Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1047 Acquisition of Bilibili

Chapter 1047 Acquisition of Bilibili
Cheng Rui who turned off his phone thought that no one would bother him now, so he could safely consider whether to give up Station B.

But within a few minutes, there was a knock on the door outside the office.

"Mr. Cheng, the 20-year financial report has been prepared and sent to your mailbox, but I haven't read the message..."

The secretary explained his purpose.

"Well, I see." Cheng Rui rubbed his temples and turned on the computer again.

He was still hesitating at first, but after only two glances, he made up his mind.

"Forget it, let's sell it. Anyway, it's just for voting rights, and there are still a lot of shares left."

Cheng Rui comforted him in his heart.

It's not that he doesn't care about his career that he has worked hard for more than ten years, the future is really bleak.

If it was when he first started Station B, he could still grit his teeth and persevere, because he had nothing to lose.

But it would be unrealistic for him to fight with the belief of going bankrupt now.

So Cheng Rui chose to compromise. At least Station B fell into the hands of a capable person who also loves Two-dimensional, which is not too bad.

So Cheng Rui asked his staff to prepare the equity transfer letter, and at the same time packaged the financial reports, investments, liabilities, and various projects under construction of Station B in recent years and sent them to Luoquan.


Luo Quan replied briefly, but his heart was already in full bloom.

Originally, she thought that the process of acquiring station B would be full of twists and turns, but she didn't expect it to be so smooth.

Although Bilibili looks shaky now, as Cheng Rui said, Bilibili is irreplaceable, and its user stickiness is also the highest among several video apps.

If it is really going to close down, it is unlikely in a short period of time, and some people are willing to take over.

It’s just that it’s not known whether Station B can retain a bit of the Two-dimensional flavor.

It can only be said that my identity as an old user of station B is the decisive factor for this transaction, but Cheng Rui would never give up his hard work to others if he changed his identity.

But no matter what, station B is now in hand.

As for whether it can return to its peak, Luo Quan himself has no idea, but it will definitely not be worse than it is now.

Cheng Rui's various reports were also sent over, and Luo Quan first glanced at the financial report.

It's really not pretty.

While revenues are growing, losses are growing at a faster rate.

The year before last was a loss of 30 billion, and last year it was a loss of 80 billion. I didn’t know it at the beginning of this year, but following this trend, it will cost at least 100 billion.

The good news is that with his own net worth, he can still withstand such a loss.

Not even talking about my income in the entertainment industry, just the return I got from investing in Nikola Motors at the beginning can completely make up for the loss of station B.

The most important thing is that this year, Station B has taken over by itself, and the revenue will definitely be reversed.

After the data was obtained, Luo Quan was going to let the professionals in his company analyze it.

But looking at the time, it was already twelve o'clock in the evening. If you go to disturb someone's sleep at this time, you will be scolded by Luo for cheating behind your back.

So Luo Quan chose to wait until tomorrow morning.

The headquarters of station B is brightly lit, and almost all employees have worked overtime.

The transfer of equity and leadership is not something that can be done simply by making a statement and signing it. This involves the division of many interests, and the company may not be able to figure it out in a week when it is bigger.

The employees were very busy, and Cheng Rui was not idle.

Several major shareholders were woken up overnight, and after asking, they found out that station B had been sold by Cheng Rui.

Penguin and Alibaba are fine. After all, these two companies have invested a lot at home and abroad. Erma probably doesn't know how much investment they have.

The shares of station B, if it was two years ago, would have been quite considerable. As for now, it is better than nothing.

Therefore, the representatives of these two companies did not say much at the meeting, they would do business for anyone, and maybe the situation would be better if they changed the boss.

Hearing that the buyer was Luo Quan, the representative of Penguin was quite happy. After all, the two parties have cooperated countless times and the relationship is quite close. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are half of Penguin.

Ali's representative, on the other hand, didn't show any expression. Maybe Ali almost regarded Bilibili as another bad debt investment.

