Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1019 New Year's Eve

Chapter 1019 New Year's Eve ([-])
"Why are you talking to me?" Leon looked puzzled, "Do I look like the kind of person who bullies others?"

"No." Luo Quan shook his head, "Isn't this a warning for you?"

"I was brought up not to do something like this."

Lyon tidied his clothes and raised his chin lightly: "If there is any dispute, I usually teach it to my personal lawyer, and he will help me resolve everything."

"That's true." Luo Quan didn't know much about the judicial environment in the United States, but he often heard this sentence.

Of course, what comes up more often is: You can keep silent, but every word you say next will become evidence in court.

In the Hong Kong dramas at the beginning of the century, the police would usually bring such a sentence after arresting people, so she was particularly impressed.

However, in the mainland, the police will definitely not say such a long list when arresting people. They are usually more concise, such as: squat down, hold your head, put your hands behind your back, and sometimes shout: Put your clothes on!

Of course, what Si Cong encountered this time should be the same situation as before.

His nose bone was broken due to beating someone in the street. Si Cong has been detained for an unknown period of time, but netizens couldn't help but start commenting.

At the beginning, everyone was still scolding Si Cong, but gradually the style of painting in the comment area changed:
"Xiao Si is fine. If you have bodyguards, you have to do it yourself. That's enough for a man."

"The one who was beaten was happy, and the settlement fee is less than 100 million, don't even think about it!"

"When I meet a cash cow like Si Cong, I also want to be hammered."

"Just breaking the bridge of your nose can make you rich and free. It's really good luck."


As the old saying goes, money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible.

Luo Quan knows that money is paramount in today's society, and the general public is all focused on making money, but it is indeed a bit sad that values ​​have reached such a level.

Let's not talk about who is right and who is wrong in the beating. After all, the official report does not have too many details. I don't know whether it was the passers-by who provoked first, or the secretary who was used to it. If it was the former, Luo Quan felt that beating was right.

But if it's the latter, how did these people come to the conclusion that "Si Cong is still a man of songs"?
If you have a bodyguard, you don't have to beat someone with your own hands, you are a man, right?
That's true, if the bodyguards were to beat people, the bodyguards would be detained, and at most he was spending some money.

But on the other hand, the nature of this behavior of instigating bodyguards is not necessarily a simple fight.

But even so, there are still people applauding him on the Internet, and they even wish they were the ones being beaten.

This kind of thinking is quite distorted, it is completely licking the rich without a bottom line, and it is the same as those who licked the young master of Wanliu Academy before.

Luo Quan can't understand the psychology of such a person at all, because no matter how much you lick, you won't get any benefit, but other people will see your ugly face.

But even so, there are still many people who are willing to be the loyal dogs of the rich, even throwing away their dignity for this.

Luo Quan flipped through the comments, and saw a word between the lines, that is money worship.

It is a pity that worshiping money is not illegal, nor should it be blamed morally.

Although these people promote bad values, there is no law that prohibits them from doing so.

She had satirized it before, and now she posted another one, which made her seem like she was hating the rich.

At that time, it would be too funny. The top richest women in China and even Asia would hate the rich. No one would believe it if they said it.

Li Benglebai lingered in Luo Quan's mind for a long time, but he didn't send it out after all.

"For those who celebrate the new year, it's better not to cause trouble for the big guys." Luo Quan comforted himself in this way.

"By the way, sister, have you received the invitation from the Baifa UP master of station B?" Leon said suddenly.

"No." Luo Quan shook his head, "Bilibili just became popular when I was popular, so I'm not interested in doing this.

Now the platform of station B is quite big, but it is no longer the turn of old ups like me to participate.

What, you have been invited to participate in the Hundred Years Ceremony? "

"Yeah, I'm not talented, it's one of the top 2020 ups of [-]!" Leon tugged on his collar with a smile.

This smug look made Luo Quan curl his lips: "I've learned how to speak politely, but I don't remember that you have ever operated seriously at Station B?"

"That's because you didn't pay attention, okay?" Leon showed his elder sister a look at his mobile phone. His account at station B already has more than 100 million fans.

