Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1052 New Year's Eve

Chapter 1052 New Year's Eve ([-])
With the sound of firecrackers a year old, the spring breeze sent warmth to Tusu.

This year's New Year's Eve is much more lively than usual, because many areas have been allowed to set off fireworks.

The sound of firecrackers finally sounded on the night of New Year's Eve, which had been silent for a long time, and the sky was lit up by blossoming fireworks.

However, under such a festive atmosphere, the audience who were watching the live TV broadcast felt a little uncomfortable all over.

Originally, I spent the new year happily and watched the gala with my family.

Because the quality of the evening shows has not been very good in the past few years, everyone's expectations have been lowered.

The good news is that the first few song and dance performances were unexpectedly good, definitely above the passing line.

The bad news is that language programs are still lagging behind.

The skit program that is being broadcast is called "First Meeting Photo Studio". The performers are not skit actors at all, and the dialogue between each other is not burdensome, and it is not funny at all.

"It's really embarrassing for the audience in the audience." Wen Xia couldn't stand it after watching the beginning, and decisively cut to Bilibili to grab the red envelope.

The popularity of the live broadcast of the party is not shown, but the popularity of the New Year's Eve festival at station B has actually exceeded [-] million.

This level of heat only appeared twice last year.

One was the Luoquan Online Fan Club, and the other was the night when Guodian won the championship in the S11 Global Finals.

As for New Year's greetings, the popularity in previous years was basically around [-] million.

The reason why it is so high this year is of course because of the [-] million red envelopes, which attracted a large number of users from outside.

Although most people don't understand Bilibili's Two-dimensional culture and some stalks, it's much more interesting than the first time I saw a photo studio, not to mention the money.

The distribution of red envelopes has been going on for several waves. Ouhuang, who has won a big red envelope of 5000 yuan, has already started to show off in the QQ space, attracting a lot of jealous speeches from friends.

It is worth mentioning that the evening parties of the previous two years actually included red envelope distribution.

Ali, Penguin, and Douyin have all engaged in hundreds of millions of cash sharing activities at the Spring Festival Gala, which can be regarded as advertising in disguise.

But this year, none of these Internet companies can be seen, and the sponsored brands thanked by the host have all become the names of various alcoholic beverages.

From this phenomenon, it can be seen from the side that in the past year, companies that have nothing to do with the Internet have had a good life.

As for whether there will be a recovery in the new year, no one can say for sure.

A few minutes of "First Meeting Photo Studio" finally ended with the cheers of the audience. To them, just a few hundred seconds seemed as long as hundreds of years passed.

Many viewers have suffocated emoticons because of this show, or pain masks to be precise.

The camera inadvertently cut to the constipated expressions of these audiences, and the audience who watched the live broadcast quickly captured it, and then it quickly began to spread on the Internet.

However, this kind of topic is probably not on the hot search.

"My god, it's finally over."

"What B thing, can this be considered a sketch?"

"When I first saw a photo studio, I thought it was a birth photo studio!"

"Bad news, the subsequent language programs may not be much better; good news, the next program is Luo Quan's."

"It's finally Luo Bao's time, hurry up and save my bad mood."


Amidst the complaints from countless netizens, Luo Quan took the stage.

Today she is wearing a conservative dress full of ethnic characteristics, which is similar to the girl at the thimble.

"Next, please enjoy the song - "Road to Heaven"!"

At the end of the curtain call, the camera focused on Luo Quan's bright smiling face.

The upturned corners of her mouth made the apple muscles pile up high, and this enthusiasm and contagion made everyone who saw it feel happier.

"I stood on a high hill in the early morning, watching the eagle's glow.

Like an auspicious cloud flying across the blue sky, bringing auspiciousness to the snowy plateau

…………………… "

Luoquan's singing is very ethnic. If you don't look at the face, you may think it is the singing of the locals.

The song is very new. I haven't heard anyone sing it before this evening. It should be specially composed for this Spring Festival evening.

In addition, the audience's feeling is probably that the voice of this song seems a bit high.

Just at the beginning, the singing voice seems to be lingering in the clouds, melodious and clear, refreshing.

But when the climax came, everyone knew what the number one golden voice in Chinese was.

