Chapter 1058
"Zhining went back to his hometown?"

Wen Xia looked at Luo Quan with a surprised expression.

This assistant hasn't lived for a few days, so why did she suddenly go back to her hometown? It feels like she hasn't finished any work by Luo Quan's side, so I see her often running into the house.

"It is said that there is an urgent matter at home, and it will take a while." Luo Quan nodded, "Anyway, I don't have much work here, so I let her go back first."

"That's it." After learning about Ye Zhining's whereabouts, Wen Xia didn't ask much, "Speaking of which, I'm going to the capital in a few days to film."

After a few days of rest during the Spring Festival, Wen Xia was not idle, but picked up a play for herself.

But it's not the heroine, but a female number four who doesn't have too many roles, and it can be regarded as a friendship.

The reason why I acted in this movie is that on the one hand, the crew gave me a lot of money, and on the other hand, the cast and script are good, and it has the potential to be a big hit.

Although she didn't get the position of heroine, even if she was only the fourth female lead, as long as she performed well enough and left a deep impression on the audience, she would be quite successful.

In fact, she didn't think about this movie at first, because she made an appointment with Luo Quan to go back to Yuzhou to film "Hiding Into the Dust" after the new year.

But now the plan has changed, Luo Quan has to make a few suspense films to prove to netizens that what he said is not a lie, so "Into the Dust" has to be postponed for a while.

In addition to the few movies that Luo Quan said she was going to make, there weren't many girls' scenes, so she was free, so she took on a film that didn't take too much time.

When I finish filming here, Luoquan may have just finished the first film.

At that time, I will go to Hengdian again to see if I can get a trick or something.

This is Wen Xia's plan, and it was discussed with Luo Quan when he took over the play the day before yesterday, and it was completely settled today.

"Then bring more clothes, it's a bit cold in Beijing right now."

Luo Quan's physical fitness has become insensitive to the temperature in the middle of winter and the twelfth lunar month, but the temperature in summer is still so warm, so I remind you.

"Understood, every time I go out for a long time, you have to nag a few words, and you are almost becoming an old mother." Wen Xia waved her hand, thinking that she is also in her early twenties, why don't you know how to wait for more clothes?
"Yes, when I grow up, I start to feel like nagging my mother." Luo Quan lowered his head in disappointment, like a lonely old mother who was rejected by her children.

"Get out of here." Wen Xia raised her leg and gave a side kick, which hit Luo Quan's chubby butt, like kicking a piece of jelly.

After some squabbling, Luo Quan asked Wen Xia again: "How far have you practiced martial arts recently? This strength is not small."

"It's almost level six, how is it?" Wen Xia was a little smug when she spoke.

After practicing for less than a year, she is almost at the level of a middle-level martial artist, which is indeed an achievement to be proud of.

Of course, compared with Cheng Nuo who was about to reach level four, Wen Xia was still a lot worse.

But she is a rare martial arts genius, and Wen Xia never planned to compare with her from the beginning to the end.

"It's really fast." Luo Quan praised lightly, "But it's not enough. You still have a long way to go. It's not a good sign to be complacent now."

"I see—" Wen Xia dragged her voice, then turned her head and went back to the room, not knowing whether she was playing with her mobile phone or practicing.

The next day, Luo Quan arrived in Hengdian by plane. He thought it would be quite deserted after the Chinese New Year, but he could still see group performers in various costumes in the film and television city.

These people came here to chase their dreams. If they want to make a living, there are better jobs than being a group performer.

Before their dreams come true, most people will choose to stay here forever.

In other words, they were too embarrassed to go back to see their parents before they became a human being.

Of course, most people can only waste time here, after all, there are too few counterattack miracles like Bao Qiang.

The good news is that because of these people with dreams in mind, Luo Quan can easily recruit a lot of extras to meet the requirements of the new play.

After the extras are found, the scene also needs to be well arranged.

The original film takes place in India, and the remake is set in Thailand. Compared with the former, the setting of the latter is simpler.

And although they are all in Asia, the looks of Indians and Thais are still different.

