Chapter 1032
"Boldly ask, what is your majesty's martial arts cultivation level?" Luo Quan asked curiously.


Ye Zhining raised her legs and smiled domineeringly: "The exercises I practice are slightly different from the traditional martial arts exercises, in addition to my own accumulation, it also includes the luck of the Holy Tang Dynasty.

The combination of the two is the emperor.

Combat power is above entering the Tao, and you don't know exactly how fierce it is, but you should have a deep understanding. "

"Indeed, it's quite violent to come and stop every now and then." Luo Quan curled his lips and teased.

But she blinked her eyes and hurriedly asked: "Your Majesty said just now that your strength has been suppressed, so how much is left now?"

Ye Zhining's face was solemn: "It's hard to say, the coercion of the law of heaven here is much stronger than I imagined. I, who used to crush the sky-rank warriors, now probably have a hard time cleaning up the ordinary ground-rank warriors."

"That's it..." Luo Quan's eyes suddenly flashed.

She is now a warrior of the human-level Blood Tempering Realm. Although she is only one step away from the Earth-level, in terms of real combat power, most of the warriors of the Mortal Transformation Realm of the Earth-level are not her opponents.

Of course, with the degree of development of the Huanyu network, the process of Fa-rectification on the spot can definitely be watched and studied at will, so if Ye Zhining really has this idea, he will not be helpless.

"Don't be so shy, I didn't say anything."

"Don't, can't you just stay here?" Luo Quan said and put his hand on Ye Zhining's shoulder, wanting to test her depth.

Except for Wen Xia, no one else knew.

Luo Quan's voice was like the whisper of a succubus, tugging at Ye Zhining's heartstrings.

In fact, she came back on purpose to see if Ye Zhining had made up her mind, and the result was about the same as she expected. Her Majesty the Empress talked about her beloved concubine and wanted her to be executed on the spot, but in fact it was just talk on paper, and she probably never moved. Really.


Breaking through Luo Quan's secrets also rekindled his curiosity.

Although she has seen some advertisements for similar products through advertisements, she has never dared to make up her mind to buy one and try it.

Going downstairs, although he didn't know what Ye Zhining was doing, Luo Quan was sure that the empress would not want to be disturbed now.

This appearance made Luo Quan feel that Ye Zhining must have just glanced at these props after finding them last night.

Just looking at it last night made her blush and her heart beat.

Even if all the cards in the hole are played, the average soul enlightener is still capable of fighting.

"Mo Yan panics Your Majesty, I'm not a bad person." Luo Quan smiled playfully, eager to try for a while.

Ye Zhining twisted twice, but found that she couldn't break free from Luo Quan's grasp.

"I just had an idea suddenly, that is to compete with His Majesty.

Luo Quan refuted Ye Zhining's point of view, and at the same time found that the immobilization technique on his body had also disappeared.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

If there was a crack in the ground at this time, Luo Quan would definitely get in right away.

In that case, it would really be a scene where Luoquan had no misery.

"Joke, how could I want these things!" Ye Zhining flatly refused.

Compared with the high-tech items on Huanyu, the low-tech props in Luoquan's drawer have more original visual impact.

When Luo Quan saw this scene, his eyes almost popped out: "How do you know where these things are!"

With a soft "touch", the door closed.

Your majesty has reached the pinnacle of cultivation, and his understanding of martial arts must be far better than mine. If you can give me some pointers, it will definitely benefit me a lot. "

In fact, she has never used these props. In the deep palace, before she succeeded to the throne, all the purchases were made by the chief manager.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I disappeared immediately." Luo Quan quickly grabbed the water glass and left the room.

And as the release approached, the frequency of popular searches and promotions became a little higher, and I saw several hot searches on different related topics almost every day.

I have always held the dominance, how dare my concubine turn against Tiangang? "

And Aifei's cell phone, which was not turned off, just happened to stay on Taobao.

Now that this is the case, she simply has no shame: "I only used this thing before, and I haven't touched it for a long time.

Or is it that the publicity strategy was wrong from the very beginning, resulting in such a small effort.

"Your Majesty misunderstood, I just want to learn from His Majesty, but I don't have any other thoughts."

So after receiving the water, I opened Weibo on the TV in the living room, wanting to see today's hot spots.

