Chapter 1039
Ye Zhining grew up among beauties since she was a child. Her father would openly select concubines from the public every once in a while. There were as many beauties as there were stars, and the ones who could be sent to the palace in the end were all the best. best.

However, from Ye Zhining's point of view, these beauties or mothers and concubines are all upright, gentle, and virtuous, and they all wish to behave like the mother of a country in front of outsiders.

As for what it was like in the harem and boudoir, she didn't know.

However, she is good at using the Internet and has seen a lot of "teaching materials", so she can probably imagine what it looks like.

But today Luo Quan simply showed up and stood there, which made her realize that her imagination is so lacking.

Huanyu also has special costumes that make women sexy, but they are either too revealing to fit in the room, or too tacky to have any sense of beauty.

But from Luo Quan, she saw the combination of sexiness and beauty.

It was just such a thin black stockings, after being stretched by Luo Quan's long legs, the snow-white skin of her skin was revealed through the tiny gaps, and finally combined into a shiny black.

"It must feel very silky." Ye Zhining thought in her heart, and at the same time, she was thinking about whether to try it out.

Luo Quan, whose back was turned to Ye Zhining, didn't know what she was thinking. After she stood in front of the camera and showed her figure, she arched her hands and said, "This is the Spring Festival, here I wish the fans an early year, I wish you all In the new year, you will have a lot of money, and everything will go well with your health!"


In related hot searches, some excited fans commented like this, and received tens of thousands of likes from other fans who were equally excited.

"What do you call a meat suit? That's called a tiger tank!"

Seeing that Luo Quan was silent, Ye Zhining sat down boldly, with a malicious smile on his face.

"Don't worry, my concubine, I'm just doing academic research, and I want to see how the beautiful girl's legs are different."

"Let's not talk about that for now." Ye Zhining chuckled, "Actually, I used to think that most of the body is the same, and there will be no big difference.

In addition, this posture is a golden partner with Heisi, just sit there like this, won't Yujie Faner come?
"How, didn't you lie to you?" Luo Quan asked the barrage proudly, "I said that I will give out benefits for New Year's greetings, but you all say that I have forgotten, am I the kind of person who contradicts what I promise?

Wearing black silk during the Chinese New Year is to meet Ye Zhining's request, so it doesn't matter what fans say, Ye Zhining's evaluation is more worthy of attention.

Now these online social platforms are very strange, and it feels like everything can be popular.

Of course, on the other hand, I also worry that I will not be able to extricate myself after a long time.

But at the same time, she also hates those brainless misogynist trolls, so whenever she encounters them, she will fight hard.

Leaning her body slightly, Ye Zhining could see that the curve behind Luo Quan was undulating under the outline of the cheongsam, no less magnificent than the one in front.

It's just that Ye Zhining was afraid that she would not agree, so she proposed an exchange.

Luo Quan had just finished paying New Year's greetings here, and happened to see this barrage, so he sent a blessing.

Luo Quan curled his lips, but he still didn't say the word "impossible" after reaching his lips.

"I've seen it at the comic show before, but it's just Mai Shiranui in a meat costume, one for the two of us."

"You are quite generous." Luo Quan came back to his senses and chuckled, "But I don't have such a hobby, and your Majesty's legs are just so-so."

After experiencing Luo Quan's positive energy preaching, fans also realized their mistakes. Although few apologized, there were quite a few bullet screens praising her for being rational and fair.

Luo Quan turned off the computer, turned to ask Ye Zhining who was sitting out of the camera.

Those captains just couldn't grasp it, mistook the bad woman for a goddess, and finally turned into a clown himself.

After blessing, Luo Quan sat down and crossed Erlang's legs.

Ye Zhining rubbed her hands excitedly, but Luo Quan was quite frightened by these words, as if she had heard them somewhere before.

Luo Quan said calmly: "My own legs are not stronger than yours? Why don't you just touch them if you want?"

So this time she chose to remain silent, instead of digging a hole for herself.

"This is a god-given treasure!"

"I regret it a bit." Ye Zhining lowered her head and sighed, "If I had known that my concubine would be so attractive, I wouldn't have let you dress like this.

