Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1045 The Predicament of Station B

The good news is that the group of people who were arrested were very hard-spoken. Although they confessed their intentions, they insisted that they were the masterminds, and there was no higher upline than them.

But this kind of words can also fool a three-year-old child.

It was restored in the name of the Second German Empire, and it does not have any royal blood. Who will be the boss after the restoration? Is it a parliamentary system?

If this is the case, then what is the Second Empire?

In short, there must be a big fish hidden in this case, and even this big fish is about to come out, but because there is no evidence, the police cannot take further action for the time being.

And the more the investigation, the more frightened the German police became.

Although there are not many people in this organization, a considerable number have served or are serving in the military.

At present, the highest rank is a colonel, and if this level rises further, it is a general.

And this is only those who have been captured. How many of those who have not been captured are high-ranking officials in the army?And among these senior officials, are there any generals?
This is a frightening question.

A group of rebels planned a rebellion in an organized and planned way, and secretly colluded with a considerable number of military figures. Before that, the German government didn't even notice it at all.

In comparison, what fans want to see is that the national football team breaks out of the world preliminaries and enters the World Cup with dignity.

And most of the passers-by who appeared on the scene were either group performers or pedestrians passing by.

"Okay! With your blessing, I feel relieved."

That is, the list of the World Preliminaries against Vietnam on the first day of the Lunar New Year has been confirmed. The main players are all out, and there are many naturalized players. The lineup looks quite strong, and the opponent Vietnam is not a strong team. next game.

In fact, she can continue to wish her well until she is perfect.

In terms of how to get a lot of cash flow in a short period of time, making mobile games is definitely one of the best choices!

In comparison, the postponement of the queen's crown made her more excited.

Therefore, there are tens of thousands of comments in the comment area, and quite a few of them are putting pressure on the players, so that they must work hard to win this new year.

The annual turnover of King of Glory next door is 700 billion, and the single-day turnover on New Year’s Eve even reached 20 billion!
This is such a terrifying income, who can't be envious of it.

Of course, there are also rational fans who ask everyone not to put so much pressure, otherwise it will easily affect the performance of the players.

The reporter shot the Führer to death on the roof with a gun, but the next second, the Führer stood behind him intact and said:
"I can't be killed because I'm always hidden in people's hearts. When the need arises, I will come back anytime."

Coincidentally, Cheng Rui also had a feeling of having no branches to rely on at this time.

Today they call for a vegetarian diet, and tomorrow they call for a ban on petroleum. From time to time, they go to the supermarket to pour milk, and sit quietly on the road to prevent cars from passing.

The fans have already experienced too many key battles-the battle of life and death-the battle of qualifying in theory-the battle of honor-the train station.

When Dad sent her this message, it was tantamount to telling her to draw a line with this group of people.

But what is intriguing is that all the scenes of interviewing passers-by in the movie were shot by the crew on the real street.

However, considering that a reporter might ask about it, Eric mentioned it to his daughter.

This kind of behavior is punishable in Germany.

By the way, Luo Quan, as the goddess of luck of the national football team in the last World Cup in Beijing, was also sent to the national football team by the netizen @出来.

Now Germany has experienced defeat-repentance-resurrection, and has become a powerful country in Europe again.

Because at that time, Huaxia was the host and entered the group stage unconditionally, which was equivalent to going through the back door.


At the end of the story, the true identity of the head of state was discovered by the reporter who made him famous.

At that time, Bilibili had just been listed, and the stock soared like a rocket. No matter iQiyi, Youku, or Penguin Video, they were no rivals, and the title of "Huaxia Youtube" was becoming more and more famous.

"10000 yuan has already been bet, the national football team 1-3 Vietnam, I am happy when the national football team wins, and I make money when the national football team loses."

If you lose, then the situation will not be too bad.

Glory of Kings is certainly not rubbish, but if you want to reproduce the second model, you need the right time, place and people. Cheng Rui doesn't have such confidence now.

However, it is still possible to imagine a game with an annual revenue of several billion.

