Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1061 Manslaughter Released

Chapter 1061 Manslaughter released ([-])

On the 27th of the first lunar month, as people gradually returned to work, the business of movie theaters also lost the popularity of the previous few days. Although it was still during the Spring Festival period, the popularity was not much higher than that of the off-season.

"Luo Bao seems to like to release movies in the off-season."

A Qiang is an employee of a movie theater. After replacing the poster of "Empty River Blue" with "Manslaughter", he muttered to himself.

As a ten-year old fan of Luoquan, what Ah Qiang likes to do most is to watch her live broadcast on station B or search for slices of her live broadcast when he is fishing at work.

Of course, what he hopes most is to see her in a movie. After all, he is also a practitioner in the movie industry, although he is only responsible for hanging posters and selling popcorn.

It's a pity that Luo Quan hasn't starred in a movie for a long time, and this time she's the director again, and she doesn't even have a cameo appearance.

However, Ah Qiang still plans to support a movie ticket for his idol after get off work.

Originally, he planned to ask for leave today, but Ah Zhen was going on a blind date, Ah Hua went back to her mother's house, and Ah Wei fell ill. If he asked for leave again, there would be few people in the theater who could use it.

So the manager did not approve, and Ah Qiang had no choice but to wait until after get off work to see the manslaughter.

After the posters were posted, Ah Qiang returned to his work station and started making popcorn.

At this time, customers also entered the theater one after another, asking for "Manslaughter" by name.

In fact, "Huaxia Ping Pong", which was released on the same day, also had a lot of films scheduled, but there were not many customers who wanted to watch it.

"It's so old, and I'm still making traditional themes." A Qiang laughed and mocked when he heard about the ticket sales for the one-hour shop from A Fang at the ticket office.

Just hearing the name of this movie makes people not interested. If they failed to catch leeks on the first day of the Lunar New Year, if they dragged it to a head-to-head confrontation with Luo Quan, it would be a dead end.

After touching the fish for a while, the first batch of customers who watched the movie came out.

Everyone was smiling, and if they came with friends, they were excitedly discussing the plot with them.

Seeing this scene, Ah Qiang stopped a boy: "Brother, how about the movie "Manslaughter"?"

"Damn it, Luo Quan is so awesome. In the end, it was a magical reversal. Xiao Yang's acting skills are also amazing. The final scene is so beautiful!"

This boy also looks like a fan of Luo Quan, as soon as he opened the chatter box, he began to dance and describe, like a lunatic with too much desire to express.

Ah Qiang finally couldn't sit still when he heard this. Just now when he swiped Weibo, he saw that many people were blowing up the movie, and he even planned to leave early in his heart.

However, considering the manager's violent temper, Ah Qiang decided to play a trick and asked his brother Ah Hua to help him with the two-hour shift and let him watch the movie first.

This is not the first time Ah Qiang has done this, and Ah Hua has also become quite proficient from the first time he was in a hurry.

After taking off the work clothes to Ah Hua, Ah Qiang rushed into the screening hall with the movie ticket.

Undoubtedly, this was another fan who was so fascinated by Luo Quan that he lost his mind.

But it is precisely because she is good enough that so many fans are so devoted to her.

"Manslaughter", which took less than a month to shoot this time, is the best proof of her talent.

On the first day of its release, the box office was 2.8 million, which is not even worse than the bunch of Lunar New Year films released on the first day of the Lunar New Year!
Without knowing the quality of the film and without the participation of big-name stars, this is the box-office appeal that the director Luo Quan pulled alone.

There are no prerequisites for this appeal. No matter what movie, as long as Luo Quan's name appears on the list of main creators, the 2.8 million yuan will be unshakable.

If there is her in the starring role, I believe the box office will definitely be higher.

At the same time as the box office hit, "Manslaughter" has also maintained a very high level of pockets. After viewing, the comments are basically exaggerated. After Douban's score is released in the evening, the high score of 8.6 is also much higher than that of the same suspense movie. "Empty River Blue".

"How to evaluate "Manslaughter"?"

Zhihu, where nothing major has happened for several days, finally ushered in a question with 2000 million searches.

