Chapter 1042 Anecdotes about the Spring Festival Gala ([-])
ps. I am sorry for the bad experience that the anti-theft has brought to book friends, and it will no longer be anti-theft from tomorrow.


The second rehearsal was quite smooth. Lyon, who arrived late, went straight to the "big underpants" (the newly built broadcasting building of CCTV, because the appearance was too abstract and looked like underpants, so it was called "big underpants" by netizens) as soon as he got off the plane. .

Before my butt was hot, I went on stage to perform.

However, the siblings have also collaborated many times, and the cooperation is quite tacit. After a few simple chats, the performance plan was determined, and then the performance was flawless.

Originally, Luoquan still had a sketch, but as I said before, it was canceled due to force majeure, so the workload of the rehearsal suddenly became much easier.

After the show was over, Luo Quan played with his mobile phone off the stage, listening to the high-pitched voices of the sketch actors and the slightly embarrassing lines.

"This year, the quality of this skit is going to improve again." Leon didn't play with his mobile phone, but watched it with relish in the audience.

Before, he asked his elder sister how to quickly grasp the classic old stalks and buzzwords of China.

The elder sister’s answer is to look at the previous Spring Festival Gala skits 13 years ago, especially those from Uncle Zhao, Uncle Chen, and Grandma Zhao.

Lyon found the collection on Bilibili, and laughed for two days.

"This thing is much more interesting than those foreign talk shows." This is the sentence that Leon said the most when watching the sketch.

But after watching all the high-quality goods, when these old artists were no longer on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Leon put on a mask of pain.

After Uncle Zhao retired, especially the sketches after 16 years, it can only be said that there are no particularly outstanding ones.

As for this year's skit, Leon couldn't laugh after watching it.

He is actually a person with a very low laughing point. He can laugh up and down while watching a short video, but this time he couldn't laugh.

Although the next few skits were not as heaven-defying as the first one, they were not much better either.

The only thing I can watch is the sketches of the Happy Youtiao gang, which passed the passing mark, but compared with the predecessors, it is more than a star and a half behind.

"Unsatisfactory is the theme of literary and artistic creation, especially in recent years." Luo Quan's tone was quite calm, after all, she had already gotten used to it.

"Hey Luoquan, you are so leisurely." At this moment a familiar voice came.

Luo Quan looked up, greeted him with a smile, "Hey, isn't this the host?"

The one who said hello was Xiao Sa, the host of CCTV, who is one of the favorite hosts of young people nowadays, and even this one can be taken away.

In the past few years, the official variety shows where Luo Quan showed his face were basically hosted by him, so he was an old acquaintance.

"Have you been under so much pressure recently? You have dark circles under your eyes." After greeting, Luo Quan realized that Xiao Sa's complexion was not very good-looking.

As the host of the big pants and the official face, Xiao Sa has always looked energetic and rosy on the stage.

Especially in the Spring Festival Gala, it is even more beaming, and people can't help but want to smile after seeing it.

In the Spring Festival Gala where Xiaopin stretched his hips, many netizens thought it was just a joke.

But today he looked very tired, not to mention his dark complexion, and his eyes were quite heavy with eye bags, as if he had stayed up all night for three consecutive days.

"I'm good. Look at Xiao Ni." Although his state was very wrong, Xiao Sa was still cheerful, and Sheng even gloated a little.

Luo Quan looked in the direction of Xiao Sa's finger, and Xiao Ni, the host of the other Spring Festival Gala, looked down at the script with a serious expression.

And his dark circles were even thicker to the point of being scary.

"What's going on with you guys? Is the host so stressed?" Luo Quan asked suspiciously, "I remember the last time we met, you two didn't look so outrageous. It's only been a few months?"

"The Spring Festival is coming, everyone is busy." Xiao Sa smiled naturally, without complaining.

In this position, you are destined to bear more pressure and work, the more important the festival is.

Of course, getting used to it mentally does not mean that the body can also get used to it. The exhaustion after overwork will be intuitively reflected on the face.

After chatting for a few words, Xiao Sa left, probably because he still had something to do.

And Luoquan received new news here, it was from the director team, asking her to compose two songs for the Spring Festival Gala, which needs to have a national color.

