Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1055 Manslaughter

Chapter 1055 Manslaughter
"Are you happy now?"

Luo Quan's two long legs were raised high on the computer desk, and his tone was very dissatisfied: "It's okay to be led by outsiders, but you are also helping to fan the flames, just wish you could find something for me to do?"

"Originally, I just wanted to have some fun. Who knew that the big guy had the same idea as me."

"Is it too late to repent now?"

"Luo Bao is going to make a movie, so the time for the live broadcast is gone."

"I regret it now, very much."

"Damn, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be able to coax you."

"I don't want to watch movies now, you return my live broadcast. (Crying.jpg)"


Although the fans have realized their mistakes, many things are not useful just by admitting mistakes.

Luo Quan could be regarded as being kicked out of the market, so he accepted the bet.

Of course, she herself was a bit quiet and thoughtful. After all, she hadn't made a movie for a long time, so she just took this opportunity to shoot a few masterpieces with a small cost and a big return.

"But don't worry, everyone. This movie is a small production, and the workload won't be too much. I can still take a moment in the evening to broadcast live for everyone."

Luo Quan saw how pitiful the bullet screens were, so he took the initiative to comfort him.

After the live broadcast ended, Luo Quan remembered that Leon and Mia were on the plane early this morning, and they were about to go downstairs to see how the salute was done.

In fact, the young couple wanted to spend more time in Huaxia, but pregnant women are not suitable for flying after 34 weeks of pregnancy.

In order to avoid accidents, Leon and Mia are going to return home early, and Mia's parents over there can't wait to see their daughter and their future grandson or granddaughter.

But when they got downstairs, Luo Quan found that the young couple were snuggling up and watching American TV series, and there was no suitcase in the living room. It didn't look like they were about to go out to catch a plane.

Luo Quan asked suspiciously: "Isn't your flight tonight?"

"I won't be going back for now." Leon said with a smile.

"Why." Luo Quan smiled, "Don't you want your sister to come here?"

"That's not true." Leon shook his head, "There was a major incident in Ohio, and it was said that some chemicals were leaked, and now half of Ohio is polluted, and the situation is very serious.

My father-in-law said that the current situation is not very good, so let us stay in Huaxia first and don't come back for now. "

"Is there such a thing?" Luo Quan was a little surprised, and quickly checked on Twitter.

However, there is no news related to Ohio State, but the news of the United States using missiles to inflate balloons is overwhelming, and people who watch it can't laugh or cry.

She saw this two days ago. At the beginning, she said that a UFO appeared in the sky over the United States and was shot down by the Air Force's missiles.

Later, it was found that it was a weather balloon from another country, and then it was not ruled out that it was an alien aircraft. Finally, it was clarified that it was actually our own balloon, which was shot by mistake.

In short, there are all kinds of arguments, just like playing around.

Luo Quan, including other netizens, took this incident as a joke, after all, it wasn't the first time such a hilarious incident happened.

After hearing Leon talk about the leak in Ohio, she seemed to instantly understand the truth behind this series of hilarious incidents.

In fact, it is not funny, but deliberately diverting people's attention.

After everyone paid attention to the balloon, wouldn't there be no disturbances in the leak in Ohio?
And even if some people know about it now, there is no news on Twitter.

It can be seen that in addition to diverting attention, there is no lag in blocking relevant information.

"So what is the current situation in Ohio? Is the pollution serious?" Luo Quan asked his brother curiously.

"I'm not sure. Some say it's on the same level as Chernobyl, but others say it's not that serious."

Lyon shook his head: "However, what is certain is that the place where the accident happened is definitely not suitable for people to live in. Families with children and pregnant women, it is best not to stay in Ohio State and nearby areas for a long time."

"It's so serious." Hearing the words Chernobyl, Luo Quan roughly understood what was going on. "That really should be waited and watched."

Luo Quan, who got the news, did not publicize it on the Internet immediately, but posted a post as a riddle:

"I just got a breaking news about Ohio, but the specific situation is not very clear. In short, the train overturned and chemicals were leaked."