On the premise that most of the group performers are Chinese, Thailand must be more reasonable, so it doesn't seem too much sense of disobedience.

And what are the characteristics of Thailand?
Luo Quan feels that apart from the various tropical rainforest trees that grow in the city, there are Buddhist buildings and objects that can be seen everywhere. Of course, Muay Thai is also essential.
Grasping these details, even if you are not in Thailand, you can still take pictures of Thailand.

Of course, there is still a gap between the overall atmosphere and the actual scene.

But this is not to control costs.

If it weren't for the fact that the villain in the movie is a policeman, she wouldn't have to take off her pants and fart to set the background in a foreign country, and just shoot it as a domestic movie and everything would be solved.

But it will definitely not pass the review like this.

In fact, there is no need to clearly say that this is in Thailand. Anyway, it is fine if it is not in China. It is enough to shoot a bit of an exotic atmosphere and let the audience know that this is a foreign country. Whether it is Thailand or not is not particularly important.

On the day he agreed to meet with Xiao Yang, he said that the plane arrived at Hengdian at [-]:[-] in the morning.

Seeing a real person for the first time, Luo Quan found that Xiao Yang was a little more handsome than he looked on the computer screen.

The figure is not bad, quite strong, but the face is round and big, which makes it look a little fat.

"I've been acting all this time, so I don't have time to control my body shape." Xiao Yang may have realized the problems in body management, so he explained immediately.

Luo Quan smiled and waved his hands: "This kind of ordinary body shape is necessary. Director Wu Jin's eight-pack abs is a minority. Only those who are closer to the public are more likely to be liked by the public."

Xiao Yang also laughed, but for some reason, it felt like Director Luo was still complaining about him.

"By the way, did someone say that you look a lot like a professional League of Legends player?" Luo Quan looked at Xiao Yang's appearance, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Rookie (broiler chicken), right?" Xiao Yang smiled helplessly, "The whole world is saying that we look alike, that we are almost half-brothers. When he won the championship, I followed him. It's trending."

Luo Quan laughed out loud, this oolong incident really made a lot of people laugh at that time.

After making a joke, Luo Quan called the director's assistant to the crew: "Bring the meat chicken first, no...Old Xiao, go to the hotel, take a rest, and the filming will officially start tomorrow."

Under Xiao Yang's resentful eyes, Luo Quan went to meet the other leading actors.

Since it was basically the first time we worked together, there were no pleasantries after the meeting, and it was all about work.

Everyone was also very professional, and they were very excited when they heard that work would start tomorrow.

Although it is a low-budget work, the director is Luo Quan, a myth in the mainland film and television industry!

There are many domestic winners of the three major international film festival awards, but she is the only one who has both an international film festival and an Oscar.

And what she won were all the most important awards.

Best Director, Best Actor, Best Film, Best Screenplay………

Almost everything imaginable is covered.

Cooperating with such a film and television mythology, even a small-budget movie means unlimited possibilities.

Is "Farewell My Concubine" a high investment?It is less than [-] million yuan, but it is the highest score for a domestic film on, sweeping all major domestic awards, and also won the crown at the Cannes Film Festival.

Director Luo may not be filming "Farewell My Concubine" this time, but with her ability, it can't be much worse.

After the movie is released, this movie will also become a shining point in their little transparent resumes.

Therefore, all the actors cherished this opportunity. As soon as they got the script, they memorized the lines thoroughly, and then began to figure out the psychology of the characters.

Of course, these are all things an actor should do.

However, in the domestic entertainment where even the actors can be praised for reciting their lines, the dedication of these actors seems so professional.

Changing to the traffic Xiaoxianrou also worked so hard. As the director, Luo Quan had to come out to be interviewed by the media and praise how hard they worked.

Fortunately, there was no fresh meat in the crew, so Luo Quan naturally didn't need to carry any fancy sedan chairs when he was being interviewed by reporters.

Before the official shooting of the film, Luo Quan held a film conference as usual.

Fame is here, no matter how small the investment is, there are still a large number of reporters willing to interview.

"Luo Quan, what is your investment budget for this movie?"

The reporter from Weibo Entertainment was the first to ask the question, and this should be the most concerned question among netizens.

