Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1033 New Year's Eve

Chapter 1033 New Year's Eve
"By the way, how long will I be an aunt?"

In the living room, Luo Quan asked Mia who was reading a book.

"My due date is May, and the doctor asked me to go out more during this time to bask in the sun."

Mia caressed her sizable belly, and smiled happily: "There are still four more months, and the baby is about to come out. Leon is staring at the calendar in the room every day now, wishing to tear it up until May."

"Normal, every expectant father should be anxious and urgent during this time." Wen Xia answered while knocking on the melon seeds.

But she suddenly saw something, and immediately frowned: "Luo Bao, your belly seems a little big."

After speaking, he reached out and touched it.

As the one with the best figure in the room, Luo Quan's S-curve is perfect, with the front convex and the back curved, the joint in the middle is flat and well-proportioned, and there is almost no fat to be found.

But now there is an obvious bulge, and it's not because the clothes are too bloated, it really exists.

After stroking it for a while, Wen Xia looked at Luo Quan with eyes as if seeing a ghost: "Luo Luo, you have gained so much weight recently, the fat on your stomach is not small."

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

What was originally a non-existent incident was described more and more darkly by Wen Xia, and Mia sympathized with it for a while, and now the whole room knew that she was "pregnant".

"Who told you that a big belly means you're pregnant?" Luo Quan was almost pissed off by Wen Xia, "It can't be because I overeat and get fat every day, I can't simply get fat, right?"

But just after taking a few shots, Luo Quan felt a sharp pain in her stomach, as if a big hand grabbed her intestines and tore them fiercely, so that she immediately nestled on the sofa and rolled over .

"Oh." Luo Quan replied coldly.

"This is indeed an unorthodox and serious exercise. It is forbidden to practice with pictures."

"It's good if you know you're wrong." Luo Quan didn't care about anything, and got up and went upstairs.

"Then why did it still hurt so much in the end?" Luo Quan rubbed her stomach with lingering fear, it was so painful just a few minutes ago that she could only call her mother.

It’s definitely okay to shoot like this in normal times, but it’s okay to do it like this when you’re pregnant!
"My aunt, you didn't do that to die, did you?"

For this reason, she even stood up and lifted her coat, revealing her figure covered by a tight sweater.

After waiting for ten seconds, she walked into the room, only to find Ye Zhining sitting at the computer desk and surfing the Internet.

Before returning to the room, Luo Quan specially knocked on the door, so that Ye Zhining would not be in a hurry to clean up.

"My beloved concubine, why did you say that? I haven't done anything shameful!" Ye Zhining's face was upright and awe-inspiring.

It's okay if you don't lift it, this lift directly exposes the bulge around the navel.

But the big guy in the living room saw that it was a false alarm, and returned to the room after complaining a few words.

Leon was furious at this moment, and seeing his sister in pain was about to burst into tears, he wished he could shoot that irresponsible man with a bullet.

"It's very simple. There is no problem that can't be solved by a double repair. If there is, then come a few more times."

Ye Zhining stared: "Bold, you know I'm joking and dare not laugh!"

"The harmony of heaven and earth, yin and yang, doesn't sound very serious?" Luo Quan felt that Ye Zhining seemed to be fooling himself, so he questioned it immediately.

However, the reason for her anxiety was only because her perfect body was destroyed, and she regretted that she should not have eaten too much of those pills that Bai Xingwei gave her, resulting in overnutrition.

However, Luo Quan had no fetal gas, but she was really going to be pissed off by Wen Xia.

"Hey, this matter is an oolong."

Luo Quan told Ye Zhining the ridiculous thing that happened just now, and then added: "It was a simple stomachache, but they yelled at me, it made me feel like I was going to have a miscarriage."

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault." Seeing that she couldn't argue, Wen Xia could only surrender.

Since practicing martial arts, she has hardly suffered any injuries, and the Wugou Glazed Body has raised her body to the point where she is invulnerable.

Ye Zhining waved her hand, and said seriously: "My concubine's stomach is swollen because of the accumulation of too much true energy in her dantian.

Luo Quan looked at his mother speechlessly, not knowing what to say for a while.

"How could there be fat." Luo Quan didn't notice this at all, and thought Wen Xia was teasing her on purpose.

