The New Year's Eve Gala still didn't satisfy most of the audience, and they still couldn't see the skits that could make people laugh.

But compared to the lack of bright spots in the previous two years, there are at least one or two programs that are quite impressive this year.

For example, the song "The Most Dazzling National Style" sung by Luo Quan and Lyon.

As soon as the party ended, this song became the first hit of the new year, and the number of plays on various platforms skyrocketed.

Elderly people in their seventies and eighties, and children down to seven or eight years old, were all attracted by the melody of this song and began to play it in a loop.

That is to say, everyone should not go out during the Spring Festival, otherwise this song will already be playing in the square.

Fortunately, the popularity of "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style" was enough to explode, and it even suppressed the popularity of "the gala show pulling the hips".

Speaking of which, if it wasn't for this song's sudden release, then its current position would actually belong to "Good Morning, Dragon Return".

This song suspected of plagiarism was the hottest song at the end of the year. It had already swept the Internet during the Mango TV New Year's Eve party before, and this time it even appeared on the Spring Festival gala.

Although the title and lyrics of the song have been changed, the melody has not changed much. There is nothing wrong with saying that it is catchy. Middle-aged and elderly people like this type of song most.

It's a pity that this Divine Comedy, which was supposed to take off, was robbed of the limelight by "The Most Dazzling National Style", and it received very little attention.

For young people who don't like Douyin Divine Comedy, this must be a good thing.

Compared with a song suspected of plagiarism becoming popular all over the Internet, they hope that Luo Quan will become popular.

Of course, the Internet is not without keyboard warrior criticism.

If a song wants to be suitable for all ages, the style must not be too elegant. The characteristic of the sinking market is "vulgarity".

Of course, there is a difference between gaudy, secular, and vulgar.

The vulgarity of "The Most Dazzling National Style" is definitely not derogatory.

But for Keyboard Man, Luo Quan's production of such vulgar songs is a waste of talent and a compromise to the market.

In their eyes, Luo Quan would fail if he did not write more handed down movements like "The Bell" and "Second Waltz".

Luo Quan in the past might still refute and debate such critical comments.

But now, she wouldn't even take a look at it. It would be a waste of life to spend a little more talking.

After the Spring Festival Gala performance, she took a taxi directly back to the hotel.

Compared with these comments, she is more concerned about the traffic data of Station B tonight.

After giving out so many real benefits, the users of station B gave her a satisfactory answer on New Year's Eve.

From her acquisition of Station B to now, 600 million new users have been added, and more than 100 million old users have become active again.

This is already comparable to the growth rate at the peak period, but the data should drop after the beginning of the year, and the real test of operation is after the carnival.

Whether these users can be retained and let them pay will be the key to whether Bilibili can make a comeback.

Satisfied with closing the data report, Luo Quan looked at the live broadcast room of Channel 5 again.

The world preliminaries between the national football team and Vietnam will start in an hour. Tens of thousands of national football fans gathered in the stadium, turning the entire stand into a sea of ​​red.

Perhaps to enliven the atmosphere, the host also played "Broad Sea and Sky", and everyone sang in unison in dialects from all corners of the country, "Forgive me, this Asian, who is uninhibited and indulgent and loves freedom~~~"

The morale is still pretty high, but it's the morale of the audience.

"I hope the national football team can create a miracle tomorrow morning."

Luo Quan sighed softly, then turned off the phone and prepared to rest.

At this time, the door suddenly opened by itself, and it didn't take much thinking to know that it was made by Ye Zhining.

To her, the top-level security door of the Presidential Suite of the Peace Hotel is the same as a dry toilet.

"What are you doing?" Luo Quan raised his head, "I'm already asleep, why don't you go to sleep?"

"I can't sleep alone, the sound of firecrackers outside is so loud, it's a bit scary." Ye Zhining smirked, and before Luo Quan could respond, he slid into her bed like a dexterous snake.

"Are you an empress of a country afraid of the sound of firecrackers?" Luo Quan was amused by Ye Zhining's words, "If you want to sleep with me, you can just say so, there is no need to beat around the bush."

"Hey, since my concubine knows this well, why are you asking so many questions?" Ye Zhining said while pushing towards Luo Quan.

