Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1059 Prosperity

"Ok, pass!"

On the set, Luo Quan was lying on the director's chair, giving instructions in a deep voice.

The few people in the camera breathed a sigh of relief, and walked to the rest place as if they were relieved.

Before the filming started, several leading actors did not expect that Luo Quan would exert such great pressure.

Obviously, on the first day, he treated people and things so gently, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

As a result, as soon as she arrived on the set, she immediately began to coordinate the overall situation, exuding an aura like a commander from top to bottom.

All creatures within her sight must obey her orders.

No one under her command is allowed to have any personal thoughts, not even suggestions.

Disagreement in artistic creation is very normal.

Some cameramen and assistant directors think that this angle is better and more emotional, but the director thinks that another angle may be better. At this time, the two sides will start discussions and experiments, and eventually even quarrels may occur.

But Luo Quan never argues with others on the set, because her words are imperial edicts.

"How to make this movie, I can control it alone, and other people can follow the command and do their own work well, and don't have any pointers in the creation!"

This is a reminder from Luo Quan to everyone before the shooting. She always smiles like a flower, and her face smells like menopause at this time. The younger employees will feel trembling just seeing her sharp eyes.

However, even if you say hello in advance, after the filming starts, someone will still have an idea to add scenes to themselves.

This kind of situation mainly occurs in group performances. For example, when the protagonist's family goes to an underground boxing arena to watch a boxing match, they need to take a shot of the audience cheering and shouting.

Because this kind of underground boxing match is usually associated with gambling, most of the audience sitting in the audience bought the outcome of the contestants on the stage.

So Luo Quan let them decide the winner, some of them were ecstatic, and some of them scolded.

As for the audience in charge of ecstasy, a little clever ghost appeared.

When the camera swept over, he jumped three feet high, jumping up happily.

And Luo Quan quickly yelled "Ka".

Because Luo Quan would explain very clearly what everyone should do before each start, so most of the shots were shot at once.

And once Luo Quan yelled, it meant that there was an obvious mistake in a certain position, and it also meant that she was about to start swearing.

In short, with the sound of click, the boxers on the stage, the audience in the audience, and the surrounding staff immediately stopped and looked at him in unison.

Director Luo usually doesn't show his power, but once he shows his power, it's like a violent storm.

"That male cosplayer in the ninth row, what's the matter with you?"

Luo Quan took the trumpet and started to roll call directly: "Didn't I explain it clearly to you when I was filming? The boxer you bought won, you were very excited, and then you started cheering, the expression can be exaggerated, did I make you happy? You What are you messing about in there!"

Hearing this, the others immediately breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately it wasn't their fault.

The male co-star who was named suddenly showed an embarrassed expression, but he still explained: "I'm sorry for the director, what I thought was that this character won the money, I was very excited, cheering alone might not be enough, so I just jumped.

As mentioned in "Actor's Self-cultivation", exaggerated body movements can better reflect the excited mood of the character. "

This explanation made the people around show a clear expression, and it is another group performer who wants to add drama to himself, which can be seen too much in Hengdian.

"Are you the protagonist?" Luo Quan asked with a serious face.

"No." The male cosplayer shook his head.

"Then do you know where the focus of my lens is?" Luo Quan asked again.

"I don't know." The male cosplayer continued to shake his head.

"Look at your oblique rear. My focus is on the protagonist behind you. When you jump up and block the whole family of the protagonist, what else should I shoot?
Also, why do you, a big man, use such feminine movements as jumping?If you are really excited, wouldn't it be more appropriate to make a fist, swing a fist, or just grab the collar of the people around you and shake it? "

When Luo Quan questioned, she even brought out a lot of dry goods, after all, she was always justified when she was held accountable.

"It's a good thing to be creative, but my crew doesn't need creative people. I only hire your bodies. As for the brain, I can do it myself."

Luo Quan pointed to the accountant and said, "Find him half a day's salary, and then change the crew."

She has watched "The King of Comedy" many times. The protagonist Yin Tianchou may be an inspirational figure who is constantly striving for his dream.

But for any set, it's a disaster.