In this way, the strength of the domestic film industry can be stimulated, the environment can be changed, and the film market can be stimulated at the same time.

"Nonsense!" Ye Zhining's voice suddenly rose, "How could I have used such a thing!"

But if "The Wandering Earth 2" continues to be released in such a Buddhist way, it may suffer a loss after it is released.

But Ye Zhining blushed and said nervously: "My concubine, what are you doing, let me go!"

But there is one thing to say, this movie, which was shot in less than four months, was comparable to her in terms of production speed.

"It's easy to say." Ye Zhining smiled slightly, "When I return to Huanyu, I can personally guide you every day."

Isn't this 300 taels of silver here?
Luo Quan grinned when he saw this: "I forgot to take the water glass, Your Majesty, you continue, I didn't see anything."

Just about to say something to relieve the awkward atmosphere, Ye Zhining seemed to be fascinated by studying these props on the bed.

But no matter what it is, it shows that Ye Zhining doesn't seem to be as serious as he looks on the outside.

What does Luo Quan look like when he uses these things?
What does it look like when you use these yourself?
How to use these things, what kind of experience?
A mess of thoughts filled her mind, each of which was so difficult to express.

"No matter how clean it is, hygiene still needs to be considered. What does it look like when it's sloppy?"

Seeing Ye Zhining in a daze for too long, Luo Quan yelled softly twice.

Ye Zhining raised Luo Quan's hand on her shoulder, then turned her head and squeezed her face: "If I hadn't tried a little trick, I really wouldn't have found out what my concubine was thinking.

She knows that Taobao is the largest shopping website in the country where Aifei is located, and it has all kinds of products.

Of course, it's a bit embarrassing for people like Luo Quan to be dug out of reward items.

As the saying goes, blocking is worse than sparse, forcibly suppressing nature is not good. "

"If you don't have it, you don't have it. Why are you so excited?" Luo Quan looked at Ye Zhining's pretty blushing face, and thought to himself that the empress also had times of shyness.

Konghelan is the name of a poem written by a patriotic general in ancient times.

Now I have finally caught the opportunity, but I must return it well.

Luo Quan packed all the props on the bed with a storage pocket: "I have carefully cleaned and sterilized these, absolutely clean!"

This unexpected discovery in Luoquan's room was entirely caused by her impolite behavior because she couldn't sleep at night.

However, Ye Zhining's urgent explanation was misinterpreted by Ye Zhining's own will.

At that moment, her imagination was like a wild horse galloping across the field of fantasy.

The setting in the movie is the last words of this patriotic general, and the whole plot revolves around this poem.

The actors are pretty good, but there are also many controversial characters.

"I couldn't sleep last night, so I got up and looked around in the room, looking for something interesting to play with, but unexpectedly, I found it.

That's why Luo Quan was careful not to embarrass Ye Zhining too much, lest she become angry and use those reward items on herself.

"It's true that it hasn't been used for a while, and I haven't even smelled it." Ye Zhining nodded in approval.

And this sentence successfully made Luo Quan's blush turn into a monkey's ass: "It has no taste at all!"

In fact, there is still half a sentence left, that is, I don't know what you want to do.

I didn't dare to read more, or I didn't have the nerve to read more.

"I have a shop here to buy these props. If Your Majesty likes it, you can buy it directly with your mobile phone."

Being immobilized this time is stronger than last time, at least this time he can talk.

Luo Quan stuffed the storage pocket into the original drawer, then turned around and walked to the door: "I'll go downstairs to get some boiling water."

And I didn't notice it at all last night.

Now that there are all the witnesses and material evidence, Luo Quan doesn't even have a chance to argue.

Ye Zhining smiled presumptuously, and felt that this Luo Quan was really cute: "But it's better not to use this thing in the future. The technology is backward and unhygienic. Huanyuxing has better ones."

Ye Zhining was the only one left in the room. She glanced at the interface on Luo Quan's phone, feeling a little hesitant in her heart.

What is this hinting at her?

Combining the two, the painting style is even more strange.

After she finished speaking, she paused for a moment, then laughed again: "I forgot that my concubine is Wugou Glazed Body, bacteria and viruses don't seem to matter."

Ye Zhining looked at Luo Quan with a smile, and the words "I understand you" filled her eyes.