Don’t look at the number of big Vs on Weibo who have a large number of fans, but in terms of authenticity, Station B is much higher. The ratio of real people among the 100 million people is quite high.

"Sure, I have accumulated so many fans in less than a year." Luo Quan said in surprise.

If she remembers correctly, apart from her, there are only a handful of celebrities who have entered Station B with more than a million fans. Many celebrities have not even made a splash after entering Station B.

And Lyon, as a foreigner, can still flourish at Station B, which is really rare.

"When I come to Kangkang, what do you usually talk about?" Luo Quan clicked on Leon's contribution history, and found that he was actually an up host doing gossip.

Just like when he was broadcasting live, Lyon's video content is also chatting.

The secrets of the European royal family, the fortune history of the American chaebol, and the appearance behind the glamor of Hollywood are all very eye-catching but not very nutritious.

"That's right, I thought you would make videos that don't require technical content and are easy to go viral." Luo Quan put down his phone and gave his brother a thumbs up.

In fact, it’s okay to eat and broadcast, what makes Luo Quan speechless the most is don’t laugh at the challenge and Cengfan, boring and mindless, but still have such a high traffic.

How embarrassing is this for those up owners who are serious about content?
If she takes over station B, the first thing she will do is to limit the traffic of all these rotten up owners in the living area, and then direct all the traffic to those skilled, knowledgeable, and capable ups.

"Actually, not all of my videos are like this." Leon chuckled, "At the beginning, I really planned to do food broadcasts, just to show Chinese fans what Americans usually eat.

However, I made a few videos, and most people focused on the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the renminbi. Just earning U.S. dollars and spending U.S. dollars can cause a lot of quarrels, so I decisively gave up this genre. "

"There are indeed many Chinese people who like to argue about this." Luo Quan nodded in agreement.

When she usually looks at foreign food, as long as the price is marked, someone will definitely say that it is cheap, and that she will definitely not be able to eat it for the same money in China.

Of course you can't eat it. The US animal husbandry industry is so developed, pork and beef must be cheap.

What's more, the number of people in China is several times that of the United States. It is really impossible for China's per capita meat consumption to reach the level of the United States.

"So, you've switched to chatting?" Luo Quan continued to look at Leon's video, but the more he looked at the expression, the more strange it became.

For example, when we traveled to Tokyo together in July, Leon posted a video, opening his mouth to reach the tallest tower in Asia.

Subsequent video titles are even more outrageous, such as the taste comparison between electronic cigarettes and Chinese, I was born by my mother, American bald eagle with cheese, my buddy is here to rap with you, and a collection of thimble emoticons......

In addition to Thimble, Guai Ling and He are also the objects of his jokes.

His videos are like a hodge-podge of internet memes, at best they are keeping up with current events, at worst they are committing crimes against the wind.

At any rate, he is considered half of the Chinese entertainment industry, but there is really no other abstract star like him.

"You are too abstract." Luo Quan scratched his head, not knowing what to say for a moment.

She also likes to play this meme in live broadcasts, but she doesn't make a special video to play memes, let alone reach the level of direct integration of Lyon.

Facing his sister's complaints, Leon replied with a normal expression: "Netizens like memes, so why don't they play memes, and I have one-sided most-favored-nation treatment for memes, so I won't be sanctioned."

"One-sided favorites are here." Luo Quan recalled his history in junior high school, "Do you know what this is, and you dare to take it no matter what it is."

"I know, Mia explained it to me." Leon laughed, "After the explanation, I was shocked, thinking that I dare to finish this kind of stalk, but at the beginning I told everyone not to do it, it is easy to cause accidents.

But they said there is no need to worry, because the master in New York is the master, and the review of station B dare not embarrass me.

I know I'm joking, but as you can see, these videos of mine have not been blocked, and the playback volume is quite high, which has gathered a large number of fans for me. "

"Abstract fans are not so easy to serve, don't worry about retaliation." Luo Quan kindly reminded his brother, as far as he knows, none of the Internet celebrities in China who have become famous by attracting abstraction have been able to retreat unscathed.

