Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1060 Manslaughter Released

Chapter 1060 Manslaughter Released
When Yuanshen's closed beta began, doubts about the quality of its games on the Internet disappeared overnight.

Perhaps the open world is not a novel type on the PC side, and it even belongs to the existence of the bad street.

But on the mobile phone side, this is the only file that exists, and it is at the leading level in the industry in terms of picture quality, music, gameplay, and content.

Moreover, compared with the Korean greasy painting style that is more common in domestic mobile games, the two-dimensional style of Yuanshen is obviously refreshing.

It is not that there are no Two-dimensional mobile games in China, but there is no one that can have such a high quality as Yuanshen.

When most game manufacturers are still using 2D static villains to cut leeks, what is the concept of a controllable and beautifully modeled 3D character, you can understand it with your ass.

To say that Yuanshenshin is a 3A masterpiece is definitely not enough.

But if it is a 3A masterpiece on mobile phones, it is quite appropriate.

During the first internal test, Yuanshen opened the recharge and rebate function.

Any account recharged during the closed beta will receive 1.5 times the rebate after the public beta, with a cap of [-].

Among the 390 accounts issued during the internal test, as many as 80.00 people recharged, and the payment rate was as high as [-]%[-]!

Although most of the players here are anchors or old Two-dimensional, the concentration is relatively high, and the funds are relatively sufficient, so they are more willing to pay for high-quality games that are visible to the naked eye.

But the payment rate of nearly [-]% still shocked the entire game industry.

Just the internal beta is already so perverted, if this is a public beta, will there be other games to survive?

As a result, the game manufacturers that had already stopped began to plan countermeasures again.

Countermeasures were implemented when Yuanshin announced that it would be appearing at the Sony Game Show.

On the Internet, a large number of old console players began to slander Krypton Gold games, and Yuanshen, which has not yet been tested publicly, bears the brunt.

"If a krypton gold mobile game can be exhibited at the Sony Game Show, it will be the darkest day for domestic games.

Domestic game manufacturers have seen its success, who else will seriously make stand-alone games, will there be a future for China Singles? "

Such a deafening question has aroused considerable heat in the game circle.

On the one hand, the current domestic stand-alone machine seems to be really not good, especially in the 3A masterpiece, only one Unreal Studio has made achievements, and there is still a black myth that the release date is nowhere in sight.

The quality of Yuanshen is excellent. If you can polish and complete the content with your heart, it will definitely be a masterpiece above the passing line in a Two-dimensional stand-alone machine.

However, it chose the evil in-app purchase system, and it needs krypton gold to complete the collection.

Console gamers definitely hate this.

If it only stays in the mobile phone, it's fine, but now it wants to get involved in the PS platform, how can it be tolerated?
If you make it, other manufacturers will follow suit, and the domestic stand-alone machine will not be completely extinct?

Therefore, driven by some caring people, the host circle launched a crusade against the original god, and the momentum is getting bigger and bigger.

But no matter whether these people are really for the domestic stand-alone, or simply follow the trend to vent their emotions, they have never thought that even if there is no Yuanshen and the Unreal and Miha Studios that developed it, what future will the domestic stand-alone have?
Before the emergence of these two studios, there was no real 3A masterpiece in the country, and there was only a market where piracy was rampant, and low-quality mobile games that were keen on changing skins.

It can be said that as early as the beginning of the century when the ban on game consoles came out, domestic stand-alone games were already dead.

Whether it is "Final Fantasy" or "Resident Evil", it is a miracle that belongs to Luo Quan alone.

Just like the Chinese music scene, her brilliance alone does not represent the revival of the entire environment.

What should be or what should be, never changes.

Therefore, these people's accusations against the original god are unfounded from the source.

It's just that there are very few people who can think rationally on the Internet, and most of them are follow-up gunpowder kegs who run away as soon as they are dragged.

Coupled with those people who deliberately smear and spread rumors, it is not surprising that the current situation has formed.

And the crusade against Luoquan in the domestic host circle didn't pay much attention, after all, most of them were not the target users.

But Luo Quan himself didn't expect that this group of people could give her a big job.

On the last day of Yuanshen's closed beta, it was also the day it appeared at the Sony Game Show.

