Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1040 The King's Qi

Chapter 1040 The King's Qi
Although he is on the "offensive" side, Ye Zhining is still keen to compete with Luo Quan in terms of appearance and figure.

Before meeting Luo Quan, she had always believed that she was the most perfect female fit in the world.

No matter in terms of strength or appearance, she couldn't find any opponents, even the saintesses of the Church of Dawn, she didn't think they could pose a threat to herself.

But when Luo Quan appeared, Ye Zhining was shaken.

It turns out that I am not the most favored darling of the heavens, there is more beauty than beauty.

But, even though he had admitted in his heart that Luo Quan was slightly better than himself, Ye Zhining was still unwilling to let go.

Her pride as an empress made her unwilling to admit defeat to others, even if this person was her favorite concubine.

But facts speak louder than words. When Luo Quan took off her stockings and put her long white jade legs on the bed, Ye Zhining knew that he had lost too much to her.

"Heh, the legs look great, aren't they?" Ye Zhining glanced at her mouth sourly, and then grabbed Luo Quan's plump thighs in a vengeful manner.

The white and soft thigh meat overflowed from between Ye Zhining's fingers, and when he let go, five bright red fingerprints appeared on Luo Quan's thigh.

Luo Quan did not show any weakness, and directly pulled Xiaoyu's claws, and printed "Luo Quan's Treasure" on the side of Ye Zhining's thigh.

"What is this!" Ye Zhining's eyes widened, and his tone was very surprised.

"Haha, this is the imprint I left for His Majesty, isn't it pretty?" Luo Quan smiled wickedly.

She is not someone who is willing to suffer. If you leave me a fingerprint, I will stamp you.

As for whether there will be more serious retaliation in the future, that is something to consider later.

"I'm not talking about that." Ye Zhining's focus was not on the four words "Luoquan Zhibao", she was more curious about how these four words were printed.

With her cultivation base, although she hasn't reached the point of invulnerability, she won't be stamped by a cat, right?

Also, why can the cat's paw cover the words?

"What kind of cat is your cat? Its paws can be stamped, and it can even ignore my protective qi. It's unbelievable." Ye Zhining stopped bickering with Luo Quan at this time, but stretched out her hand to support Xiaoyu Get up and watch carefully.

"Actually, Xiaoyu is not a cat. Her body is a jade seal."

Luo Quan touched Xiaoyu's head, and the latter returned to its original state after a flash of golden light.

The reason why he didn't hide it was because sooner or later in the group arena of the Martial God Trial, Da Hei Xiaoyu would be on stage to help out, so there was no need to deliberately hide it from Ye Zhining.

"It's such a powerful disguise, I didn't even notice it at the first time."

Ye Zhining played with the Chuanguo Yuxi, and the more he understood it, the more surprised he felt.

In the universe, such transformable treasures are not uncommon.

There is a cloud in the fairy book:

The fiction of human beings is demons, the nature and spirit of things are spirits, and the lingering souls of human beings are ghosts.The heaven and the earth are obedient, and suddenly there is something very strange, the gods are not right, they are evil, the hearts of the people are delusional, they are demons, and they are heretics.

The universe is full of aura, and if the dead things are affected for a long time, it is possible to give birth to spiritual wisdom and become a ghost.

However, ordinary spirits can't break her body-protecting true energy, so this should be a jade seal that has attained the Tao.

The jade seal is usually exclusive to the royal family, which gathers the fortune of the country for a dynasty and possesses supreme luck.

The luck contained in the statue in front of him must have belonged to more than one dynasty, and they were all extremely prosperous and powerful countries.

This also explains why it can leave a mark on itself. After all, it is also the supreme cultivation achieved by absorbing the national destiny of the Holy Tang Dynasty.

The two powers came from the same source, so the body protection qi did not exclude it.

Of course, Ye Zhining still erased the seal on his leg.

She has always stamped others, and no one can stamp her. Aifei's thoughts are really bad.

Looking at Luo Quan's smooth legs, Ye Zhining finally gave up the idea of ​​getting a seal.

While it must have been exciting to do so, it also ruined her look of natural perfection.

Instead of leaving her own mark, it is better to let her keep her original appearance.

"Concubine Ai is an extraordinary treasure. It is very rare even in the universe." Ye Zhining praised, and also tried to pet Xiaoyu who had turned back into a cat.

