Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1046 Letting Go

Chapter 1046 Letting Go
ps. There was a mistake in the previous chapter. The Chinese New Year’s opponent of the national football team was not Thailand but Vietnam. It has been revised.


In fact, it is not terrible for a company's stock to plummet, because it may be a technical adjustment, and it is entirely possible to rise back.

Year-round negative revenue is not so terrible, because to achieve this volume, the revenue and expenditure are in the hundreds of millions, and the expenditure is too much, which means that there are many projects, and the income brought by the project in the future will be very considerable. .

Of course, it is not normal for one project to attack another project like Station B.

But no matter what, the sharp drop in stocks and negative revenue are normal things for an Internet company, not to mention station B, the same is true for Douyu Huya and iQiyi next door.

The general environment is like this, there is nothing to be nervous about.

But if there is a problem with cash, the consequences can be quite serious.

If a company has one billion cash, even if it loses [-] million a year, it can continue to operate for five years.

But if a company is making money every year, but the cash flow is cut off, it may not last a quarter.

This is how Mongolian top laner became popular, because he expressed the aspirations of many old users.

But even so, Cheng Rui was unwilling to give up: "Station B is my painstaking effort, even if it dies, I will be with it."

Although it has reversed some recently, it is still falling most of the time.

But if you continue to do it according to the management of you, then sooner or later station B will be completely cool.

Among the major shareholders, she is the one who most wants to be in station B.

Coupled with the reduction of creative incentives for UP masters, it was attacked by many parties.

Unexpectedly, less than five years later, station B has fallen from the peak to the abyss, and Luoquan has become the hottest top player in the world.

Therefore, if you want to acquire Station B, the biggest resistance is still Cheng Rui.

As far as equity is concerned, her proportion is even higher than that of Cheng Rui.

Major shareholders may be able to hold it, but those retail investors must be eager to get rid of them all.

To put it bluntly, Station B is now only one step away from bankruptcy. "

I remember back then, it was he who personally called Luo Quan to send out an invitation, and brought the first official star to Station B.

If he doesn't nod, this matter cannot be accomplished.

"You want to die with Bilibili, but the users of Bilibili don't necessarily think so, they definitely hope that Bilibili can continue to operate.

"Is the current Station B really what you dreamed of?" Luo Quan asked back.

He has to calm down and think about what else to do.

As for Luo Quan, he was just a fledgling singer, only slightly famous in Japan.

Watermelon Video is specially used to compete with Station B. When Station B cut the income of up owners, Watermelon Video poached a lot of people.

May I ask, besides me, have any other investors called you? "

In this case, how can investors be willing to inject cash into Bilibili?

"Is that enough?" Cheng Rui was taken aback, "Li Li and Xu Yi already have 25 in their hands. If you really have a meeting to discuss issues, your voting rights may not be useful.

"Haven't you understood what I mean?" Luo Quan was a little helpless, "The reason why I called was to question your ability as well as other management.

It is true that you said that you have made Station B bigger, but can Station B still be called big now?

"How is it possible!" Cheng Rui smiled, "Why didn't I know that someone was buying our stock on a large scale, you are not lying to me, are you?"

In the second half of this year, the stock price of station B has basically plummeted, and the entire market value is less than 30 billion US dollars.

Luo Quan's voice was not loud, but every word seemed to pierce Cheng Rui's heart like a needle.

Of course, I ask for these just because I like station B, not for profit.

The remaining shares are basically retail investors, with a total of 20.00% of the voting rights.

Now that there are so many official accounts, can the Two-dimensional things still exist? "

"Mr. Cheng, the reality is right in front of you. The cash flow of station B is cut off, and no one is willing to help.

So since the end of last year, the cash flow of station B has been stretched.

But if he doesn't nod, the behavior of buying the billions of Bilibili stocks he bought will be a bit like being taken advantage of.

Cheng Rui scratched the already thinning hair on his forehead dejectedly, and sat down on the chair.

"Luo Quan, it's been a long time since I spoke."

