Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1044 Restoration

Chapter 1044 Restoration
However, not everyone can go to Korea to hang out.

Originally, the Korean people had a bad impression of the Chinese people. After a survey before, the young people in Korea hate the Chinese people the most, followed by the Japanese.

In addition, a while ago, Luo Quan openly started a group on Twitter, which almost angered all the young Koreans surfing the Internet, and it also made their impression of Huaxia even worse.

And what's even more outrageous is that the Goryeo officials don't know what's going on, and they treat Chinese tourists who come to Goryeo by air differently.

If you are a tourist, you will be given a yellow card, questioned by the police, and you will have to be locked up for two days.

If you are an immigrant, it is just a blue sign.

This kind of issuing signs to people and then treating them differently can only be seen in Germany under the rule of the Communist Party.

At that time, in order to distinguish the Jews, the government would issue them small yellow star badges, which were quite easy to identify.

However, the Chinese people probably never dreamed that this kind of behavior would be reproduced on themselves by the Koreans decades later.

After such an insulting behavior took place, it naturally aroused strong dissatisfaction among domestic officials and netizens. The civilized ones condemned it, and the more violent ones directly scolded it.

Fortunately, the mastermind of the Hohenzollern family was not confessed, otherwise the impact would be even greater.

"Good morning, daughter." Eric also had a bright smile, with half a piece of fish and chips in his mouth, looking like he was eating breakfast:

Some of these people are traveling, some are immigrating, and they don't know why they would clear the ground for such an obvious violation of their own interests.

As for whether the Queen intended to give the crown to herself, she would only know after chatting with her.

Tokyo, New York, London, Paris, San Francisco, who doesn't like these famous big cities?

Eric shook his head: "No, it's probably because she didn't say anything, so she asked you to wear it all the time."

As long as you have the ability, of course you can immigrate to live in the past.

"I really want to settle in a place with such a park in my lifetime. I must be very happy."

This is a very spineless behavior.

However, no matter whether you yearn for or have immigrated, you should not go back and belittle or even attack your hometown.

The enemy of the enemy, my hero.

The content of the news is that the German military and the Austrian military jointly took action to destroy an organization that attempted to subvert the current German regime.

"That's really good news." Luo Quan couldn't help becoming hot inside.

Dad's words made Luo Quan smile all of a sudden: "Really? Did the Queen tell me how long to keep it?"

The purpose of this organization is to restore the monarchy and restore the Second German Empire.

"If Hua Tuo is reborn, Chongyang will be healed."

However, because the title and description are both in English, it turned out to be a big oolong.

It's a pity that not everyone like this will be punished.


Eric said in a low voice: "The bad news I have is that one of our relatives has an accident, and we may be involved.

But in either case, the crown will be kept with itself for a longer period of time.

"Just kidding, Luo Bao used to do this when she was not famous. At that time, there were not as many fans as there are now, but she can always fight the ugly crowd with her own strength, and she can always gain the upper hand."

"Looking at this lush green forest, the air must be very fresh, unlike my place, which is full of the smell of car exhaust."

It has quite high historical value and political significance, even if its status is not as good as that of Shang Guo Yuxi, it is not much worse.

I actually wore her to attend the event, in fact, only at the Oscars at the beginning of the year, and I never wore it again.

Although its name is the queen's crown, it represents the royal power of England.

"I understand, I'm sure I won't talk nonsense." Luo Quan made an OK gesture, telling Dad not to worry.

If the queen did not take it back until her death, can she directly claim that it is her own?

However, Koreans are also dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water. They first claimed that there is no problem with such an operation, mainly to facilitate the statistics of the immigration staff. After all, there are too many Chinese tourists coming to Korea.

During the period, many major museums asked her to borrow the crown for an exhibition, but she refused. At most, she just showed it off to fans during the live broadcast.

"What do you want me to do at night?"

I'm also letting you know, so that you don't know what happened when you are suddenly called by the door. "

But now she understands that ugly things are always there, it doesn't exist if you don't tell them.