Over the years, Ali has invested in various fields, but either it can’t do it by itself, or the business it invested in has failed, and it has been dubbed the industry ghost.

Compared with Penguin's "angel investment", the gap is really stark.

Despite the poor reputation in China, penguins are still very popular abroad.

However, this meeting was not about these two big companies, but about the two original major shareholders, Li Li and Xu Yi.

They were Cheng Rui's right-hand men when he started, and they witnessed Station B reaching its peak and turning from prosperity to decline.

It’s not easy to say how much love is left in Station B, but it’s definitely not willing to hand over the control of Station B just like that.

In the past, Cheng Rui had only [-] voting rights. If some outrageous decision was made, several shareholders could unite to check and balance.

Now that Luoquan directly won more than [-] voting rights after the acquisition, then Bilibili is tantamount to her voice, so what right do these veterans have?

It is estimated that it will wait for dividends every year.

"I don't even know what kind of nerves you have, Cheng Rui. Isn't it good that the cash flow is cut off? Let's find a way together. Is it necessary to hand over Station B directly!"

Li Li hurried to the company after receiving the news, with disheveled hair and flailing teeth and claws like a female ghost.

"Station B is not only your painstaking effort, but also the two of us. You made such a decision without saying hello. Do you treat us as your own!"

It is said that men will be more rational when they are in trouble, but they also score the situation.

Xu Yi and Cheng Rui have worked together for more than ten years. They don't say they regard each other as brothers, but they have a deep friendship. When they asked this question, they really felt uncomfortable.

In fact, everyone is well aware of the situation at station B. The break in the capital flow is really not something that everyone can solve together. It is not a bad thing for Luo Quan to take over.

But before you make a decision, at least tell everyone that you really think of Station B as your own business?

The two elders questioned sharply, while Cheng Rui took off his eyes slowly and wiped them with a rag: "In the beginning, I was actually a little vacillating, and I was afraid that asking you to discuss it would make me unable to be ruthless.

But my gut tells me this is the way to go.

Although the voting rights have been transferred, I am still the second largest shareholder and will still live and die with Station B.

Moreover, Luo Quan also guaranteed that most of the company's top management will not be adjusted, and everyone should continue to do what they should do in the future.

But with a new boss, it's better not to bring over some of the old habits, after all, I don't know what kind of temper she is. "

As long as it is a company with more than 50 employees, it is impossible not to avoid corruption.

The bigger the company, the more this is the case. A small greed can be a few thousand, and a big greed can be as high as a million.

Cheng Rui knew that there was such a situation in the company, but he had never investigated it seriously. At most, he would only act when some people went too far.

In most cases, he turned a blind eye.

But now that the regime has changed, it is unclear whether the new boss can tolerate these behaviors.

Based on his shallow understanding of Luo Quan, this is a master who can't tolerate the slightest bit of sand in his eyes.

So out of love, he gave this reminder, whether he can understand it or not has nothing to do with him.

Just now he had another phone call with Luo Quan and asked about how to proceed with the work in the future.

The answer was to take over the position of vice president of Bilibili, and then focus on the mobile game business.

Of course, she will not let herself fight alone, and Blizzard Studio will send a large number of people to carry out cooperative research and development.

It is said that the leaders were three young people who graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University, one surnamed Cai, one surnamed Liu, and the other surnamed Luo.

These three are all talents in the computer field. They won many international awards by making small games when they were still studying.

Soon after graduation, they were recruited by Luoquan's game studio. In the past six months, no one knew what they were doing, but Cheng Rui soon found out.

"That's all I have to say. In short, I will keep the stock. I don't have any opinion on whether you transfer it or not."

Cheng Rui put on his glasses again, his eyes became relaxed and clear.

After unloading the burden on him, Cheng Rui felt that his mentality was different.

I used to suffer from insomnia all night long, but now I am drowsy when I am in a meeting.

He couldn't wait to go back and get a good night's sleep.

Seeing Cheng Rui's attitude, the two elders sighed after all, and stopped arguing uselessly.

