"Is this the fastest means of transportation in Aifei's hometown?"

Ye Zhining lay down on the chair in the luxury cabin with a concubine, her figure was enchanting.

Luo Quan next to him was lying on his back with a pillow stuffed behind him.

In fact, she also liked this position of lying on her side before. Although the time was too long, it put a lot of pressure on her waist, but if she turned it over every once in a while, it would be very comfortable.

The reason why I gave up this posture now is mainly because after my body gets better, when I tilt my body, the fruits will also shift away, and it is really hard to pull the branches.

Over time, Luo Quan only chose to lie flat.

"As far as civilian transportation is concerned, airplanes are the fastest." Luo Quan answered Ye Zhining's question, "Faster than that is space rockets, which are high-end vehicles that are only used for exploration outside the planet. Means of transportation are out of reach of ordinary people.”

"If it's in Huanyu, even if it's a teleportation between star systems, it won't take more than ten seconds. Now it's more than 1000 kilometers, and we have to fly for several hours."

As Ye Zhining was talking, she suddenly had a whim: "Hey, I suddenly had an idea, why don't I take Aifei and you to the capital directly, it's definitely much faster than flying!"

"Then what if someone catches it?" Luo Quan was a little speechless, "And you only talk about it now that the plane has taken off, why don't you talk about it earlier."

"So many worries, let's forget it." Ye Zhining waved his hand, looking a little disappointed.

In fact, with her cultivation base, she can distort the void, shrinking the ground to an inch and teleporting for hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

But that was in Huanyu. I said before that there was a mysterious force on the earth that exerted pressure on her cultivation.

Although from Luo Quan's point of view, this coercion has no effect, he can still squeeze her at will.

But Ye Zhining knew in his heart that he had been greatly weakened.

It's just that his cultivation base is too high, even if it is weakened, Luo Quan can't hold a candle to it.

Of course, it is still possible to shrink the ground to an inch, but the movement is quite huge, and it is difficult to cover it up.

According to Luo Quan, although the world has begun to awaken spiritual energy, the governments of various countries have not told the public about it in order to maintain social stability.

In order not to cause trouble for her, Ye Zhining finally chose to abide by the laws of physics in this world, and honestly waited for the plane to take her to her destination.

During the flight, a young man approached and struck up a conversation.

Probably because Ye Zhining is so beautiful, so I want to get to know each other and develop friendship.

The young man knows how to show his own advantages. As soon as he strikes up a conversation, he intentionally or unintentionally reveals the valuable Richard Mille on his wrist.

Compared with Rolex, Vacheron Constantin, Patek Philippe and other old brands, Richard Mille belongs to the upstart in the watch, the main focus is a young, cool and technological sense.

Coupled with the conscious hype from the self-media at home and abroad, the popularity and selling price of this brand are increasing day by day. Hundreds of thousands can only be regarded as entry-level for this brand, and millions of dollars are not uncommon.

The one in the young man's hand should be from the Richard Mille RM series, worth about 2000 million. Ordinary billionaires can't afford this kind of luxury.

However, the young man obviously found the wrong object to show off, because Ye Zhining didn't know the value of this thing.

So the man showed off for a long time, but Ye Zhining ignored him.

"My friend has a partner, so you better save it."

Luo Quan was afraid that this man would continue to pester him, so he made a noise to let him retreat.

When the man saw Luo Quan talking, his eyes lit up after staring for a while: "What about you, beauty, do you have a date?
"She has it too, so hurry up and don't disturb our rest!" Ye Zhining said before Luo Quan could answer, and his tone was quite impatient.

This means that on Earth, if it were Huanyu, this person wouldn't even have the chance to be in front of him.

It was probably the first time for the young man to strike up a conversation and be treated like this, his face instantly became ugly, and a stern look flashed between his frowning brows, but considering that he was in public, he finally didn't attack, turned his head and left.

"Is this the way people from Aifei's hometown strike up a conversation?"

Ye Zhining said with a smile, while Luo Quan beside him was quite frightened.

She was really afraid that the empress would be enraged by that man, and then slap him to pieces.

Fortunately, both of them were very restrained, one controlled their mouth and the other controlled their hands.

