Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1031 Accidental Discovery

ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you!

"Who is this?"

Near noon, Wen Xia, who got up and went to the living room to look for breakfast, saw Ye Zhining and asked curiously.

"This is my manager, named Ye Zhining." Luo Quan replied with a smile, "This is Wen Xia, my good sister who has played with me since I was a child, and is also an artist of the company."

"Hello." Ye Zhining looked at Wen Xia with a cold but friendly smile.

Wen Xia said in surprise: "Where did Luo Luo find such a beautiful sister to be her manager? This beauty is more than enough for her original debut!"

"I met at dinner, we hit it off right away, and we had a great conversation, so we hired her to be my manager."

Luo Quan's explanation was mixed. She and Ye Zhining did meet at dinner, but they fell in love with each other as soon as they saw each other, so it depends on how you understand it.

Ye Zhining must be very happy. She loves her concubine every time. She can't wait to have a wedding in the bridal chamber that night.

And Luo Quan only knew that he was almost poked out at that time, and it was really dangerous.

If you have achieved the ultimate in any industry, you must have a level, and you cannot simply use an elegant or vulgar label to label it.

But to say it's vulgar, it's actually hard to say it, because it's Luo Quan's work, these two words are gold-lettered signs, and they were created especially for the Spring Festival Gala, how could it be associated with vulgarity?
However, the fact is that Wen Xia's first reaction after listening to the song was that she felt dirty. It reminded her of the square dance BGM that was constantly noisy outside the window when she was a child. It was brainwashed and loud, and at the same time had an unbearable Follow the magic of humming up.

"I don't read much, so don't lie to me." Wen Xia said hesitantly, always feeling that Luo Quan was fooling her.

For example, when you talk to a guy who claims to be a Chinese, and you say court jade liquid wine, if he can't answer one hundred and eight cups, then he must be a foreigner.

After much deliberation, the director team decided to let another marriage urging skit replace Luo Quan's spawning skit. After all, getting married and having children, the result must come first.

And when everyone is rotten, her show will be set off even more exciting.

" feels a bit earthy." Wen Xia said with some embarrassment.

Xu Yanqing hadn't seen the Empress for a long time, and it was normal that she didn't recognize her for a while.

In fact, Ye Zhining discovered this problem a long time ago, but she didn't take it too seriously.

Whenever similar music sounds, I will stop thinking about reading and studying within a period of time, and my mind will all fly out of the window.

When it comes to offline, these people would not dare to do this even if they had 1 guts, and even if they were stared at by the empress for a long time, they would feel terrified.

In order to cover up her appearance, Ye Zhining also modified her face with disguise earrings, which was quite different from her original face.

After thinking about it for a long time, Xu Yanqing still didn't recall where she saw Ye Zhining, it could only be regarded as the result of the sense of sight after arriving in the new environment.

Hearing Wen Xia's complaints, Luo Quan replied: "You don't know about this. As the saying goes, the great sound has no sound, the elephant has no shape, and the elegant is close to the vulgar. The extreme of vulgarity is elegant, and the extreme of elegance is vulgar.

In a blink of an eye, only Luo Quan and Ye Zhining were left.

"It's already quite short. The civilizations of many planets need tens of thousands of years to comprehend from the use of flames to the invention of steam engines."

These are all reasons, and in the short term, there is no solution.

Fortunately, I didn't recognize it. If I did, I'm afraid I would have to kneel on the ground with a plop.

However, Wen Xia had a different opinion on this: "You mean the song you sang with Leon in the living room a few days ago?"

So the new idea of ​​foreign daughter-in-law seems interesting at first glance, but when you think about it carefully, the public may not necessarily buy it.

Luo Quan looked at Ye Zhining with clear eyes, without the slightest dodge or hesitation.

"Can a second-level civilization have such a treasure?" Ye Zhining felt that Luo Quan must be joking, but judging by her appearance, she was completely telling the truth.

"It must be popular all over the country." Luo Quan replied confidently.

Luo Quan nodded triumphantly: "That's right, isn't it very touching?"

Luo Quan smiled confidently: "No, I still have a chorus with Leon. Do I need to say more about the strength of Phoenix Legend?"

Of course, the details are not humane, it can only be her and Ye Zhining's secret.