"Why does Your Majesty smile so obscenely?" Luo Quan asked with a frown.

"Hey, actually, I still think Luo Bao's outfit is a bit too gaudy, and I can't find the pure feeling back then."

What a perfect wall man, so alluring from top to bottom.

This lasted for 2 minutes, and Ye Zhining withdrew her hand.

Of course, it is impossible to look at the black silk cheongsam for a lifetime. After Luo Quan sat for a while, he started the "Luo Quan Evening Chat", that is, chatting.

"How about it, is the strange xp satisfied?"

"That difficulty is not ordinary."

"You want to touch my leg, don't you?" Luo Quan said in a very straightforward tone, "I can tell what you want by looking at your expression."

It turned out that a couple was planning to get married during the Spring Festival, and they sent a paid barrage to ask for Luo Quan's blessing.

Either Party A advertised after recharging, or it was all kinds of trivial matters.

"I still want it."

But although he was very happy in his heart, Luo Quan still pretended to be reluctant on the surface: "Then touch it a few times, but you can't touch other places."

Originally, she didn't intend to refuse Ye Zhining's request, she just touched her leg. When she was in Tokyo, Wen Xiaxia would slap her ass every day.

"It seems that there are fewer cosplayers now."

"Presumptuous!" Ye Zhining was furious, "How can you describe me as wretched? Is there any connection between these two words and the wise and powerful me?"

And Luo Quan's hand was still on Ye Zhining's leg, and he lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

How can I share such a beautiful concubine with others? It's really stupid. "

At present, my fans seem to be affected by the trend of the post bar. It is a good thing to be independent and self-reliant, but if it develops into attacking all women, then these people are no different from the pastoral female boxing.

For example, in the case of house collapses of celebrities, big and small, in the past year, when they first came out, they often suppressed the heat for the first time, and then they chose to give up after seeing that they couldn't be suppressed.

But after seeing Concubine Ai, I feel that this point of view may be wrong, so I have an unfeeling request, and I don't know whether to say it or not. "

"Tell me about Mai Shiranui."

"The 16-year-old high school students in our area have already started to wear heavy makeup and black silk. It is common for them to hang out at bars on weekends."

Luo Quan glanced at the barrage and said with a smile.

"Mai Shiranui's kimono belongs to my childhood enlightenment."

If it wasn't for the promise I made before, if it wasn't for the reserve and pride of being an emperor...

"Haha, that's true. Middle school students these days are ridiculously precocious. Compared with Luoquan, it's really not that gaudy."

"It's tough when it's over."

But this year's live broadcast will end tonight. Next, I have to go to the capital to rehearse. I guess the live broadcast will not resume until the first day of the new year. "

Luo Quan looked at these hot searches that were completely worthless and thought in his heart, if he wins station B in the future, the management must rectify from top to bottom, and the atmosphere in the station must be reversed.

Seeing the discussion among the fans, Luo Quan couldn't help but join in: "How can this be called kitsch? Cheongsam and stockings are considered everyday clothing, and you can usually see them on the street.

Although the touch is really beautiful, she is a person with self-control and knows that no matter how beautiful it is, she should not be too addicted.

However, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was not awkward at all. The temptation of Luo Quan's black silk bare feet was so great that they hardly had time to listen carefully to what she had to say.

In addition, there is nothing worth discussing about the hot searches on station B.

"It seems that my concubine is very satisfied with my legs." Ye Zhining looked at Luo Quan with a smile and said, "If my concubine wants, she can touch my legs anytime in the future."

It's a pity that this kind of ambition can only be thought of by oneself at present, and it must not be said in front of the live broadcast, otherwise it is very likely to cause huge obstacles to his future acquisition plans.

Although she is called a koi, it doesn't seem to be effective when setting up the flag. She has been tricked many times because of setting up the flag before, which made her understand what it means to say that disaster comes from the mouth.

"Giving the feeling of getting out of mud and applying evenly all over the body."

Luo Quan was helpless: "But your expression just now really fits the adjective wretched."

"That's all right?"


"It doesn't matter." Ye Zhining shook her head, "In the future, my concubine will always need my help, and an equal exchange will be fine."

