Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1043 New way out for film and television

Chapter 1043 New way out for film and television

Which emperor is not Sangong Liuyuan, beauties three thousand?
Ye Zhining grew up in the harem since she was a child, and the women she met were either her mother's concubine, or the maids who might become her mother's concubine.

Under the influence of our ears and eyes, it is normal that our thinking is not advanced enough.

Besides, when you meet a beautiful woman, it's not illegal to look twice.

Luo Quan himself also likes to look at beautiful women, let alone Xu Yanqing's level.

So she didn't argue with Ye Zhining much on this point.

"By the way, concubine Ai is taking the path of physical training, right?" Ye Zhining asked about this matter.

Although he had helped Luo Quan solve the problems he encountered in practice before, Ye Zhining didn't investigate carefully, he only knew that Luo Quan's Qi and blood were extremely strong.

This feature is usually only possessed by fitness practitioners.

"It's not just about body training." Luo Quan corrected Ye Zhining's mistake, "I'm called Xingming Dual Cultivation. Through a unique cultivation method, I can achieve the double improvement of body and soul."

Luo Quan smiled coldly: "Since you said so, then I will eat with my belly open in the future, but you have to become like me if I become fat, okay?"

But it was also because of eating so many pills and rice every day that she couldn't absorb the excess nutrition and true energy.

"You also know why you have to gain weight when you can be thin." Luo Quan taunted.

As he said that, Luo Quan found a photo of a tank sister from his mobile phone. She is less than 1.6 meters tall and weighs nearly two hundred catties.

Even though he knew it was impossible, he was still willing to be deceived and click in.

Luo Quan watched it and guessed that the director of Wandering Earth may be very confident in the quality of the film, and felt that relying on the tap water of netizens can also have a very good publicity effect.

Ye Zhining lowered his head and muttered, Luo Quan reminded Dan when he heard it: "I'll do this step by step myself, and you must not arrange a back door for me."

Some are too famous to be mentioned.

As a result, they opened it and found that it was not the same thing as what they thought.

Originally, this wasn't a big news, but the hot search used the headline "Master Fan went into the sea", which is quite deceptive.

"I've eaten to this extent, can I fix it?"

But the response was not very satisfactory. It is said that the Internet has no memory, but netizens still have fresh memories of these impressive events.

In fact, these stars in the entertainment industry were more or less dirty in their early years, and few of them were really clean.

The same is true for movies. Passers-by are easily misled by trailers or after-views of movies. Without a clear intention, they choose movies that boast more people or appear more often.

After all, if it is fake, it will only waste a few M of traffic and 1 minute of life.

So tonight she only ordered fried rice and steak, and under normal circumstances, the portion would have to be doubled at least.

As for Lord Fan's movie, it can't be described as veiled, it's blatant

"Aifei's Martial God trial has passed one round, and there are still four full rounds to be officially naturalized in Huanyu. It feels a bit too slow."

The two sides are the main opponents in this Spring Festival, but the fans of Xiaopoqiu already feel that they have the chance to win.

Luo Quan, who successfully defended against the empress, showed a winner's smile, lay down on the bed and began to check Weibo.

The hot search content is Fan Leng Leng Leng Ye Fan's comeback in South Korea, and the film he made will be screened at the Berlin Film Festival in more than a month.

She has never had this kind of situation in the past few years, and she, who has never had body anxiety, also panicked at this time.

There's nothing wrong with the title, if you insist.

But in China, this is indeed too misleading.

"What's there to brag about!" Ye Zhining couldn't hold back at all, "Why should I become fat when I can be thin?"

"Don't worry, I know that my concubine is upright and fair, so she won't make her own decisions." Ye Zhining patted Luo Quan on the shoulder, telling her not to think too much.

At her peak, she was not only a leading actress in China, but also had a high reputation internationally, leaving her radiant figure on countless red carpets.

"Okay, it's all my fault, so I shouldn't say such words." Ye Zhining couldn't beat Luo Quan, and raised his hands in surrender.

In fact, the hot spots these days are all related to movies, after all, the Spring Festival is approaching.

Doesn't the high frequency of occurrence mean fire?

Because many people's consumption habits are impulsive, very few people will make sufficient consideration before paying.

It is estimated that there is no hope of a comeback in China, so she chose to find another way, that is to go abroad to find a way out.

