Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1037 The Temptation of New Year's Greetings

Chapter 1037 The Temptation of New Year's Greetings ([-])
After paying the bill, Luo Quan did not go home immediately, but chose to order two bottles of milk tea.

It's been a long time since I drank this, and I want to relive this warm and caring feeling.

"You Le Mei Milk Tea..." Ye Zhining looked at the strange name, and didn't dare to say it immediately.

In the palace, everything she eats and drinks is the best in the whole world, and just by looking good can whet one's appetite.

But the drink in front of her had a strange name and color, which made her hesitate.

But after seeing Luo Quan drinking with relish, Ye Zhining still lowered his head and took a sip.

"How do you feel?" Luo Quan asked after chewing on two soft pearls.

"That's right, it's the first time I've had a drink with this taste, and this little ball is quite chewy." Ye Zhining made a very high evaluation.

Although she has eaten countless delicacies from mountains and seas, she has never drank pearl milk tea, probably because the palace chef will not put this cheap drink on the table.

Maybe this thing has no nutritional value, and the taste is not so good that people can't stop it, but it is still quite novel to Ye Zhining.

Although it was just a simple song and dance, but because of the dress, the female star's career line was very conspicuous.

Once in a while a good song comes out and it comes alive.

The advantage of that era compared to now is that the singers sang well, and then they bought the copyright for the cover songs.

"Neither, it's just that I feel more relaxed and happy alone."

It's a pity that netizens' verbal criticism is limited to station B, and the playback volume of these two songs on Douyin is still rising, and it doesn't seem to be affected in the slightest.

After some defendants were sued, they bought the copyright.

As for the lyrics, they were probably written so poorly that no one even copied them.

In the 70s and 80s, the Chinese music scene was basically supported by Japanese singers. Those familiar classic old songs were almost all songs sung by Japanese singers.

It's not that they don't like others, but because they have almost never missed a shot before, and almost every Douyin hit has been pointed out to be suspected of plagiarism.

Maybe when performing in the future, you can consider designing the performance costumes more boldly, and give full play to your own advantages as much as possible.

This is not a habit formed in a day or two, but a consumption inertia brought about by decades of free prostitution.

As far as originality is concerned, that is actually the case.

For most people, listening to music charges is already outrageous
As for plagiarism?None of his business!
So Luo Quan saw through all this from a very early age, and pessimistically believed that the Chinese music scene would continue to be so bad, until a dozen talented singers emerged in a short period of time, just like at the beginning of the century.

Ye Zhining thought that this was the case in Luoquan, but after careful questioning, he found out that it was not.

It can be seen that rubbing the edge is indeed a favorite of the general public, and the data is there, and there is no room for sophistry.

And the strength of the successor is not enough to support the platoon, so countless netizens are shouting that the Chinese music scene is dead.

We are all ordinary people. We are so busy every day to make a living. Listening to a song is just to make you feel happy. Is it important to plagiarize or not?

These two songs are considered to be the hottest songs at the end of the year. The former sewed three songs, while the latter copied one song.

In such a big environment, expecting to make changes on your own is tantamount to nonsense.

During that time, countless golden songs and divine songs emerged, and many of them are still being sung over and over again, which can be called enduring.

How can such a beauty, who can not be greedy?

At the beginning, the author of "Wujiapo 2021" also indicated Hatsune Miku in the column of composition, and the lyrics were the Peking opera aria "Wujiapo".

But Douyin hits and plagiarized songs are basically synonymous now.

Because the performance at the Mango New Year's Eve Gala was too brilliant, the director team of the Spring Festival Gala decided to temporarily requisition the song after meeting, and let it and its author appear on the national stage.

Just like when she first got started with the Apple mobile phone, she would feel nostalgic at first, but after using it for a long time, she would find that it was not as good as Huanyu's light-screen mobile phone.

"My concubine, I took a look at your life history last night."

Of course, no matter how Luo Quan was in the past, if she meets herself now, if she is lonely in the future, she will only be able to find someone and only herself, no second person is allowed.

Indeed, not everyone likes to entangle this issue that has nothing to do with life.

But it's meaningless to continue to study. Ye Zhining only wanted to know about Luo Quan's emotional experience when she asked this question.

