Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1062 Killing Zhang Yi

"Anyway, tell me what the name of the second movie is?"

"Spoiler a little irrelevant content, after all, we have to wait for more than a month."

"That's right, you can't make everyone wait?"

Seeing that Luo Quan was not fooled, the fans could only lower their demands.

But this request is indeed very reasonable, Luo Quan has no reason to refuse, so he replied:

"The next movie to be made is a large-scale crime and suspense movie, and the subject matter will be more tasteful. I checked the movie release list in recent years, and there is no similar movie. It is the only one.

As for the name of the movie, it is tentatively named "Memories of Murder". "

As soon as they heard that it was a large-scale heavy flavor, the fans immediately became excited:
"So the content of this movie will be very exciting?"

"Is there any nude scene? Is there any nude scene?"

"Haha, is this all you pursue?"

"If there is Luo Bao appearing in the film, I'm still willing to go to the cinema to support it."

"It's better to have a bathroom scene like Resident Evil, right?"

"My evaluation is not as good as the public service advertisement shot before."

"Haha, that's probably the largest size in Luo Bao's life. He's not wearing anything, but unfortunately he can't see the key parts."

"Don't discuss public service advertisements, pay attention to the bottom line."



The pornography factor is always hidden in human genes, and this type of content can always attract a large number of viewers, and it is also an enduring popular subject in film and television.

Of course, if you want to make money, you must grasp the scale. If it is too much, it will definitely not be released, especially in a market like China with strict scrutiny.

Like the previous "Silence of the Lambs", which is hailed as one of the best thrillers in Oscar history, it took a lot of effort to introduce it, and it took a long time to review it.

As for "Memories of Murder" that Luo Quan will shoot next, compared with the former in terms of scale, it is really hard to say who is superior and who is inferior, but they are both extremely wonderful classics.

This movie should not be able to talk about a one-month shooting, because there are a lot of details that need to be polished, and there are a lot of attention to the camera, environment, soundtrack, and even light and shadow.

After shooting two movies in a row, she also plans to take a break, and she can also help Mia by the way.

Mia, who has been pregnant for a long time, has not traveled far for more than half a year, which is a kind of torture for her who loves to travel.

Especially after coming to China for so long, she didn't really go to other places to enjoy the scenery except Monk Hai in the capital.

So she planned to travel with Leon after giving birth to the baby.

Huaxia is so big, she wants to see it.

Because Luo Ni has already taken Luo Xi to find her husband, the baby will naturally be handed over to Luo Quan, who has experience in raising children.

Originally, Mia was worried that the baby's lack of breast milk would affect immunity or something.

Fortunately, here in Luoquan... Specifically, Luoquan has enough excellent milk powder. After a period of marketing and personal recommendation by users, the spring brand milk powder she sold before has become a very well-known milk powder in China. brand up.

Although it is not effective at stopping children from crying at night, the effect of enhancing immunity is real, and it can completely replace breast milk.

Mia is relatively relieved about the product of her sister-in-law, and she can just let the baby drink milk powder directly.

In addition, when the old father-in-law and mother-in-law went on a trip, Luoxi also let Luo Quan take care of them, and it was pretty good at that time.

Therefore, Leon and Mia decided on this matter with peace of mind, and told Luo Quan.

Luo Quan got very angry after receiving the notice: "You guys go out and be cool, let me take the shit and piss for the baby, right?"

"This is your eldest nephew!" Leon looked at the elder sister solemnly, "And if you have a baby in the future, Mia and I will definitely help, and when the time comes, elder sister, you can travel wherever you want Where to travel."

"Fart, my own baby will let someone else bring it?"

Luo Quan had his arms akimbo, like an angry lioness: "I said, you young people are really, you don't look like parents at all, and you are thinking about going on a trip before the baby is born. That's it."

"Isn't this preventing postpartum depression?"

Leon moved with reason and understood with affection, and moved with reason, even holding his sister's hand, twisting his body like a maggot to act like a baby.