A ps user from China brought his ps4 game console to the game booth belonging to Yuanshen.

Shouting in front of hundreds of game lovers around: "Huaxia stand-alone is dead, today is the darkest day in the entire history of the game!"

After finishing speaking, he raised the ps4 in his hand with all his strength, and smashed it viciously to the ground, making a crisp sound.

The people around were stunned by this scene, looking at it like a psychopath.

The security guards who came soon after hearing the sound took him away, but this priceless smash directly shocked the gaming circles all over the world.

Before that, Yuanshin was just a Two-dimensional mobile game developed by the little-known Miha Studio.

Thanks to Tolo Spring, its popularity in China is not bad, but there is no splash in the world.

Being able to go to the Sony Game Show this time was also stuffed in by Luo Quantuo's relationship.

There is no way, we have been cooperating since our debut, and it is only a matter of saying to open a back door.

Originally, this has come to an end here. Two-dimensional games are not very popular in the console circle. Even if they enter the game exhibition, they can only attract a small number of people.

But after that guy's shocking smash, the eyes of both the game media and ordinary game fans were all attracted.

This also made Genshin's English name "Genshin" a hot search on Twitter, and more and more people began to take the initiative to learn about Genshin, wanting to know what kind of game it is that can attract a host player to use such an extreme game. ways to express protest.

And these foreigners, who have never been in contact with mobile games at all, were quickly attracted by its excellent quality and "extremely politically incorrect" character style after learning about Genshinshin.

In the next few days, Yuanshen-related popular tweets can be seen on Twitter every day, and this popularity can be compared with Luo Quan's new album.

Originally, she was quite worried about the bad effects of smashing the game console incident, but she didn't expect that it would be self-defeating, and this directly caused Yuanshen's enthusiasm to explode.

Maybe it's because of the favor of Goddess of Luck, this game is destined to be popular, and it's the kind of popularity that is popular all over the world.

From the moment it released the CG, everything after that has been unstoppable.

The first closed beta ended successfully, and Luoquan announced that it will carry out bug and game content repairs for half a month.

The qualification draw for the second internal test will start in half a month. The internal test will start at the end of March and last for 20 days.

If there are no major problems in the second internal test, then the public test is basically not far away.

This news is undoubtedly exciting for mobile game players. They were tickled by the game screens of those anchors more than half a month ago, and many local tyrants even bought the closed beta at a high price because of this. Qualification is to enjoy the fun ahead of time.

The Seven Kingdoms concept pv, which was released immediately after, seduced the players' desire to play to the peak, and even led to the first masterpiece of Yuanshen: "Waiting for the Gods".

It is no exaggeration to say that the current gamers are just counting the calendar to live, waiting for the second closed beta to start grabbing places.

Seeing such a result, Luo Quan was overjoyed.

Originally, she was already prepared to be blasted by the mainframe circle, but fortunately, the two masterpieces developed before had reduced a lot of firepower.

In addition, the relationship with Penguin is not bad, and the biggest leader of the water army has not been killed, otherwise it is hard to say what the consequences will be.

As for the incident of smashing the game console, it was already the incompetence and rage of the protesters, which could only bring heat to Yuanshen, but could not affect the overall situation.

According to this situation, with the development, update, and operation step by step, Yuanshen will become the biggest profit project in his hands, and the game circles all over the world will be shocked by this terrifying money-absorbing monster.

Of course, that's all for later.

The top priority right now is "Manslaughter". After the two films were edited, Luo Quan sent them directly for review, and then posted a post:
""Manslaughter" is almost finished, and we will meet you in the near future, so stay tuned!"

When the news was posted, the Spring Festival stalls hadn't even ended yet.

"Empty River Blue" and "The Wandering Earth 2" are still in theaters, but the box office has already been divided. The former has already harvested 42 billion box office, ranking eighth in the history of Chinese film.

"The Wandering Earth 2" is a little bit worse, with only 37 billion, and it still can't make it into the top ten.

However, such blockbuster works usually choose to delay the release time, so they should be released for another 20 days or so, and there is room for the box office to rise.