"Yeah, time really flies by, and things change in a blink of an eye." Cheng Rui's eyes were deep, and his tone was full of emotion.

After all, the companies under his name are sufficiently dispersed and design various industries.

"Don't forget that it is those old users who use love to generate electricity, which gives Bilibili the opportunity to grow and develop.

"Why can't it exist?" Luo Quan wanted to laugh, "Two-dimensional is not illegal.

Luo Quan chuckled, and directly exposed Cheng Rui's lie: "Actually, don't worry too much. My participation in Station B does not mean that I will kick you out of the management. I will not end your equity and voting rights. All it takes is 40.00% of the voting power."

As the largest shareholder, I want decision-making power, and it is a decision-making power that no one can interfere with.

The projects developed by myself are either aborted, or they can't make money, and they are frequently searched because of their poor performance.

In fact, I don't like sensationalism, so I'll ask something realistic next.

He has found so many investors, how could he forget about this wealthy woman who is the most pure and rich in China?
Among the stars all over the world, it can be said that no one knows and likes Station B better than her, Nobody!

How could Cheng Rui not be moved by this huge change in the situation?
Just when he was about to say Happy New Year to Luo Quan, he was stunned by the words on the other side.

But anyway, there was a period of time before, and there was still some money in the account, so it has been supported until now.

At present, the shareholding structure of Station B is relatively clear. Cheng Rui, Li Li, and Xu Yi account for 20.00% of the shares and 70.00% of the voting rights.

Indeed, after Station B started, the words de-Two-dimensionalization were almost written on the face.

To sum it up, it's about to turn yellow.

But after Bilibili started to operate, it abandoned those users who supported it. You ask yourself, can the current Bilibili still find a trace of what it was five years ago? "

Cheng Rui picked it up and saw an unexpected name.

As of now, she has held close to 30.00% of Bilibili's shares and 14.00% of the voting rights in Bilibili.

And all you need to do is to hand over most of the voting rights, your equity will not be reduced much, and I guarantee that your dividends will only be more than now at this time next year! "

She has already explained the stakes to Cheng Rui. As for the position on station B, Cheng Rui can see it clearly without talking about it.

"That's not true." Luo Quan shook his head, "I just bought a lot of stocks other than the big shareholders like you, and now the total is [-]%."

Cheng Rui thought that Luo Quan was calling to pay him New Year's greetings, so he tried his best to cheer up his voice.

"But if this is the case, won't you be on the same boat as us?"

Luo Quan didn't rush to urge Cheng Rui to make a choice, but said softly: "Actually, you didn't just give up the equity, maybe you can usher in the life you love.

Originally, Cheng Rui thought that in a year, at least he could attract investment, plug the hole in cash flow, and let the company continue to operate.

Although Bilibili is indeed the leader of domestic long videos, Byte has already set its sights on this piece of fat.

"You... Seriously!" Cheng Rui sat up straight suddenly, and then fell into annoyance and ecstasy.

Of course, the main force for buying stocks is still grandpa.

And those tens of millions of users on station B have hundreds of millions of clicks, which sounds great, but they are all fake, and they cannot be realized at critical moments, and they are useless for solving problems.

Station B is now in an embarrassing situation where its cash flow is broken.

I know Mr. Cheng, you have 40.00% of the right to speak in station B, so I will only talk to you. "

Luo Quan is professional in painting pancakes.

Luo Quan said with a smile: "I just have a lot of friends, and now that the market value of station B has fallen to the bottom, it really doesn't cost much for one person to buy a little."

And the rumors on the Internet about the broken cash flow of Station B have never stopped, and you know best whether this is true or not.

Luo Quan's questioning made Cheng Rui fall into silence.

"It's impossible, Luo Quan." Cheng Rui refused without thinking, "Bilibili is my painstaking effort, it's my life's dream, I can't transfer it to someone else."

And Luo Quan also did enough homework before this call, and only made the call when it was clear that the cash flow of station B was no longer available.

