Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1051 New Year's Eve

Chapter 1051 New Year's Eve

"Adding fire to water is called evaporation. This is the most basic gameplay of Yuanshen, called elemental reaction."

In front of the computer, Luo Quan controls Barbara to fight monsters in Amber's fire rain: "Of course, the one I use is a nanny, and it doesn't have any output, but everyone can understand the mechanism.

There are a total of seven attributes in this game, and there are more than a dozen elemental reactions that can be played out, each of which has a different effect. You will know exactly what it is when the closed beta starts. "

Luo Quan killed the monster and stopped the operation.

She is not mainly playing the game today, but showing it to fans and passers-by who are interested in the game.

It is true that Yuanshen is very similar to Zelda in some places. After all, the latter is the originator of the open world, and the first area of ​​Yuanshen is also set in Western Fantasy, so it will definitely have a sense of sight.

But after the details are over, you will know that the so-called plagiarism is not established at all.

What Luo Quan did immediately was to clarify the rumors and respond to everyone's doubts.

And this demonstration, she also dispelled everyone's concerns.

After all, no one will have trouble with money. This is a total of 1 million yuan, and there is no need for any fancy operations. You can participate in the clockwork barrage, and you can withdraw cash when you draw a red envelope. It is the same as the big guy next door. A stark contrast.

"What is my status now, and you still want me to dance house dance?"

"Then the question is, when will the public beta come? I don't think I, as an African chieftain, can get the qualification for the private beta."

The most important thing is that the red envelopes distributed this time do not require you to invite friends to cut a knife, nor are there any consumption vouchers that require additional shopping to offset, but real cash red envelopes.

"God wants to see Luo Bao dancing house dance in high fork cheongsam and black silk, is that okay?"

When distributing, send a bullet screen to start the draw, and the money will be credited into your account, and then reflected in WeChat or Alipay.

As for the house dance, didn't I often dance when I was not short of money?

"The Pifang Guan is about to make a move."


In the past, no matter what, Heizi always scolded her, but this time it was all praise.

"The community atmosphere needs to be changed slowly, and a few days is definitely not enough."

For Yuanshen, many people also have such concerns, worrying that it is changing the soup but not the medicine.


On the sixth day, all the mobile games operated by station B will refresh the status of double the first charge. Even if you just used it yesterday, you can still enjoy this benefit today.

In short, it depends on the situation, and I will definitely come a few times occasionally, but it is definitely not realistic for me to dance every day like the anchor in the dance area. "

In addition, the stock of station B is also like a stimulant, soaring all the way.

"There are indeed some changes in the real experience of old users returning to the site, although it is not obvious yet."

Relying on the word of mouth I have accumulated, I have taken effective measures in the past few days.

After all, this is not like a very competitive game like Glory of Kings. Any slight stuttering will affect the operation, and even if the frame rate is reduced, it will feel very uncomfortable.

After the demonstration, Luo Quan also played Yuanshen again on his mobile phone.

"The industry is sluggish, the boss must be ready to go on stage at any time."

And this is only the third day since the news was released, and it will definitely continue to grow until New Year's Eve.

After seven consecutive days of big welfare distribution, users of station B said that this time they finally feel like Chinese New Year.

You don't need such an extreme gaming experience to play Yuanshinshin, it's enough to run smoothly.

The barrage quickly swept across a large barrage.

Of course, it’s not that the image quality of Yuanshen can’t be made clearer and more realistic. The main reason is to consider the equipment configuration.

As for those colleagues, they are feeling quite tormented now.

In contrast, the users of station B are mixed:


"The capitalist's operating method is to maximize profits, while Luo Bao's operating method is really to make everyone happy."

Hiring the water army Heiyuanshen was useless, and the next thing to do was to hope that Yuanshen made an operational error during the public beta, and then died violently.

Thanks to these sunspots, more and more people are interested in Yuanshin.

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he didn't quit the game right away, but hung up after finding a good position.

Originally, he wanted to make the original kamikaze review rotten by bringing rhythm, but he didn't expect Luo Quan's response to come so quickly. The rhythm started at noon, and it was clarified in the evening. By the way, he also showed the excellent quality of his game.