A handsome guy at Leon's level acts like a baby, and his lethality to other girls is at the level of a nuclear bomb.

But Luo Quan just wanted to give him a kick. In order to prevent her brother from continuing to do things that have no limit, she could only wave her hand helplessly: "Okay, okay, can't I take it with you? Writhing there like a pussy, it's disgusting to watch."

Leon probably also knew that the way he begged his elder sister just now was disgusting, so he smiled embarrassedly at this time.

But there is no way, the old lady is famous for being soft but not hard, so what else can I use if I don’t use this method?
In short, for the sake of making the mother Mia happy and avoiding postpartum depression, Luo Quan took over the drudgery.

Caring for a baby is not a job that can make people happy, especially a newborn baby.

He can't speak and is extremely sensitive. The only way to express his appeal is to cry loudly, and he is especially active during normal people's rest time, regardless of place and time.

When she was with Luoxi before, she was awakened from her dream countless times by her sister's crying.

This time it was the eldest nephew's turn. If he was in good health, his cries would have been louder.

The good news is that she has Quanshui brand milk powder. If she feeds it every day, it should reduce the night crying, but it is not so magical if she wants the baby to keep silent, so she has to manage her emotions well at that time, just like when she brought Luoxi Same.

Of course, it's a bit early to think about these things now. The second movie "Memories of Murder" is the most important thing. This year, I count on this movie to smash the box office records and major awards.

There were no particularly big achievements in the past year, and the question "Is Luoquan exhausted" appeared on the Internet.

Although we all know that the marketing account is organized to attract attention with rhythm, but people nowadays are indeed impetuous, especially for her.

Others would be questioned and out of work only after producing new works for two or three years, but I would encounter this kind of unfair treatment in only half a year.

Probably because her performance was too dazzling before, so the voice of doubt came so early.

Although she has passed the stage of proving herself to doubters, if she can silence them, she will definitely not let it go.

"Manslaughter" is just an appetizer, and "Memories of Murder" is the highlight.

As the work of Bong Joon-ho, one of the best Korean directors, Luo Quan thinks it is even better than the Oscar-winning film "Parasite".

The story background of "Memories of Murder" is based on the Hwaseong serial rape and murder case, one of the three strange cases in South Korea.

In South Korea in the last century, the Asian Games in Seoul were being held in full swing.

But in a remote small town, horrific cases against women occurred one after another.

The murderer would wait for the opportunity every rainy night, and his methods were extremely cruel. Except for one female victim who escaped while the murderer was looking through the wallet, none of the rest survived.

In just a few years, more than a dozen rape and murder cases occurred on Hwaseong and its surrounding national highways, and in the following decades, no matter how the police investigated, they could not find the identity of the murderer.

A while ago, the murderer of one of the cases was found through DNA technology, but most of the remaining cases are still unsolved.

These unprovoked cases are like innocent souls, hanging over the heads of the South Korean police and at the same time hanging over the sky of Hwaseong.

This is the background of "Memories of Murder". Although it happened in South Korea, there are similar cases in Huaxia.

The more famous ones are the Baiyin case in the Mainland and the Rainy Night Butcher case in Xiangjiang.

The latter, in particular, has been adapted many times and put on the big screen. Anyone who likes crime dramas will definitely be familiar with this case.

And there are many unresolved cases like the Hwaseong serial murder case in China, so even though the story happened in a foreign country, it can resonate in China.

Of course, there must be some adaptation of the details here, the subject matter belongs to the subject matter, and the actual shooting still has to make people feel that it is overhead.

After the live broadcast told fans about the upcoming movie, Luo Quan quickly posted the movie's introduction online and started recruiting actors.

The last time she was recruited, she didn't know whether she was celebrating the New Year at home or because she didn't want to offend others. Many famous actors ignored her.

Ever since, these actors missed the opportunity to win the first prize in the three major domestic film festivals.

With the release of "Manslaughter", the male protagonist Xiao Yang became an instant hit with his superb acting skills, and he was searched on the Internet almost every day. Looking at that posture, this year's Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Huabiao will definitely be able to gain something.

