In the evening, the film reviews of several films during the Spring Festival have begun to ferment on the Internet.

The first is "The Wandering Earth 2". Station B, Zhihu, Weibo, and even Douban, which is critical of domestic movies, have all given it good reviews.

More than one person wrote in the film review that this is currently the most powerful sci-fi movie in China, and it is not inferior to Hollywood sci-fi masterpieces.

If you need to find a work to represent the rise of domestic film industry, then there is no other choice but "The Wandering Earth 2"!
Such a high evaluation, such a neat praise, even Luo Quan has never enjoyed it.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that the investment in her movies is generally not particularly high, and the domestic movies are relatively small.

If these film critics were not the sailors hired by "The Wandering Earth 2", then this movie might really be a masterpiece.

On the other hand, "Empty River Blue" directed by the National Teacher has mixed reviews in film reviews.

I think it looks good, and I gave the movie a 9. I said that the movie has a wonderful plot, full of suspense, and a lot of reversals.

In the end, the whole army recited Yue Wumu's "Man Jianghong", which was the biggest tear point and burning point, and was moved to cry throughout the movie.

Most of the good reviews are basically the above points, and the soup does not change the medicine.

And there are more types of bad reviews, and they are multi-faceted.

The first is the male lead, who had a bad reputation before, but this time, he was naturally picked up by netizens with a magnifying glass.

And he did live up to expectations, and he performed the whole movie with his usual paralyzed acting skills, which formed a sharp contrast with the other powerful factions.

Then there is the plot of the movie. Netizens feel that the movie is nonsense from beginning to end, and the so-called recitation of the whole army in the last part is based on the defense, and it is sensational for the sake of sensationalism.

In addition, the movie clearly promotes comedy and family fun, but after watching it, I found that it is not suitable for children at all.

Blood, violence, and insulting women are basically all accounted for, and it can be called a comedy without a few comedians and cross talk actors.

The above are the three biggest problems, and there are many other minor problems, Luo Quan did not read them all.

According to the evaluation and the box office situation on the first day, Luo Quan felt that there should be no suspense for the box office champion of the Spring Festival this time, and it must be "The Wandering Earth 2".

It has a good reputation, high quality, fans of the previous work, and the starring role has box office appeal. Putting it in the game is like flying a dragon on the face. How can it lose?
But this time, she made a mistake in her judgment.

On the second day of the Spring Festival, "The Wandering Earth 2" had a higher attendance rate, but the theater lowered its screening rate.

And the reduced part was all added to "Empty River Blue".

The understanding is that a theater can only show ten movies a day.

In the past, these two films were originally shown five times each, but now it has become six times for "Empty River Blue" and four times for "The Wandering Earth 2".

Changes in the screening rate will directly affect the box office, so although "The Wandering Earth 2" seems to have better results, the number of screenings is less than that of "Empty River Blue".

This is a very abnormal situation, but because "The Wandering Earth 2" was still the box office champion the next day, not many people mentioned it.

It was not until the single-day box office on the third day was surpassed by "Empty River Blue" that it finally caused an uproar.

Originally thought that there was no suspense about the box office champion of the Spring Festival stalls, but it turned out to be a reversal on the third day, which was unexpected by all movie fans and people who eat melons.

Apart from the humiliating defeat of the national football team this Spring Festival, there is no explosive news.

Luo Quan's fans are free, and they ask her to chat with the big guys in the live broadcast room every day.

However, Luoquan has been busy with the business of Station B for the past two days. He returned to Shanghai in the evening of the first day of junior high school and did not finally finish his work until the third day of junior high school.

On the night of the third day of junior high school, Luo Quan took a shower, sat down in front of the computer with ease, and turned on the live broadcast.

"You still know it's on?"

"Say, where have you been fishing these days?"

"I thought you just touched it like this when you were preparing for the Spring Festival holiday."

"It's hard to take a vacation, let's broadcast it for a few more days."


As soon as the broadcast started, fans full of resentment questioned her.

Luo Quan also sighed helplessly: "I don't want to, but the business of station B is so busy, it's all waiting for me to make up my mind, how can I have time to do live broadcast?

