Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1038 The Temptation of New Year's Greetings

Chapter 1038 The Temptation of New Year's Greetings ([-])
After returning home, Luo Quan turned on the computer and started the live broadcast as usual.

Although the equipment has been bought, she did not immediately tell the fans that she was going to surprise them at night.

Fans who don't know the truth are asking what Luo Quan's New Year's gift is.

I promised to give everyone a surprise during the New Year's greetings, but after I finished speaking, there was no movement.

At the beginning, the big guy was quite patient, thinking that a good meal is not afraid of being late.

But this patience is too short-lived, and after only one day, I started asking and urging.

The good news is that recently a "new goddess" has emerged from station B, which has attracted the attention of many LSPs, and the pressure on Luoquan has suddenly dropped.

Those who like to watch beauties all went to the newly promoted goddess of station B to watch live broadcasts and watch videos, but Luoquan was left out in the cold.

"The Luobao live broadcast room is so deserted today, no one is buying gifts."

"Because Bald Treasure started broadcasting, all lsps went over there."

In the past, I couldn’t see cosplay several times throughout the year, but now it’s been going on for several days, and it suddenly becomes cheap.

"As an anchor, Tubao's current popularity is indeed crushing Luoquan, and there is still quite a lot of room for improvement."

That's right, until now there are still many fans who stubbornly believe that Bald Bao was fabricated, and those photos and chat records are all fake.

"It's good to know that I'm generous."

"Really, is Luo Bao really so generous now?"

"No way, the two sides are not on the same level at all."

Looking at these bullet screens, Luo Quan couldn't help admiring how powerful these netizens' brain power was.

In the slightly sparse barrage, everyone is adding to the blockage.

But she has always offended people who are not used to by most groups, so it is equivalent to always fighting with the wind, and naturally she will not be negatively affected.

Although the fans who came in behind knew that Luo Quan wasn't trying to blame them, the way they pointed at Sang Huai still made them a little guilty, and they always felt that Luo Quan was talking about them.

"A lot of people taunted Luo Quan just now, saying that she was in a hurry to lose her status, but it turned out that she would report to the world in less than a day. I really laughed to death."

According to the previous broadcasting habits, the broadcasting starts at 08:30.

But as soon as I returned to Luoquan's live broadcast room, I heard her mocking laughter: "Haha, why don't you lsps continue to watch the live broadcast of beautiful sisters outside? What are you doing here?"

"I always feel that Luo Bao is a bit sour."

In addition, the appearance is also good, so it has gained explosive popularity.

So Luo Quan decided that the issue of welfare distribution had to whet their appetite first, and it couldn't be done so easily.

In the morning, I went to the shopping mall to buy all the equipment, but when I came back to start the live broadcast, you all taunted me for a while, so if this is the case, let’s save the black silk link. "

As a result, not only did the words she said before lie to the fans, but she also scolded those rich buddies who gave her gifts. This operation of extinguishing the intelligence made those fans who were still determined not to even wash their hands.

Luo Quan's tone was still generous, but this time the fans knew that she was talking ironically.


To be honest, she didn't have any ideas before, but she was a little anxious when she was teased by fans, and she was anxious to reiterate that she was not in a hurry at all.

However, plans can never keep up with changes.

But this time she was late on purpose for half an hour in order to further pua the fans.

If someone really didn't wait for her to appear in the live broadcast room at night, they would probably miss out on quite exciting content.

Through these bullet screens, fans finally understand the ins and outs.

"Haha, do you listen to this kind of words? It's actually just greedy for that bad woman's body."

"The goddess of station B can only be you, no one can take it away."

"Don't! Luo Bao, don't be influenced by those people, they are all black fans!"

"Don't lie to me, in fact, we know we are wrong if you don't say that."

But judging from the effect, pua's effect on fans is not very obvious.

Originally, she didn't have any thoughts on this aspect, but if she was really brought into rhythm, it would appear that she was full of utilitarianism.

Obviously, Luo Quan was taunting those who said she was in a hurry.

In order to see black silk, they can bear almost anything.

"If you know how to say it, then say a few more words."

It wasn't that she was angry with fans, but mainly because she was worried about dressing so sexy at night, but some people said that it was because of Bald Bao's relationship that she used welfare to win back fans.