However, the movie expresses it very cryptically, using the phrase "Singing is obsessed" to deceive the ears.

In order to return to his previous perfect body, Luo Quan decided to start by reducing his food intake, and then strengthened his exercise.

However, although it happened in South Korea, it is basically related to Chinese people.

Director Guo probably wanted to reproduce the success of the first film, and felt that the aroma of wine was not afraid of deep alleys.

Far away.

That's pretty cool!

And Master Fan is embarrassed now, and his status after his comeback is not as good as before, but because he was popular at the beginning, many people now come to add insult to injury.

"I didn't say anything!" Ye Zhining spread his hands, with an innocent expression, "It's obviously my concubine, you're too filthy and wishful thinking, don't frame me."

After seeing those fancy advertisements, I placed an order as soon as my brain became hot, but in the end I bought it and found that it was not very useful, or it was different from what I imagined.

"Then how can I do it?" Ye Zhining's tone became guilty, "I... I am the king of a country, a good body and appearance is a must, how can I become so fat?"

In short, this title has won the true biography of the UC shock department, which is very deceptive.

In fact, Luoquan has filmed a similar movie before, and that is the famous "Farewell My Concubine".

In terms of appearance and figure, Master Fan is considered the pinnacle of traditional Chinese beauties, and there are few in the entire entertainment industry who can compare with her.

Before Fan Ye, there was already a Chinese actress who had been banned for a long time and went to Korea to develop motorcycles.

So Master Fan's comeback to test the waters only got merciless ridicule from netizens.

Luo Quan, who has suffered a lot, knows the importance of advertising better than anyone else.

At the same time, this is also Fan Ye's first work after his comeback, which is quite gimmick.

There is no particularly important news today, and the hot spots are mainly related to movies.

But if true, that would be awesome.

After several years of silence, Master Fan tried to make a comeback in China a while ago.

Soon, Luo Quan's dinner was served.

Just like when the first film was released, there was no money for publicity at the beginning, and there were very few films scheduled.

And this time "Master Fan has gone to sea", it is also the same headline party.

What's interesting is that the director and one of the heroines of the film are both Chinese, so it's not too much to say that it was co-produced by China and South Korea.

And "The Wandering Earth 2" may also easily earn billions at the box office, but if the publicity strategy is not adjusted, it is really hard to say whether it can win "Empty River Blue".

Because she did go into the sea, and it was in the sea of ​​Hawaii. At that time, she and her family were traveling in Hawaii. By the way, she broadcasted it live and swam twice in the sea.

"Empty River Blue", which is full of big names, has already begun to deliver saturated advertisements. Almost every popular online forum can see relevant advertisements when you click on it.

It turned out that it wasn't that she didn't care, but that she couldn't gain weight by eating whatever she wanted, so she really thought she had a physique that wouldn't make her fat.

Everyone has seen Master Fan's kiss scenes, and there are even large-scale passionate scenes.

It stands to reason that the crew of "The Wandering Earth 2" is not short of money now, and I feel that the promotional efforts are still the same as those of the first part.

If it is really successful, it will be equivalent to providing a good place for domestic bad artists to make a comeback.

Even though the expression was cryptic, a lot of scenes and lines were deleted before it was released.

They have made outstanding contributions to the growth of countless young people. They are the enlightenment of many generations. They are meticulous and naked...

Some are not well-known and no one mentions them.

However, because of tax evasion, he likes to be nicknamed "Eight Billion", and at the same time, his career in China is basically declared ineffective.

Luo Quan rolled his eyes: "I'm too lazy to argue with you... In short, there is nothing wrong with me being a martial artist, and the method of fighting the enemy is also very simple, just punch to the flesh."

This is the psychology of most people, and the frequency of appearance of the level of "Empty River Blue" can be said to be quite in line with the standard of blockbuster movies in the hearts of passers-by.

Only now do I know that people still can't take things for granted.

But ten years later, netizens basically have zero tolerance for the character of artists.

Secondly, the movies I made are also regular, but they will definitely not be released in China.

People only thought that Cheng Dieyi was too into the play as Concubine Yu, but in fact he wanted to play more than just Concubine Yu.

"Actually, a little flesh is pretty good. I just like the appearance of flesh. It doesn't matter if you are a little fatter." Ye Zhining heard about Luo Quan's weight loss plan, and even persuaded her.