Xiaoyu, who has always been very repulsed by other people's touch, became very obedient this time, probably because of Ye Zhining's imperial luck, which made her feel kind.

"That's for sure, Xiaoyu belongs to the first-tier artifact in our country, and there are few things that can be compared with it in the thousands of years of history." Luo Quan said proudly.

Hearing the master's praise, Xiaoyu threw herself into Luo Quan's arms with a "meow".

Ye Zhining nodded slightly, but seemed to think of something, and asked, "No, this kind of treasure that represents the fate of the country cannot be carried by the fate of ordinary people at all.

The weapon of the emperor, if it is not obtained by the emperor, there will be disasters, if the virtue is not worthy, it will be devoured by it. Could it be that your true identity is the emperor? "

"How is that possible." Luo Quan chuckled, "The profession of emperor has disappeared in our country for more than 100 years, and it will never exist again in the future. Now the people are the masters of the country."

"What do you mean?" Ye Zhining grew up in a semi-feudal and semi-capitalist society, so he didn't understand the meaning of Luo Quan's words.

"It means everyone is equal." Luo Quan replied.

"Nonsense. Only children would believe the nonsense that everyone is equal. If it is really equal, is there any point in fighting?"

Ye Zhining's words silenced Luo Quan, and when the other party's arguments were impeccable, she could only be speechless.

"I'll talk about the topic of equality and inequality later. Now I'm curious about the true identity of my concubine. Are you sure you're not the emperor here?" Ye Zhining asked again.

"Eh... If you insist on saying it, it's not that it has nothing to do with the emperor." This time Luo Quan's tone was not as firm as before.

Although her grandfather was a poor peasant for three generations, so don't be too innocent, but her father's family is at the leader level no matter whether it is in a feudal society or a capitalist society.

That is to say, the British revolutionary battle was not as fierce as that of France, otherwise most of them would have to go to the guillotine.

"My father's family is very close to a foreign royal family, and it can be regarded as a collateral branch of this royal family, so I can be regarded as a bit of royal blood."

Luo Quan was not very sure about what he said.

It's not about doubting the royal blood, it's just about doubting foreign royal blood, can it work on China's artifacts?
"It's not enough to only have royal blood. You must have the appearance of an emperor to be eligible to be favored by the emperor's weapon." Ye Zhining's doubts did not decrease too much.

"Then how do you know if you have the appearance of an emperor?" Luo Quan also became curious when he heard this statement, meaning that she still has the potential to be an emperor?
"Hey, I'll know if I have potential." Ye Zhining laughed out of good intentions, as if he wanted to give Luo Quan a physical examination.

Seeing this, Luo Quan's chrysanthemum tightened: "Do you want to touch again? Last time I touched my legs, where are you going to touch this time?"

"My concubine, don't be nervous, I'm not a slut, why would I always want to take advantage of you?"

As Ye Zhining said, she held Luo Quan's face with both hands and made an affectionate gesture: "It's really beautiful, holy and charming, and the eyes seem to be shining with stars."

"Thank you for the compliment." Luo Quan remained expressionless.

She has heard too many compliments of this level, and maybe she can be touched by some level of praise.

For example: I turned the whole world upside down just to straighten your reflection.

Numbness is numbness, but it sounds really comfortable.

Of course, in this era of impetuous people, no witty compliment can hit people's hearts more directly than a sentence of "Fuck", and no exquisite adjective can be more straightforward than a sentence of "Awesome".

For example, when she was wearing black silk just now, the most popped barrage at the beginning was "I'm fucking Luobao awesome!"

As for which word the comma is after and how to make a short sentence, it depends on the mood of the fans.

"Haha, it seems that Concubine Ai is very dissatisfied with my lack of praise."

Ye Zhining continued to hold Luo Quan's face, and laughed: "But I'm like this, I'm not good at talking, but better at doing."

As soon as the words fell, Luo Quan felt her cheeks warm up, and Ye Zhining's hands were like a pair of warm babies, making her whole head warm.

However, this warmth only lasted for about ten seconds, and disappeared after Ye Zhining let go of his hands.

"Aifei does have the appearance of an emperor, but this appearance of an emperor is caused by a group of acquired factors, which is relatively rare, and I am still not sure why."

Ye Zhining's answer made Luo Quan scratch his head, and then waved to the two pets, and took out the queen's crown.

