Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1057 Swan Lake

Chapter 1057 Swan Lake

It is certain that the Great Tang Dynasty in China has nothing to do with the Holy Tang Dynasty in the universe, they just happen to have one word in common.

But isn't the beauty of the world just because of these just-right coincidences?

In short, Ye Zhining is quite satisfied with this piece.

Speaking of which, few people have given her gifts since she took the throne.

After all, between monarchs and ministers, most of the time, the emperor gave rewards to his ministers, and what the ministers gave should be called tribute. There is a natural gap in status.

"This piece will lose a lot of taste when played alone. It is better to let a big orchestra play it, so that the momentum will be more magnificent."

Luo Quan seemed to have remembered something, and reminded again: "Besides, this is actually a dance song. You can let the dancers accompany you when you play it, and the effect will be better."

Ye Zhining said with a smile: "Then my concubine might as well record the dance, so that I can take it back and let the court dancers rehearse."

"I won't." Luo Quan shook his head.

"Is there a concubine who can't?" Ye Zhining curled her lips, obviously not convinced by this statement.

In fact, Luo Quan can dance, whether it's kpop, swan dance, waltz, or domestic folk dance, in order to prepare for emergencies, she exchanged all of the more famous dances.

But apart from kpop, it seems that other dances have not had the opportunity to show.

Now the opportunity has come, but Luo Quan doesn't really want to show it off.

But seeing Ye Zhining's expectant eyes, Luo Quan could only nod his head: "You can dance, but this song is not a dance show, so I have to change another one."

"What for?" Ye Zhining said while sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed, ready to appreciate it.

"Let's go Zhaojun, this is a well-known dance performance in our country."

Luo Quan turned out his mobile phone Baidu Encyclopedia as he spoke: "Zhaojun went out of the Great Wall, telling the story of Wang Zhaojun, one of the four great beauties, who was sent by the emperor to make peace with the Huns outside the Great Wall. Wang Zhaojun exchanged his own sacrifice for the peace of the two countries... ……”

"Wait a minute." Ye Zhining raised her hand to stop Luo Quan's words, "How can the peace of the country be achieved by sacrificing an innocent woman?"

"Because if you don't sacrifice, you have to go to war. This was the cheapest way to get peace at that time."

After explaining, Luo Quan saw that Ye Zhining seemed to be a little confused, so he explained: "For example, God Bless Federation insists that I go to their place to be a saint, if I don't go there, there will be a war, and then there will be rivers of blood The living beings are in charcoal.

In this case, of course, the only way is to give up the small family for everyone, and exchange one person for hundreds of millions of people to live and work in peace and contentment.

Of course, I am just giving an example, God Blessed Federation will definitely not do this, and I guess it is not that great. "

"There is no such example!" Ye Zhining waved his hand domineeringly, "Since the founding of the Holy Tang Dynasty, there has been no marriage, no tribute, and no cedement of land. If the God Blessed Federation dares to make such a request, there will be no second choice except war. options.

Because they can ask for you this time, and they can ask for other things next time. This kind of opening cannot be opened once! "

"That's also the reason." Luo Quan nodded, "But this is just the background story of this dance, so there's no need to go into it too deeply... It's a pity that this dance is not a reading dance. If you want the full version, you have to find someone to cooperate."

"Couldn't this be the kind where men and women dance together?" Ye Zhining's face suddenly became a little unsightly, "Then I won't watch it, how decent is it to hug and hug, I don't want other men to touch my concubine. Up and down."

"Professional dancers are not as dirty as you think."

And Luo Quan looked at Ye Zhining, dumbfounded, and said: "And the movements are all for art and beauty, and they have connotations, how can you touch them randomly."

"That won't work either." Ye Zhining insisted, "Anyway, I can't let others touch my concubine."

When she was in the court, it was not that she had never seen that kind of performance where men and women danced together.

It is indeed connotative and aesthetic, but the male dancer's hands did not miss the waist, legs and other places.

Of course it doesn't matter as a spectator, but she can't accept that her concubine is this female dancer.

After all, which emperor in the world is not a possessive jealous jar.

Although Ye Zhining's xp was a little strange, she could only allow others to see it, and it was absolutely impossible to touch Luo Quan.