Of course, she doesn't have a particularly high tendency to win or lose in these two movies.

The two women in the movie are definitely not as simple as friends, the relationship is definitely much deeper.

No one cares what you do behind the scenes, but if it is exposed, then you are a proper bad artist.

Although the "pregnant belly" has disappeared, Luo Quan fortunately found that there is fat on his stomach.

In advance of Master Fan, it can be said that everyone in the entertainment circle knows everyone.

"Didn't you say that being chubby is cute?" Luo Quan laughed, "What a blessing, and in the future when the subjects ask, you can boast that I am a beauty even if I lose weight."

And the fans of Xiao Poqiu probably think the same way, so they went to watch the "Empty River Blue" party that was overwhelmingly publicized with the mentality of watching a joke.

Also, your focus is weird. "

What occupation should be described as going to sea?

But some unscrupulous media like to do this, and domestic netizens still follow this routine.

Ye Zhining blinked, and said with great interest, "Tell me specifically about sex."

However, Luo Quan feels that publicity is really important in this era.

There is nothing wrong with just looking at the synopsis of the plot, but combined with the trailer, you can know the style of the film.

Luo Quan gave her a speechless look, and replied: "Sex refers to a person's soul and morality, and the sex you think of is probably not the same thing.

Which normal person can only speak half when swimming in the sea?

Because this is a Jiquan movie with Les elements, it tells the story of two women who feel desperate because of their family's emotional problems, but after they meet, they support each other and redeem each other.

It is impossible for a movie with this kind of lens to be released in China anyway.

The first thing people think of is probably the teachers who teach and educate people in Japan.

"Did you dare to say that the fat didn't grow on your body, did it?"

In comparison, although "The Wandering Earth 2" also has publicity, the intensity is much smaller, and it is mainly discussed by netizens.

As long as you have watched the movie, no one can know Cheng Dieyi's feelings for senior brother.

If it were ten years ago, she might have made her comeback. At that time, netizens were quite tolerant of artists. After all, tax evasion was not a serious crime that would lead to jail time. Many celebrities who cheated and drove drunk are still doing well.

Yangzhou fried rice and tomahawk steak, the main feature is a combination of Chinese and Western.

First of all, the place where Master Fan came back is not Japan, but South Korea.

It is said that there are many kissing scenes, but they are not seen in the trailer.

After reading the domestic hot spots, Luo Quan saw a hot search abroad.

Moreover, the premiere is still at the Berlin Film Festival, and it may even win an award if it is not good.

This means that there is no movie of its own during the Spring Festival. If there is, the intensity of publicity and distribution may not be worse than "Empty River Blue".

Because of his outstanding performance on the red carpet, he is quite domineering, so netizens call him Lord Fan.

However, with the strong recommendation of countless fans of tap water, the word-of-mouth of Wandering Earth soared all the way, and finally the counterattack became a hit.

So Luo Quan guessed that as long as the content of "Empty River Blue" is not so bad that it is unbearable, the box office will definitely be quite good.

This is the way of doing business, three points for quality and seven points for quality, if you don’t make your name known, how can you let customers know about your products and then sell them?
My first Chinese record ended in dismal sales because of insufficient publicity.

And if bad artists want to make a comeback, netizens will definitely not agree.

As soon as she saw her, the comment section must be full of Fan Bayi.

Luoquan was dealt with in this way at the beginning, and it was also a third-rate media that put up a news headline "Luoquan has gone to sea", and then the hot search immediately exploded. Netizens and fans who didn't know the truth almost looked for news while looking for tissues.

After taking the elixir given by Bai Xingwei, her appetite has become much larger than before, and she needs to eat more in one meal than Wen Xia can eat in a day.

However, this is really the first time I have seen Les Xiang's movie, and it should be the first domestic top performer to act in this genre. Netizens are still quite concerned about it.

In addition to Fan Bayi, she also mocked the godfather she knew when she was young, and being unclear about these things with certain directors.

Now this actress has achieved great success and won almost all the heavyweight awards in South Korea. In South Korea, she can be called the existence of goddess power.

Even if there is no Luoquan, which is hated by Koreans because of the Spring Festival, there is still a big gap compared with it.

But now, the gap is probably even bigger.

It can be seen from this that going to South Korea if you can't get along in the country may really be a new way out.

(End of this chapter)

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