Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1020 New Year's Eve: Overwhelming the beauty of the body

Chapter 1020 New Year's Eve overwhelms the beauty of the body

"That's how things are, do you want to see him?" Bai Xingwei looked at Luo Quan in the mirror and asked.

After Xu Yanqing told herself that she was looking for Luo Quan, she immediately used the consonance mirror to find her who was taking a bath.

I don't know it's nothing, it seems that every time Lingxijing contacts Luo Quan, she is either in the shower or has just taken a shower.

As before, after admiring Luo Quan's flawless ketone body online, the camera was pointed at the ceiling again, and then there was something to talk about.

"Okay, you can ask Xu Yanqing to wait for a while, I'll be done here soon." As he spoke, the sound of running water came from the camera.

Five minutes later, Luo Quan dried his wet hair, wrapped himself in a thick pajamas and straightened the camera, and the scene shifted to the bedroom.

At this time Xu Yanqing was also brought in by Bai Xingwei, and the three of them sat in front of the mirror, Luo Quan spoke first: "What can you do with me?"

"I was actually a little embarrassed at first, but after careful consideration, I feel like following you!"

Unlike the last time we met, when we met again this time, Xu Yanqing's eyes were obviously more yearning and convinced.

If the two were still on the same level before, when Luo Quan showed his true face at the annual meeting and completed the performance, the level of the two was completely different.

With unparalleled beauty and exaggerated creative ability, everyone can see the potential of Luo Quan, not to mention that she has the Church of Dawn as a backer, which also makes her a rather thick thigh.

What is the reason why Xu Yanqing has been in the entertainment circle of Huanyu for many years and has not been able to get any closer?
Isn't it because of the lack of a backer?

The other female stars who are not as good-looking as her and not as good-looking as her are just willing to let go, find a strong backer, and become a first-line star without any effort.

Sometimes she envied this way of becoming famous, but she just couldn't make up her mind.

But today she is finally willing to compromise with the reality, but the object of the village is a woman, which is equivalent to a compromise, but not a complete compromise.

"It seems that you are willing to join the company that I haven't established yet." Luo Quan smiled when he heard this, "But it's not good to follow this word. Although I am the boss, we both have equal status, both inside and outside the company.

Your willingness to join my company is your trust in my ability, and what I can do is to repay your trust. "

"With your words, I feel relieved." Xu Yanqing also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Originally, I thought that I had rejected Luo Quan once before, and it might not be so smooth to turn around now, but I didn't expect Luo Quan to ignore the past, and readily agreed to his request to join the group, and even gave her face in this way.

It can only be said that she is worthy of being a woman who can be a virgin, but the pattern is different.

And just when Luo Quan was about to discuss the details of the contract with Xu Yanqing, the system suddenly said:
"Issuing a mission: Let Xu Yanqing become a star on Earth, and reward the senior with a randomly selected gift bag!"

Luo Quan frowned, thinking that the system would pick the time. As soon as he declared that he wanted to give it to his own employees, the system immediately followed up and released the task.

So Luo Quan changed his words and said: "Yanqing, I have an opportunity to study here, are you interested?"

"Further study?" Xu Yanqing didn't quite understand what the new boss meant, "Is it for me to learn more skills? I can only play the piano and act now. It's really weak, but I'm not as good as you, boss. Ability.

Things like art require talent, and my talent is obviously not in it. "

As Xu Yanqing spoke, she subconsciously straightened her chest for the first time. A simple movement of her who has reached the J cup is enough to set off a storm.

For most people, talent is a relatively abstract concept that needs to be displayed through some medium.

And Xu Yanqing's talent is very straightforward, it is visible to the naked eye.

"Haha, that's not what I mean by studying." Luo Quan denied it with a smile, "I mean you can come to my place for a while to experience the entertainment environment of an ordinary planet.

I think that things like entertainment have many things in common. Maybe you can find the answer to many things that bother you when you come to me.