"If this made you watch The Return of the King, it would be fine." Luo Quan understood Ye Zhining's thoughts, and lowered his head and muttered.

"What did my concubine say, what is the return of the king?" Ye Zhining felt a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

"Your Majesty heard it wrong. I mean that Your Majesty is a king who really has the spirit, and he really shouldn't compromise on unreasonable demands."

Luo Quan hurriedly found an excuse to prevaricate.

In Return of the King, she had a kiss scene with Aragorn.

Although it is special effects and borrowing, it still breaks the defenses of many fans.

If Ye Zhining saw it, with her jealous personality, who knows what terrible things she would do, so she must not be told the truth here.

Although the reason for making it up temporarily was bad, fortunately Ye Zhining didn't delve into it.

In order to divert attention, Luo Quan quickly said: "Since Your Majesty doesn't like Zhaojun going out of the fortress, then I will dance a solo Swan Lake."

"Well, the name sounds good to my ears." Ye Zhining nodded with satisfaction.

After getting permission, Luo Quan clicked on the computer twice, and a burst of light and humorous music sounded at that moment.

Luo Quan clasped his stomach with both hands, took a duck-like swan cloth, and jumped up and down on the floor from left to right.

Much of the beauty of the swan dance depends on the dancer's slender and graceful body, especially the pair of agile long legs.

Luo Quan couldn't find pantyhose specially for dancers here for a while, but she had long johns with similar effect.

Anyway, it can be tight, but the color is not the same.

Swan Dance's tights are white, and her long johns are dark green.

To dance the swan dance with bare feet, the toe joints must be worn out.

Fortunately, Luo Quan's skin is thick enough, and this strength is not enough to hurt her.

And compared to dancers who have been using their soles and toes for a long time, Luo Quan's feet are as white and tender as a baby's, and there are no calluses on the joints.

Whenever she raised her legs and jumped, Ye Zhining could see the lovely toes like pearls on the ruddy lotus feet.

She had never seen such a scenery before when she was enjoying the dance.

Ye Zhining, who originally recorded the image with an optical camera, also hesitated. After going back, will he keep it for himself alone, or show it off to everyone?
What an embarrassing dilemma.

It's a pity that only you can see such a beautiful scenery.

But if I show it to others, I always feel a little reconciled.

Ye Zhining, who was in the middle of the battle between heaven and man, was gradually attracted back by Luo Quan, who moved more and more.

Before, she had been attracted by Luo Quan's two long legs, but ignored the movement of her upper body.

In Swan Lake, there are a lot of straight up and down movements.

However, these movements are all done through the legs, and the upper body of the dancer hardly moves. In addition, this kind of dance is generally performed in airports, so people's eyes are usually only focused on the waistline.

But Luoquan is not an airport, she is the second peak in this house.

Except for the talented Xu Yanqing, no one can compare with her.

Every jump in the dance is a severe test of underwear.

That's why she doesn't like dancing, and why she doesn't like running, jumping rope when she works out.

Because God is fair, some things are given to you, and some things are taken away from you at the same time.

Wen Xia always said that God gave Luo Quan so much, but never deprived Luo Quan of anything. In fact, it was just that her focus was wrong.

If this was a live broadcast, then Luo Quan would definitely be labeled as a female anchor.

Fortunately, Ye Zhining was the only one in the room.

So Luo Quan knew that his dance was relatively dynamic, but he didn't restrain his movements, and the final effect was quite unrestrained.

After dancing to the song, Luo Quan put his hands on his hips and took a few breaths.

Tired is not very tired, but habitually wants to take a few breaths.


Ye Zhining was not stingy with her praise, raised her hands and slapped her hands: "Aifei's dance is so beautiful, although I have never seen a swan, but I can imagine how beautiful and elegant it is when I see Aifei gone."

"I'm not wearing the right clothes. The earth doesn't have a green swan like me." Luo Quan chuckled, "And it's best to have a few more people dance, so that it looks good if it's neat."

"I'll show you the full version later when I have a chance." Ye Zhining moved to the side of the bed, "When the time comes, I will ask my concubine to be the lead dancer of the court dancers, so you can train them well."