At the same time, I heard a few sketch artists next to me discussing there, saying that the program to be performed has changed again, and the previous rehearsals have to be rehearsed.

Combined with his previous experience of the sketch being replaced, Luo Quan now knows why Xiao Sa and Xiao Ni's faces are so ugly.

The director team changed day and night, and the program changed again and again, so everyone would be exhausted.

Now it's finally ruined on my own head. Fortunately, I just sat on two new songs. There is still more than a week before the Spring Festival Gala. A singer with a higher level can still make it by staying up late.

As far as he is concerned, there is no difficulty, let alone get it done in minutes.

So Luo Quan immediately replied: "I have a new song ready-made, and the accompaniment is ready, and I can sing it when it is played."

"Such a coincidence?" The director smiled happily.

"It was originally created for the Art Olympiad knockout competition, but it doesn't matter if it is taken out in advance, just for Chinese New Year."

Luo Quan's answer is almost every leader's perfect subordinate, high-energy and efficient.

Ever since, Luo Quan, who originally only had one show, had another solo.

The director asked to create two songs, but there is no precedent for an artist to occupy three programs in the Spring Festival Gala, so the other song was sung by others.

The accompaniment of the new song sung by Luo Quan was quickly handed over to the control room for playback.

I will talk about the backup dancer later, the director wants to see how the song works first.

As a result, when Luo Quan showed his singing voice, those who wanted to doze off in the whole studio instantly woke up.

Beautiful music can make people feel refreshed, but Luo Quan's song has a refreshing effect.

After the song was sung, there was even applause from the audience.

Those who can hold rehearsals in this studio are the ceiling for domestic artists. There are more than [-] members of the national team in the music industry alone, and none of them is a big shot among big shots.

But even though heavyweights gathered, Luo Quan still managed to surprise everyone, which shows how good her singing is.

"That's it!" the director said excitedly.

There are many preparatory programs for the Spring Festival Gala, and this is probably the one he made the fastest decision on.

The concept, melody, and singing of the song are all perfect. Whether it is from the perspective of leaders or the general public, there is no reason to reject this song.

Anyway, he is very satisfied as a director, and he really admires Luo Quan, a pop singer, who has such a high attainment in folk singing. He is worthy of being the number one singer of the new century selected by Rolling Stone magazine.

"Old sister, this song makes me want to follow the road to heaven."

At the end of the performance, Leon gave a thumbs up to Luo Quan who had returned to his seat.

"This is just a one-man performance. When the time comes, with the accompanying dancers, singing, and live lighting, the effect will definitely be better."

Luo Quan's expression was also a little smug, after all, there were not many opportunities to show his face in front of so many big shots.

Thinking back a few years ago, netizens reported that she was the hope of revitalizing the Chinese music scene, but now she is on an equal footing with these bigwigs of the national team, and her rise is so fast that she probably didn't even think of it.

However, the more aggressive you are, the more cautious you must be. It is not uncommon for extreme joy to cause sorrow on the Internet. Luo Quan does not want to become a negative example one day.

So even though her fame and strength have reached a very high level, her attitude towards people and things is still humble and gentle, and no one can find anything wrong with her.

Although tiring is a bit tiring, if she can keep her label of "perfect artist" forever, then the tiring is quite worth it.

On the other hand, Leon was so crazy on Huaxia's new rap show, the corners of his mouth always seemed to be crooked.

It's the kind that's three points disdainful, three points cool, and four points charming. In female video novels, it's the standard for a domineering president, but in real life, others will think you've had a stroke.

Luo Quan had told him about this before, but the answer he got was: If you don't behave a little bit more, how can others convince you?

In the rapper circle, there is no such thing as being gentle, courteous and frugal. You just have to pretend to be tough. If you pretend to be good, you are awesome.

Fortunately, he can pretend every time, so he has been awesome until now.

And the people in the circle still follow this, and now he belongs to the top stream in the Huaxia rapper circle.

Luo Quan couldn't refute his younger brother's statement.

But the pop circle is still somewhat different from the rap circle. If she uses the same posture to do things in the circle, I'm afraid she will offend many people.

"After the Spring Festival Gala, my status in the Chinese rap industry is estimated to rise to a higher level."