On the other hand, if you come here for a vacation, you can temporarily stay away from the intrigues and strife in the universe, relax your mind, and maybe you will become more energetic after you go back. "

This pile of words is completely Luo Quan's fooling Xu Yanqing, but there is nothing wrong with the last paragraph. For Xu Yanqing, arriving on the earth is indeed equivalent to a vacation.

As for Xu Yanqing herself, although she doesn't quite understand Luo Quan's intentions, the boss definitely won't harm her, so she nodded without thinking too much: "Since you said so, boss, I'll come over and take a look... Send me the coordinates of the earth, and I'll order a starship right away."

Xu Yanqing knew that Luoquan's hometown was on the border of Huanyu, which was very far away from Huanyu Star, and it would take many transfers with the teleportation circle, compared with the speed of interstellar spaceships.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Luo Quan waved his hand with a smile, and directly took out the arbitrary door.

The two distant spaces were immediately connected, and a random door appeared in front of Xu Yanqing.

After the door was opened, there was a lot of white flowers inside, and I couldn't see what was there.

"Don't worry, you'll be there through the door." Seeing that Xu Yanqing seemed hesitant, Luo Quan comforted her.

The boss said so, Xu Yanqing naturally had the courage to walk in.

As Luo Quan said, she just walked through the door and entered Luo Quan's room, and she didn't feel any discomfort.

"The air may not be as good as Huanyu, you have to tell me if you feel uncomfortable." Luo Quan reminded Xu Yanqing immediately.

She hasn't done much research on the air composition of Huanyu, so she doesn't know if the living environments on both sides are similar.

But since she can breathe freely in Huanyu, it is reasonable for Xu Yanqing to come here without any major problems, but it is always right to be careful.

But Xu Yanqing's answer was: "No, I think the air here has an indescribably sweet smell, and it's not the same as the scent on your body, Boss, it should come from the air."

These words made Luo Quan blush, thinking why Xu Yanqing's focus is so strange.

But she really couldn't smell any other scents in the room. After all, she didn't use air fresheners or anything like that. Apart from her smell, there wouldn't be a second smell in the room.

In this way, Xu Yanqing can indeed feel the special fragrance from the air, and only people from Huanyu can feel it, which is very curious.

But right now is not the time to care about this, Luo Quan raised his head and looked at Bai Xingwei again: "How about Xingwei, do you want to come over to have fun too? We are also celebrating the New Year here, and the excitement is no worse than that of Huanyu Xingwei. .”

Luo Quan's invitation really touched Bai Xingwei's heart, but thinking of the upcoming Martial God Trial, she still shook her head: "Forget it, my upcoming arena is very important, and the opponent is not weak, so I have to shut up for a while." The time is off, and you have to study your swordsmanship and cultivation well."

Hearing that what Bai Xingwei was going to do was a serious matter, Luo Quan didn't force it, but just asked a specific time for the trial, and planned to go to the scene to cheer her on when the time came.

Turning off the Consonance Mirror, Luo Quan looked at Xu Yanqing who was sitting by the bed: "This is my bedroom, it's not too big. If you think it's too small, I can find you a more spacious room tomorrow."

"It's really not very big." Xu Yanqing agreed with Luo Quan's words.

She doesn't have many mansions in Huanyuxing, only about [-] sets. As for the size of the bedroom, it should be more than [-] times that of this place.

But she doesn't have claustrophobia either, so the room should be smaller, anyway, it only needs to be three feet wide to sleep.

"Speaking of which ones do you use for daily necessities, you need to go back to Huanyu to pack them before coming here?"

At this time, Luo Quan remembered that Xu Yanqing's daily necessities should be different from the ones on the earth. Considering personal habits, he prepared to take out any door and ask her to go back and pack up her things before coming back.

But Xu Yanqing shook her head: "I carry all my daily necessities with me, after all, sometimes I have to leave immediately to film after receiving the announcement, so I don't necessarily have enough time to pack.

So I carry all these things with me, and they are all stored in the dimensional pocket.

Besides, traveling, conditions and family are almost normal, I am not so delicate. "

Luo Quan didn't know how to respond to Xu Yanqing's words.

Obviously what she can arrange is the best treatment on this planet, but it still makes her feel that she is still a bit ill-received.