If he is really an actor at the actor level, of course he can have his own ideas, and it may also bring unexpected excellent effects when he has a flash of inspiration.

But it's a pity that most of these people are more ambitious than paper, and this one is obviously the same.

This time he can jump up on his own initiative, and who knows what kind of work will be done next time when he takes a shot.

In order to avoid shouting Ka repeatedly, Luo Quan did not give him a chance to reform, but let him go directly.

The departure of the male co-star also made all the other co-stars who had small calculations tremble in their hearts.

It is basically a consensus in the industry that Luoquan's movies are easy to catch fire. There have been so many movies made before, and almost every one can bring one or two inconspicuous supporting roles or side effects.

This film will be no exception, so when they came, they thought about how to add dramas to leave a deep impression on the audience.

But I didn't expect Luo Quan to have zero tolerance for this kind of behavior. After the first extra performer was caught, he let him go.

This time, I can get half a day's salary. If I come again, I won't necessarily get such a good salary.

As a result, all the group performers quickly discarded those calculations in their hearts and began to devote themselves to the shooting.

After removing the spoilers, the shooting on the set continued in an orderly manner...

Three days after starting No.20, after the last shot was finished, Luo Quan happily yelled "Click", followed by another sentence: "It's finished!"

"Wuhu!" Many people present jumped up, their excitement and joy were beyond words.

"Thank you for your hard work in the past month. It is really hard work for me to come to work here before the Spring Festival is over.

I have prepared a red envelope for everyone, not many, it is considered a New Year's greetings, and there will be a celebration banquet in the evening, everyone, don't forget. "

After Luo Quan finished speaking, the assistant came over with a big cardboard box full of big red envelopes stuffed to the brim. If they were all in hundred-yuan bills, that red envelope would be worth at least 2000.

It's not much, but it's definitely not too little, especially for group performers whose monthly salary is only five or six thousand, the two thousand red envelopes can be said to be quite generous.

I don't know who shouted "Director Luo, I love you" at the top of his voice, and then the whole set rang out the confession, both men and women.

Luo Quan also waved his hands with a smile: "Okay, I love you too."

As soon as the camera was turned off, that approachable national idol returned.

Luo Quan in this state should be the employees' favorite boss.

After the film was finished, Luo Quan went back to the hotel to edit and listen to the dubbing for any changes that needed to be made.

Because there is no need to do special effects, it can save a lot of work in the later stage.

He was busy from noon to night, until Wen Xia pushed the dining car in.

"Oh my Miss Luo, don't you consider taking a break and having dinner?"

Although Wen Xia didn't wear a maid outfit, her tone was quite maid-like.

Luo Quan glanced at her with a smile, and stood up with his knuckles broken: "What do you have for dinner?"

"Let me have a look." Wen Xia lifted the lids one by one, "Oh, tonight we have your favorite steak Wellington and charcoal-grilled steak pizza, as well as the Big Mac Double Filet Mignon Burger."

"Why are they all steaks?" Luo Quan frowned, at least change to pork chops and chicken chops or something, you hurry up and ask the kitchen to prepare a few more dishes. "

"It's almost done. It's not that you didn't order food for half a day, and now there are only steaks left in the kitchen."

Wen Xia couldn't pretend anymore, and sat impatiently by the bedside: "If you want to eat something else, you have to wait another two hours until the kitchen finishes filling up the pot before ordering.

By the way, there are a lot of seafood. "

"I don't eat seafood." Luo Quan refused all seafood, and could only reach out to hold the Big Mac twice the size of her fist.

She put the hamburger to her mouth and compared it, and found that it was too big to eat.

If you force it into your mouth, it will be blocked.

Just when Luo Quan was thinking about whether to cut this huge burger into four pieces with a dining knife, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed that Wen Xia had already raised his mobile phone, smiling treacherously.

"You don't want to take pictures of my ugly photos again, do you?" Luo Quan put down the hamburger and asked maliciously.

Ever since the giant mouth of the abyss became an indelible label for herself, she has paid great attention to how she eats.

Not to mention that it is completely in line with the etiquette of noble ladies, but the width of the mouth is also deliberately controlled.