Movies during the Spring Festival are usually released on the first day of the Lunar New Year. Although there are many competitors at this time, there are also many audiences. Even if it is a bad movie, as long as the trailer is a little more festive, it can reap good results.

But if it exceeds the first day of the new year, the prospects will be bleak.

The best example is "Huaxia Ping-Pong: Jedi Counterattack", which was released on the third day of the Lunar New Year. It was originally scheduled to be released on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

As a result, it missed the peak of the audience, and the subject matter itself was not very pleasing. In the end, the box office hit the street directly, and the box office on the first day of the show was less than 5000 million.

Seeing that if they continue to press it, they will lose all their money, the film studio announced that it will withdraw the file again, and prepare to re-release it, and wait until the 27th of the first month before it will be released.

At this point in time for a New Year's film, it is impossible to win any high box office.

In addition, everyone has seen too many movies with this theme in the past few years. If it is "Wolf Warrior 3", it is still worth watching, but what's the point of Huaxia Ping Pong?It's a win anyway.

If it was filming China Football's Jedi Counterattack, then maybe even more people would watch it.

The investment of this film is [-] million, and if the box office does not reach [-] million, it will be a loss. Of course, it is no longer a question of whether to lose money, but how much it will lose.

Most people think that the final box office of this movie will be around 5000 million, and then the digital rights will be sold later, and the loss will be around [-] million.

This is the typical one that loses everything and makes investors jump off the building.

But this is what it deserves, who made the leading actors and directors make bad movies before.

Moreover, the box office of the previous bad movies was not bad, so this time it can be regarded as paying off the debt.

As an actor who doesn't cherish feathers at all, it's not surprising that he overdraws the trust of fans and passers-by, and ends up like this in the end.

On the other hand, Leon, even if he made a bad movie, he chose not so bad ones to shoot, and he also tried his best to help the director perfect the script, and he was absolutely worthy of his salary and fans.

So after the screening of "Tiny Times", some people complained about worshiping money, some people complained about showing off their wealth, and some people complained about the plot.

But as a commercial film, it is still sincere, and finally achieved an excellent score of 15 billion.

This also shows that if you plan to make bad movies, it is best to ask for more traffic to increase the popularity first.

Both quality and popularity have to account for the box office. Otherwise, how can you make the audience pay willingly?

After all, the box office is not the click-through rate on the Internet, and it cannot be done without money laundering.

In short, the film Huaxia Ping Pong's attack on the street is already a certainty, and the big villain Luo Quan scattered thumbtacks all over the upstream of the street where it was going to attack.

""Manslaughter" is scheduled for the 27th of the first month!"

Luo Quan's news made the movie fans cheer, and at the same time, it also made the investors of Huaxia Ping-Pong crew half-hearted.

The last time the file was withdrawn was originally intended to avoid those two scourges, and was going to try their luck at the end of the Spring Festival file.

Who knew Luo Quan would come to disrupt the situation at this time!

Who is this aunt? She is the holder of the highest international honor of a domestic director, the box office champion of a female director, and the best director of Oscar, Cannes, and Golden Rooster!
As soon as the most recent experience is taken out, few people in the whole of China can compare with it.

Although the film she made this time was completed so quickly, it cannot be a masterpiece.

But the shadow of a famous tree, just putting her title on the movie poster, can also attract a large number of passers-by to the theater to see what's going on.

Imagine what will happen if the poster of Huaxia Pingpong is placed next to it?
Huaxia Ping Pong is going to fight back?

Who has won the dozens of gold medals in the past few years?It's total nonsense!
Undoubtedly, no one will see it at all.

Ever since, the main creators of "Huaxia Ping Pong: Jedi Counterattack" began to ponder whether to continue to withdraw files.

A series of withdrawals will consume the patience of fans, but if they really ignore it, it is very likely that the last glimmer of hope will be shattered.

This is a difficult decision. The main creators and investors are destined to lose sleep tonight.

In comparison, Luo Quan was very happy, and started the live broadcast to promote the new movie to fans.

She didn't even plan to do too much publicity on Weibo, anyway, the news resources of station B are ready-made, and it doesn't cost money.

In addition, she can also rely on her popularity to drive discussions, and then become popular on the curve.

It's just that the effect will be worse.

(End of this chapter)

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