Now the number of broadcasts has exceeded 200 billion. If it continues, it is estimated that it will not be a problem to exceed 300 billion.

It's a pity that even with her current popularity, she still can't win the top spot, mainly because there is a ruthless person on Mango Terrace.

It is definitely important for practitioners, but for the general public, they probably just say "oh" casually after understanding the situation, and then continue to listen.

Looking back at the major New Year's Eve parties this time, Luo Quan discovered something that made people feel a little stuck.

And Luo Quan's solo session was one of the peak ratings of several major evening shows.

Since everyone in the world is greedy, the concept of Luoquan is not valid

All in all, this song "Good Morning, Dragon Return" has become a typical case of plagiarism of Douyin hits.

This is also the reason why countless netizens want her to revive the glory of the Chinese music scene, but she has always refused.

This data is more exaggerated than the data of any of Luo Quan's current songs.

But if you want to say that you are not dead, the environment and the atmosphere are really not worthy of the word "live".

That is, even though I and Leon's performance on the same stage received numerous praises, they were overwhelmed by "Good Morning, Dragon Return" and "Wujiapo 2021" in the popularity of the whole network.

Unfortunately, this golden age only lasted less than 15 years. No matter how talented the geniuses are, they will inevitably run out of talent one day.

It was not until a large number of talented singers emerged after the 90s that the Chinese music scene finally reached its peak.

Luo Quan shook his head and chuckled: "That's not love, but one-sided greed for my body."

Looking at the outraged netizens in the comment section of the video, Luo Quan felt that his numbness and silence were somewhat irresponsible.

As many netizens said: I don't care if it is plagiarized or not, as long as it sounds good.

In addition, she also jumped up and down from time to time, it was almost ready to come out.

It has to be said that when a song becomes popular to a certain extent, it is completely possible for people to ignore its source of creation.

But after the song became popular, the column of writing and composing all became my name.

It's a pity that it was only on the hot search on station B, and there was no movement at all on Douyin, and the author of "Good Morning, Dragon Return" didn't mean to respond to her at all.

Probably bullying Hatsune Miku is not popular in China, so he dared to do it.

This is probably the trouble caused by being too good. If Luo Quan was just an ordinary beautiful girl, without the unbelievable beauty that everyone loves now, she might have already fallen in love.

This kind of thing needs to be grinded slowly, not too hastily.

"Who can't be greedy for Aifei's body?" Ye Zhining smiled and recalled what Luo Quan looked like when he got out of the bath that night.

Last year's party at station B was the last one, and this year it's the second one. I have to say that Luo Quan and Lyon's performance on the same stage did attract a large number of audiences.

Just after New Year's Day, of course the most discussed is the New Year's Eve party of several David TVs.

Rather than embarrassing yourself and embarrassing others, it is better to be chic and love no one. "

However, in Luo Quan's view, the Chinese music scene is half dead.

Luo Quan threw the finished milk tea into the trash can, and said with a smile: "Love is always sweet and happy at the beginning, but as time goes on, when the trivial things in life hit, you will find that happiness is short-lived." Yes, troubles are long-lasting.

But now, she didn't even bother to make a sound, because she was a little numb.

If Luo Quan had dressed like this and performed like this at the time, she would definitely have won the first place in the ratings. Unfortunately, she didn't expect that someone could tie herself just by selling meat.

The most speechless thing is that it is said that "Good Morning, Dragon Return" will be on the Spring Festival Gala.

With so many plagiarized songs, can she handle it?
It is obviously impossible to ridicule every capital.

I'm curious, did you really never talk about it once, or did you talk about it before but concealed this experience? "

It can be regarded as taking the lead in calming things down before the rhythm has expanded.

The effect is really good, and this unexpected incident did not affect the overall situation of the Spring Festival Gala.

It is said that the process from a couple to a husband and wife is a process of being patient and accommodating each other, but I have a relatively strong personality, and it is difficult to be patient and accommodating the other half.

If it was in the past, seeing that "Good Morning, Dragon Return" was going to be on the Spring Festival Gala, he would have to sneer a few words, even if he offended the director team or even higher leaders because of it.

On Weibo, the director team of the Spring Festival Gala sent a message saying that they were going to revise "Good Morning, Dragon Return".

