Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1056 Manslaughter

Chapter 1056 Manslaughter ([-])

"Actor?!" Xiao Yang was taken aback, "I'm only here to audition for a supporting role. I never thought I could play a leading role, and my level doesn't seem to be high enough."

"An actor who doesn't want to play the leading role is not a good singer." Luo Quan joked, "Although the level of an actor is important, it also depends on the degree of fit with the role. If the degree of fit is high, it doesn't matter if the level is lower."

"Thank you, Director Luo, for thinking highly of me." Xiao Yang smiled flattered, "But I've never played a male lead before..."

"You don't need to worry about this. What you have to do now is to study the script and figure out the character's psychology."

Luo Quan said and sent the script and the electronic file of the salary contract: "Please take a look at the contract. If you are not satisfied with the salary, you can discuss it. If you have no objection, you can print it out and sign it."

The highest film remuneration for third-level actors is limited to 1000 million yuan, excluding box office share.

However, the traffic and acting skills of the third-level actors are also different, so the salary of 1000 million is quite small, generally around 500 million.

And Luo Quan paid Xiao Yang 820 million yuan, which is quite a good price.

"It is said that Director Luo's crew is one of the most fair in the country, and it really deserves its reputation." Xiao Yang couldn't help but smile after seeing the salary.

Originally, his psychological expectation was a salary of 600 million yuan, but he didn't expect Luo Quan to pay so generously. No wonder the group performers in Hengdian would give a thumbs up reflexively when Luo Quan was mentioned.

So here comes the question, how to control the shooting cost of the crew with such a generous shot?
If Luo Quan knew Xiao Yang's inner doubts, he would definitely smile triumphantly and say, "Of course the secret to controlling costs is to refuse the flow of fresh meat."

In these current dramas, the salary of one streamer is sometimes more than the sum of all the actors in other dramas. Sometimes a romance idol drama still invites three or four streamers to produce together, which still controls the cost of a gross.

Therefore, thrift and recycling are imaginary. If you want to reduce costs, the best way is to refuse traffic.

"By the way, Director Luo, you said on Weibo that the hero has a surprise, what is this surprise?" Xiao Yang curiously asked about it after receiving the script file.

"The surprise is that after this movie is finished, there is another movie waiting for you. If you are interested, you can continue to make it."

Luo Quan's answer made Xiao Yang happy: "Then I'm very interested, but I have to put all my energy into the script at hand first, and I'll talk about it after the second part is filmed."

"What you need is this awareness. Anyway, come on, see you in Hengdian in three days." Luo Quan nodded and ended the call.

Xiao Yang looked at the desktop of the computer, unable to calm down for a long time.

Finally he clenched his fist and let out a cheer of excitement.

This time, he may really soar into the sky!

After the celebration, Xiao Yang quickly slapped himself twice, calmed down quickly, and then clicked on the script sent by Director Luo with slightly trembling fingers. The name of the script was "Manslaughter".


"The male protagonist has been found, and now there are still two boys and one girl, two girls and three girls. If you are interested, sign up enthusiastically. If it is too late, it will be gone."

Luo Quan quickly updated the progress of the casting on Weibo, finding the leading actor so quickly is beyond the expectations of netizens:

"Just now you said that no one is looking for you, and it will be resolved in less than 10 minutes?"

"Don't just pick a little fresh meat, Luo Bao, you have to check the quality of the movie, it's better to be short than to be indiscriminate!"

"Has Luo Bao ever made a bad film? I think he should have met the right actor."

"I'm looking forward to it, what kind of movie is the first movie?"


It is Luo Quan's traditional virtue to spoil some irrelevant content to fans, so she quickly replied below: "This is a crime and suspense movie, which takes place in a foreign country where everyone speaks Chinese."

Fans cringed upon hearing this description:
"Haha, this speech is really full of desire to survive."

"Where is the quiet time, it's just that the review failed."

"Domestic crime films are really not interesting, because the end of villains must be a just trial, and there is no ending of getting away with it."

"So there will never be a TV series like Breaking Bad. The same type of TV series will not be released in China. If you want to shoot, you have to be invited to have a cup of tea first."

