Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1022 New Year's Eve: Overwhelming the beauty of the body

Chapter 1022 New Year's Eve overwhelms the beauty of the body ([-])
The density of barrage at this time is at the top level in Luoquan's live broadcast throughout the year.

The end of the year is approaching, and fans have been looking forward to what kind of work Luoquan can do.

After all, in their minds, Luo Quan has always been a well-rounded person who likes to surprise fans, and it has never been her style to live broadcast in a conventional way.

However, this year's intermittent live broadcast time is not too much, and the content is relatively mediocre.

But this time, I finally encountered a real surprise.

Originally everyone thought that the cosplay promised by Luo Quan would be the last live show at the end of this year, but who knew it would be a photo of a newcomer?

We have seen many beauties, but it was the first time we saw the big sister in the photo.

"Whoever has a thunderstorm in his chest and doesn't change his face can worship the general!"

"Jinglei fell into the purple gold hammer this day."

In the comment area, some fans were probably overly excited and posted some bullet screens of unknown meaning.

With the barrage environment of move B, of course, it does not express the inner thoughts as nakedly as the post bar, so it will use implicit or metaphorical methods to refer.

Of course, even if the expression is implicit, you only need to look at it to know what you mean.

And when the netizens were discussing enthusiastically, Wen Xia also came over to join in the fun:

"I also just met this sister. I am definitely more beautiful than in the photo. I hope everyone will support and pay attention to the newcomer of Quanshui Entertainment."

As a veteran of the company, every time there are newcomers, Wen Xia will come out to welcome them as soon as possible.

But usually it is on Weibo, but this time Luo Quan only posted photos on station B, so she also commented here.

And seeing another "witness" come out, the fans immediately asked:
"Wen Xia Wen Xia, what's the name of this sister? Is she from Huaxia?"

"This appearance, shouldn't be a foreigner?"

"I know better how old this sister is. Don't get me wrong, I'm asking about age."

"You better ask your age. Doghead.jpg"

"Is there any information such as height and weight?"


Netizens threw the question to Wen Xia, but she herself only met Xu Yanqing once, so she didn't know much.

Considering that Luoquan will broadcast live tonight, Wen Xia didn't intend to spoil it, but replied: "Let Luo Bao tell you the answer tonight, I won't spoil it here."

"Can this also involve spoilers?"

The fans are speechless, but fortunately, there are only a few hours until the evening, so just wait for a while.

In the living room on the first floor, Luo Quan was reading comments from netizens, most of whom were amazed at Xu Yanqing's overly explosive figure.

How else can we say that the environment of Station B is good? If it is posted on Weibo, it is estimated that half of the ten will accuse Xu Yanqing.

After all, with her figure, just standing there is already considered a charming boy, which is a "felony" on Weibo.

"Quanjiang, where is the new sister Xu?"

Junko also finished class at this time, and asked about the situation of this junior who was older than her.

As the first artist to join the spring water company, Junko's seniority in the company is quite high.

It's just that because of his relatively meek personality, it makes people feel that there is no majesty.

And this time, Xu Yanqing took the initiative to care about the newcomers because Xu Yanqing's advantages were too prominent, which made her very curious.

"Yanqing is learning Chinese in her room. Why, you also want to say hello as a senior?"

Luo Quan asked with a smile, but Junzi's answer was very straightforward: "I want to meet someone who really has such an Oupie?"

As she said that, she looked down at her unsatisfactory European style, and sighed: "Quanjiang, I have tried all the recipes you recommended, but there is no improvement at all. Is there something wrong with those recipes? ?”

From very early on, she, Wen Xia and Yun'er have been asking about Luo Quan's breast enlargement secrets
What yoga, papaya, diet therapy, let Luoquan provide various methods.

But persisting until now, it doesn't seem to have much effect, which makes her very distressed.

And Luo Quan's answer made Junzi's face even more bitter.

"Actually, there is no so-called secret to breast enlargement in the world."

Luo Quan's eyes became deep, like a philosopher: "There are too many people in Oupai, and others will mistakenly think that there is such a secret, but in fact it is all about physical talent.