"It should be said that everyone everywhere is like this."

Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief, and replied: "I also encountered a similar situation at the New Year's Eve dinner held by His Majesty before, and that person's attitude was even more arrogant than this one."

"Who is it?" Ye Zhining suddenly became unhappy, "My concubine told me that I want to kill his ten clans!"

"Haha, then there's no need. It's not illegal to say a few harsh words." Luo Quan didn't expect Ye Zhining's reaction to be so violent, and he would punish the ten clans at every turn.

"I love my concubine, don't say a few words, even if you think about it in your heart!" Ye Zhining showed an extremely strong possessive desire at this moment.

In order to let the common people understand and envy her happy life, she is willing to let Luo Quan dress up sexy and charming to live broadcast.

But if someone really dares not to look at Luo Quan's fantasies and put them into action, then he is courting death.

To describe it with a line from a movie:
Everything in the world is yours if I give it to you. If I don’t give it to you, you can’t snatch it.

Therefore, even though Luo Quan just mentioned it casually, it succeeded in making Ye Zhi condense to kill.

Of course, if it was finally found out that it was a Wang Shizi with a different surname, it would probably be difficult to kill.

But what is certain is that this son will definitely not have a good life in the future.

"It's not just the person who offended my concubine at the dinner party, the man's eyes were not clean just now, I will clean it up together!"

Luo Quan was taken aback by Ye Zhining's words: "You don't want to give that person to the Zhu Shi Clan, do you?
Your Majesty, please don't be so cruel. No matter what your status is, you should not be punished for the mistakes made by others. This is something that only a tyrant would call! "

"Haha, dear concubine, don't be nervous, I'm just talking, and I won't really do it." Ye Zhining also knew that she had overreacted, so she quickly comforted her.

"But the man's eyes just now are indeed not quite right, most likely because of the bad water in his stomach."

As soon as he finished comforting him, Ye Zhining became fierce again: "So I put a curse on him, if he dares to stand against us, he will be retribution the moment he takes action, even God can't save him! "

"What retribution?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"Becoming a eunuch, schizophrenia, dementia, and bad luck." Ye Zhining smiled and said a few punishment measures that were not fatal, but very strong.

"That's fine." Luo Quan was kind-hearted, but she wasn't the Holy Mother. In her opinion, Empress Ye's method of punishment was really good.

If the man just now wanted to harm the two of them just because of a few words, it means that he has done similar things before.

For such scum, naturally there is no need to talk about kindness, no matter how ruthless they are.

Moreover, these punishments are concentrated on himself, and innocent people will not suffer, which is perfect.

It would be great if such a punishment could be imposed on every criminal who committed the most serious crimes
For some demons, the ordinary imprisonment or even the death penalty may be too pleasant, and only the long-term painful torture can give the victim's family members some comfort in their grief.

Luo Quan has seen many vicious crimes that can be called tragedies in the world. Every time she sees the suffering of those victims, she regrets the torture that has been banned.

Compared with shooting executions that are effective in an instant, torture such as Ling Chi will appear to be more deterrent.

It is said that even criminals should be respected and enjoy human rights.

But Luo Quan felt that when these people did such things that both humans and gods were angry with, they were no longer worthy of being called human beings, so naturally they couldn't deal with them too much.

Unfortunately, this kind of idea is doomed to fail, after all, she is not a judge.

After the plane arrived, the two women took off their luggage and prepared to leave the airport through the VIP channel.

The end of the new year is approaching, the Beijing International Airport is crowded with people, and the prelude to the peak of the Spring Festival travel has arrived.

And among them, there are also many fans who pick up their idols, adding noise to the already crowded environment.

But the headlines at the airport today are definitely not those celebrities. A certain rich second generation who took off his clothes and pants and ran naked in the airport hall became the top search.

No one knew why he became like this, only that he seemed to be possessed by Ah San, holding the ATM in the public hall to try to do something wrong.

The three policemen used all their strength to separate him from the cash machine. The scene at the time can only be described as a mess. The staff at the airport said that they were severely traumatized and the cash machine stopped. Work, probably because I feel that I am not clean.

When Luo Quan saw the news, he had already arrived at the hotel.