Ye Zhining's words sent a chill down Luo Quan's back, but soon she said again: "Fortunately, my concubine has a Wugou glass body, and her body's toughness is far beyond that of ordinary warriors. It’s like, you still didn’t notice it at first.”

Even if it was really as miraculous as Ye Zhining said, Luo Quan didn't intend to try it.

"I don't know either, maybe it has something to do with my practice." Luo Quan replied, rubbing his belly lightly.

"It must be very serious. If it were an ordinary person's dantian swollen like this, the pain would be too painful to get out of bed. If it was a little bigger, there might be a danger of the dantian bursting and the martial arts being useless!"

"That's all, since my concubine doesn't trust me, then it's as if I didn't mention this method."

Ye Zhining couldn't hold back in the end, and laughed out loud: "Actually, it's very simple to solve the turbulence of zhenqi, all you need is a strong external zhenqi to guide the zhenqi in your body to flow in the correct meridians , and reduce the speed.

"Then what should we do?" Luo Quan also understood the seriousness of the problem at this time, and nervously asked Ye Zhining for a solution.

"Isn't Aifei talking nonsense?" Ye Zhining spread her hands, "Every part of your body is so swollen, and you still have to pat it like a gong or drum, whoever hurts you if you don't?

Wen Xia murmured, "It doesn't seem as simple as fat."

"Ouch...I really...haven't!" Luo Quan was in excruciating pain now, and when he heard Wen Xia's words, he became even more angry, and the result was that his stomach hurt even more!

"Is she really pregnant?" Luo Ni held her daughter's hand tightly, "This is a family, so don't hide anything."

Wen Xia pulled a tissue to wipe off the fine beads of sweat on Luo Quan's forehead, as if taking care of a seriously ill patient.

"You too, you make a lot of fuss when your belly is a little fatter, and there are so many things involved!" Luo Quan glared at Wen Xia, and said angrily.

The human dantian is just like the stomach. Although it can go in and out continuously, the storage space is limited. Once the speed of going in is much faster than the speed of going out, the part of the dantian will be stretched, which is reflected in the body as the belly becomes bigger. up. "

"Is it wrong to care about you?
"Wen Xia knew she was wrong, but she still defended in a low voice: "Besides, who made your belly suddenly grow so big, anyone who saw it would think it was pregnant. "

"Isn't this to give Your Majesty some privacy?" Luo Quan explained with a smile.

Ye Zhining didn't deny this, but said at the same time: "But its effect is real, I'm absolutely lying."

"'s not necessarily a simple stomachache." Ye Zhining reached out and squeezed Luo Quan's wrist, and began to feel her pulse like an old Chinese doctor.

Wen Xia quickly turned Luo Quan who was lying on the sofa in the shape of a shrimp: "Don't shrink into a circle, be careful not to squeeze the baby!"

Especially something like Shuangxiu, you can't believe a word of it.

However, he has never been injured or experienced any pain, which also led to Luo Quan's extremely low tolerance to pain, and his reaction to any movement in his stomach was extremely violent.

Ye Zhining also shook her head at this time: "Unexpectedly, I have a heart of love, but I have a hot face and a cold ass. The concubine really hurts my heart."

"Luo Luo, how long has it been since you came to Auntie?" Wen Xia sat down next to Luo Quan with concern, and already began to guess in her heart whether her friend had something to hide.

Luo Quan nodded for a while: "That's because I thought too much."

When the pain was severe just now, she noticed that the internal force in her body surged very violently, which was abnormal, so she guessed that the pain and the strange swelling of her stomach were related to it.

"Not pregnant, why is your stomach so big and your reaction is so exaggerated?" Leon also noticed the change in the elder sister's figure at a glance, and then raised doubts.

For the rest of her life, she didn't want to experience this terrible feeling again.

"It was originally." Ye Zhining showed a smile, "By the way, Aifei, there seemed to be a lot of movement downstairs just now, did something happen?"

"Alright, alright."

"Do you want me to show you the sanitary napkin in the toilet's trash can?" Luo Quan felt speechless, "If you think about it, you know it's impossible, you just eat too much."

In addition, there is Ye Zhining, I believe she can also see the problem.

"Then why did this happen?" Luo Quan asked nervously, "If there is a problem with the dantian, the consequences will be very serious, right?"

"Sister, there seems to be something wrong with your belly." As a pregnant woman, Mia knows the difference between pure fat and pregnant belly.

