don't know whether these people are mocking again, or they really think so, because such remarks are too bad for themselves, but they would not do it normally."

"It's hard for people to think that this begging look is mocking."

"If it's really a taunt, shouldn't it be blocked after the taunt, why did this young master gain millions of followers overnight?"

"So the answer is obvious."


Seeing the fans' comments, Luo Quan paused with mixed emotions, and then entered a paragraph of text in the search bar of station B.

Soon the video she was looking for came out, Luo Quan tapped the play button:

"Stand up, don't kneel!"

Zhang Mazi fired a gun into the sky, and then shouted at the people with a full voice.

This shout was so deafening, as if it had spanned a thousand years and awakened the soul.

Yes, no matter how loud the voice is, it will eventually go away. Some people didn't stand up for a long time, but then knelt down by themselves.

"I won't say too much, this matter is reasonable and I really can't blame the boy who posted the video."

After Luo Quan finished playing the video, he raised his water glass and took a sip: "They just posted a video of dribbling, and these netizens ran under the house to sip an old slave and a young master.

I guess this young master will be scolded soon, but those who take the initiative to bow their heads as slaves, I think they should also be scolded.

It took our ancestors millions of years to evolve knees that can walk upright, but now they have chosen to degenerate, which is really embarrassing. "

The barrage also cheered at this time:

"Luo Bao is still sharp, and the taunt value is full."

"I have a hunch that there will be a bloodbath in the future. It is estimated that many people on the outstation will use these things to attack Luo Bao."

"Talk that I will accompany you to the end, and beat me to be the first to run."

"Haha, is this the gold content of Luoquan fans?"

"I can't help it. After all, Luo Bao is too strong. I don't think it's our turn to help. She can handle it by herself."

"It doesn't matter, even if she can't handle it, I will do it!"



The fans made jokes and the atmosphere was relaxed, but for those who were caught by Luo Quan's cue, it was really embarrassing to hear her taunting.

Don't you understand the principle that you don't slap someone in the face when you hit someone, and don't expose your shortcomings when you scold someone?

Luo Quan was too honest and straightforward, so he offended a lot of people.

Soon some netizens who took their seats made vibrato shouts:

"A certain female star, you are so honorable and upright when you are eager to come out and uphold justice. Don't you know that there is a thing called playing tricks? Don't be so arrogant, you are not as noble as the big guys."

Perhaps expressing the aspirations of those old slaves who were ridiculed, this short video was quickly topped on Douyin's trending searches, with millions of likes, almost as popular as Master Wanliu Academy's video.

Soon, news about this video reached Luo Quan's ears.

She made a TikTok and took a look, then forwarded it to Weibo with a smile, and attached the following text:
"People are never noble because of their blood and origin, what makes them noble is their soul and spirit.

Some people say that this is a meme, there is no need to go online, I am meddling.

But since you guys can play memes, why can't I play memes?
You call yourself old slaves, can't I make fun of old slaves?Isn't this a blatant double standard?
So don't be so excited, I'm just joking, and there is no malice.

Old slaves, am I right? "

These words seem to be softening, and the topic is leaning on jokes and entertainment.

But when the last sentence came out, it was like a slap in the face of those "old slaves".

And these old slaves are not easy to refute.

Luo Quan's idea is that you can use jokes as a shield, so why can't I also be jokes?
It is very easy to use in most cases.

But this did not calm down the old slaves who had broken their defenses. They retorted to Luo Quan like this:

"Of course you can stand on the moral high ground and talk freely. After all, your wealth is even higher than those who live in Wanliu Academy. Ordinary people can't earn your salary for a whole lifetime even if they work hard."

This move was very clever, and it directly drew Luo Quan to the opposite side of the masses.

However, she has experienced similar moves many times, and she can hit back with just one sentence:

"My donation is something you will never earn in your lifetime, but there is a high probability that the money will not be used by you, because some people in this world are so poor that they can't even use a mobile phone.

But no matter how poor these people are materially, they are still working hard to survive, and they will not call others slaves on the Internet.

If it's for saving lives, it doesn't matter if you give up your dignity, but if it's for pleasure, then don't blame me for standing on the moral high ground, after all, you gave me the commanding high ground. "

Today, very few celebrities will match up with netizens in real time on Weibo, and even fewer can win.

In the face of overwhelming attacks, celebrities often choose lawyers to warn or call the police, but the final result is often nothing.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, prefers to settle things online. As long as her family is not involved, but her, then she is very happy to have a good argument with these people.

But there always seems to be only one result, that is, she makes others speechless, or becomes angry and begins to abuse without thinking.

At this point in the laning match, there is basically no one who can continue with Luo Quan, because they are already at a loss in this matter.

And Luo Quan didn't hold on to this matter, after all, the knee belonged to them, and he didn't want to have it, so no matter how others scolded him, it was useless.