When I was a child, I often saw on TV that there may have been civilizations with extremely advanced technology in the ancient times of the earth, but for some reason, these civilizations died out.

"What else can I hide?" Luo Quan didn't understand why Ye Zhining asked.

After all, Luo Quan is busy with affairs now, and she is handling all matters of the company, so she really has no skills at all.

But one thing to say, being able to write songs to this extent is indeed not something that ordinary people can do.

So in comparison, urging marriage is more important than giving birth.

And Luo Quan, who has gone through the rehearsal, can only say that netizens are still too hasty, and soon last year's session will not be the worst, because there is a high probability that this year will be even worse than last year.

Although there are so many people saying hello to Empress YY on the Internet, quite a few of them are from the God Blessing Federation. Although there are many people from the Holy Tang Dynasty, they are on the Internet after all.

As for this skit to urge marriage, Luo Quan felt that it would be good if it didn't have the opposite effect.

But now, the increasingly tense international relations have prevented foreigners from appearing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for a long time. Even Luo Quan, who has a foreigner face, has been the only one for several years.

But now the development of human civilization is only about 1 years. I don't know if this is long or short in Huanyuxing. "

Then the quarrel between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law turned into a quarrel between husband and wife. Seeing that the conflict was about to intensify further, the mother-in-law offered to make concessions and was no longer in a hurry to hug her grandson.

But the director's team didn't think so. Of course, it's possible that the director's team had no choice.

If the answer came out, it even expanded to: how is this wine, let me brag to you and so on.

After all, it was the time when Huaxia was rapidly expanding its influence internationally, and the whole country was immersed in a stage of yearning for a sense of international identity.

Speaking of which, these codes are known to Chinese people through previous Spring Festival Gala.

If this song is really performed on the Spring Festival Gala, she feels that people across the country will not be able to sleep well during the Spring Festival.

"Anyway, look forward to your and Leon's performance in the Spring Festival Gala. Maybe next year the combination of Legend of Phoenix will become popular all over the country." Wen Xia sent her blessings.

However, Luo Quan can only guarantee that his own program can be reversed. As for other people's, he can only ask for blessings.

"By the way, Luo Bao, didn't you say that you have a sketch in the Spring Festival Gala, why haven't I seen your rehearsal?"

Luo Quan is not a citizen of the Holy Tang Dynasty, so he cannot understand what the empress means to them.

There is no reversal in the plot, plain and simple, and the foreign daughter-in-law is the only novelty.

When Wen Xia heard Luo Quan's answer, she was a little curious about when Luo Quan went out to eat, but she didn't ask further.

In the end, the whole family had a happy time in the kitchen, reunited and made buns—dumplings—smashing!

If foreigners can speak Mandarin fluently, it will be very popular, and they can directly rise to the level of international friends, and even perform frequently on the Spring Festival Gala, and they are deeply loved by the audience.

Last year's Spring Festival Gala was awkward from beginning to end, and was rated by netizens as the worst Spring Festival Gala in history. It took more than four hours to find a show that was above the pass line.

But the song that will be on the Spring Festival Gala this time seems a little strange to Wen Xia.

Today, when the entertainment industry is getting worse and worse, if the car is really reversed, the audience will not know how happy it is.

Everyone was applauding to welcome, only Xu Yanqing was full of doubts while applauding, wondering why this Ye Zhining looked so familiar?
It is necessary to mention that not many people know the real name of Empress Sheng Tang. Most people only know that the country's surname is Ye, and they don't know much about the rest.

It is definitely not elegant, the melody and lyrics are so straightforward that children can understand them.

But although she is not good at music, she still listens to a lot of songs and knows what is elegant and what is vulgar.

"Our current level of technology is indeed not high, but it doesn't mean that the level of technology in ancient times was also so low.

In the past, the Spring Festival Gala was about making memes and stars, but now, who is popular and who goes to the Spring Festival Gala, and then frantically plays bad memes, the gap can be seen at a glance.

"My concubine, do you still have something to hide from me?" Ye Zhining stared at Luo Quan closely, with a sharp gaze that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

In the past, when the company was small, she could still manage her life and work in an orderly manner without a broker or assistant. As for now, she really needs a few more people to help her share her worries.