Soon eating melon fans gathered:

"Just went to Twitter to take a look, there is no big news."

"It is normal for the century-old railways in the United States to overturn."

"I don't know what chemical it is."

"I have a hunch that there may really be a big news this time."


Because things are still uncertain, Luo Quan's news did not cause much discussion.

It is nothing more than pollution caused by chemical leakage. Last year, the wildfires in the United States burned so fiercely that not many people paid attention to it.

In comparison, the scolding battle between fans of "Empty River Blue" and "Wandering Earth 2" on Weibo is more interesting.

Colleagues are enemies, not to mention that the two films compete in the same schedule, and the box office is a relationship that ebbs and flows.

Their fans believe that as long as the word-of-mouth of the opposite party becomes bad, their own movie box office can be improved, so they attack each other very vigorously.

But they overlooked one point, that is, public opinion on Weibo will be freed by capital.

In this kind of scolding war, whoever the capital wants to have the upper hand will have the upper hand.

At present, capital seems to have chosen "Empty River Blue".

After surpassing "The Wandering Earth 2" at the box office on the third day, the box office of "Empty River Blue" has fallen for two consecutive days.

Based on its current single-day box office volume, it would be great to be able to reverse the decline for one day. If it lasts for another two or three days, the total box office will be well above 40 billion, and it will easily enter the box office history of domestic movies. top ten!
If "The Wandering Earth 2" can't stand up within the next three days, it is basically impossible to come back later.

As a spectator, Luo Quan did not intend to participate in this fight.

Because the market is chosen by customers.

If customers like Popcorn Picture Yile movies, there will be more similar movies on the market, and capital is more willing to invest in such movies.

vice versa.

A director said before that only trashy audiences will have trashy movies.

Although this statement is extreme, it is not unreasonable.

However, Luo Quan actually felt that even if there were trash audiences, it was not a reason for him to make trash movies.

The low-level directors have no choice, of course they shoot whatever they want.

But those great directors who have achieved great success are doing badly like this, then they are completely self-satisfied and depraved, and the audience can't be blamed.

When Luo Quan was called the hope of Chinese music and film and television in the past, he also imagined that he could revitalize the entire market by himself.

Later, she discovered that the market does not need to be excited, because good things will never be buried, and she just needs to make films seriously.

Therefore, she does not intend to participate in the battle between "Empty River Blue" and "Wandering Earth 2".

As for the evaluation of the movie "Empty River Blue" just now, it is entirely from the perspective of an ordinary audience.

What kind of film is made, what is her evaluation, that's all.

After being forced to accept the bet, she could only start to make arrangements for the filming.

The first movie needs a lot of group performances, and at the same time, the male lead and the second female lead need to have acting skills, so Luo Quan’s statement on Weibo’s job hunting death is specially marked:
The male lead, female lead, and female lead need to have the professional title of an actor at or above the third level before they can sign up for the audition, and the male lead and female third can only be at the fourth level or above.

Reasonably speaking, this condition is already very loose, especially the latter two roles, which used to be regarded as having acting skills but not outstanding levels.

Now that I have an actor-level professional title, it had some effect when I first came, but soon there were related accounts.

Obviously her acting skills are just that way, but she was able to get a third-level professional title and was nominated for important awards many times.

If it continues like this, then this actor rating will only become a joke in the end.

Of course, Luo Quan, as the director and producer, is responsible for checking the situation himself, so he will definitely not encounter those disgusting things.

However, even though the requirements have been explained, the mailbox still received some job application videos from people who did not meet the requirements.

Based on the idea that there might be a hidden gem in the sea, Luo Quan still watched these young people's performances seriously.

Then she regretted it.

Speaking of which, these are all "old people" who have debuted for several years, and the rating of actors is not a new thing, but anyone who is a little bit better, it is time to hone something.

As a result, the performances in these job hunting videos are still so embarrassing, not to mention playing the main role, even if they are playing a bit of a role, it makes people feel that they are acting.