"That's a magical road to heaven~~eh~~
Send the warmth of the world to the frontier
From then on, the mountains are no longer high and the roads are no longer long, and the children of all ethnic groups gather together


Singing echoes in the great hall is not a skill, but making tens of thousands of audience members feel their skulls go numb is what can be called skill.

Luo Quan did this, and his smile didn't change the whole time, it seemed that it didn't take any effort at all.

Even more exaggerated, this is only the first wave of climax.

Anyone who is familiar with Luoquan's singing habits knows that for this kind of high-pitched songs, the volume of each chorus will be at least one octave higher than the previous one.

Right now, the first chorus is so high, how about the next chorus?

Before the audience was surprised for too long, Luo Quan raised the volume like a tireless tweeter.

And while improving, the tone still maintains a round and transparent feeling, without causing a little discomfort to people.

"That's a magical road to heaven~~eh~~
take us into heaven on earth

Highland barley wine and butter tea will be more fragrant and sweet

The singing of happiness spreads everywhere

The singing of happiness spreads everywhere——”

After a series of rapid high-pitched transitions, the song "Road to Heaven", which is as high as the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, was finally sung.

At the end, the expressions of many audience members became hideous.

It's not that it sounds bad, but I'm worried about whether Luo Quan's voice can withstand the devastation of such a difficult song.

However, Luo Quan himself was very calm from the beginning to the end, smiling more happily than the people who grabbed the red envelopes.

After the singing, there was warm applause from the audience.

This was probably the first time the audience gave heartfelt applause after tonight's program started.

There is no other reason, just because the song is so good and Luo Quan's performance is so wonderful.

"If you listen to fairy music, your ears will be bright!"

"Suddenly a king appeared among a group of bronzes, and the atmosphere changed instantly."

"It has to be Luo Quan, as long as she is on stage, there is no need to worry about quality issues."

"The expression is a little too relaxed, is it real?"

"It's reasonable to say that in the Spring Festival Gala, in order not to make mistakes, it is necessary to fake singing, but I think even if it is real, it is not too difficult considering Luo Bao's singing skills."

"Unfortunately, there will be no Luo Bao after this show ends."

"Are you confused by grabbing red envelopes? Luo Bao and Leon will have a chorus show tonight."

"Remember, there is another one, but the title of the song is a bit silly."

"when will you arrive?"

"The next one is."


The two singing programs are connected together, and the styles of the two songs and the atmosphere to be created are different, and the performance costumes that Luo Quan needs to wear are also different.

So after "Road to Heaven" finished singing, when the camera cut open, she immediately ran backstage and rushed into the changing room.

The host on the stage can help her win 2 minutes through gags and off-site interactions.

In fact, there is enough time to go back to the locker room, but it is better to have more time than to be urgent.

After quickly undressing, changing clothes and checking makeup, Luo Quan and Leon came behind the scenes.

At this time, she had already changed into a long red dress, which looked extraordinarily festive.

It was also the first time in Leon's life that he wore a Tang suit, and there was a big upside-down "Fu" on his back.

It is said that he designed it himself, but Luo Quan always felt that he had seen this design somewhere.

At this moment, she glanced at the back of her brother, and she suddenly rang.

Those cannon fodder soldiers in film and television dramas, as well as death row prisoners, don’t they just stick this on the back of their clothes?
It's just that everyone is "death" and "pawn" and the like, and there is no such celebration as Leon.

Luo Quan had a premonition that if Leon just wore it out like this, he would probably be ridiculed by netizens for the entire Spring Festival.

I just hope that when he sings later, he won't turn around and show the design on his back to the big guys.

Leon didn't know anything about the elder sister's worries.

He was still immersed in the lively atmosphere of New Year's Eve. Although it was an indoor stage, the atmosphere was no worse than the American Spring Festival Gala Super Bowl halftime show.

Moreover, the Super Bowl halftime show lasted only ten minutes. In terms of the length and difficulty of the show, it couldn't compare with the Spring Festival Gala.

And the audience on this stage is literally hundreds of millions.

Thinking of the director's ten thousand warnings to prevent himself from making mistakes, even Lyon, who has rich stage experience, felt quite a lot of pressure.