After the ecstasy, Cheng Rui regained his composure: "However, this help is definitely not free. There needs to be a detailed discussion about the equity and the right to speak, and all major shareholders must be called..."

Or, have you already communicated with them in advance? "

Cheng Rui talked nonsense with a confident expression.

Cheng Rui suddenly figured out the problem: "If Station B dies, it won't do you any good."

In business talk business, Cheng Rui would not naively think that Luo Quan would help him like helping children in impoverished mountainous areas, so he immediately started discussing the division of interests.

"I heard that the situation at station B is not good recently, maybe I can help."

When key Internet companies face this kind of predicament, unlike physical companies, they can sell fixed assets to tide over the difficulties.

So if station B really fails, Xigua Video will definitely step on its dead body to ascend to the throne immediately.

The stock market is bearish and cannot attract investment.

It is precisely for this reason that those old users all gritted their teeth when they mentioned Cheng Rui.

Then Penguin holds 11.00% of the shares, Ali holds [-]% of the shares, and the voting rights add up to [-]%.

"It's a matter of great importance, and we really need to think about it."

But he also knew that everything Luo Quan said was true.

"Of course, the market is still quite optimistic about Station B. After all, we have irreplaceable value in the long video segment, and no one can compete with us."

Others, I am afraid that they have long forgotten their original intentions, and only want to waste money.

If you continue to persevere like this, station B will definitely die slowly.

Now, Station B seems to be at the end of its rope.

"But..." Cheng Rui still wanted to say something, but the indifference in his heart made him unable to accept Luo Quan's proposal.

"But no matter what, at least I have made station B bigger." Cheng Rui continued to defend, "And this is the pain that a website for the whole people must go through. Those things in small circles can only be followed by few people. to exist.

Just then the phone rang.

This series of phenomena is being revealed to the outside world, that is, the current internal management of station B is chaotic, insufficient funds, and unable to make ends meet.

At that time, the number of users of station B skyrocketed, which was a scene of all things competing for development and full of vitality.

She has done the same thing N times, so she seems familiar with it.

He wanted to refute, but couldn't find any reason, because what Luo Quan said was true.

"I need to think about it again." Cheng Rui was in a mess, and wanted to let go but couldn't bear it.

If it is for profit, I will not buy so much when the stock price plummets in the second half of the year. "

It is impossible for Cheng Rui to let go and compromise until the end of the mountain.

Last year, the market value was more than 600 billion, but now it has fallen to 180 billion. If no changes are made, this momentum will definitely not be stopped.

But Luo Quan interrupted him before he finished speaking: "Actually, I don't just invest purely. In addition to the shares, I also have the right to speak, and more than 50.00% of the right to speak.

Rather than watching it slowly die, let it come back to life in my hands.

"Mr. Cheng, it's okay to lie to a three-year-old child with these words. You think I don't have any definite news, so will I call you?"

I don't think you have the ability to keep Bilibili operating in a healthy manner, and even after a while, there may be no possibility of a grand burial.

Now it seems that the situation is even worse than imagined.

Just like when Yifa was deeply in debt crisis, it directly sold the building and the plaza, and it didn't take long to collect enough money.

But because the voting rights have been cut before listing, even if she wins all the stocks of retail investors, the voting rights can only reach 20.00%.

And Luoquan planned to acquire Station B in the first half of the year, but in order not to make Cheng Rui suspicious, he mobilized his relatives and friends to sell a little, and then transfer it when the time comes.

In fact, Cheng Rui knew it well, but he was unwilling to face it.

Luo Quan laughed heartily: "It's been quite a long time. I don't remember the last time I talked to Mr. Cheng. It must have been a year or two?"

"If you can help, I'm definitely 1 thanks!"

If I have a chance, I will make Bilibili even better. This is my promise to you, and I will make the same promise to all Bilibili users in the future. "

Cheng Rui didn't answer the call, but just silently turned off the phone.

He needs to be quiet now, to think about what he might get after giving up Station B, and how to continue his life for the rest of his life.

It's not an easy decision, even if it's the right one.

(End of this chapter)

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