There is no way, Xu Yanqing's previous living environment was not at the same level as the earth, if it wasn't for the system's mission, she would not have let her come here for a vacation.

But now that it's here, the procedures that should be done can't be left behind.

Luo Quan first exchanged Chinese and English learning materials from the system mall, which are for those who want to learn foreign languages, but she already knows these two languages, so she never changed her.

If you take it to an educational institution, you can collect copyright fees based on the content in it and get soft.

It's a pity that the education and training industry has been wiped out, and the significance of these two sets of books is not so great. On the contrary, it is quite useful to Xu Yanqing, allowing her to quickly learn the two most widely used languages ​​​​on the earth.

"The first task is to learn these two languages."

Luo Quan put two thick books in Xu Yanqing's hands: "The comparison between the characters of the Holy Tang Dynasty and these two languages ​​has been marked, so it won't be difficult to learn."

"I don't dare to say anything else. I can still learn, especially language." Xu Yanqing said confidently.

Because of the needs of the performance, when she was filming Star Detective, she was asked by the director to learn the languages ​​of many planets, at least more than 100 languages.

Although most of them learned only one or two sentences before grandpa can no longer use them, she also took this opportunity to prove to netizens that she is not only dedicated to her job, but also has quite good learning ability.

It's a pity that I didn't focus on this point of marketing at the beginning, otherwise, I would have dreamed of attracting the favor of a large number of film and television drama fans. Now thinking about it, it is really a pity.

"Okay, you learn first, and I will solve the identity problem for you."

As Luo Quan spoke, he took out his cell phone and rummaged through the address book.

As a completely black household registration, Xu Yanqing has no trace of existence on this planet. It is not impossible for her to obtain household registration and ID card in Huaxia, but she has no relationship in this regard, and it is relatively difficult to achieve it.

In comparison, it would be easier to start from the United States.

As an immigrant country, the United States usually doesn't care about your origin.

Of course, the premise is that you can create value.

The situation would be embarrassing if the refugees who smuggled into the United States were purely for the sake of living a good life.

If you are lucky, you will be taken in and properly placed when you meet Bai Zuo, who is overflowing with the heart of the Virgin Mary.

If you are unlucky and encounter a red neck, you will either be stopped outside the high wall, or have a gun pointed at your head, or be directly repatriated.

As a beacon, the United States does not want the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled even if it needs poor people to do labor. Some strong black people are willing to come here to do rough work.

Generally speaking, if you don't want your past to be questioned, starting with the United States is a good choice.

As far as Luo Quan knows, even black household registration has a clear naturalization process in the United States.

First of all, you need to set up a company in the United States, and then inject a certain amount of funds. After a series of formal operations, you can obtain the qualification to go to the embassy for an interview.

If nothing else, a rich man can get a green card smoothly.

In the next period of time, you will settle in the United States, abide by the laws and regulations, pay taxes on time, and you can become a U.S. citizen after living in the United States for five years.

This time can be shortened even more if you start a company that offers multiple jobs.

If there is a relationship, it is estimated to be faster.

This is one of the reasons why Luo Quan chose the United States, and the other reason is that his father knows a lot of people in the United States, so there must be nothing to say about the relationship, and it is more convenient to do things.

So she immediately made a video call to her father.

"Haha, my dear daughter actually called herself. Did she want to say a Happy New Year to her father who is alone?"

On the other end of the video, Eric is sitting in the office, smiling as brightly as a flower.

Although he said that he only called his father when he had something to do, he definitely couldn't say that at this time, so Luo Quan warmly said a happy new year to his father.

Although the New Year for Westerners should be Christmas, but it seems to be Christmas the day after tomorrow, so there is nothing wrong with saying Happy New Year.

"Haha, Dad is so happy to have your greeting."

Eric sat up straight from the armchair happily, and asked, "Tell me, what's the matter with Dad suddenly, did you encounter any difficult problems?"

"How come, I came here specially to send holiday greetings to Dad." Luo Quan's eyes widened in surprise, as if Dad, how could you misunderstand me.

(End of this chapter)

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