Fortunately, I don't have many lyrics to sing this time, and the big head is on the old sister's side.

"Next, please enjoy the song brought by Luo Quan and Leon - "The Most Dazzling National Style"!"

"It's our turn!"

Luo Quan shouted at his younger brother, grabbed the microphone and walked out of the curtain.

Leon took a deep breath and followed closely behind.

"What is the title of the song? The most dazzling national style is here. It sounds so low."

"Luo Bao has always been very good at choosing song titles. In the name of father, Nocturne, and Qilixiang are all quite high-level. Why are you pulling your hips this time?"

"Don't be embarrassed, Luobao is entering the sinking market, and it's just a down-to-earth game."

"I don't know why, but when I saw Luo Quan's smile, I had an ominous premonition."


After being reminded by this dear friend, everyone seemed to find that Luo Quan's smile had become strange.

When she sang "The Road to Heaven" just now, she was so friendly, like a big sister leading the house.

But this time when he came to the stage again, he became a bit cheap, as if holding back a big move to trick the big guy.

It can only be said that people's intuition at the moment of "crisis" is quite accurate, and no one knows what kind of song they will hear.

I don't know that the next Spring Festival holiday will be completely captured by a magical melody.

And because Luo Quan had anticipated all this, he smiled playfully as soon as he came on stage.

"Haha, let's see how I brainwash you."

As the accompaniment sounded, Luo Quan's body also shook with the dynamic music:
"the vast horizon is my love
The flowers are blooming at the foot of the green hills
What kind of rhythm is the most swinging
What kind of singing is the happiest

Just after singing four lines, the netizens in the live broadcast room felt something was wrong.

"Strange, why did my legs start shaking?"

"It's such a magical melody. I've never heard it before, but it gives people a feeling of deja vu."

"It's an interesting song. Let's continue to listen to it and see what happens."


The netizens who posted the barrage obviously haven't realized the seriousness of the problem, they just think Luo Quan's song is interesting.

But if you really realize it after a while, it will be too late.

"When we want to sing, we can sing the most freely!"

Luo Quan's high-pitched singing ushered in the arrival of the 2021 Divine Comedy era.

Many years later, when the audience of this Spring Festival Gala is bombarded by countless divine songs, they will definitely think of this unusual New Year's Eve.

People of later generations will call it the beginning of everything, and call it "the root of all evil".

"Luo Quan: You are the most beautiful cloud in my sky
let me keep you

Leon: Stay here!

Luo Quan: leisurely singing the most dazzling national style

Let love sweep away all the dust
Leon: I know

One chorus, one chorus only, Luo Quan firmly imprinted its melody in everyone's minds, and no matter how time passes, it can never be erased.

At [-]:[-] on December [-], [-] in the lunar calendar, this is an extraordinary moment.

The music time is not long, only 5 minutes.

But because of Luoquan Lyon's endurance singing, people all over China will remember this extraordinary 5 minutes.

When the performance was over, many people were still in a daze.

"What song did we just listen to?"

"My mind is occupied by something, and it's just repeating a melody."

"Do you guys still remember what Luo Quan sang just now?"

"The boundless end of the world is my love... pick it up!"

"Flowers are blooming at the foot of the green hills... Pick it up!"


If Luo Quan saw these bullet screens, she would know that her brainwashing plan had been a great success.

And on Weibo, before "Tianlu" reached the top of the trending searches, "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style" took the lead and came to the first place, and the prefix also had "explosive".

Sure enough, it is still necessary to have such a divine comedy in order to gain the resonance of the public more easily.

Although it wasn't overwhelmingly positive this time around, it didn't see too many bad reviews either.

The general feeling of the public is that it is very magical:

"Lobo seems to be trying something very new."

"I've heard of brainwashing, but I've never heard of such brainwashing."

"Luo Quan is probably thinking that since the brainwashing songs on the market are so rubbish anyway, why not occupy this market by himself and let everyone listen to better brainwashing songs."

"That's a good reason, but I think Luo Bao may just want to give everyone the whole job."

"Haha, this is indeed her character."

"This is indeed a wonderful job. I probably won't be able to sleep tonight. This melody is still in my mind!"

(End of this chapter)

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