Groups like Muyang dogs must be dealt with severely and must not be tolerated.

Then the comments below are all licking Goryeo, and it's clear at a glance who the song is for.

In fact, it is not that there is anything wrong with a Chinese yearning for a foreign life.

And people who have no backbone are looked down upon no matter where they are, and discrimination and bullying are easy to find.

Leon personally experienced this incident, and Luo Quan saw it with his own eyes.

However, despite Koryo's death, today's international news hotspots are not in the east, but in Europe.

"No way, greed is one of the biggest original sins of human beings." Eric spread his hands helplessly, "This matter is quite big, I got the news in advance, and soon it will be seen on the news arrive.

After all, the current direct descendants of the royal family are really not liked by the public, and none of them are satisfactory from top to bottom.

This kind of statement is a typical example of talking about him, avoiding the issue of insulting personality.

At this time, Dad sent a video invitation.

Such a phenomenon is not uncommon on the Internet, and a considerable number of Muyang dogs have this kind of psychology.

And next door is also a street account that took pictures of the scenery of Shanghai Central Park, and the comment area is full of trolls.

Of course, it is also possible to simply forget.

Fans who noticed the movement immediately pushed this Weibo to the front row, so the layout of the comment area seemed very strange.

"Then what about the bad news?" After Luo Quan was happy, he remembered that there was another news from his father, "Crown Prince Sars didn't agree, and then wanted to force me to return the world to you, right?"

At this time, a person who was very popular and also of royal blood won the crown of the Queen of England. First of all, he had a considerable advantage in public opinion.

"How else can I say that she is capable, ordinary celebrities don't have this kind of pattern and awareness."

In fact, there have always been such people who worship foreigners and fawn on foreigners in China, and the number is quite large.

This song is also an old song from a few years ago. It is called "Compendium of Materia Medica". The first sentence of the song is what she wants to say to these people.

In the evening, Luo Quan had just finished dinner and was about to ask Ye Zhining when she would return to her room. She was going to rest.

Afterwards, if a reporter asks you what you think of the restoration of the German royal family, just say you don’t know. "

In these two videos, many IDs are repeated.

"That's not true. The Queen has the final say on the whole royal family now. For the time being, no one dares to speak against her."

Although it is not realistic to succeed as queen, it is still possible if the crown is kept.

Netizens who were filled with righteous indignation thought that they would never go to this ghost place, so they didn't bother to fight against those Koreans.

Many people think that once the Queen dies, the entire Commonwealth of Nations will disintegrate.

This is probably the good news that Dad really wanted to say.

And in the recent period, it has been left in the cabinet to eat ashes. If her father didn't mention it, she almost forgot that she still has such a treasure.

What's interesting is that after these people were discriminated against, instead of blaming those who discriminated against them, they thought it was caused by their hometown, and turned around and attacked Huaxia and Chinese people frantically.

"Good news." Luo Quan always likes sweetness first and bitterness later.

After this, Leon also had a new level of understanding of the Huaxia Muyang Dog. At the same time, in order to avoid misunderstandings, he never took the title in English.

These outrageous comments embarrassed Leon, and he didn't know whether to tell them the truth.

Quite a few posted on Weibo saying that there is nothing wrong with this matter, that it is normal to issue different brands, please do not attack randomly.

And the longer you keep it in your hands, the greater the probability of becoming your own.

"Dad here has a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Therefore, this matter only became hot for a day, and then gradually became silent.

"This is what I like about Luo Quan. She will never cherish feathers just because she is a star, and she will send out any thoughts directly."

However, it is frustrating that no countermeasures have been announced yet, and those Chinese people who went to Koryo washed up first.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Quan immediately searched for relevant news on the Internet.

It is said that the girl who licked the United States without limit has been expelled from her school, and she can't get along in the United States, so she can only sneak back to China.