There are some things that you are not born with, and it is difficult to obtain them through natural means.

Just like the height, it is destined to be only 1.6 meters long, and it is useless to eat anything, but it can be raised by surgery but only 1.6 meters five.

The same is true for Oupai, but after all, fat is more important to it, so eating more meat and then strengthening exercise will still have an effect, but the effect may not be particularly obvious. "

"That's it." Hearing this, Junko still retained some hope despite being disappointed.

In fact, she didn't have this kind of anxiety before. After all, the company is generally not particularly outstanding, and only Quanjiang stands out.

As the boss and the most beautiful in the world, it is not unacceptable to have such a proud figure.

But now there is a newcomer, whose figure is even more exaggerated than the boss, which makes Junko's heart become uneasy, so she raised such a question.

"Okay, I'll cook your favorite braised pork at noon, you can eat a few more pieces, and if you stick to it for half a year, I'm sure it will work!"

Luo Quan patted Junzi on the shoulder and smiled: "After all, girls who love braised pork won't be too thin."

"That's true." Junko rolled her eyes angrily, "But if this is the case, I don't know how fat I will be."

Pure fat accumulation can of course have the effect of breast enlargement, but the price is that the whole body will also gain weight along with it.

After all, no one has the ability to gain only one part of the body like Luo Quan.

Under Luo Quan's rhetoric, Junzi's body anxiety was finally calmed down.

In order to welcome the newcomers, Luo Quan specially cooked himself and made a sumptuous lunch.

Facing everyone's expectant eyes, Xu Yanqing seemed a little uncomfortable, showing a little embarrassment.

This surprised Luo Quan. Originally, she thought that Xu Yanqing was a strong woman. She was so strong when she was fighting with other female stars on the TV station. She didn't expect that she seemed to be a different person now.

Although she didn't understand the reason, she didn't ask more questions at the table, but waved her hand: "Eat!"

During the time Luo Ni was at home, she often trained the girls.

It is generally believed that girls should be able to cook and do housework, which is actually wrong.

But considering that if you are alone, cooking technology is indeed a must-have skill.

In the beginning, Luo Quan was the only person in the house who could cook, and the others usually let Luo Quan cook or order takeaway.

It's not that Wen Xia Junzi and the others don't want to do it by themselves, but they practiced it once or twice, and after finding out that dogs wouldn't eat what they made, Liu temporarily gave up.

After Luo Ni came, Wen Xia and the others finally found someone to ask for advice.

Although Luo Quan's cooking skills are better, but she usually has a lot of things to do, it is difficult to teach them hand in hand.

But Aunt Luo is different, her food is not bad, and she has plenty of time.

In addition, Luo Ni also enjoys the fun of being a teacher, and usually catches a few girls into the kitchen to teach when she has nothing to do.

After more than a month, at least I taught a few girls a few home-cooked dishes.

I can't say how good the taste is, but at least it can be eaten without diarrhea.

After being able to cook and cook, the girls also frequently searched for recipes on the Internet, then practiced them by themselves, and asked Teacher Luo for advice when they encountered problems.

If this continues, within half a year, everyone's cooking skills can basically become decent.

Of course, even if they become proficient at cooking in the future, they still prefer to eat the food cooked by Luo Quan. After all, her taste cannot be tasted by any other chef.

"Come, try a piece of my braised pork." Luo Quan said to Xu Yanqing in Huanyu dialect.

She saw Xu Yanqing looking at the dishes on the table with chopsticks, not knowing where to start, so she made a recommendation.

Xu Yanqing doesn't have any fat or thin requirements for meat, as long as it tastes good.

The braised pork that the boss pointed out looks pretty good, but the oil is shiny, I don't know if it will be too greasy.

After picking up a lump of braised pork that had been cut into squares, Xu Yanqing opened her mouth and gently bit down half of it.

Originally, she didn't have much expectations for the cooking skills in remote places. He often tastes the craftsmanship of the world star super chef, and food is not a luxury for her.

As for the cooking skills of the boss, Xu Yanqing didn't think at first that she could reach the same level as her appearance.

But after eating this piece of braised pork, Xu Yanqing was shocked.