Chuan Guo Yuxi, Excalibur, and the British Crown were lined up on the bed. Luo Quan looked at Ye Zhining and asked, "Could it be because of them?"

"My concubine, is your family engaged in collecting?" Ye Zhining asked in amazement looking at these powerful imperial weapons.

Luo Quan shook his head: "No, my grandparents and mother are ordinary people, but my grandfather is in real estate."

Ye Zhining laughed and said, "That's really interesting. You were the only one who got so many weapons of the emperor, and you even forcibly created an acquired emperor's appearance for you. This kind of luck is really extraordinary. .”

"You're right. My fans say I'm lucky, and even praise me as a koi, which means that I can bring good luck to myself and the people around me."

Luo Quan smiled very proudly, after all, such a thing as having full luck is something to be proud of.

"It's a pity." Ye Zhining sighed regretfully, "If it is true that your country will never have an emperor as Aifei said, then this appearance of an emperor is of no great use, it is nothing more than making your luck worse. Just a little bit better."

"It's useless to be a fart for a long time." Luo Quan was speechless.

"That's not true." The corners of Ye Zhining's mouth curled up, "The emperor's luck is not fake. If you practice the cultivation skills passed down by my ancestors of the Tang Dynasty, then your cultivation will definitely skyrocket!"


Luo Quan's eyes turned into small stars, but he quickly calmed down: "There is no free lunch in the world, so what is the price?"

Ye Zhining smiled slightly: "It is true that there are conditions, but it is not difficult for Aifei to complete it.

This kung fu is handed down from my royal family, and it is not passed on from inside to outside. If my concubine is willing to become a member of my Ye family, she is not considered an outsider. Of course, this set of kung fu can be gradually acquired.

Therefore, as long as you open your mouth, my concubine, I can pass on the merits to you immediately. "

"Then go back to Huanyu to arrange the marriage, right?" Luo Quan interrupted directly, "It's a beautiful idea."

Ye Zhining patted Luo Quan on the shoulder: "You can't say that, after all, Aifei agreed to me before, it's a matter of time."

"Even earlier, it will have to wait decades later." Luo Quan's tone was very stubborn.

"Since this is the case, then I won't force it, and I don't rush to practice martial arts for more than ten or twenty years. It won't be too late to practice after you agree."

Ye Zhining was very free and easy, and didn't care about Luo Quan's rejection at all.

After all, in her opinion, Luoquan is already in her hands, and she can't escape no matter what, it doesn't matter if it is sooner or later.

The fact is true, Luo Quan's strength is indeed unable to completely control his own destiny now, but it will be hard to say after more than ten years.

In short, Luo Quan learned a new concept from Ye Zhining, which is the appearance of an emperor.

If it was in ancient times, she might have a real chance of becoming emperor.

But for now, let's save money. It is more reliable to count on the queen to appoint her to succeed the queen before she dies.

But, if the queen really does this, 1 princelings including Prince Sars will definitely not agree.

He has been a prince for decades, and his eyes are staring green when he stares at the British throne. Seeing that he is at the age of stepping into the coffin with one leg, he finally got the chance, how could he give it to a collateral girl? ?

What's more, this girl is not British yet, even if the queen agrees, the government will not agree.

Therefore, the above-mentioned things can be YY in my mind, and there is no possibility of realizing them at all.

At night, Luo Quan fell asleep alone.

Because Ye Zhining had slept with her in his arms last night, and there was no reason to stay in bed tonight, so he could only go back to his room honestly.

However, sleeping until midnight, Luo Quan felt that there seemed to be another person on his bed.

Waking up with a start, Ye Zhining found that someone was beside her at some point.

"Why are you here?" Luo Quan shook Ye Zhining awake.

"I'm not used to the bed and pillows in the room, but Aifei's is still comfortable." Ye Zhining rubbed her eyes, pretending to be sleepy.

Luo Quan looked at her speechlessly: "The whole family's pillows and beds are of the same style."

"Oh, don't worry about this problem. We still have to fly tomorrow, so get some rest, good boy." Ye Zhining covered Luo Quan's eyes as she spoke, then closed her own eyes, and began to sleep soundly

"I really admire you." Luo Quan looked at the childish Empress Her Majesty dumbfoundedly, but finally did not drive her out of bed.

(End of this chapter)

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