"Eh... just in case, I said just in case, what if the national football team loses, after all, it's not impossible."

Therefore, fans attach great importance to the Qatar World Preliminaries, thinking that this is the moment for the national football team to show their strength to Asian football after many years of dormancy.

What's more, this competition is still on the first day of the new year, so I really don't want to be embarrassed by bad news at the beginning of the new year.

This game against Vietnam is very important. If you win, you will be able to successfully get a slot, and the probability of advancing to the next round will be greatly improved.

It’s been a long time since restoration is still underway, and Germany no longer has that foundation, and continuing to do so can only lead to a dead end.

"Don't be blindly confident. If metaphysics is really useful, the national football team would have entered the World Cup ten years ago."

For this duel, netizens are generally quite confident.

In short, the crimes committed by politicians were finally accepted by the people as they were ordered.

And the representatives chosen by the right-wingers are not art students, but the Hohenzollern family.

After all, Vietnam's ranking in the world is only 130, which is more than 50 places behind the national football team.

"The 1 yuan is probably going to go to waste."

"Luo Bao made a move, so the national football team is probably stable this time, and we are waiting for the good news on the first day of the new year."

And even if things are revealed and a large number of members are arrested, it cannot be said that it has failed completely.

It is about a failed art student who was about to commit suicide with a bomb after being defeated in the army, but when he woke up, he found that he had traveled to Germany in the 21st century.

And judging from the history of the match, the national football team also has an overall advantage.

People who follow the fan have finished watching it on pirated websites, and your original version has not been launched yet. Will anyone still spend money to watch the fan at station B after a long time?

In short, netizens are quite optimistic about the mood of this battle.

It is said that Germany has repented from top to bottom, but it seems that this is not the case.

What happened to the Germans is what happened to most Europeans.

But the passers-by around saw it with a smile on their faces, and no one stood up to stop it.

At the same time, the national football official also released a news that excited the fans.

The way I think of now is to let my aunt temporarily manage the affairs of station B on his behalf, while I go to research and develop new games.

But scoring ten goals in a game is too exaggerated. The gap between the national football team and Vietnam is not that big, so let's score five.

The Albert family will definitely not be stupid with them. After all, their base is in the UK, and what happens in Germany has nothing to do with them.

Luo Quan read the news, but didn't take it too seriously.

If you want to win the national football team and enter the World Cup, you have nothing to rely on except yourself.

After time travel, the head of state, as a comedian, conducts interviews on the streets to understand what the common people really think about the government.

The huge desk is full of plans to increase the monthly activity and revenue of station B, but most of the plans have been crossed by him with a red marker, which is tantamount to being abandoned.

Those who have not been arrested will certainly not let it go, and no one knows what plans will be displayed next.

"Is brother so sloppy?"

And the most important thing is that the drama that can be called the survival of station B has also suffered a fatal blow because of a certain idiot's remarks.

However, who would have thought that only two years have passed, and Station B is already looking like the intersection of Xishan Road in decline.

In other words, those right-wing remarks that sound quite appalling are actually the real thoughts of Germans today.

Not only has the stock price shrunk by 90.00% from the highest point[-], but the monthly revenue is also in deficit again and again.

If you can only enter the World Cup by spending money, you will be taken advantage of properly, and you will still be ridiculed by South Korea and Japan next door.

That's the end of the story, and if that's all there is to this film, it's just an ordinary comedy satire.

But Luo Quan knew that Hohenzollern, a relative, would never be able to get along again.

"I have raised a bunch of idiots with so much money, and I can't come up with an effective solution after so long."

If this group of people is allowed to develop, it may really be possible to achieve something in three to five years.

He also said that the strength of the national football team is steadily surpassing that of Vietnam. It has not lost much in more than ten years, and the probability of overturning is not high.

The second reason is the random protest of the White Left.

So the most important thing is to create a relaxed environment for the team to play normally.

It can be seen that there are still a lot of normal fans in the comment area.

What's even more frightening is that Germany is actually just a microcosm of Europe.