Call it dead, but apart from myself, I can still find many singers who are serious about making music, and their works are also remarkable, not much worse than their predecessors.

The former needs to move fingers, while the latter only needs to move thoughts.

Luo Quan didn't know about Ye Zhining's thoughts, and her attention was now on the news on her mobile phone.

The melody and rhythm in the song are similar to at least three songs, and the problem can be found by comparing them.

The old users of Station B whose original songs were copied must be very familiar, that is Hatsune Miku, the originator of the electronic singer.

Some authors have no way to know this matter at all, so they have no way to defend their rights.

Ye Zhining looked into Luo Quan's eyes: "So is it because Aifei has never been able to find someone she likes because of her high vision, or is it because she doesn't plan to find a man to spend the rest of her life with?"

Because Long Hui was located in the province where Mango Channel was located, and the popularity was so high, the song was shown at the New Year's Eve party, and then became popular again.

As soon as this news was posted, it quickly became the hot search on station B, and countless fans applauded her.

The former was created two years ago. It was originally used by the author to sing praises to his hometown Longhui. After being used by Douyin netizens as a mixed-cut BGM for winning the championship, it became popular on the Internet and exceeded 100 billion in a short period of time.

The melody of "Wujiapo 2021" is basically a copy and paste of Hatsune Miku's song after comparison with the up master of station B.

So even though this top-notch actress is famous for pulling her hips and is famous all over the world for her song "Love's Suicide, Ask for Support", when she sang the song, she still attracted a huge audience, and she was even able to sing in a short song. In time, he and Luo Quan fought against each other.

There is no way, the influence of Station B is still a bit weak after all, if it can be popular on Weibo, maybe it can still see some effect.

Therefore, when "Good Morning, Dragon Return" became popular, netizens quickly began to plagiarize, and then came to the conclusion that there was indeed a suspicion of plagiarism.

Those who know this belong to the old Two-dimensional, and the new Two-dimensional is probably more familiar with domestic electronic singers such as Luo Tianyi and Le Zhengling.

But once the copying is successful, then it is dead again.

Ye Zhining took another sip of milk tea, and said to Luo Quan: "You should be 23 this year, but it seems that you haven't been in a relationship since you were a student.

In her perception, a woman who made up her mind not to fall in love again must have been hurt in the previous relationship, so she began to reject new relationships from the inside out.

Therefore, sometimes singing conscientiously may not be able to conquer all the audience. If you want to gather people's hearts, you have to open your mind.

It was really like a white lotus emerging from the water, so delicate and beautiful that it couldn't be more beautiful.

Ye Zhining was puzzled: "But with your condition, there should be some people who are willing to endure you and accommodate you."

In terms of popularity, Station B has become the second most popular New Year's Eve party in 2021, second only to Mango TV.

But paper is impossible to contain the fire, and if it is plagiarism, it will inevitably be dug out.

And it has a similar fate to it, which is another equally popular song "Wujiapo 2021".

"I really haven't talked about it." Luo Quan quickly replied, "Didn't I tell His Majesty before that I have never been in love before, and I won't be in love for a while after that."

Ten years later, these heavenly kings and queens will either announce their retirement, or release an album in a few years, and their thoughts are basically not on music.

Of course, the Spring Festival Gala must not do this, because it will not pass the trial.

In the end, she chose to forward the video, and then posted: "If it is original, don't be so similar to other people's works. If it is not original, please indicate the original author."

Therefore, she feels that the Chinese music world is in the state of Schrödinger's existence.

It sounds funny, but that's the status quo.

But there's no need to keep emphasizing this kind of thing, as long as Luo Quan is clear in his heart, and from the current point of view, it seems that she can't accept the status of concubine for the time being.

As we all know, when there is a hit song on Douyin, netizens like to copy it as soon as possible.

And Luo Quan is also very curious about how this song will be modified.

I'm going to the capital tomorrow, and the revised song will probably be heard in the second rehearsal at that time. I hope the director team can seriously revise it.

At least, change the lyrics, the lyrics that don't even rhyme sound awkward and outrageous.

Being down-to-earth is a good thing, but being too down-to-earth makes you look rustic.

(End of this chapter)

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