Fans after watching the movie are now eager to tell passers-by how good the movie is and attract more audiences, so their desire to answer is quite strong:

"Come uninvited, spoiler warning, don't like to get in by mistake.

First of all, I am not a passer-by, but a pure fan of Luoquan, and I went to the cinema for her.

The good news is that Luo Quan is not the kind of traffic that likes to cut fans' leeks, and this "Manslaughter" continues Luo Quan's reputation as a must-have boutique as always.

First of all, this is a movie with a fairly clear main line, which is the story of the mother and daughter killing a scumbag by mistake, and then the father helps the whole family to escape the crime.

The reason why it is called manslaughter, I think it is not the hammer that the daughter hit the scum from behind, but the scratches on the coffin board at the end.

Obviously, the scumbag just passed out after being hit on the back of the head and did not die. His father buried him alive in the end, but at that time, the crowd was so excited that no one noticed this detail.

Therefore, the father's perfect crime was not perfect after all, but it still helped the whole family clear the suspicion.

At this point, all the emotions that were squeezed before were released with the heavy rain, how cool it is.

For the Spring Festival file that is about to end, "Manslaughter" is the perfect note of rest, with a movie viewing recommendation index of four and a half stars! "

Compared with the movie review recommendation in the first answer, although the second answer is also a recommendation, the language is much sharper:
"Compared to "Empty River Blue", I think "Manslaughter" can be called a suspense movie.

Of the dozen or so so-called reversals in the former, several of them have no trace to be found, and there is no logic at all, which is a typical reversal for the sake of reversal.

In contrast to manslaughter, there is only one reversal in the full text, that is, when the coffin was opened for autopsy at the end, no one would have thought that the corpse in the coffin would be a goat before the camera passed.

But anyone who watches the movie carefully will soon remember where the goat came from, and then think of the real burial place.

This is the characteristic of an excellent suspense movie, giving you seemingly insignificant clues, and letting you quickly understand what's going on after the mystery is revealed, and it makes people feel reasonable and unobtrusive.

So even though there is only one reversal, the plot still looks so ups and downs and exciting.

As for the rainy scene in the climax, I think it is a very high embodiment of lens art, with both beauty and tension. To describe it in one sentence, it is listening to thunder in a silent place.

Of course, the fact that this segment is so exciting is not only due to the skill of the director, but Xiao Yang's actor-level acting skills also played a vital role.

Before watching the movie, if you told me that he is a singer and an actor who has just changed his career, I would not believe it.

Who can become a movie star just after changing careers?Not even Luo Quan!
There is no doubt that this is another talented actor, and then he was lucky to meet a good director like Luo Quan, so 1+1>2 became logical.

Just now I looked at the breakdown of the total cost of "Manslaughter" announced by Luoquan, a total of 7265 yuan, ranging from actors' remuneration to daily box lunches and drinks, everything is recorded in the account.

This is the cost of an ordinary suspense film. Of course, because Luo Quan directed and wrote it himself, he saved the director's fee and screenwriter's fee.

A director and screenwriter of her level must charge exaggeratedly high fees, so it is reasonable to count the final cost of this movie as [-] million.

But the reality is that Luoquan only used an investment of more than 7000 million yuan to produce a certain Chinese New Year suspense blockbuster with an investment of [-] million yuan in seconds, and even the shooting cycle was shorter than it.

But even so, Miao's movie was already a relatively good movie last year, and the others were even more unsightly.

This makes us have to ask a question, that is, where is all this money spent? "


The second answer seems to be praising "Manslaughter", but the last part reveals the real intention, which is actually a question to the Chinese film industry.

The cost details are now in front of everyone's eyes, and for the quality of Luoquan, the big names used for shooting equipment, and the salary are also at the leading level in the industry, which is definitely the conscience of conscience.

From here, it can better reflect how sufficient the efforts of other crews in cutting corners and materials are, and the Chinese film industry will also decline.

The good news is that for fans and passers-by, they still have Luo Quan.

Kouhi said before that with an investment of 20 million yuan, she can make three films. Now that the first film has come out, the box office on the first day is close to [-] million. It is predicted that the final box office will not be less than [-] billion.