This is tantamount to hammering these black materials.

Bald Bao's captain and admiral are not clowns, they are wronged species.

"No matter what, please don't make fun of Heisi's New Year's greeting plan. If I see someone mocking you in the future, I will definitely help you out!"

"Think of a way, Luo Quan!"

Hearing this, the barrage suddenly became dense:
"Did you say that just to annoy us on purpose, Luo Bao?"

Seeing that the fans were almost puaed, Luo Quan also chose to accept it as soon as it was good, and did not continue to torture the fans.

I can understand LSPs' love and pursuit of a good-looking anchor, but to this point, it is indeed too exaggerated.

There is a song that sings well: those who cannot get are always in turmoil, and those who are favored are always confident.

"The throne of the only goddess at station B has been challenged. Luo Bao is a little anxious, but it's hard to show it."

In the chat records, Bald Bao even showed off to his boyfriend his good luck in the skyrocketing number of fans and earning a lot of money in the past few days, and laughed at those fans who have opened up the captain, who are really stupid and rich.

After a long wait, Luo Quan did not disappoint them.

"Let's start the live broadcast here. There will be a live broadcast in the evening. I won't stop you if you want to see other beautiful ladies."

Looking back at Luo Quan, although she also brushes aside the content from time to time, she often offends people when she speaks.

Some netizens dug up the group photos and chat records of Bald Bao and her boyfriend.

The key point is that Bald Bao personally said during the live broadcast that it has no boyfriend, and plans to find a relationship among fans in the future.


Paired with her pure and beautiful appearance and hot figure, she immediately attracted countless fans.

It turned out that at noon, the popularity of Luoquan's live broadcast room was low, and a group of troubled viewers told her that she would be replaced, and said: Luoquan, don't call me anymore, I'm afraid that Bald Bao will misunderstand such words.

People don't always cherish things that are easily obtained. Although Luo Quan feels that being close to the people and being down-to-earth can make the relationship between stars and fans more harmonious, playing big names at this time seems to be more helpful to let fans understand that all these things she does are not Not cheap.

Now the vixen took the money and ran away with his lover, but the poor wife still sticks to the small house, which is really heart-warming.

As soon as this remark came out, fans immediately fried the pot:

Not to mention being half an hour late, even half a day late is fine.

And Bald Bao's response to these photos and chat records was also very simple and rude, directly announcing that he was tired, quit the Internet, and then started the mode of playing dead.

Before her, there were very few female anchors who dared to be so blatantly ruthless about this topic, and it was full of comedy elements, which suddenly made her more interesting than ordinary female anchors.

"That's right, Luo Bao can only be bullied by us, not you outsiders!"

"I'm different. I want Luo Bao's jade feet in black silk to step on my face and rub it hard."

It's a pity that if the virtue is not compatible, there will be disasters. She has no culture and doesn't know what is respect and what is professional ethics, so she was forced to withdraw from the Internet after only being popular for less than a week, which is really embarrassing.

"If you are a little more presumptuous, the supervisor will come to sanction you."


After a few days of in-depth understanding, netizens found that although Bald Bao has a bad mouth, he is also very real and has an indescribable heroism.

But she is not a bad woman who plays with people's hearts, she is just to test whether this trick works or not.

They don't want to believe that such a beautiful girl is actually like this in private, and they still have some fantasies.

"Playing, I'm afraid Luoquan B station goddess will not be able to keep it."

And at the beginning, there were still a few people playing, and gradually the fans in the live broadcast room began to imitate on a large scale.

"My wife, you really touched me. You even wanted to give us benefits during the Chinese New Year. You are indeed the real female Bodhisattva."

This made all the fans suddenly feel guilty, just like they abandoned their wretched wives for the vixen.

This data is even more exaggerated than when Luoquan entered station B, and it also surpassed many old up masters who worked diligently to produce high-quality video content.

"I knew you would say that." Luo Quan smiled and picked up the shopping bag on the ground, and took out a few plastic packages from it, which contained the black silk she bought from the mall in the morning.

Everyone knows what the correct answer is for a proposition like this, so they replied in unison: "Definitely not, Luo Bao is the most generous."