On the way back to the hotel, Leon expressed his inner excitement to the elder sister.

Luo Quan smiled: "That's for sure, you should be the first one to rap on the Spring Festival Gala."

Although Chinese rap has existed for a long time, it has actually become popular in recent years.

Even now, when rap is so popular, the mainstream view on it is still not in the elegant hall, and the New Year's Eve party of the local TV station is already the limit.

There were serious rappers on CCTV back then, but it was not the Spring Festival Gala, it was just a music variety show.

Lyon should be the first to sing rap in the Spring Festival Gala.

But he couldn't hide the secret, he already revealed the news to fans during the live broadcast, and everyone was very happy, thinking that this is a milestone for Chinese rap to go mainstream.

However, after sharing the good news, Leon poured cold water on him, that is, his rap content is not very much, and there are almost no links that reflect his rap strength, which is relatively mediocre.

And if you want rap to go mainstream, this song alone is definitely not enough.

But at least it has taken a solid step, which is commendable.

After celebrating the rap performance on the Spring Festival Gala, the abstract fans in Lyon began to ask whether they had seen a thimble in this Spring Festival Gala.

One of the largest material libraries in the abstract world, the popularity of thimbles is quite high.

People hate him, but want to see him on these stages a lot and have fun.

This kind of contradictory psychology is actually the true portrayal of abstract fun people: denying everything and entertaining everything at the same time.

"I didn't see the thimble, but I can't rule out the possibility that he didn't come. After all, I don't have a schedule, so I don't know who will participate."

Lyon's answer left suspense, and the barrage of fans was full of joy:

"I asked just now, and said that Thimble came to the capital on a horse, but the horse disappeared halfway through the ride. Now he has changed cars and is on his way to the capital."

"Haha, is that so?"


"A new expression pack is coming out again."


Leon's barrage was as tidy as ever, Luo Quan turned it off after watching it for a while.

If you do this for a long time, there will probably be an accident. Which abstract anchor has not been blocked?

However, Lyon was going back to the United States soon, and it didn't matter if it was sealed or not, so Luo Quan didn't persuade him to adjust the live broadcast style to be more serious.

Back at the hotel, Ye Zhining had just taken a shower and was lying on the bed studying world history.

After seeing Luo Quan, she immediately put down her phone: "Aifei is back so soon? Didn't you say you'll be busy until night?"

"Today's rehearsal went relatively smoothly, and several programs were canceled, so I came back early."

Luo Quan threw the coat and scarf on the sofa, then kicked the boots aside: "What do you want to eat tonight, I'm going to order."

"I'm not hungry, Aifei can order it herself." Although she was curious about the dishes in this world, if Aifei didn't cook them herself, she would have no desire to eat.

"By the way, Concubine Ai, how did you recruit that Xu Yanqing?" Ye Zhining asked suddenly.

Xu Yanqing also came to Earth, but Ye Zhining didn't know it at first.

Although Xu Yanqing did not recognize her after the two met, she did recognize Xu Yanqing.

As one of the few great beauties in the Tang Dynasty, and with such an explosive figure, Ye Zhining was also excited for a while at the beginning.

However, because of the busy government affairs, I never mentioned this matter to Xu Yanqing. I didn't expect to become Aifei's subordinate now.

"She and I hit it off and talked a lot about life. Finally, she was convinced by my charismatic personality and decided to follow me."

Luo Quan smiled proudly, but at the same time he said: "However, it seems that His Majesty is also very interested in Xu Yanqing?"

"How could it be!" Ye Zhining flatly denied, "Am I the kind of person who meets one and loves the other?

But I have to admit that this Miss Xu is really beautiful and very distinctive. "

"Hehe, there is no emperor in the world who doesn't care." Luo Quan scoffed at Ye Zhining's statement.

"How can my concubine question my sincerity so much?" Ye Zhining said that she was very hurt.

"It's just a talk from experience." Luo Quan curled his lips, thinking that during the meal yesterday, your eyes did not linger on Xu Yanqing.

But this kind of thing is hard to say clearly, and maybe Xu Yanqing, who knows the truth, is quite happy about it?

So Luo Quan decided to turn a blind eye.

(End of this chapter)

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