Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1021 New Year's Eve: Overwhelming the beauty of the body

Chapter 1021 New Year's Eve overwhelms the beauty of the body ([-])
"Daughter, your acting skills are no match for the two-time Oscar winner." Eric grinned, laughing at his daughter's exaggerated expression.

Luo Quan, whose thoughts were seen through, chuckled: "There is indeed something to do, but this does not prevent me from wishing you an early year."

"Tell me, what kind of problem would make my omnipotent daughter come to her useless father."

Luo Quan couldn't help laughing at the father's funny words: "It's a friend of mine. She has a black household registration without nationality. I want to help her get a green card in the United States. I don't know how to do it more conveniently?"

"It's simple." Eric was very disappointed when he heard his daughter's request. He thought it would be some unsolvable trouble, which would allow him to show his strength.

It turned out to be such a simple thing, even ordinary people can do it with a little money and time, and it is not difficult for him at all.

"After you send your friend's name, photo, date of birth and other information, I'll ask someone to arrange it immediately." Eric didn't pat his chest, but his tone was firm, as if this matter was on me .

"Then thank you dad." Luo Quan showed a bright smile, "By the way, let me ask a question, dad, what channel did you use to do this, will it cause investigation by relevant departments, and what troubles you will encounter? ah?

If there is such a hidden danger, then go the normal way. "

"It seems that daughter, you still don't know much about America."

Eric got up and made himself a cup of coffee, then sat down on the chair: "The United States is a capitalist country, where money is the least, and if you have money, you can do a lot of things, or let others do a lot of things for you.

And when your father was young, he traveled all over the world and made many friends. In the United States, he even knew many high-ranking government officials...fu~~~"

Eric took a sip of coffee while talking, and then continued: "I will have the opportunity to introduce these uncles to you in the future.

As for high-level officials, they need a lot of money to run for office, and to fulfill their promises to voters during the election, such as providing jobs in their constituencies, improving benefits for workers, etc., all of these require a lot of money and connections.

At this time, your father will often give generously to solve some urgent needs for them.

In exchange, they will also give me a helping hand when I need help. In China, this is called reciprocity and sophistication. "

"Then you are offering bribes?" Luo Quan covered the phone, and his voice became as quiet as a mosquito.

After listening to my father talk a lot, I was a little dizzy at first, but the more I listened to it, the more something went wrong, and finally I realized, isn’t this the ability to make money?
"In the United States, this is called political donation." Eric corrected some of his daughters' mistakes, "The national conditions of each country are different, and political donation is a very normal behavior in the United States, and everyone does it.

Besides, arranging a naturalization quota is a very simple matter for an immigrant country itself. "

Luo Quan shook his head: "I'm not talking about this, I'm afraid that one day the FBI will suddenly come to the door and invite you to the bureau for tea."

Eric laughed: "Daughter, you don't have to worry too much. The FBI won't come to trouble me because of this."

"Since you say so, Dad, I won't ask any more questions, but you have to make sure you won't get yourself into trouble." Luo Quan reminded again at the end.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem." Eric once again gave an affirmative answer.

After the phone hung up, Xu Yanqing also sat down: "How about it, boss, is it done?"

"No problem, just take a photo."

Luo Quan took out his mobile phone, asked Xu Yanqing to sit upright, and took a photo of her ID.

Soon, Eric received a photo from his daughter.

Clicking on it, he was choked up as he was drinking coffee: "God, what did you grow up on?"

As a prodigal son in love, he was well-informed when he was young, but he hadn't seen much like this in the photo.

"No wonder it is said that Quanshui Entertainment is the base camp of top beauties. It's really not built." Eric shook his head and sighed.

But suddenly, he thought of a problem.

His daughter is so beautiful, she has already made countless boys fall in love with her.

But as far as he knows, his daughter, who is almost 24 this year, has never even talked about a serious relationship, and more than once she has said that she does not plan to fall in love for a long time in the future.

Unmarriageism is very common in the United States. Many of the brothers who played together back then were unmarriageism.