Although she doesn't watch football very much, but such an important matter must not be shirked, so she posted a Weibo:
"I wish the national football team a blockbuster in the game against Vietnam on the first day of the Lunar New Year, scoring twice, scoring three goals in a row, prosperity in all seasons, and five sons enrolling!"

To put it in a slightly crazy way, that is to find a reason to lose, unless all members of the national football team eat sea cucumbers for the New Year's Eve dinner and eat bad stomachs.

After all, millions of refugees from the Middle East are flocking to Europe every year. Germany is already far away. You can know what the small European countries that are closer to each other look like.

No one watches the drama, no one plays the game, no one visits the shopping mall, one project is a yellow one, and the stock price is so low that it cannot be raised.

Of course, it's definitely not that serious yet.

However, Station B was established by him alone, and it has gathered his painstaking efforts for more than ten years. No matter how difficult it is, he will sit down and let Station B survive.

In order to satirize the reality, a German director made a movie called "The Head of State is Back".

Cheng Rui roughly kneaded a useless case into a ball, and cursed bitterly.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with Luo Quan, who is far away in China.

In fact, the right-wing trend of thought in Germany has been quite high in recent years. There are two main reasons. One is the acceptance of refugees.

Moreover, when they saw comedians who looked exactly like the head of state, many of them even raised their right hands jokingly, performing the iconic etiquette.

If one of the members of the organization hadn't gotten drunk in a beer hall and made a slip of the tongue, the government probably wouldn't have known about such a group of restorationists until now.

Although they usually scolded fiercely, when it came to the critical moment, the big guys still supported them unconditionally, and no one would disturb the morale of the army at this time.

In the end, it was found that the vast majority of people were dissatisfied with the status quo, and expressed their extreme disgust for refugees and white leftists, and said that it would be great if all these people could be locked up.

The trial before the broadcast has led to all the dramas at station B not only needing to delete a large amount of drama content, but also to go online for a much longer time than pirated resources.

As for Luo Quan, she doesn't know what will happen in the future, and her blessings are usually only the most effective for herself, and for others, it can only depend on whether God gives face or not.

As the founder and largest shareholder of Station B, what was his style two years ago.

And such blessings, fans who often watch football immediately understand:

The Germans influenced by these two groups naturally became extreme, and their thoughts began to develop towards the right.

Although nothing outrageous or outrageous has been done, but stacked up one by one, it is indeed very disgusting.

"Okay, you traitor who disturbed the morale of the army, drag me out and behead you!"

He doesn't expect to create a mobile game of the same level. After all, Glory of Kings is backed by Penguin. With QQ, the social king, even a trash talk game can have a large number of users when it first opens.

If this is the case, they won't blame them for losing, it must be the sea cucumber's problem.

What this means can be understood after careful consideration.

This group of foreigners who did not contribute much to the country's economy, wherever they went, the crime rate began to soar, causing the aborigines to complain endlessly.

Faced with this situation, Cheng Rui scratched his head and didn't know what to do to save Station B.

But if it accumulates to the point where the public can't bear it, then maybe another art student who failed the ranking will be pushed to the front of the stage.

Only in that way can it be meaningful and prove that Chinese football has really risen.

Although a few billion is not much, but for the current station B, it can definitely solve the urgent need.

The projects that station B spent a lot of money on were either half-finished or abandoned halfway, or the response was mediocre after they were launched, and they didn't make much money at all.

However, the seemingly prosperous and powerful country, the society is not as stable as imagined.

Although the national football team has entered the World Cup two years ago, most fans don't really recognize this time.

After all, the real mastermind is still there, and support can even be heard from the military and even civilians.

But the idea is good, but when I really want to implement it, I realize that it is not that simple.

The idea of ​​each new game is either 5v5moba or turn-based development. This kind of paper man game is boring even for people who don’t play mobile games very much. Can those who play every day be interested?

And the plans given by my subordinates are still like this, it feels like they were copied from a website, and the ideas are inexplicably similar.

That's why Cheng Rui was so angry.

In addition to being angry, he was full of sadness, that is, the cash flow of station B is really running short.

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