"Ask the same question."

Although most of these millions of users will uninstall the software after receiving the red envelopes, as long as one percent is willing to stay and pay for the big membership, then this marketing is profitable.

After solving these problems, Luo Quan stopped paying attention to Yuanshen's online public opinion, and left it all to Big Viagra to solve it.

"This tree is so big and the scenery is so beautiful."

The continuous monthly subscription for big members of station B is 15 yuan, which is not very expensive, but since the listing of station B, there has never been a welfare activity for big members.

And this is what Luoquan asked the development team before. They don't expect Yuanshen to optimize it as well as a small game with dozens of megabytes, but the most basic experience must be guaranteed.

If Ouhuang possesses the body, the amount of red envelopes that users get from Luoquan may far exceed the amount of red envelopes given by their parents.

"Haha, I'm joking."

"If there are no major bugs during the internal beta, the public beta can start within three months at most, and everyone will be able to play by then."

"All real-name registered Bilibili users who watch any video for one hour every day for seven consecutive days can get a one-month Bilibili membership."

"It can be directly used as a computer desktop, and every frame is a landscape."

Compared with the night when Luoquan just took over Station B, the stock price has increased by 60.00%.

Prior to this, Huaxia's mobile game players had encountered countless CG frauds.

"With this wealth, only Luo Bao can afford to interact with us like this."

For most players, the date of the public beta is definitely what everyone cares about most, after all, only a small number of people have the opportunity to qualify for the closed beta.

"Just buy it, it's so strange to use such a word?"

Maybe after I take over, I may not be able to bring Station B back to what it was back then.

The promotional video looks like that, but when you actually play it, you find that it is still a 2D villain.

This is a 3D open world role-playing game. The picture quality is not realistic, but a typical two-dimensional painting style, which is more cute.

"Haha, it's more interesting to tease Luo Bao after becoming the boss, why is that?"

Therefore, although Luo Quan's clarification had a good effect, there are still many people in Heiyuanshen, and even spread abroad.

"It's time for a wave of renewal."

Although there are no advertisements for watching videos on station B, many dramas require big members to watch.

But at least I will definitely make Station B move in a good direction, and Two-dimensional will always be the theme here! "

"That's what you said!"

"The underpants are gone? Where are they!. (funny.jpg)"

Now free one-month big membership is enough for them to finish chasing their favorite dramas.

"Luo Bao, this series of operations of yours makes me think that you just want to make a fortune and run away."

After all, what Yuanshen focuses on is that it can be played on mobile phones. If the picture quality is too good, it will be difficult to drive it.

It is precisely because of this that Brother Dawei dared to tell the boss that Yuanshen can see people.

And if it can make waves in foreign countries, it may have a miraculous effect on Chinese people who value the evaluation of foreigners very much.

"It can be seen that Luo Quan really wants to do it well."

Originally, everyone thought that giving away one-month membership for free was already very good, but Luo Quan's next operation can be regarded as the most charitable.

In addition, the development process of the game and the follow-up prospect will be discussed in detail by a leader of the development team tomorrow, so I will not go overboard here. "

"The benefits these days are really conscientious, and they are basically dealing with those disgusting people in the past."

Luo Quan saw that so many people were asking about the barrage, so he gave a more accurate number.

"Luo Bao said, I have this status, and I still have to go to battle to pull performance?"

The experience of the whoring party is actually not very good, and the 720p picture quality alone makes people uncomfortable.

"So I decided to charge her hard today and inject 100 yuan to buy a big member."

On the second day, she brought the fourth wave of gifts to the eagerly awaited fans:

Luo Quan's behavior really made all the prostitutes shout long live.


But this time it was Luo Quan, especially after she had done so much before, the feeling was completely different.


For the average casual gaming party, that's more than enough.

"Luo Quan asks for his own money, Station B divides [-] million on New Year's Eve!"

The news has been on Weibo's hot search list for half a day, and the comment area is full of likes and praises.