But this is eating out, if it is at home, she will still be more casual.

The most difficult thing to guard against is the house thief. In short, Wen Xia has quite a lot of "indecent photos" of herself, and none of them can be posted on the Internet.

Right now, Wen Xia definitely wants to take another ugly photo of herself eating a hamburger.

If he really caught himself eating this hamburger, the huge mouth of the abyss would become a real hammer.

"You didn't order this burger on purpose, did you just want to make a fool of me?" Luo Quan continued to ask, "Wen Xia, your behavior is very dangerous."

"Hi, am I that kind of person?" Wen Xia put down her phone, picked up another hamburger, and took a big bite at the part with the most meat in the middle.

"I only ordered this dish after reading Dianping that this hotel's signature dish, but you still doubt me for no reason!"

Wen Xia's mouth was full of meat, she explained vaguely, and at the same time expressed her dissatisfaction with her eyes.

"Then I blamed you wrongly." Luo Quan nodded, "But why did you raise your hand just now?"

"Douyin, record a beautiful life." Wen Xia continued to explain.

Luo Quan chuckled: "I think you want to record how I ate this burger in one bite."

"Then you really don't have the ability." After Wen Xia finished speaking, she drank a big mouthful of orange juice, "Can your upper and lower jaws really be so wide apart? I don't believe it."

"The aggressive method, right?" Luo Quan raised the corner of his mouth, and then put the Big Mac burger to his mouth.

Wen Xia had stopped moving her mouth at this time, and looked at Luo Quan without blinking, wanting to witness this historic moment with her own eyes.

Gradually, Luo Quan opened his small cherry mouth, and it grew bigger and bigger.

With the help of the light, Wen Xia could even see Luo Quan's tongue tightly attached to his jaw and the tonsils moving up and down deep in his mouth.

However, just when she thought that Luo Quan was going to use the flexibility of his mouth to the limit, Luo Quan closed his mouth.

"I give up." Luo Quan laughed, "You don't really think that I will do such an act that destroys my image and temperament?

One hamburger per bite, it's a shame you can figure it out, if you really eat it, you won't choke me to death? "

"Cut." Wen Xia curled her lips in disappointment, "If you can't do it, just say it."

"Nonsense, which normal person can eat such a big thing in one bite?" Luo Quan rolled his eyes, and finally chose a dining knife to cut the burger into four pieces.

The steak feast for dinner was quite enjoyable, and I ordered some French fries and ice cream at the end.

If I changed it before, I would definitely not dare to fix such a sugar-explosive food, especially at night.

However, Ye Zhining heard that she had body anxiety before, so she immediately gave her a bunch of pills, saying that they were for weight loss and beauty, and as long as she took one, she would be able to maintain a good figure, no matter how much she ate, she would not gain weight.

Originally, Luo Quan was quite skeptical at first, thinking that Ye Zhining was trying to cheat her, just like Ye Zhining would make her unconscious every time he slept next to him.

Later, he took the Nourishing Pill to ask Xu Yanqing, and found that she was also taking this, and it was the same type, so Luo Quan was relieved.

At present, she has eaten three pills, and the effect is not bad. She has lost five catties, and the fat on her stomach is also less.

If I continue to eat, then no matter how much I eat and drink, I don't think I will have to worry about gaining fat in the future.

With good things, of course Luo Quan immediately shared them with Wen Xia and the others.

Everyone is different, and the amount of medicine that needs to be taken is different.

But since taking this medicine, Wen Xia and the others' happiness index has risen in a straight line, and they have completely regained their freedom of eating and drinking. They no longer have to give up so many delicacies for a healthy diet every day as before.

After eating, Luo Quan clicked on the stock market trading interface.

The market value of station B has risen to 67 billion US dollars, which is close to half of its peak period.

Although the growth rate has declined, the overall situation is still stable and improving, and it can be said that it is thriving.

When the financial report for the first quarter is released, when everyone sees the changes in station b, the second wave of stock price growth should come.

And when the time comes, the original God is estimated to be open beta.

Judging from the word-of-mouth of the current internal test, the effect of these two boosters will be very amazing.

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