Although it sounds shameless, Luo Quan feels that with his popularity in the UK, if he really does this, the public will probably be happy to see it.

Luo Quan has sprayed this kind of people on Weibo many times before, and the most famous one is the founder of the foreign air sweet talk.

"At home is survival, and abroad is life."

But her reputation in China is completely reversed. Many passers-by have been attracted by her set of operations, and began to fall in love with this foreign goddess with a clear stand and full of exotic customs.

Even when Leon and Mia first came to China, he was still live streaming on Douyin, and his Chinese was not as good as it is now.

"The restoration of the German royal family?" Luo Quan suspected that there was something wrong with his ears. "It's the 21st century, and these run-down nobles still don't give up. Do you have the conditions?"


Some people said that there are too many people here and it is too noisy, and some people say that this is a face project without any meaning, in short, it is quite exciting.

After seeing his father appearing in the camera, Luo Quan greeted him with a smile.

In short, Luo Quan is determined to fight these people to the end, so he posted a link to the song in the comment area of ​​related hot searches.

Because it is someone else's property after all, Luo Quan is not easy to dispose of it casually.

Anyway, it's not me who was put on the brand, so why bother to scold foreigners for a bunch of soft bones?

In the end, some Shanghai natives said that this is Central Park, when did it become a foreign place?
At the beginning, no one believed it, but after someone translated the title of the Lyon video, the truth finally came to light.

Originally, she only had one year to use the queen's crown, and it was the first month of the first month when she won the championship, so she had to pay it back in less than a month.

The first comment is the Compendium of Materia Medica issued by Luo Quan, which encourages people to listen to music and see doctors more.

Luo Quan himself had lived in Japan for several years before, and he missed the days there very much.

Maybe when the queen passed away one day, and this thing remained with me, it would be a great joy.

Moreover, there are also many stowaways who fish in troubled waters. Only by using this more rigorous method can the problem be properly handled.

One time, Mia and Mia went to visit the Central Park of Shanghai, and took a video, wanting to sigh that the scenery here is really good, and the air is also good.

"The good news is that the queen asked me to bring you a message, that is, you can keep the crown for a while, and you don't have to rush to return it."

But I have never been embarrassed to say it live, after all, family ugliness should not be publicized.

A bunch of shepherd dogs in the comment area are saying:
"The scenery of foreign parks is good, much better than domestic ones."

It turns out that the foreign beauty that these people miss is actually a park in China.

"That's why she deserves to become a world superstar and become popular."

So she can only stay at home and eat the old, anyway, the situation is not very good.

But the higher authorities will definitely not make Goryeo just so disgusting, and will definitely take countermeasures, just wait for the Goryeo to jump.

The things that were supposed to be returned immediately, but now they are told that they can still keep them forever, how can this prevent her from dreaming?

It is impossible for the queen to let her keep the crown for no reason, something must have happened, or she wanted to ask her for something.

Luo Quan's reputation in Goryeo has been completely ruined, and there are countless fans who have turned off fans and retweeted.

It didn't take long to actually find it.


If this is true, then Luo Quan can only say that he deserves retribution.

Seeing this scene, netizens and fans of Luoquan couldn't be happier:
"Haha, Lungang has to be Luo Quangang, I don't hesitate at all to deal with you bastards."

But because the video she posted was so famous, everyone knew her as "Xiang Tianjie", and no company wanted her.

It is indeed quite influential news, with more than 30 discussions on Twitter, and this has only just appeared, and it is still soaring.

Luo Quan himself has witnessed the outrageous and ridiculous behavior of these people.

The Hohenzollern family was the last family to rule the empire.

And the Albert family has a close relationship with the Hohenzollern family. Luo Quan and Leon, the heirs of this family, have to call him big cousin.

Although none of the arrested people confessed to the Hohenzollern family, the fool also knows who will be the biggest beneficiary when the Second German Empire is restored.

So the behind-the-scenes instigation naturally surfaced.

(End of this chapter)

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