But like a daughter who doesn't even talk about love, and has very few friends of the opposite sex, it is indeed rare.

However, her company has signed a contract with a large group of female artists whose appearance can only be described as top-notch.

Moreover, many of these female artists eat and live in the same villa with their daughters, and their relationship is so good that there is nothing to say.

At first glance, it seems to be nothing, which reflects that the daughter is approachable.

But if you think about it carefully, will your daughter have a tendency towards les?

Otherwise, why doesn't she fall in love, and then is so keen on collecting beautiful artists?

Some things are afraid of pondering, and the more Eric ponders, the more suspicious he becomes.

Although he is very open-minded, he feels that his daughter's sexual orientation doesn't matter.

But the key point is that she is a very well-known star in the world, and the entertainment industry does not have a high tolerance for celebrities who come out of the closet.

In the early years, many celebrities had their careers collapsed because of coming out of the closet, and even encountered massive attacks from public opinion.

In recent years, the atmosphere has become slightly better, but the public is not as tolerant of this matter as imagined.

Especially since my daughter is so well-known, if it is exposed, I don't know how many negative reports will be incurred.

Of course, this is based on the fact that the daughter is Les.

It's also possible that he thought too much himself, and his daughter simply didn't think about it.

But it's not easy for him to ask directly about this kind of thing, and even if he asks, the answer he probably gets is denial.

"What can I do?" Eric took a sip of coffee, and the bitter taste that was originally used to refresh himself became dull.

And Luo Quan didn't know that her father was caught in endless brainstorming because of a photo of his ID. She was taking a full-body photo of Xu Yanqing, and then she was going to announce it to fans.

"Do you need me to change into something sexier?"

Xu Yanqing asked with a charming smile, there were various styles of clothes in her carry-on clothes.

Having been in the entertainment industry for many years, she knows what people like to watch most.

The pure and lovely airport is no match for the enchanting, plump and sexy.

So dressing boldly is a good way to quickly soar your popularity.

However, Xu Yanqing's proposal was rejected by Luo Quan: "You don't need to be too bold, even if you dress conservatively for your figure, you are already top-notch, if you deliberately wear some unrestrained clothes, it will look cheap instead.

People are always in a frenzy for the unattainable, so the more in shape you are, the more conservative your outfit should be to start with.

Of course, it’s not okay to be too conservative, lest someone say that you are both right and upright.

So this speed needs to be controlled well, your body is pretty good now, you can directly use it as a standard for reference. "

What Luo Quan said made Xu Yanqing fall into thinking.

I remember when I debuted, because I knew my figure and appearance were the biggest advantages, so I unscrupulously showed this in front of the screen, thinking that my appearance and figure are so outstanding, there is no reason why I should not be popular.

In fact, I have been popular for a while, but not for a long time. When netizens and fans have seen too much of my appearance in film and television dramas, but can't see further appearances, boredom will appear.

In the final analysis, when I debuted, I stretched the scale too much, and basically reached the limit of the entertainment industry, and there is nothing to increase, which affects the subsequent operations.

Luo Quan's words have completely awakened her, everything needs to be done step by step, haste makes waste, so it's better not to appear so frivolous in the photos of her debut on Earth.

"I understand, boss, I will completely follow your arrangement." Xu Yanqing's tone now became completely convinced.

"It's good that you understand." Luo Quan stood up, "Come here first, and clean up your room. It's a little crowded now, but I'll find another spacious place to live in later."

"Don't be so troublesome." Xu Yanqing smiled, "I have passed the stage of pursuing a luxurious life, and now I just want to learn new things from you, boss, and return to the top of the universe entertainment circle!"

As she said that, she held the two language compendiums given by Luo Quan in her hands and raised her hand: "Just give me a bed, and then I have to learn these two languages ​​as soon as possible."

"You are so self-motivated, and I, the salted fish boss, feel a little embarrassed." Luo Quan joked with a smile, then opened the door and walked into the corridor.

Just as Xu Yanqing was brought to an unoccupied room, the nearest door opened, and Wen Xia walked out from it.