But looking at these job applicants being so polite and calling her Teacher Luo, Luo Quan still replied to them in a tactful tone:
"Please hone your acting skills a little bit more, I like you."

Those who celebrate the New Year will not pierce other people's hearts.

If it were a bad-tempered director, he would either block him directly or curse him. Luo Quan felt that he was already quite kind.

What's interesting is that it's been a while since I issued this solicitation statement, but the job seekers are either fresh meat or unpopular little transparent. Those middle-aged actors with acting skills and reputation seem not to be interested in my movies.

Her requirements are not high, and there are hundreds of people with a second-level professional title.

I don't know if her meaning can be expressed clearly, Luo Quan can only post another Weibo:
"It's Chinese New Year, everyone is resting at home, don't you plan to work overtime?

But if you come to perform this time, you will have overtime pay and unexpected surprises, and it is easy to win awards for making my film. "

When a fact is stated in the tone of a child's play, it does not seem very convincing.

Before the applicant appeared, the netizens laughed first:
"Haha, why is Party A in Luoquan so humble, can you be tougher?"

"Could it be that everyone is busy reuniting with their families and has no time to act in a movie?"

"Who told you to criticize the national teacher? He is a respected old man with such a wide network of contacts. Who would dare to take the risk of offending his old man to film for you?"

"After all, Huaxia is still a society of human relations, and you can't do whatever you want with your strong ability."

"If I apologize to Lao Mouzi, can this matter be changed?"

"Netizens, don't overthink it, maybe people don't take this matter to heart at all."



He does not mean that.

Luo Quan was quite puzzled about the current situation, but the netizens' guesses woke her up.

Although I did not criticize Lao Mouzi subjectively, this is what the unscrupulous media conveyed in the end.

She didn't know about that small-hearted person, but being evaluated by her peers in front of the entire network, it was somewhat embarrassing.

Maybe it was a private statement, or maybe it was the speculation of other people in the entertainment industry. Those famous actors don't plan to take this muddy water at the moment.

It doesn't matter if one or two movies are not played, but it's not worthwhile to offend people because of it.

The people in the circle are all good people, so it is clear how to calculate this account.

Of course, it is also possible that everyone is thinking too much.

Lao Mouzi didn't take these seriously, and the actors just wanted to have a good year and didn't want to work overtime.

As for the apology, Luo Quan would never apologize for a little rumor.

Besides, she didn't do anything wrong.

As for the actors, just look for them slowly, at worst, lower the standard a bit, if the second-level actors are not enough, just the third-level actors.

Not to mention, soon a third-level actor came to the door.

However, this third level is not the third level, and the third level here refers to the professional title level.

"Hello Director Luo, I'm actor Xiao Yang. Although my level is not high enough, I believe my acting skills meet your requirements. Can you give me a chance for an interview?"

There was only a cover letter in the email, and there was no video, maybe I was in the mood to give it a try.

Luo Quan saw that the name Xiao Yang was familiar, so he searched the Internet.

It was discovered that he was a member of a music group called Spoon Brothers.

In the music circle, the Spoon Brothers can be regarded as the second tier, at the same stage.

In recent years, there has been no movement in this group, and I don't know if it has been disbanded.

Anyway, Xiao Yang, as a singer, has now started to switch careers to become an actor.

Although he became a monk halfway, his talent is not bad, and he has played supporting roles in several comedy movies, and he has performed quite well.

But so far he has not acted in a movie other than a comedy, nor has he played a leading role.

However, Luo Quan searched his acting clips and felt that he is a talent that can be dug out, so he replied:

"You post a short video of your performance. The content is that you learned that your wife and daughter killed someone, and you, as the pillar of the family, became calm and calm after encountering such a big event. Let them not be nervous and wait for you Make plans when you get back."

Luo Quan quickly described the outline of this clip, and then began to look forward to Xiao Yang's reply.

Soon, the video will be sent.

In just 15 seconds, Luo Quan immediately made a decision after watching it: "Okay, you will play the male lead!"

(End of this chapter)

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