Fortunately, the matter at hand has been done, and the live broadcast will definitely be broadcast every day. "

After hearing Luo Quan's difficulties, the fans calmed down, and then said: "Luo Bao Luo Bao, let's talk about the national football team's 1:5 loss to Vietnam."

"What's there to talk about, there's no way to save it, wait for death, please be smart." Luo Quan waved his hand, and directly came a set of Bian Que San Lian.

Regarding the national football team, there has been a lot of chat these days.

Most people's point of view is this, the cruel current situation makes it difficult for people to retain any hope.

Excessive words did not cause too much doubt, because most people think so.

Then someone talked about the issue of the box office during the Spring Festival. Regarding the "Empty River Blue" stealing the box office that was spread on the Internet, what does Luo Quan think, or more directly, how does he view the movie "Empty River Blue".

"First of all, my premise for making a sharp review is that without the right to investigate, there is no right to speak."

Luo Quan said, and took out a movie ticket from his pocket: "I guessed that everyone would ask me to comment, so I took the time to go to the cinema and watch this very controversial movie."

Seeing movie tickets, fans were not happy:
"I understand the truth, but why do you still have time to go to the movies? Isn't it because the company is too busy to take time off?"

"I almost didn't realize it, let's lie here to lie to the brothers, right?"

"Well, Aunt Luo, you are not honest."


The barrage of questions made Luo Quan blush: "Oh, I just went to see it today when I was free, I was really working two days ago.

Also, the one who called me Aunt Luo directly blocked it for 1 minute. I am obviously only 23 years old, so don’t call me Auntie whatever. "

After becoming the boss, Luo Quan really can't say what he says at station B. If he says he will seal you, he will seal you, and he won't wait until the next day.

After realizing that there were countless aunts' dog legs watching in the live broadcast room, the fans became more cautious in their words.

After Luo Quan saw that everyone had stopped, he said seriously: "Back to the topic just now, I can give the movie "Empty River Blue" a score of 10 out of [-].

An objective evaluation is that this is a fast-paced, interesting but flawed plot movie.

Buying a ticket for 50 yuan is definitely not a loss, but to say it is a masterpiece is completely nonsense, and it is just a work above the passing line.

And the ending of the movie, in my opinion, is really not good, it is a bit too free, and it is completely unreasonable. "

In fact, Luo Quan didn't say anything, that is, at your age, Guoshi, you still make such unnutritious movies, you really have no artistic pursuit at all.

But earning money is not shabby.

If the pursuit of the national teacher is to make money, then there is nothing wrong with it.

But considering that he is also a veteran in the industry, Luo Quan still saved some face and did not let go of the spray.

But even so, fans can feel her denial of "Empty River Blue" from Luo Quan, but the tone is more tactful.

"To be reasonable, I think Luo Bao has already shown mercy."

"Anyway, it's the director of the National Teacher, with an investment of [-] million yuan. Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face."

"At present, the authoritative person seems to have a different point of view from Luo Bao."

"An authoritative person? Who can be more authoritative than Oscar's best director?"

"With Luo Bao's words, I know which movie to watch during the Spring Festival."

"It must be "The Wandering Earth 2"."


The fans chattered and discussed, while Luo Quan saw the barrage of [-] million investment passing by, and immediately widened his eyes: "What are you talking about, this movie has [-] million investment?!"

"Yeah, you don't know?" The barrage asked in unison.

"To be reasonable, with an investment of [-] million yuan, I can make at least three such movies."

Luo Quan laughed: "It's outrageous, this film with zero special effects has to invest [-] million yuan, and I didn't see many extras."

"Maybe most of it was used for publicity."

"Can this be said?"

"The above are all the anchor's remarks, and it has nothing to do with fans."

"That's right, I, Luo Bao, am responsible for the upcoming rhythm."

"Haha, you just make trouble for Luo Bao, and be careful not to bring a lawsuit."

"The crew of "Empty River Blue" can't be so stingy, besides, the film really doesn't look like it invested [-] million yuan."

"Talk, we'll stay with you to the end; tell, I'll be the first to talk."

"This is probably caused by the legendary fans, and the blame is on everyone."