Seeing Luo Quan, she originally wanted to ask what she had for lunch today, but the girl next to her made Wen Xia's eyes stare like light bulbs.

"I'll go, where did this big, big, big beauty come from!"

Speaking responsibly, Wen Xia has been in the Korean entertainment industry for so many years, and she has never seen a girl with such an outrageous figure, not even a single one!

After thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no such model in the domestic entertainment industry.

"This is Xu Yanqing. She is of Chinese descent. She used to live on a small island in the Pacific Ocean. She just returned to China recently. She doesn't speak Chinese very well." Luo Quan opened his mouth and made up a life experience for Wen Xia.

"Hello." Xu Yanqing just flipped through a few pages of the Quick Chinese Encyclopedia, and there was this word on the first page, and she only knows this word now.

"Hello, hello, Miss Xu." Wen Xia held Xu Yanqing's hand with bright eyes, and shook it twice excitedly.

"Now that Yanqing has signed a contract with the company, she will live at home for the time being." Luo Quan said as he pushed the door of the room open, "Yanqing, this is your room, with its own bathroom and bathroom, it's time for dinner I will ask you to come downstairs to eat together.

If you want to eat other things, you can also order takeaway, but the premise is that you can eat food from the earth, after all, the quality of the ingredients here is not as good as that of Huanyuxing. "

"Let's try it later, I still have a lot of quick-heating food in the storage space."

Xu Yanqing's requirements for food are actually quite high. If the situation does not allow it, she usually would not eat such bad-tasting food as quick-heating food.

As for the earth's food, you have to eat it to know whether it suits your taste.

"Then I'll go in and study first, sometimes you call me." Xu Yanqing greeted Luo Quan and entered the room.

Wen Xia also immediately brought Luo Quan back to the room, and immediately asked after closing the door: "Where did you recruit a... so... RUA girl?!"

Wen Xia clasped her hands into a ball and gestured for a long time, but in the end she could only describe Xu Yanqing with an abstract voice.

Luo Quan chuckled: "Do you believe me when I bumped into it on the street?"

"Believe it!" Wen Xia nodded madly, "I believe everything you say now."

"Then that's fine." Luo Quan took out his mobile phone and posted the photo he took of Xu Yanqing to his feed, and then attached a text: "There is a new member in the Quanshui entertainment family. Everyone warmly welcomes you."

Although he is not a professional photographer, as a director, Luo Quan's control of light and shadow, depth of field, and overall layout is quite in place.

In the photo, Xu Yanqing was standing by the window, the curtains drawn on both sides cast the sunlight on her body.

The close-fitting dark turtleneck sweater was originally a very conservative style, but the overly turbulent figure made this sweater feel overwhelmed and astringent.

The contour curve is so obvious that it forms an S with an extremely exaggerated ratio.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely eye-catching photo.

As soon as the news was released, it immediately became the hot search on station B.

After seeing the photos, Luoquan fans went directly to the comment area and began to get sick:

"Luo Bao is really getting better and better. Where can I find such a sister Rong Rong?"

"Is there really such a figure? The visual inspection has reached J. Only in comics can there be such an outrageous figure!"

"Small branches bear fruit, either technology or cruel words."

"Still pictures are hard to see, and dynamic videos are needed to identify, so Luo Bao, please make some videos, don't force me to kneel down and beg you!"

"With this figure, just standing there is eighteen bans."

"Don't throw away the wrong one. It's obviously too big to affect the appearance, but the tall figure allows her to express her plumpness to the extreme. I would like to call it the strongest in the entertainment industry!"

"Overwhelming the beauty of the body, beauty in this world is not symmetrical. When certain advantages reach the extreme, it will also bring unparalleled allure."

"You are all discussing whether her figure is good or not, but I only care about whether her shoulders are tired or not."

"I didn't expect Luo Bao to take so many breaks. Not only was he not idle, but he also found such a fierce newcomer. I must give him a big compliment."

"Hurry up, hurry up, I'm going to see a newcomer tonight!"

"Second, please Luo Bao!"

(End of this chapter)

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