With her musical quality, saying such things in front of Luo Quan is equivalent to an ignorant bandit accusing Confucius of being uneducated, and she is so shameless.

After lunch, Leon took Mia out for a walk, Luo Ni was going to teach her little daughter how to speak, and Xu Yanqing was going to continue learning Chinese.

Any praise and thumbs-up from foreigners can make people smile proudly and feel honored.

"I said that I picked up a treasure, and this treasure allows me to travel through space, does your majesty believe it?"

After welcoming the newcomers, Wen Xia asked about it.

There is no doubt that this must be a Chinese.

Before the Spring Festival Gala, Luo Quan was invited to act in a skit that gave birth. The general plot was that a foreign daughter-in-law and her husband came to China to celebrate the New Year.

In recent years, the number of newborns has continued to decline. The direct reason is that people do not want to have children, but the fundamental reason is that people do not even want to get married, let alone have children.

The hot dance of the girl group she is famous for is vulgar, but who doesn't like fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged girls singing and dancing to the accompaniment of brainwashing melodies?
And Luoquan's well-received classical music is elegant, but there are definitely not as many people who are willing to listen to it as the strong songs and dances of the girl group.

If it was placed around 08, this skit may still make the public feel quite interesting.

In short, this sketch of mine was killed after one rehearsal. Fortunately, she has another singing program, and she can still appear on the Spring Festival Gala.

What is an agent password?

After a while, everyone went downstairs to have lunch. Luo Quan introduced Ye Zhining to everyone just as he had introduced Xu Yanqing before.

Facing Wen Xia's question, Luo Quan truthfully explained the situation, causing Wen Xia to feel sorry for a while: "I was looking forward to your sketch... Then this year's Spring Festival Gala is nothing to watch."

Compared with the songs she heard when she was a child, Wen Xia felt that Luo Quan's song was more brainwashing than anything else. After listening to it, she played the melody in her mind for half an hour before going to sleep at night. stop.

But after returning to the room, Luo Quan realized that Ye Zhining's complexion didn't seem to be very good-looking, and he looked preoccupied.

This time, for the sake of popularity, she prepared a "secret code" level divine comedy.

"Your Majesty, why are you swollen?" Luo Quan asked with a smile, "What makes you so sad?"

There are also advanced versions of similar codes, such as the total price of Palace Yuye Wine and Sledge Hammer and Small Hammer, how many steps it takes to close the elephant in the refrigerator, two woods are double beds, ten woods read what, and so on.

But now, she really wants to hear Luo Quan explain why a second-level civilization can have the technology of teleportation across the star sea.

It is difficult to have both, but Luo Quan has done this, so she is a genius.

As for why they don't get married, there are many reasons, such as gender conflicts caused by female boxing, sky-high bride price, pressure from garages, and the disloyalty of some people to marriage and love caused by the collapse of rituals and music.

The quality of a piece of work is not so simple to draw a conclusion, but also needs to be evaluated by a broad audience. "

"You said that your home planet is a second-level civilization that has not yet developed controllable nuclear fusion technology, so how did you come to Huanyu Planet?"

The foreign daughter-in-law also understood her mother-in-law's feelings and began to learn how to be a good mother.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had conflicts, and a ridiculous debate about domestic and foreign customs, ideas, and cultures began.

It is said that Internet celebrity brainwashing songs have no gold content, but how many can really write Internet celebrity brainwashing songs with more than one billion plays?

The foreign daughter-in-law did not want the world of the two to be destroyed so early, so she never agreed.

But this time, she intends to set the Spring Festival Gala back more than ten years and return to the level at the beginning of the century.

Ye Zhining thought about Luo Quan's words, and murmured: "But even if it is a lost civilization, it shouldn't be impossible to retain any technology."

"So what did Your Majesty see on the Internet that suddenly became concerned about this matter?" Luo Quan asked curiously, intending to get to the bottom of it.

"I didn't see anything." Ye Zhining shook his head slightly, "I just discovered that my strength was suppressed by this world, which I have never experienced on other planets.

Ordinary planets absolutely do not have such abilities, which means that your home planet Earth is definitely not as ordinary as you imagined. "

"There is such a thing?!" Luo Quan opened his mouth in surprise when he heard this, but he had already expected it in his heart.

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