It was agreed that [-] million would be filmed in three films. If the first film was lavish, it would be quite controversial.

"I set the budget for the first part to be within [-] million."

Luo Quan slowly took out a form from his briefcase: "This is the current expenditure list. The cost of renting actors and filming equipment is a big one, with a total of just over 3000 million."

The reporters immediately raised their cameras, zoomed in, and frantically pressed the shutter.

Few production crews will announce the detailed bills of the production crew to them, and some will only give a general investment amount. There are not many honest people like Luo Quan.

"Then how long do you expect to shoot?" Soon another reporter asked.

"20 days." Luo Quan put his hands on the table, "Isn't it bold to shoot the movie in 20 days?
What I told everyone was that the trick would be filmed in 20 days. All the actors and photographers were very excited when they found out, because the time is so tight, so there is nothing wrong with it. Only by going through the shots once can we catch up with the progress. "

Speaking of this, Luo Quan grinned again: "But in the end I gave up. The 20 days was indeed too urgent. Finally, I adjusted it to 30 days. I hope it can be done within the scheduled time."

Finishing a movie in a month is indeed a big challenge.

Lao Mouzi's "Empty River Blue" was criticized for being extremely careless and insincere, and it took more than two months.

And Luoquan is even more ruthless, don't want it for a month, and it can be done in 20 days.

Of course, she finally gave a conservative statement that she hopes to end it within a month, but this is also an exaggeration.

In fact, Luo Quan said these words just to play tricks, but none of the reporters present heard it.

Isn’t there an interview video of an old Mouzi at Station B that has become very popular recently, saying that he originally planned to shoot the entire movie "Empty River Blue" into a one-shot form.

After talking about a lot of things, I finally said that I gave up.

This is as funny as a second-year student who said he was going to take Tsinghua University, but in the end he gave up.

What's even more ridiculous is that netizens compiled many versions based on Lao Mouzi's interview.

The most outrageous of them is "I wanted to drive a fighter jet to go to school." This second creation even has more hits than the original video.

After Luo Quan saw it, he also wanted to imitate the whole activity.

But I didn't expect that none of the reporters could get it, probably because the self-entertainment of netizens at station B didn't arouse the enthusiasm of the whole network.

"It may also be that my imitation is too abstract." Luo Quan smiled self-deprecatingly, but didn't take it too seriously.

The duration of the interview is relatively short, because it is a suspense movie, there are still a lot of things that need to be hidden.

In the trailers of most suspense films, sometimes you don't even know who the protagonist is and what the main content is. You can only get a glimpse of the whole picture after you get the theater.

Luo Quan, who likes to reveal gossip to fans, also chose to keep it secret during the live broadcast at night:
"Don't ask me, you'll know if you go to the cinema in a month.

If you really don’t want to spend money, you can watch the movie at Station B after it’s released. You just need to sign up for a big membership.

For ten yuan, you can't buy it at a loss and you can't be fooled. "

Fans didn't quite buy into such remarks:
"It's not a question of whether you can afford it or not, but I really want to know more about it before spending money."

"I'm a free big member, but I still plan to go to the cinema to see it."

"It would be great if there was Luo Bao as the leading role."

"That's right, Luo Bao, it seems that you haven't been a starring role for a while."

"Shocked! The two-time Oscar winner has been reduced to no filming!"

"Haha, the UC title department wants you to go to work tomorrow."


Luo Quan saw the needs of the fans, she smiled slightly and said: "I know that everyone really wants to see the movie I star in.

Don't worry, don't you want to make three movies this time? I can tell you clearly that one of them is my starring role.

And I still act in this movie from the beginning to the end, so you can watch it to your heart's content! "

When the fans heard it, they looked forward to it:
"Ah, is it a one-man show?"

"Shooting one person from beginning to end, so familiar type."

"Is there no male actor to cooperate?"

"Well... something is wrong with you."

"This is not the time to drive, you bastard!"

"It seems that Lobo is trying a very new way of shooting."

"Then I wish Luo Bao the fame and fortune this time."


Luo Quan looked at the barrage, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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