At noon the next day, the equity transfer was basically completed, and Luo Quan officially became the president of Bilibili.

At this time, Bilibili has just closed in the United States, and the stock price has still fallen for a whole day, but after the next opening, it will definitely not be like this.

"Focus on the live broadcast at noon, there are two important news to announce to everyone today."

Luo Quan sent a notice to the fans at ten o'clock in the morning, and the fans gathered quickly:

"you are pregnant?"

"That's right, I did it."

"The man at the bottom, take the flavor."

"Couldn't it be that the new game has finally taken shape?"

"The insiders know the truth, the big one is coming!"

"Where are you from inside?"

"In the middle of talking, Chrysanthemum was..."

"It's so tormenting, can't you tell the big guy directly, you have to keep it a secret."

"Just wait, it's only two hours."


Obviously, the fans haven't realized the seriousness of the problem, and they don't know which aspect of the important news Luo Quan announced.

At twelve noon, Luo Quan, who had already finished his lunch, opened the live broadcast room and changed the title to President Luo.

Because she was originally the president of Quanshui Entertainment, so this title did not arouse everyone's discussion. They only thought that she was showing off again.

"First things first."

Seeing that the popularity has reached more than 1000 million, Luo Quan felt that it was almost the same, so he said: "Blizzard Studio will officially change its name to Unreal Studio after the Spring Festival.

After New Year's Eve, there is no Blizzard studio anymore. "

"What, did you call everyone out just for this?"

"I thought it was some big news."

"That's it? That's it? That's it?"

"Luo Bao, you've learned it badly, right? You've started engaging in false marketing."

"Even if you show off your shoulders live, it's more exciting than this news."

"Haha, it's quite beautiful to think about."


Fans were obviously very dissatisfied when they heard Luo Quan's first news.

Although it is not common for the studio to change its name, it is definitely not a big news. There is no need to use such a tone to announce the announcement. Fortunately, a group of fans have been looking forward to it for so long, thinking that they will be able to wait for the news they want.

"Don't worry, everyone." Luo Quan smiled all over his face, "This is just the first news, there's a second one that hasn't been said yet.

Don't blame me for not reminding you, you can sit still next time, I announce that I purchased the shares of station B held by my uncle last night, and now hold 40.00% of the shares and 50.00% of the voting rights.

In other words, from now on, I will have the final say on Station B! "



"real or fake!"

"Luo Bao, are you sure you're not joking!"

"Awesome, so this tm is a surprise."

"I take back what I just said. It seems that Luo Bao has really prepared a big news."

"Uncle, I really sent it this time."

"Haha, that's not the case. With the shares in Cheng Rui's hands, he is still the second largest shareholder."

"My evaluation is, hurry up and buy stocks, it will go up!"

"The market is closed, and the market will only open at night, everyone, hurry up and borrow money."

"Borrowing money? I'm going to increase the leverage tenfold!"

"Good guy, is brother so ruthless?"

"The stock market is like this. If you support the bold and starve the timid, I choose Xin Luoquan."


Seeing the sudden increase in the number of bullet screens, one knows how much impact this news has on fans.

Even if they were killed, Luo Quan actually bought Station B.

This is a career that uncle has worked hard for more than ten years. If you don't want it, don't you?
If this is the case, then the current situation at station B must be very pessimistic, otherwise the uncle would only make such a decision after being kicked in the head by the door.

Of course, Luo Quan alone can't be sure if it's true or not.

But soon, Bilibili, Weibo, and Zhihu all began to appear hot searches——Luoquan acquired Bilibili.

The popularity reached the top almost instantly, and the number of comments increased by one thousand and one thousand every time it was refreshed.

As one of the platforms with the largest traffic at present, the influence of Station B is absolutely beyond doubt.

At its peak, it was also a giant with a market value close to [-] billion.

Although he is down now, his every move is still eye-catching.

What's more, Luo Quan also participated in the news this time. Compared with station B, her traffic is even worse.

Luoquan's acquisition of station B directly contracted the shock of all netizens today.

(End of this chapter)

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