Speaking of which, Luo Quan raised his hands and patted his belly quickly, like a happy little seal.

"Haha." Luo Quan grinned, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Why don't you call it such an exaggeration?" Luo Ni showed a disappointed expression after receiving her daughter's affirmative answer.

On the other hand, Luo Ni supported her daughter with a distressed face, not knowing what to do to relieve her pain.

"I think His Majesty just wants to take advantage of me." Luo Quan has learned his lesson now, and only half believes Ye Zhining's words.

"Aifei, do you still have to knock on the door to enter your own room?" Ye Zhining turned her head, feeling that Luo Quan was a little funny.

Just when Luo Ni was thinking about whether to inform Eric of this matter, Luo Quan finally recovered.

At the same time, Luo Ni was very nervous. She was afraid that her daughter's mysterious boyfriend was an irresponsible scumbag just like the young Eric.

"Okay, okay, no, no, don't be so excited, too excited is bad for's not good for your health." Wen Xia didn't dare to argue with the parturient woman, lest she make her conceive gas.

Pregnant women's stomachs are photographed like this?

After all, she knew that this could not be pregnancy, but Wen Xia and Mia didn't know, this sudden belly looked like she was pregnant for more than three months.

"It's solved!" Luo Quan was taken aback, and immediately lifted up his clothes.

Luo Quan didn't say anything when she saw this, she also wanted to know what happened to her suddenly enlarged belly and the pain in her stomach.

Luo Quan tilted his head, dumbfounded, and said, "Don't listen to Wen Xia's nonsense, I'm not pregnant at all. If you don't believe me, we can go to the hospital for an examination right away."

Not to mention that Luo Quan is still a martial arts practitioner, and his strength is much greater than that of ordinary people.

Ye Zhining suddenly smiled, a smile resembling that of a certain senior: "Out of curiosity, I practiced Heaven and Earth Harmony, Yin and Yang Harmony Dafa a few years ago.

Generally, if a girl is fat, the fat around the waist will be surrounded by a layer like a swimming ring, while the pregnant belly will only inflate around the belly button with the navel as the midpoint, just like the beer belly of a boy, usually only reflected on the front side of the body .

If it doesn't work, let the system make up its mind. Besides, she is still a Wugou glass body, so she can withstand it logically.

At this time, her mood was extremely complicated. Just now she was afraid that her daughter would be cheated by a scumbag, but now she felt sorry for not being able to be a grandma.

But she never thought about pregnancy from beginning to end.

But whether this is the case, I don't know, I have to go back to the room and ask the system to be sure.

"Damn it, could it be that he has eaten too much lately?" Luo Quan finally noticed the changes in his body at this time, and became anxious.

It is because of your patting just now, the excess zhenqi that could have been slowly digested began to surge randomly in the body. If it is not treated in time, the meridians will be damaged in the slightest, and insane in the worst case! "

Luo Quan looked at her speechlessly: "Your Majesty, can you stop joking?"

When Wen Xia and Mia saw this scene, they were frightened into cold sweat.

Moreover, this exercise has a special effect on sorting out the meridians, consolidating the foundation and cultivating the vitality, which is suitable for dealing with the predicament of Aifei at this time. "

"Mother fxxker, which son of a bitch touched my sister and still fucking ignored her, she's not a man!"

After feeling the pulse for more than ten seconds, Ye Zhining let go of her hand: "Congratulations, Concubine Ai, you are so happy!"

If this technique is practiced by one person, it will only have the effect of beautifying the face, but if it is practiced by two people, the effect will be powerful.

Luo Quan now only looks big from the front, but still slender from the back.

"I really didn't hide it." Luo Quan said dumbfoundedly, "I've been staying at home for a while, so I really don't have the time to commit crimes."

She doesn't want to see her daughter repeat her mistakes.

Just now I checked Aifei's pulse, and when I checked out the problem, I also solved it smoothly. "

Sure enough, the slightly swollen stomach had disappeared at this time, and the pain was no longer there.

"My concubine, are you going to repay me with a promise of your body?" Ye Zhining saw Luo Quan suddenly lift up his clothes, and began to tease.

"Let's wait for the body promise, but I am really grateful to Your Majesty."

Luo Quan looked at Ye Zhining gratefully: "How about this, I can agree to your Majesty's request that is not too much, what does Your Majesty say?"

(End of this chapter)

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