And not only passers-by think so, but also many film and television media. After all, Xiao Yang's performance in the film is perfect, and it is completely impossible to tell that he is a film and television newcomer who has only played supporting roles.

Especially for the performance in the rain, even experienced veteran actors and even national first-class actors dare not say that they can reach Xiao Yang's level. It is conceivable how much he shocked the netizens this time.

Capital is the best at following the trend, and whoever catches them will gather around them to lick.

Since "Manslaughter" was a hit at the box office, Xiao Yang's mailbox has never stopped, and people send him various invitations and announcements every day.

Variety shows, movies, TV dramas, commercial performances, advertising endorsements, all-inclusive, are completely the treatment that only top stars can have.

Although these benefits are temporary, it is estimated that they will be stable after he really wins the actor.

But there are tens of thousands of stars in the entertainment industry, and there are very few people who can enjoy this kind of temporary top-tier treatment, and there are only a few of them throughout the year.

Therefore, those second-tier, third-tier and even first-tier stars looked at Xiao Yang with more or less jealous eyes.

If I had known that "Manslaughter" would be so popular, I would have gone to Luoquan to support it even if I tried to offend Lao Mouzi.

If he really wins the Best Film King, old Mouzi won't be able to block him by himself, and isn't his future stardom still bright?
After carefully calculating the account, the celebrities realized how much they had lost during the Chinese New Year.

The good news is that Luo Quan has a second movie, and this time, nothing can let it slip away in vain.

So despite knowing that the competition will be extremely fierce, there are still many movie kings, first-line stars, top-notch, and veteran actors who have sent cover letters.

This lively appearance is completely two extremes from the desertedness in "Manslaughter".

It's a pity that when Luo Quan released the recruitment information, he had informed in advance that the male number one of "Memories of Murder" had been assigned to Xiao Yang, and the rest were only the second male and the villain male third.

From the perspective of the plot, the role of the second male is still important, but the charm of the characters is not as good as that of the first male.

As for villain No. [-], it depends on the level of the actor himself.

If the performance is good, it is easy to cause discussion, but if the performance is not good, it is easy to be scolded.

Of course, only Luo Quan knows these things in his heart. The other actors only know that the first male actor has already been appointed, and they can only compete for the second and third male actors.

But what the people who eat melons saw was that Luo Quan is really righteous. When he couldn't find an actor, he discovered Xiao Yang, and directly asked him to nominate the best actor for the three awards, and he was actually recruited for the next more important work. male one.

Isn't this the way of dripping water, when the spring is reciprocating?In ancient times it was called a celebrity.

"I still have to hang out with Luo Quan, one film is enough to eat for a lifetime."

"It's said that Ms. Mou is very powerful, and I'm not bad by relying on Luo Niulang. Look at the actors who have worked with Luo Quan, which one is not the best actor, or will soon be the best actor?"

"Indeed, but what is this Luo Niulang?"

"It's a weird title, but it's surprisingly appropriate."

"The cowherds are here, is Luo Bao's taste so strong?"

"Luo Quan's husband's fan is going to be furious!"

"Haha, not to mention my husband's fan, Luo Bao probably suffered a cerebral hemorrhage after seeing it."

"I don't know what the actors who rejected "Manslaughter" think now."

"I should regret it very much, the super regretful kind."

"That's for sure. The chance to win the best actor is not always available."


The story of counterattack and slap in the face will still make people feel good no matter how long it takes.

But Luo Quan's kind of counterattack is not really a counterattack. It can only be said that these people have no vision and still underestimated her star-making ability.

Of course, netizens will not be stingy with their own ridicule at this time. They can use this opportunity to satirize those celebrities without being scolded by fans, not to mention how comfortable they are.

Coincidentally, Luo Quan's fans in South Korea also felt a little elated at this time.

The reason is that after seeing the new movie that Luo Quan decided to make, he was suppressed in Korea for so long, but now he finally dares to speak out and defend his idol.

Although it will still be besieged by many people, it looks a little weak.

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