"I just studied the plot. This should be the Land of Wind, right? Luo Bao said that there are seven elements, so there are seven countries?"

"You'd better say house dance."

"Talk about the sea."

"It's so big, it doesn't feel like my phone can fit in it."

After becoming the boss, some of the more restricted languages ​​in the Luoquan live broadcast room are not even so easy to be blocked.

This is something the fans didn't expect. The good news is that they also know where Luo Quan's bottom line is, and they are not too presumptuous like they are with other welfare Ji anchors.

"Don't give it away, don't give it away, if you give it away, you will lose your underwear."

"I have renewed my membership for one year, I hope Luo Bao will not let everyone down."

Her speech was as bold as ever, and she didn't regard her as the boss of Station B at all.

Luo Quan laughed: "As long as I work hard to make station B better, I believe everyone will say that station B will not lose money.

"Trust Luo Bao!"

With this operation, in just three days, the number of registered users of Station B has increased by several million, and a considerable number of them are middle-aged and elderly users over the age of 50 and [-].

On the seventh day, the Spring Festival is approaching. The proprietress Luo Quan paid 1 million yuan out of her own pocket, and all users who watch the New Year’s Eve Festival at Station B have the opportunity to win red envelopes.

The picture quality and frame rate have indeed dropped significantly, but overall it is relatively smooth. I have never encountered a freeze when walking and fighting monsters in the big world.

However, although it is useless, the copywriting to smear the original god must continue to be published, and it can affect one by one.

Simple and brainless without routines, it's pure luck.

After the carnival, if you stay in the live broadcast room, you will basically have fans.

"it is good!"

"If uncle had half your conscience, he wouldn't be scolded like this."

"This is good this is good."

For those old B friends who quit the site for various reasons, here I also want to shout to everyone, you can come back and have a look.

Even the most cautious investors, after seeing the stock price trend of station B, will buy without thinking and wait for the appreciation.

"In short, the current operation strategy of Bilibili is to attract new users and give preferential treatment to old users.

I have been paying attention to Yuanshin. After watching the live broadcast, they can tell you that their 2D paper man can't beat him.

In fact, regardless of the plot, characters, and gameplay in the game, it is enough to be a travel simulator, and the scenery inside is really good.

"The customer is God, and Luo Bao has grasped the essence of this saying."

If the call this time was made by another uncle, it is estimated that he would only get a response similar to that of the Mongolian top laner.

After Luo Quan was promoted to auntie, she also started to put on airs: "If you want me to dance, unless station B loses money in the future, you can't open the pot. In order to stimulate everyone's krypton gold, maybe you can make it whole."

"Indeed, this kind of thing can't be too frequent, once a day really can't stand it."

Three months is not long, nor is it short. Those who are impatient will definitely have to wait for a while.

These are of course not the target group of station B, but as long as there is enthusiasm, it is a good thing.

However, this kind of smear without real evidence is just a dream.

After seeing Luo Quan enter the game interface, everyone found that what she played was not much different from the content in the promotional CG.

In the preview on the fifth day, all the movies at station B will not charge extra viewing fees, and those who will go online in the future will become free for big members.

"This is the end of the demonstration, there must be references to Zelda, after all, there is no concept of open world without it, but if you talk about plagiarism, you are talking nonsense with your eyes open.

The face value of the red envelopes ranges from 10 yuan to less than 5000 yuan. It will be distributed 10 times starting at 2020 o'clock, every [-] minutes, and lasts until [-] o'clock. The number of red envelopes distributed each time is [-].

"At least the barrage of swearing and inciting wars has decreased. It was useless to report before, but now the report is processed in seconds!"

"Compared to those benefits before, I actually like this better."

This time, Luoquan really made Station B show a wave of goodwill to all the old and new customers.

As the overlord of long videos, station B is still irreplaceable.

Coupled with an excellent community atmosphere and rich and colorful content, as long as it is well operated, it is really difficult to lose money.

As for short videos, that's not Bilibili's strong point in the first place. It's the stupidest thing to do. Luoquan will not make such a mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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