The box office of "Empty River Blue" is only more than 40 billion. In conversion, she only needs to make one more film to complete the task, so the real situation is even more exaggerated than when she was talking.

Although this kind of event was not a great event for Luo Quan to celebrate, the live broadcast room was still full of gongs, drums and firecrackers, and the fans used red barrages with lanterns to pay her respects in her old age.

"Okay, isn't it normal to achieve such a result? I haven't released the real big move yet.

Now that only one film has been made and nearly half of the mission objective has been completed, doesn't that mean that making another film is enough? "

Half of Luo Quan's body was nestled in the reclining chair, his legs were placed high on the computer desk, and he jiojio proudly.

He said it was normal, but his face was still covered with the words "quickly praise me".

However, Luo Quan's fans have always liked to go against her the most. Seeing that she was a little drifting, they immediately began to deny:
"It's just such a small achievement that you're pretending, right?"

"Maybe the next movie will lose money. There are movies that lose [-] million yuan at one time, and there are not no movies in the movie industry."

"I have decided that in order for Luo Bao to make three films, I will watch the pirated version of the second film."

"Good idea, if Luo Quan's second movie hits the market, won't there be a third one?"




In order to embarrass Luo Quan, the group of fake fans in the barrage can do anything, and even started reading pirated books with thousands of blood.

If it was another star, maybe they would regard this as a joke between fans and the star.

But Luo Quan knew that these guys could really do such a thing.

Just like crowdfunding [-] million U.S. dollars at the beginning, even the most popular traffic stars can't guarantee that they can crowdfund [-] million yuan from fans.

But Luoquan's fans really got together at the beginning, this is the execution ability of Quan fans.

So since then, Luo Quan has never said to the fans: I bet you can't do it.

Because once some outrageous bet is given, the fans will really teach her to be human.

But this time, faced with threats from fans, Luo Quan seemed very calm: "I don't suggest that you make a group of pirates just to watch the third movie, because the next movie will be very worth watching. .

Of course, if you really want to watch pirated copies, you can’t do anything about it, after all, it’s not against the law. "

When the fans heard this, they immediately posted a bullet screen saying:
"So you're begging us?"

"If you are willing to cosplay the bunny girl, then I can use the second movie three times!"

"I swipe five times!"

"Ten times for me!"

"Damn it, your will is not firm at all, you are satisfied with just cosplaying a bunny girl? How can you get a swimsuit photoshoot?"

"Take advantage of the fire, right, but I like it."


Faced with the ulterior motives of a very few fans, Luo Quan did not choose to compromise: "Everyone, don't be misled by some fans, the movie is made for you to watch, if you think it looks good, go watch it, not for me What to do before you choose to go or not to see it.

And has the movie I made ever cheated you?Definitely worth the price of admission, right? "

The barrage immediately replied:
"Don't tell me, I've forgotten it. How dare you say that "Resident Evil" has no pitfalls?"

"It's pretty good, where are you cheating?"

"New fans don't know, old fans explain, there was a poster for this movie back then, and the overall layout looks like Luo Bao is not wearing any clothes."

"The one in the bathtub at the beginning of the movie, right?"

"Haha, I also rushed to follow this poster at the beginning, but who knew it was a trick to sell dog meat."

"Haha, so is this considered defrauding consumers?"

"Of course forget it! What I wanted to see was Luo Bao's naked scene, but you just showed me this?"

"It was indeed a fraud."


Facing the fans' accusations, Luo Quan also blushed a little at this time: "Can I be blamed for this? Isn't that the problem of the propagandists?

I never said that there will be nudity in Resident Evil, but I only mentioned that there will be large-scale shots. This is not my fault! "

"Luo Bao started to speak hard."

"Okay, it's almost done here. If Luo Bao, who has turned on the hard-talking mode, is questioned again, he will turn into a beast after his aggressiveness is full."

"It's okay, let the new fans see what is called a humanoid female tyrannosaurus."

"Haha, no way no way."

"Besides, I will seal you for another month, so that you will know who has the final say at Station B!"


Fans just want to interact with Luo Quan in this way. Although the attack is a little higher, there is not much malice.

But Luo Quan is no longer a irascible young man, and he will not be fooled by this level of provocative tactics at all.

(End of this chapter)

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