The strong stimulation of the taste buds, the perfect combination of various spices and soft rotten meat, is this really the cooking of remote places? !

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Seeing Xu Yanqing's surprised eyes, Luo Quan already knew the answer.

"It's so delicious... Aww." Xu Yanqing said and ate the remaining half of the meat in one bite, "Boss, did you learn this cooking skill from which chef in Huanyu?"

Luo Quan said with a smile: "It's not in Huanyu, it's a chef on Earth named Tang Niu."

"How is that possible!" Xu Yanqing couldn't believe her ears, "I'm sure that this cooking skill is already close to the level of Taoism, which means that not only you have reached the top level in singing, musical instrument performance, and composition, but even your cooking skills are also very good. Are they all at this level?"

Luo Quan nodded lightly: "Almost, and I know more than that. I will show you slowly when I have a chance in the future."

"Then you are exaggerating too quickly." Xu Yanqing said with dark eyes, "For an all-rounder like you, Boss, you can't find two slaps in the whole world!"

Luo Quan smiled and said, "That's why I dared to say such bold words at the beginning. Otherwise, with many unique skills, how dare I recruit a big star like you for the first time?"

"Boss, don't make fun of me." Xu Yanqing grinned awkwardly, "I admit that I was blind to gold and jade at the time, but I can't blame me, after all, the boss at that time, 99 out of [-] people would miss it .”

Saying that, Xu Yanqing took another piece.

Seeing that she has such a good appetite, Luo Quan didn't answer the words to affect her meal.

After lunch, Xu Yanqing went upstairs with her stomach full.

Luo Quan came to the room and closed the door, ready to ask some doubts she noticed at the dinner table just now:
"Yanqing, I remember when we met before, you were an image of an independent strong woman. Why do you feel that you came downstairs to eat just now, with a social fear on your face?"

"Because I'm like this in private." Xu Yanqing didn't hide anything, and said directly: "It's not a social fear, it's just that I don't know how to get along with friendly people.

In front of the camera, fans, and opponents, I can appear very confident, but in private, I am not very good at getting along with people, and I often stay at home alone.

That's why I don't even have an assistant.

But boss, you are an exception. When I get along with you, I don’t seem to have the feeling of wanting to alienate. This is probably because your affinity is relatively strong. "

"I didn't even know I had this kind of quality." Luo Quan stood up, "Then you continue to study, live broadcast tonight, and I'll call you when the time comes."

"Okay!" Xu Yanqing gestured to Luo Quan according to the new vocabulary she had just learned.

"Put what you've learned so quickly?" Luo Quan smiled and left the room.

In the evening, under the constant urging of fans, Luo Quan finally turned on the live broadcast.

"Hurry up, why don't you understand how reserved you are at all?" Luo Quan looked at the camera and blamed these impatient fans.

Soon, a paid barrage was on the top:
"It's not that we are in a rush, but mainly because we want to see the ceiling of the entertainment circle."

"Is that what you call Yanqing?" Luo Quan asked with a smile.

But one thing to say, there is really no one in the entertainment circle with a better figure than her.

"In short, let's answer some questions that everyone is more concerned about.

The newcomer I sent the photo today, named Xu Yanqing, Chinese-American, grew up in a remote island in the Pacific Ocean, neither in China nor in the United States.

Height 171, weight I don't know, age is 25 years old, as for the others, I can't say, just make up my own brain. "

Luo Quan seems to have said a lot, but it seems that there is nothing nutritious.

Fans expressed a little disappointment after hearing it. They thought it was a Chinese, but they didn't expect it to be a foreign nationality, and the most important thing is that they haven't got the key information yet.

Brainstorming?How does this make people think?
But just when the fans were complaining and were about to complain to Luo Quan, the room opened.

Xu Yanqing just walked in without warning, without warning the audience.

She was still dressed the same as in the daytime, with a dark sweater and cool makeup.

But the dynamic she and the static she are completely different concepts.

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room finally understood what it means to have rough waves between gestures and gestures.

Originally they thought that Luo Quan was already invincible, but one came out today, even fiercer than her.

(End of this chapter)

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