Facts have proved that sometimes a wrong sentence can easily cause a big storm.

And the self-media who have been waiting for several days finally got the big news.

"Luo Quanrui Comments on "Empty River Blue"" topped the list of hot searches, even higher than "Empty River Blue" becoming the box office champion on the third day of the Lunar New Year, which is quite funny to say.

In the past, Luo Quan fought passively, but this time she took the initiative to provoke someone. Although she didn't say anything excessive, it did sound like the "Empty River Blue" official was very upset.

Especially after being fueled by a bunch of self-media marketing accounts.

Originally, there were no dirty words in her comments, but the self-media people "intimately" helped her make up:
"Old Mouzi is still making this kind of movie at this age, is there any pursuit?"

"[-] million to make such a thing? I can make three films for the same price!"

"I can give this movie seven points, but the full score is one hundred."

"Luo Quan's evaluation of "Empty River Blue" is only at the level of music."


Taking meaning out of context is a compulsory course for new media professionals in the Internet age.

Most of the above remarks have been made by Luo Quan.

But after taking it out of context and adding oil and vinegar, the meaning expressed is completely different.

Originally, Luo Quan originally meant to be objective and gentle, but when these people messed it up, she became as if she directly fired at the national teacher.

There is no grievance between the two sides, even if it is a bad movie, she can't do it at all.

What's more, although "Empty River Blue" has many flaws, it can't really be called a bad movie.

Much better than most of last year's movies, at least.

It can only be said that these self-media on Weibo are really unconscionable, and they are afraid that the world will not be chaotic for the sake of popularity.

Under the carnival reports of these people, Luo Quan reluctantly became the target of public criticism.

Of course, she is not innocent, if she does not engage in this sharp review, there will be no such things.

But she doesn't regret it, because she just expressed her feelings, and she will resort to the law if it is taken out of context.

As for these netizens who were misled by the media, Luo Quan also responded immediately:
"I am responsible for my remarks in the live broadcast, but I will attach specific snippets of what I said at the bottom of the article. Those headlines that are taken out of context are basically fake. Netizens please carefully distinguish."

If the people on the Internet are rational and friendly, then this statement will naturally clear up all misunderstandings.

But on the contrary, netizens are blind and easily incited.

After seeing those fake titles, fans of various actors in the movie began to attack Luo Quan.

Some say she doesn't respect her seniors and is defiant
Some said that she was talking nonsense, bragging and not drafting.

All in all, very angry.

Of course, Luo Quan's fans were not to be outdone, and fought back.

Because his own idol works are hard enough and have won enough awards, fans are full of confidence when they refute.

The party who seemed to be at a loss at first gradually gained the upper hand.

But soon Heizi seized on Luo Quan's words and attacked:
"Five hundred million to shoot three "Empty River Blue", isn't this just talking about it?"

In today's movies, it is very common to invest hundreds of millions of dollars.

It is normal to make one movie with [-] million yuan, and it is also normal to make three movies, but it is very difficult to ensure the quality.

These people did not believe that Luo Quan could do what she said.

In the face of so many people's doubts, Luo Quan's mouth is still firm: "It is indeed possible to make three films."

"I don't believe it, unless you take a picture and let's see, if you can't take a picture, apologize!"

"It was really filmed and we apologize to you."

"That's right, since you said you can shoot it, then shoot it and hit us in the face!"

"Who doesn't know how to talk?"


It was originally a duel between Luo Quan and Heizi, but Luo Quan suddenly discovered that in these comments, there were still many familiar nicknames cheering for Heizi.

These are all my fans!

Luo Quan was a little confused, how could he become like this?
But right now, it has already been put on the shelf by public opinion. If you don't agree, I'm afraid you will really be labeled as an outspoken big talker.

So Luo Quan sent another post: "That's okay, I'll shoot it for you to watch, the movie will meet with you soon, suspense, plot, no special effects."

Now, it was the turn of the sunspots to be surprised.

Originally they wanted to force Luo Quan to bow his head and admit his mistake, but they didn't expect her to come for the truth, but the question is, is it really possible to make a movie with [-] million yuan and above three standards?

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