"I'm not as good at dancing as I am at singing. I'm afraid I don't have the qualifications to be someone else's teacher." Luo Quan was modest, but at the same time he was stating the truth.

"Speaking of which, did Concubine Ai often dance for others before?" Ye Zhining asked in a low voice.

"Occasionally, I seldom dance." Luo Quan tugged at the straps that were slipping down behind him, "The main reason is that he is too good-looking, and the movement is too loud when he dances, which is not beautiful, and is easy to be blocked."

"That's true." Ye Zhining nodded approvingly, "And this dance has been seen by me now, and I won't show it to others without my permission in the future."

"Why?" Luo Quan was puzzled, "Your Majesty doesn't have such a bit of tolerance, right? Then why don't you just lock me up in a cage and come to a golden house to hide my beauty?"

"I don't care, it's not allowed anyway."

The empress is still a woman after all, when her demands are not met, the first thing she thinks of is not to reason, but to be a rascal.

And Luo Quan's method of resolving disputes has always been reasoning: "Your Majesty, you are a majestic king of a country, you should have the courage to accept all rivers, and dancing is not a big deal.

If you are not satisfied, I have a better solution here. "

As Luo Quan said, he typed in Taobao: "Chastity Pants", and handed it to Ye Zhining: "Here, wearing these I am the iron crotch of the tenth generation. Your Majesty can rest assured, right?"

"Isn't this humiliating my concubine?" Ye Zhining's tone became a little weak, "That's not to this extent."

Luo Quan blinked, and said with a smile: "But your Majesty's idea is not much different from this one. They all lock me up. I'm not allowed to dance today, and I'm not allowed to sing tomorrow. Don't you have to let me wear this?"

"Am I the kind of jealous woman?" Ye Zhining immediately denied, "Since my concubine is unwilling, let's forget about it."

"That's right."

Luo Quan nodded, and then said: "Actually, it's also my first time jumping into Swan Lake, and I've never seen it before.

And I don't particularly like dancing, so even if other people want to watch it in the future, I won't agree.

So even if His Majesty doesn't say anything, you can actually get similar results. "

Ye Zhining was puzzled: "Then why is Aifei so resistant?"

"For the same thing, voluntary and forced to do are two completely different concepts, and what I hate the most is being forced to do something I don't like."

Luo Quan said and gave himself a thumbs up: "Simply speaking, I am a person who eats soft but not hard!"

"Understood, my concubine likes soft ones, and doesn't like the overlord to bow hard." Ye Zhining blinked thoughtfully.

"What kind of weird metaphor is this?" Luo Quan couldn't understand, "But it's not wrong to say so."

"Well, it's getting late."

Ye Zhi stared at the bed below him, with a thoughtful look on his face: "Originally, I wanted to spend another night with my concubine, but those old glasses were in a hurry, so I had to go back early."

It can be seen that Ye Zhining is very upset with his deputy ministers, and the title is quite disrespectful.

"I can only wait for the next time to come again. At that time, Aifei will have to wait for me obediently for nothing."

As soon as the words fell, Ye Zhining disappeared in place, leaving only a light mark on the mattress and a faint residual warmth.

"Leave so soon?"

Luo Quan froze for a moment, then fell silent.

Originally thought that Ye Zhining would want to take advantage of her because of money, such as asking for a parting kiss or something.

This is the playboy's usual tactic when he takes the initiative.

Ye Zhining is not a playboy, but what she wants to do is not much different from being a playboy.

Originally, I was still thinking about whether to agree or refuse when the time comes, and what reason to use if I refuse.

But I didn't expect Ye Zhining to leave the earth after saying goodbye cleanly, just as abruptly as when she came.

After the person left, Luo Quan, who should have been more relaxed, felt a little empty in his heart for some reason.

Of course, it wasn't because of some kind of worrying thoughts, but after all, after getting along with Ye Zhining for such a period of time, it must be a bit sad to leave suddenly.

It's like a normal psychological state to feel lost after a good friend suddenly travels far away.

However, Luo Quan was not so emotional. After experiencing a short period of sadness, she quickly adjusted her emotions.

There are still so many jobs waiting for me, how can I have so much time to think about these children's love......

It was night, Luo Quan stared at the ceiling with his eyes open, still suffering from insomnia.

(End of this chapter)

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