"That's not that exaggerated. Let me tell you the good news. Station B introduced a large number of high-scoring American dramas yesterday, including "Breaking Bad."

"I rely on!!!!!!"

"This can pass the trial, it's amazing my Bilibili."

"It's better to say that Luo Quan is amazing. If it weren't for her, Station B wouldn't have had so many changes."

"Indeed, the user experience of station B is improving every day."

"I don't know anything else. Anyway, I bought the stock on the day Luo Bao took over Bilibili. Now it has more than doubled."

"Is it too late to start now?"

"Luo Quan, aren't these two words enough for you to trust?"



Originally, the topic was quite normal, but there were too many netizens, and it became crooked while chatting.

Speaking of which, the recent stocks of Station B are indeed the same as riding a rocket. Compared with the lowest point, it has more than doubled.

However, in the past few days, Internet companies throughout China have skyrocketed, and many financial media people said that this is the coming of the Internet bull market, so everyone should buy quickly.

Although I don't know what the reason is, but according to the market trend, Internet companies should usher in a period of stock rise.

That is to say, even if Cheng Rui does not sell Station B to Luoquan, the stock of Station B will recover.

As soon as more people follow the trend and buy, the urgent need caused by the shortage of cash flow will naturally disappear.

If he waits patiently for a while, all problems will be solved.

No one knows what Cheng Rui's mood is now, regret, relief, relief?
Maybe there are all of them, but there is one good news for him that is certain, that is, Station B, which was founded by him, is finally showing signs of coming back to life.

Although there is no credit for him in it.

Putting aside the ridicule and banter of friend B towards Cheng Rui, Luoquan's big purchase plan is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

Of course, the objects of purchase are those excellent and popular overseas film and television dramas, and the public can buy whatever they like.

Of course, audit and cost performance also need to be considered.

Although Director He promised to relax the review, he didn't let himself do whatever he wanted. If the scale was too large, he would be reported and taken off the shelves.

The good news is that Station B now has a youth mode, in which you cannot see any content that is not suitable for children.

Even in the future, if some parents report and denounce because of the large-scale content, she can still use this model to speak out.

The software has a youth mode, and each account needs a real-name system, and the platform has already taken all the necessary measures.

When such a situation occurs, it can only be due to the parents' lack of supervision, and our platform will not take the blame.

However, the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail. If the parents of giant babies really report it, there will still be troubles at that time.

And the malicious competition from peers can't be ignored. It's just that station B is just on the right track now, and she hasn't encountered these disgusting things yet, but she can't be paralyzed by it.

So even though Director He said that the review can be relaxed, most of the episodes still dare to be put on station B after "strict deletion and modification".

Although it is not authentic, at least it will not make mistakes.

Perhaps because the desire for career surpassed the fear of industry bosses, Luo Quan's mailbox quickly received a large number of job-seeking emails, and the quality of actors became higher.

Luo Quan carefully selected for half an hour, and the actors for all the main roles were basically determined.

The rest is to go to Hengdian to find a group of high-quality group actors with actor certificates. The most important thing in this movie is the acting skills of the actors. The requirements for props and sets are not very high.

For a drama movie, people, lines, and performances are the most important thing.

In the evening, Ye Zhining sat on Luo Quan's bedside, looking at her seriously: "My concubine, I'm going back to Huanyu.

It has been so long since I came out, and the memorials have piled up like a mountain, and there are a lot of government affairs waiting for me to deal with. "

"Then go back quickly!" Luo Quan patted the bed, almost laughing, "You can't do without the Holy Tang Dynasty, let alone the trillions of Liming people without you!"

"Aifei, you seem very happy?" Ye Zhining raised his eyebrows, "You wish I could go back quickly?"

"Of course I'm happy."

Luo Quan saw that he seemed a little excited, and quickly put his arms around Ye Zhining's shoulders: "The reason why I am happy is that since His Majesty has decided to go back, it means that reason has overcome emotion, and this is what a wise and virtuous monarch should have." Performance.