Of course, Leon may be a little bit special at all. After all, before him, no one would have thought that a foreigner could play domestic memes so smoothly.

Fortunately, Leon is not playing abstract memes without thinking. His business ability is actually the key to keeping his fans alive. His rap skills are a lot ahead of his peers, so that he can get close to one million for any singing video. playback volume.

This is also the reason why he can become the top [-] up master. It is impossible to enter the top [-] by relying on abstract culture alone.


Leon looked at the old lady and asked, "I've finished recording all the videos of the New Year's Eve party at station B this time. I just heard yesterday that you're going too. Do you need me to make another video for you?"

"No need." Luo Quan shook his head lightly, "It was originally interspersed, and then I recorded it with you, editing is a big problem, and the stage effect is not as good as the live scene after all.

But don't we have a program in the Spring Festival Gala, you just need to rehearse seriously. "

"You said that?" Leon laughed, "I never thought that you would perform such old-fashioned music on such an important stage."

Luo Quan immediately retorted: "Then how can it be called old-fashioned? This is full of sense of age, okay?

Besides, this style of music has stood the test of time, and people just like this kind of music.

The Spring Festival Gala is a program watched by more than one billion people. It is definitely not acceptable to be too elegant or vulgar. "

"It makes a little sense, but..." Leon still felt that the style of the song was a little too vulgar, in other words, it was earthy.

But I have to admit that it is extremely magical while being in the soil, and there will be no fewer people who hate it and those who like it.

"Okay, don't think so much about what you have and what you don't have, just prepare for the show with peace of mind." Luo Quan patted his younger brother on the shoulder, "If you perform well this time, maybe you will become popular all over China and become a well-known domestically. The highest foreign star!"

"Are you serious?" Leon didn't really believe it. I've only had 100 million fans after working on Bilibili for so long, and I became popular all over the country by singing a song in the last Spring Festival Gala. Why don't I believe it? "

"Hey, believe it or not, you'll know when the time comes." Luo Quan didn't argue with his brother too much, just wait and see.

Soon, news about Si Cong was updated on the Internet, saying that the two parties reached a settlement, and Si Cong spent 200 million yuan to avoid detention.

However, the reports are not authoritative media, so the credibility is doubtful.

But what is certain is that Si Cong will definitely reconcile.

After all, when it’s Chinese New Year, relatives and friends come to visit Lao Si’s house and ask where your son is, how will you answer then?Could it be that he spent the New Year in the police station?That's too embarrassing.

Therefore, even if Si Cong wanted to gamble, the old Si might not agree to it, and most likely he would save money and avoid disaster.

As for whether it can reach the sky-high price of 200 million, the possibility is quite low.

The richest man's money did not come from a strong wind, and it was far beyond the record of the amount of compensation for a minor injury settlement. If so much money is really spent on the settlement, wouldn't that send a signal to the outside world that Jazz will get rich from time to time?
Therefore, the amount of compensation will definitely not reach 200 million, and about 15 to [-] is a more reasonable range.

Considering that Si Cong is a public figure and has a star effect, the fee can be increased as appropriate.

As a result of the follow-up processing, Luo Quan didn't pay attention any more, but began to edit the company's new year plan.

While Luo Quan was writing furiously, Xu Yanqing had already arrived at Bai Xingwei's house.

"What are you doing?"

Bai Xingwei and Xu Yanqing don't have much friendship, and Luo Quan must be the only one who can make this big star come to the door, so he said: "If you are here to find Luo Quan, then I can only tell you that she has already returned to her hometown. It will take a while to come back.”

"Then is there any way I can contact her? I have something to say to her." Xu Yanqing looked very anxious, as if it was something urgent.

"Yes, yes..." Bai Xingwei hesitated for a moment, not sure whether Xu Yanqing was trustworthy or not.

Although Luo Quan talked happily with Xu Yanqing and Chu Yueyan before, she didn't know what the relationship was, so she said:

"Well, you wait here for a while, I'll ask Luo Quan first, and see if she's free."

"Okay, no problem!" Xu Yanqing immediately nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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