Zhang Wuji's mother, Yin Susu, was right in saying that the more beautiful a woman is, the more she can deceive people. This bald treasure really deceived them.

In the beginning, Bald Po just wanted the audience and fans not to play memes too much. Who knew it would be better not to talk about it. After the talk, the netizens became even more cost-effective, and the comment area directly became the launch site.

Luo Quan cleared his throat and said, "As a positive energy anchor, I don't suggest that you reward yourself. Of course, I won't stop it."

Bald Treasure, who was still collecting gifts at noon and celebrating the achievements of the Hundred Ships, collapsed in the afternoon.

"Did you see? Didn't I promise to give everyone benefits for New Year's greetings? I didn't have any good ideas, so I planned to have some vulgar black silk.

"The female Bodhisattva is like this?"


"Luo Bao, don't be angry. We saw that you didn't start the live broadcast this morning, so we went to other live broadcast rooms."

Throughout the afternoon, before the news of the collapse of Bald Treasure's house came out, there were people joking and joking in the live broadcast room. Luo Quan endured it until now and finally turned on the mocking mode.


Bald Bao is the screen name of this new B-station goddess, and she became popular all over the Internet because of her advice to persuade netizens not to enlighten her cosplay image.

She makes whatever fans want, and meets almost all requirements.

So he hurriedly joined the persuasion army of the barrage, let Luo Quan calm down, you have such a broad mind, don't get angry because of such a trivial matter.

When Nong Luoquan opened the live broadcast room again, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

There is even a plan to postpone the evening New Year's greeting benefits.

This means that station B has strict audit standards, and this group of people dare not be presumptuous on the stage, otherwise the bullet screen may become more unrestrained.

"I'm not angry." Luo Quan laughed directly, "Am I such a stingy person in your eyes?"

Spending a lot of money and being scolded for being stupid and rich, and then my idol is still held in the arms of others. I have already realized what it feels like to be NTR.

But when the melon eaters began to use the new dog-licking adjective "boiling sheep" to describe them, these fans finally realized that they were wrong.

Looking back, Luo Quan is still conscientiously running the live broadcast, but the popularity is not as high as usual.

In seven days, just seven days, she soared from 200 fans to more than [-] million.

All of a sudden, Bald Po's fans turned into clowns.

Luo Quan originally wanted to analyze something on this, but he was afraid that others would say that she was jealous, so he laughed and said, "It's pretty good, everyone can go to the live broadcast room of whoever you like, as an anchor, how can I interfere with everyone's choose?"

"Knowing the sky, you man against the sky!"

Apparently the fans didn't think that Luo Quan would be so generous and take the initiative to wear black silk to show them, they just thought she was trying to annoy them in this way.

In the photo, Bald Bao is wearing cosplay and is hugged by a boy from behind, very intimate.

Although I know it's a joke, it's really annoying to listen to.

Obviously her answers are so decent, but in the end she will be envied and anxious by the loan.

But those fans who didn't know the truth and just came back seemed very wronged:
"I just went outside for a while, but my heart will always be here."

At this time, Luo Quan also began to reflect that he seemed a little too generous during this period of time.

This remark made the barrage burst into laughter, and everyone knew that she was implicating Bald Po, after all, the latter was trying to persuade fans not to get angry.

"Bullying? If it's true, I can confess to Luo Bao!"

Luo Quan nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "But originally, I was going to wear black silk to give benefits tonight, but I think everyone seems to like the beautiful sisters in other live broadcast rooms, so let's talk about black silk later. .”

It's fine if you just have a boyfriend. Not every girl is like Luo Quan, who likes to live alone and doesn't fall in love.

I saw that she was wearing a bright red high-cut cheongsam on her upper body, which was covered with blue cloud patterns, giving it a very traditional atmosphere.

And the two snow-white long legs are each covered with a sling of black silk, and on the hollow at the base of the thigh, a sling for fixing is so conspicuous.

The originally dark stockings were stretched thin by Luo Quan's round thighs. At this moment, the boundary between black and white became blurred. Two completely opposite colors perfectly blended together on Luo Quan's legs, becoming a sexy embodiment .

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room, but also Ye Zhining next to him stared straight at him.

(End of this chapter)

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