Of course, it's not the case now. Ye Zhining didn't sleep in the middle of the night, rummaging through boxes and cabinets and found all of her rewards.

I don't know if the director is too confident and feels that there is no need to make a big fuss.

As Ye Zhining said, she got up, pulled out the leftmost and bottom drawer of Luo Quan's wardrobe, and then buckled it on the bed, and poured out a bunch of colorful things.

Judging from the dark and gloomy movie posters with serious and tense expressions, this movie should take the suspenseful route.

When she was controlled by Ye Zhining before, she was frequently manipulated.

But Luo Quan's words just now made her suddenly enlightened.

Luo Quan said softly: "Actually, it doesn't matter if it has been used. A sage in our country said that there is also food and sex, and there are needs for products, and these needs come from instinct.

But if you click on the trending search, there will be several trending searches related to "Empty River Blue".

Moreover, there just happened to be ready-made props here. "

In comparison, "The Wandering Earth 2" has a longer preparation time and higher production costs, but there is no publicity news.

Although she was manipulated in the opposite direction, Luo Quan was still quite calm. After all, she hadn't done anything harmful to Ye Zhining.

Unexpectedly, Ai Concubine, she looks quite serious on the surface, but she is playing a lot of fun behind her back. "

Perhaps Zhang Guoshi is conceiving a very new type of film. As Luo Quan is a junior, and he has not seen the finished film yet, he will not make any comments.

And combined with Ye Zhining's statement, the strength of the two should be about the same now, and maybe he is even stronger!
Wouldn't that just say, hia—hia—hia~~
"My concubine, why are you smiling so obscenely all of a sudden?" Ye Zhining noticed that Luo Quan suddenly giggled, and there was a sinister air about it.

The props for rewards that Ye Zhining dug out were bought on Taobao through Wen Xia's introduction.

"Well, what's the matter?" Ye Zhining came back to his senses and looked at Luo Quan.

However, the next second, the door suddenly opened.

However, when Luo Quan was about to fumble down with his hand, he suddenly found that he couldn't move.

"I didn't do anything!" Ye Zhining was so anxious that he almost slapped his thigh, "My concubine, if you do this again, I will get angry."

So Luo Quan said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you said that there are more and better products like Huanyuxing, so you must have similar shopping and using experience. Take this opportunity to share."

Unlike the nervousness she pretended just now, Ye Zhining seemed to be really embarrassed this time.

Ye Zhining hesitated for a moment, but still mustered up the courage to pick up the phone, then found the purchase record and clicked in.

Later, when he succeeded to the throne, he was busy with government affairs, so he gradually stopped thinking about these things.

Considering that this patriotic general was one of the most aggrieved loyal ministers in ancient times, his ending must be tragic.

Although she is not a fan of sci-fi movies, she still hopes that "The Wandering Earth 2" will be a box office hit like the previous one.

However, the actors also acted in sketches and comedies, so the style of painting seemed a little strange.

"If Your Majesty likes it, I will give you all these for research."

But it doesn't matter, Aifei seems to be quite relaxed, which is a good thing.

Ye Zhining slid her fingers on Luo Quan's creamy face, feeling the beauty in the world with her concrete sense of touch: "I don't have the talent to be a teacher in martial arts, but there is another thing that can be taught by example.

"Damn... that's hasty." Luo Quan showed a surprised look. It seemed that Ye Zhining's panic just now was just faking, and her strength didn't drop too much at all!
"Aifei, it seems that you are very dishonest."

Ye Zhining trembled all over, quickly switched to another software, and explained: "I checked the news and didn't watch that."

"Haha, I didn't expect His Majesty's strength to be suppressed so severely that I subdued him without any effort." Luo Quan couldn't help laughing when he saw Ye Zhining like this.

Besides, isn't it normal to have this kind of thing? There should be similar products for sale on Huanyuxing, right? "

Food and sex, these are human nature, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

There are many benefits, but the premise is that "The Wandering Earth 2" must be a good movie.

However, judging from the trailer, Luo Quan has not found anything amazing for the time being.

Moreover, it would be more enjoyable to watch a movie with special effects on a big imax screen in a cinema. Ordinary screens and speakers don’t have that kind of atmosphere at all.

But anyway, this Spring Festival she decided to contribute a movie ticket to "The Wandering Earth 2".

(End of this chapter)

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