"Go a little further, the space is too small for me to fall asleep." Luo Quan never liked to have one more person lying beside him.

Grabbing pillows and quilts, and maybe kicking her ass from time to time.

That's what Wen Xia did in the past.

Although Ye Zhining is not as noisy as Wen Xia, sometimes it may be more excessive.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not steal your quilt."

As Ye Zhining said, she moved her butt to the side, and immediately closed her eyes, pretending to be a good baby sleeping.

Seeing this, Luo Quan sighed and closed his eyes.

When she woke up again, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

The familiar meditation turned into a deep sleep, which would happen every time Ye Zhining fell asleep next to her.

After opening her eyes, she found that she and Ye Zhining were tightly entangled, like two octopuses fighting for their lives.

"My concubine, you were contemptuous of me last night." Ye Zhining looked at Luo Quan tearfully, "How are you going to make it up this time?"

"Then go to the police." Luo Quan got off Ye Zhining speechlessly, "Let the police arrest me, let the judge sentence me, I will admit it."

Luo Quan played a scoundrel directly, but he couldn't fix Ye Zhining anymore.

"Every time you come over, I lose consciousness, and when I wake up, I hug you.

Even if I am 90.00% [-]% at fault, don't you have [-]% responsibility? "

In this situation, Luo Quan didn't want to be reasonable, so he just played a scoundrel.

"My concubine, what you said is really unreasonable." Ye Zhining was very upset, staring at Luo Quan, wanting to hit her pp hard as a punishment.

"If you think I'm making trouble for no reason, don't come to my room in the future."

Luo Quan's words made Ye Zhining choose to compromise, and she replied with a smile: "Forget it, it must be that Concubine Ai is too tired during the day, and she should rest early today."

"Heh." Luo Quan easily handled the Empress, showing a smug smile.

Taking out her mobile phone, she eagerly opened Weibo.

As a Chinese, she certainly hopes that the national football team can win the game.

But from the point of view that it is not a big deal to watch the excitement, she hopes that the national football team will lose once this time.

This will not only provide jokes for the entire network, but also let everyone know what the problem is.

Seeing the number one most searched with the prefix "explosive" on Weibo, Luo Quan knew that the national football team did not disappoint everyone.

On the first day of the new year, the whole country celebrates the festival.

China defeated Vietnam 1:5 and sent a resounding opening to the people of the whole country.

The humiliating defeat of the national football team quickly became a hot topic of discussion on the Internet. After the game, reporters conducted interviews outside the stadium, and angry fans reproduced one golden sentence after another.

The most famous of them is probably the sentence: Geneva refunded the money.

On the Internet, because such vulgar language cannot be typed, they chose a slightly milder way of criticism, that is, "don't even want to face".

In fact, it is not that no one thought that the national football team would lose before the plug. After all, although Vietnam is a weak team, the national football team has not been strong in recent years. Anyone who plays is likely to lose.

It's just that no one could have imagined that they would lose so badly.

5:1, it is not an exaggeration to say that it was a massacre, and the last goal scored was given by someone with high EQ.

The goal was scored at the last moment of the game. Vietnam's defense and goalkeeper basically didn't move much, watching the ball enter the goal.

But for Chinese football fans, such a 5:1 is more insulting than 5:0, and they would rather not have such favors.

On the other hand, Vietnamese fans, after such a big victory, the whole country is naturally jubilant.

And they also celebrate the Spring Festival, which is really double happiness, and all the players have received bonuses worth tens of thousands of RMB.

After calculation, this amount of money is not enough for the previous dinner of the National Football Team.

After knowing the news, the national football fans became even more angry.

To get such a high salary and enjoy such a good treatment, but to be kicked like this in the end is not only shameless, it is simply shameless!

Ever since, the verbal criticism of the whole network began:

"I often say that if all the people from the national football team are arrested and sent to the wall, there must be unjust, false and wrongly decided cases, but if they shoot each one, there must be fish that slip through the net."

"Is the sea cucumber delicious?"

"We said kicking you casually, are you really kicking casually?"

"It's rotten from top to bottom, destroy it quickly!"

"Don't choose this kind of day to play games in the future. Isn't this adding trouble to the people of the whole country?"