"It's still the same sentence, family members, a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way...Ah, cut!"

Luo Quan was summing up with fans when he sneezed suddenly.

"Who is this thinking of me?" Luo Quan rubbed his nose and smiled.

"How does Luo Bao know, I am indeed thinking about you. Shy.jpg"

"Obviously I was thinking about Luo Bao!"

"My suggestion is to wear more clothes to avoid catching a cold. Many colds start with a sneeze."

"No, with Luo Bao's physique, it's hard to catch a cold."

"Although Luo Bao is the most powerful in the world, she is still made of flesh and blood, and she will get sick. I suggest everyone not to treat her like a superman."

"I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me, I haven't felt any delicate girlish qualities from her for so long."

"No, the two traits are so prominent."

"Ah this..."

"Driving, huh? Grab it for me!"


While Luo Quan was looking at the barrage sent by the fan gate, Huan Yu Xing was hundreds of millions of light years away.

Ye Zhining took a sip of Xianqiong Yulu, his blurred eyes seemed to be thinking about a certain person, and he smiled from time to time.

"Dong dong."

The door of the bedroom rang, Ye Zhining immediately adjusted his expression, and then said coldly: "Come in."

"Your Majesty." Ji Qingyue bowed to Ye Zhining with a very respectful attitude.

In fact, very few people in Huanyu knew that the Valkyrie Temple was an armed institution directly under the royal family.

Up to the palace lord, palace lord, down to every warrior reserve, the highest leader is the empress.

It's just that the Martial God Temple still shoulders the basic responsibility of maintaining law and order, so the empress will generally not command them if something happens, after all, there are better empress guards under her command.

Ji Qingyue didn't know why the empress asked her to come this time. After all, it was more than ten years ago that she entered the palace to see the empress, and she was with the other three palace lords.

"Retire without courtesy."

With a wave of Ye Zhining's hand, Ji Qingyue straightened up: "I heard that Luo Quan first appeared in the official file because of the test of the Martial God Palace?"

Ji Qingyue was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that His Majesty the Empress would call her over and ask about Luo Quan, but she nodded immediately after she realized:
"Reporting to Your Majesty, Luo Quan was indeed noticed by the minister because of the supernatural power test in the Martial God Hall. Being able to possess two high-level innate supernatural powers outside the universe is already called a super genius. If you cultivate it, your future is limitless! "

"I know one thing, what I want to ask is whether her family background has been investigated by the Martial God Palace.

She said that her home planet is called Earth, and it is located in the Wozkisted galaxy, but I searched all over the universe's star sea boundary map, but I couldn't find this Wozkisted galaxy.

Even the star maps of the surrounding civilizations have been checked. This galaxy does not exist at all, and there is no civilization called Earth. Are you sure she is telling the truth. "

When Ji Qingyue heard this, she also frowned: "This... I also felt that something was wrong at first, but the Martial God Palace never asked about the origin, so I didn't delve into it."

"What if you don't know the origin?" Ye Zhining's mouth turned up slightly, "Call her to the palace, and I will have to interrogate her."

After talking here, Ye Zhining finally met him.

Although he said that he would not take her down so soon, he could stay in the palace for a few days.

Luo Quan said that he would go back to his hometown for the New Year, but Huanyu should wait a few days before leaving after the annual meeting.

It's a pity that Ye Zhining didn't react so fast just now, and now that I think about it, it's not easy to call Luo Quan back directly, so I chatted with Ji Qingyue, and finally found such a reason.

Ji Qingyue didn't understand why His Majesty was so interested in a reserve soldier of the Martial God Temple, but since the order was given, she naturally had to follow it.

So she immediately contacted Luo Quan with the light machine, but the reply she got was that she was not in the service area.

"Return to Your Majesty, Luoquan's optical machine is not in the service area,"

"Huh?" Ye Zhining gave a slight surprise, "How could this be?"

"Maybe there is a problem with the signal, and the ministers have to find another way." Ji Qingyue said, and called Bai Xingwei who was inseparable from Luo Quan.

This time it was connected, and as soon as Bai Xingwei greeted her, Ji Qingyue immediately asked, "Xingwei, is Luo Quan beside you? Let her take over the light machine."

"Aunt Qingyue, she may not be able to pick it up now because she has gone back to her hometown. What can you do with her?"

"Eh..." Ji Qingyue glanced at the empress, who shook her head lightly, and replied, "It's nothing, I'll hang up first."

"I went home in less than a day, she moved very quickly." Ye Zhining's face became uneasy

Luo Quan's reaction made her believe that she wanted to escape as soon as possible because she was stimulated by her.

But will Ye Zhining let Luo Quan escape from his grasp?

The answer is obviously no, after all, both sides are masters with extremely strong personalities.

(End of this chapter)

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