The news on the hot search made a mosaic of most of the male protagonist's body, but she still recognized the handsome Richard Miller on his wrist. He was the one who accosted her and Ye Zhining on the plane just now. rich second generation.

It seems that this guy couldn't wait to do it as soon as he got off the plane, and Ye Zhining's curse was immediately fulfilled.

"I gave him a chance, but he didn't cherish it." Ye Zhining sneered, without any pity in his tone.

"Typical self-inflicted crimes, you can't live." Luo Quan turned off the news, "Fortunately, we walked fast, if we saw the scene, we would really dirty our eyes.

Speaking of which, is this move of yours a martial art? Can you learn it? "

"This isn't martial arts, it's divination." Ye Zhining smiled slightly, "I learned it when I was very young, and I have forgotten the name, but I only remember that it can be used to calculate good and bad.

And with the growth of cultivation base, I found that it can also change a person's good or bad luck, that is, if I play a person's bad luck, as long as his strength is not as good as mine, then he may even be choked to death when he opens his mouth to breathe. "

"It's so powerful!" Luo Quan stared, then laughed and said, "Can you teach me this, I want to learn."

Ye Zhining smiled like a profiteer: "It's still the same sentence, the hexagrams are passed down from the ancestors, and they are not passed on."

"Cut, forget it if you don't teach." Luo Quan immediately lost interest when he heard this trick again.

"Don't worry, my concubine." Seeing that Luo Quan seemed to be angry, Ye Zhining softened his tone immediately, "This hexagram technique is not as important as the emperor's technique, so it's not impossible for you to learn it.

It's just that there is a price for everything, if it is so easy to learn, maybe you won't cherish it. "

Hearing such an obvious excuse, Luo Quan almost laughed out loud: "Then tell me, Your Majesty, what price do you want me to pay? You won't have to touch my legs again, will you?"

"I've touched it before, so it's boring to touch it again." Ye Zhining said as his eyes wandered over Luo Quan's body, his lustful gaze was no better than that rich second generation on the plane just now.

Just when Luo Quan thought that Ye Zhining was about to open his mouth like a lion, Ye Zhining just smiled faintly: "I'll talk about the price later, I plan to add up to a lot, and when it's almost done, I'll do it in one step."

"This can still be superimposed?" Luo Quan was a little speechless, and at the same time he was not so interested in this hexagram technique.

Compared with the possible price paid, learning a curse does not seem to be that important.

"Oh, it's just a joke. Would I be the kind of person who takes advantage of others' dangers to return favors?" Ye Zhining patted Luo Quan on the shoulder, trying to dispel her worries.

"Isn't it?" Luo Quan asked back, "Isn't it you who asked me to wear black silk to broadcast the live broadcast?"

"I'm just suggesting, if you really don't want to, can I force you?"

Ye Zhining smiled next to Luo Quan's ear and said, "Actually, Aifei, you enjoy it too. Wearing sexy and beautiful clothes, being wildly praised and sought after by fans, don't you feel happy in your heart at all?"

"Damn it, can you still have this kind of psychological analysis?" Luo Quan was shocked by Ye Zhining's words, how could she enjoy this kind of thing, and she didn't have any strange hobbies.

Although I don't know why Ye Zhining analyzed so many things, it is also true that she did not refuse, and it is true that she was happy when being praised by fans.

But to say that she enjoys wearing black silk is not necessarily true. After all, she rarely wears it. If she really enjoys it, why not wear it on her legs every day?
In short, Luo Quan finally chose to refuse Ye Zhining's exchange conditions.

Hexagrams are not a necessity, and it doesn't matter if you don't learn them.

It's just that what happened to the rich second generation is indeed quite miraculous.

By noon, the trending search for the naked man at the airport had disappeared, and it was unknown if his family had bought it.

With money to this extent, he is definitely not an unknown person. It is estimated that his identity and background will be picked up by almighty netizens in a short time.

Such scandals are rare in China. This man and his family may be talked about by netizens all over the country for the rest of their lives.

As for how long Ye Zhining's curse can last, Luo Quan doesn't know, but even if it lasts for a lifetime, it's his own fault.

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