"My suggestion is to cancel all bonuses and wages. When the game is won, it will be issued again. There is no enthusiasm in the whole game."

"Luo Quan doesn't work either. Five blessings have been entered into five."

"Haha, if it weren't for Luo Quan's five blessings, the national football team would have been included in ten, do you believe it or not?"

"Haha, it's really possible, what can't the national football team do?"

"That's still there. If you let it win the game, it really can't win."

"I won't stay up late to watch it in the future, purely to add challenges to my health!"


That is to say, there are restrictions on speech on the Internet, and many words cannot be typed, otherwise the national football team will reap insults from all over the world.

But even with such a big headwind, there are still people who come out to help the national football team clean up.

For example, a former national football player posted a Weibo, calling on fans not to blame so much.

China has a lot of people, but the football population is really not as good as that of Vietnam. Their registered football players are several times that of China, and they can't play normally.

Then he said how many of these people who followed suit really cared about the national football team?It's not that I saw everyone scolding, so I came here to vent my dissatisfaction. In fact, I don't really hope that the national football team will do well in my heart.

The last is the classic you do what you want. It is not easy for the national football players. The high salary is determined by the market, and it is also the worth of playing by yourself. If you are not convinced, you can try it.

Such remarks have been liked and forwarded by many football practitioners, including some players who just lost the game.

The speech seems reasonable, but upon careful analysis, it is actually nonsense.

First of all, the so-called football population theory is an out-and-out concept of stealing.

Most of the registered players in Vietnam are amateurs. Anyone can register, so the number is large.

As for the domestic registered players, they are basically serious professional players.

To kick out amateurs, there are actually more domestic professional players.

Secondly, netizens followed suit and scolded for not wishing for the national football team to do well.

That is also an irresponsible behavior of throwing the pot away.

You have the ability to play like this and the fans are not allowed to scold you?
If you don't get scolded for kicking out a tragedy, don't you still have to use love to influence you?
Finally, the treatment of national football players is well-known in the world. In the same level of league and the same competitive environment, there should be no better treatment than national football players.

It's not easy to say that it's not easy to be a player. It's probably because I've heard too many idiots, and I really believe it.

The most important thing is that after this statement full of mistakes and omissions was made, it has won the approval of many people.

This is probably the point that netizens are most angry about.

If it's just a few acquaintances who like and forward it, that's all. The key point is that many people in the industry really recognize this.

Isn't that tantamount to saying that there is nothing wrong with him, and the fans are the ones who are wrong?

Netizens who were already angry immediately went into a rage and started attacking everyone who dared to repost this Weibo.

And the instigator who edited this Weibo was directly scolded bloody.

In the end, he couldn't bear the pressure and canceled his account.

However, netizens did not stop there, and still wantonly carried out cyber violence against relevant people.

Being scolded for losing, as long as anyone in this line of work has experienced it more or less.

But it is probably the first time that a battle as big as today's has happened.

But there is no way, who made all the marriages come together in this loss?
The military order before the game, the loss on the first day of the new year, the tragedy, the blame after the game, basically all the mistakes that can be made.

If this has not been bloodbathed by the fans, then I am really sorry for their efforts on the court.

For players and fans, this New Year's Day is undoubtedly very painful.

But for a fun person like Luo Quan, the loss of the national football team this time is really interesting, and they are full of melons.

In fact, the former international footballer who was scolded to cancel his account was actually right in one sentence, that is, most netizens don't care about the national football team now.

Even many people now only want the national football team to lose, or they will be satisfied when they see the national football team die.

And the reason why I hate it so much is because I loved it so much before.

Except for these former fans, other people are indeed following the trend.

However, who will let the national football team really give a chance.

Laughing After watching the fancy torture of the national football team by netizens, Luo Quan focused his attention on the movie box office list.

Because the fiasco of the national football team robbed the popularity, several movies released today did not have much popularity.

"Empty River Blue", which spent a lot of effort to promote before, did not win the box office pre-sale champion.

And "The Wandering Earth 2", which is marketed by Buddhism, won the pre-sale championship by virtue of the word-of-mouth of the previous work.

And judging from the current momentum, the box office champion on the first day of release should be a sure thing.

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