"Haha, then I wish you all the best of happiness and an early baby."

"Is there such a good thing?" Luo Quan was eager to try.

Ye Zhining was unconvinced when she heard this, and slapped her thigh directly, making a crisp sound: "Do you know what this is? This is the thigh of the empress of the Holy Tang Dynasty, and most people don't necessarily have it in their lifetime." The opportunity I saw, but you just touched it with your own hands!"

Ye Zhining said and put her legs on the bed: "For the sake of fairness, concubine Ai can also touch my legs, how about it?"

And Luo Quan did the same thing as if nothing happened.

The biggest hotspot at Station B today must be the collapse of the house of the big anchor Tubao with 200 million fans. This "bad woman" who has been ranked first in the history of the entire Bilibili history, once again tells people that what is called the Internet is virtual. of.

"This looks like a good child!" Ye Zhining thought in her heart.

If I was wearing Mai Shiranui's clothes, I would admit that I am gaudy, so you can't put a hat on me just because I have a good figure, right? "

"Don't worry, I'll take it easy."

After seeing the black silk, the fans were already satisfied, so they all behaved very generously:
"It doesn't matter, the Spring Festival Gala is still very important. I hope Luo Bao can perform well this time and reverse the reputation of the Spring Festival Gala."

"However, His Majesty's only chance to make a request has been exhausted, and I will have the final say whether to share or not."

The last live broadcast of this year finally ended without anything to talk about.

The empress's legs are indeed very attractive. I'm afraid few people in the whole world dare to think about this kind of treatment, right?
But now it's delivered to him by himself, so if you don't experience it, you'll be really sorry for Her Majesty's enthusiasm.

After observing for a while, Ye Zhining started to use his hands, feeling the softness with the palm of his hand.

"There is no regret medicine in the world." Luo Quan laughed, "So when I go back to Huanyu, do you still plan to let me wear it like this?"

But the words had already been spoken, and there was absolutely no reason to take them back, so Luo Quan put his legs on the bed.

Not only Bilibili, but also Weibo and Zhihu are like this. On the contrary, the really popular events are often deleted one by one faster.

In addition, I can no longer see those more aggressive bullet screens, and all fans are completely immersed in Luoquan's black silk Yujie's look and cannot extricate themselves.

"Haha, if a screenshot of this is posted on Weibo or Xiaohongshu, you will all be scolded."

This is the point that users have been criticizing for a long time. Unfortunately, although the criticism has never stopped, these platforms don't care about users' criticism at all, and money is still the least.

Ye Zhining came back and said that she was upright: "After all, I have already shared it once, so it's no big deal to share it again."

"so so?"

Although there are leggings, the fork of the cheongsam is too high, and the crossed legs make her feel more secure.

"He's also 23, it's normal to go from youthful to mature."

She hates those female fists who stir up gender antagonism on Weibo, and has been fighting against them.

Seeing that some fans said some unharmonious words, Luo Quan quickly corrected him: "Don't say that, there is an unspoken rule in the cosplay circle, that is, no matter what the cosplayer's body shape or appearance, they should not be attacked.

Ye Zhining lowered her head and sighed, knowing that she would not agree to her.

Coincidentally, Ye Zhining felt the same way in his heart at this time.

"It's really classic. When I was innocent, I thought she was unfeminine, and when I became sexy, I said it was too gaudy. Let you say everything."

Because most people in this circle generate electricity for love, and cosplay Two-dimensional characters out of love, but not everyone can have the body of a Two-dimensional character, so everyone should treat it with tolerance, don’t Apply the aggressiveness of Post Bar to every girl. "

Ye Zhining stared: "Touching your own is the same as touching someone else's?"

"That's true." Luo Quan laughed, "Actually, I don't think there is much difference in the feel of the hand, but it's just a psychological reason. They are all skinny and fleshy. No matter how you touch it, you can still feel it. Flowers?"

"What Aifei said is indeed reasonable, but if there is a chance, I still want to touch it more. After all, this is the thigh of the most beautiful woman in the universe, and ordinary people don't have this opportunity."

Ye Zhining chuckled, obviously teasing.

(End of this chapter)

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