Your Majesty, should I not be happy? "

"It seems to make sense." Ye Zhining nodded lightly, "But I always feel that my concubine has something else on her mind."

"How is it possible, I can touch my conscience!" Luo Quan raised his finger, swearing.

"It doesn't count if you say it, I want to test it with my own hands." Ye Zhining smiled and tried to catch her.

Luo Quan was fearless, with a clear conscience.

If it was a boy who made such a joke, he would definitely be beaten by Luo Quan.

It's just a girl, so it doesn't matter, she doesn't suffer anyway.

In order to prove that what she said was the truth, she had no intention of hiding at all.

But Ye Zhining was a little surprised to see Luo Quan being so frank.

In the end, I didn't know what to think, so I put down my hands: "Haha, since my concubine has made an oath, then I believe it.

But I'm ready to leave now, isn't Aifei going to give it to me? "

"For what?" Luo Quan was startled.

Originally, he thought that Ye Zhining had suddenly become a gentleman and gave up the good opportunity to gain profits, but he didn't expect that he wanted more.

"Give me a parting gift, you can't let me go back empty-handed, can you?" Ye Zhining stretched out his hand, as if it was a matter of course.

"This." Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief, she thought Ye Zhining was asking for something else.

"But let me think about what is more appropriate to give His Majesty, something precious and meaningful." Luo Quan rubbed his chin and said softly.

"That doesn't need to be so troublesome, any gift is fine, even a lock of Aifei's hair."

Ye Zhining picked up a strand of Luo Quan's golden hair with her fingers, wrapped it around her hand, and said with a smile: "My concubine may not know how rare your golden hair is in Huanyu. Rare, it is said that only the lucky ones who are favored by the gods can have such pure and bright hair.

In the past, even a single hair was considered a treasure. "

"It's not a good habit to treat human hair as a treasure." Hearing Ye Zhining's words, Luo Quan remembered what happened to the Native Americans.

But she said so, but she still pulled a strand of hair, and then chopped it off with a knife in her hand.

With her hand speed, let alone a strand of hair, even a wooden board can be chopped straight.

"No, I'll give you this cut. If you still want it, I'll cut it later when it grows."

Luo Quan handed over the hair in the palm of his hand: "But this is the gift His Majesty wants, and the gift I want to give is much more meaningful than hair."

"Oh, what is my concubine planning to give me?" Ye Zhining asked happily as she put Luo Quan's blond hair into the storage ring.

"A song." Luo Quan laughed.

In fact, it thought for a long time and didn't know what to give Ye Zhining.

Although she likes gold, silver jewelry, diamond necklaces, etc., for an emperor, these things are probably piled up like a mountain.

After much deliberation, she finally felt that music was the most suitable.

However, the type of music she wants to send is not a sad song. After all, Ye Zhining is only going back to deal with government affairs, and she can come back anytime she wants.

She wanted to send Ye Zhining a piece of music with the air of an emperor.

After making a decision, Luo Quan took out a stave from the drawer.

She had written this song a long time ago, and it was also prepared for the art olympiad.

But anyway, Ye Zhining is an alien, so giving it to her won't affect his game on Earth.

"It turns out that Aifei has already prepared it." Ye Zhining took the staff in surprise and smiled like a child.

Luo Quan also laughed, but felt guilty.

It seems that she was misunderstood by Empress Ye, but there is no need to explain this situation clearly, just treat it as a beautiful misunderstanding.

"King Qin... Breaking the Array."

Ye Zhining read out the name of the song slowly, her eyes sparkling: "What a domineering name, is this King Qin... Qin Shihuang?"

Ye Zhining, who had read the history books of China, subconsciously thought that King Qin was the most famous emperor in history.


Luo Quan shook his head and explained: "This King of Qin is Li Shimin, before he became emperor, his title was King Qin.

This is a feat no less than Qin Shihuang and the emperor. He personally created the most powerful and prosperous dynasty in Chinese history, the prosperous Tang Dynasty. "

"Prosperous Tang..." Ye Zhining suddenly smiled, "It must be a beautiful and powerful country."

(End of this chapter)

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