Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1068 Best Reservation

In response, Luo Quan didn't even tell the fans the good news that "Memories of Murder" had finished filming and was about to be released.

However, she has high hopes for this movie, and the announcement of this part will definitely not be as Buddhist as "Manslaughter".

So after eating the final cake at noon, the trailer was released in the evening. At this time, Luo Quan hadn't even finished editing the movie, and all the materials were shot a while ago.

But the trailer, it can only show fans some fragmented pictures to make them interested, so it doesn't matter if it is incoherent.

At the end of April when no blockbuster films were released, the cost of publicity and distribution was much lower than that of the Spring Festival, but it still cost her tens of millions.

This still takes into account the popularity and box office appeal of her and Zhao Xilin's two top streamers, otherwise the cost of publicity will be higher.

Although it costs a lot of money, the effect is immediate.

As soon as there were several hot searches on Weibo, and as soon as the water army discussed it on major platforms, the popularity immediately became popular.

The words used by the navy are all: I have an uncle who is on the set, and he told me that this movie is almost ready to be the best of the year!

This kind of exaggerated revelation was actually arranged by Luoquan for the publicity department to carry out.

Others use it as bragging and defrauding consumers.

But for her, that's an expression of self-confidence, because she knows in her heart how good the movie she made is, and she can't exaggerate it.

Therefore, when the remarks such as "the best reservation of the year" were heated up, many passers-by and film critics were bluffed, and their expectations were raised quite high.

Luoquan fans who didn't know the truth instinctively felt worried when they saw the trend of public opinion:
"Luo Bao, the momentum about the new movie on the forum is not quite right."

"How can there be such an Amway movie for people, it feels like they are killing people."

"I think a statement should be made to calm down these people who are blindly boasting."

"If the expectations are so high now, if the movie is a little bit unsatisfactory by then, it may cause backlash."

"Yes, bragging is not bragging."


Seeing the fans' suggestions, Luo Quan smiled confidently: "Is there a possibility that the movie "Memories of Murder" is really good?

Anyway, I am not afraid of killing people, because this movie deserves such praise. After all, it is only the best of the year, not the best in film history.

Taking a step back, everything needs to be compared. If this year's works are only works with 70 points, then if there is a 71, can it be called the best of the year?

So don't worry too much, just wait quietly for the release of the movie. "

After this answer came out, the fans understood Luo Quan's attitude.

Since you are so confident, there is no need for us to rush.

After watching the live broadcast for so many years and being a fan for so many years, they still don't know what kind of character Luo Quan is?
With her prudence, if she was not completely sure, she would not be able to say such a thing.

In this way, the quality of "Memories of Murder" is quite imaginative. Could it be that this is a masterpiece comparable to "Farewell My Concubine"?

In their cognition, "Farewell My Concubine" belongs to the kind of god-level movie that is released in spring, but the awards no longer need to wait for the end of summer, autumn and winter.

The excellence has reached this point, and the inability to win an award can only show that the award has no gold content, not that the movie has no gold content.

This is a simple judgment made by the public under normal aesthetics, which is both subjective and objective.

And the final result did not exceed anyone's expectations. "Farewell My Concubine" won almost all the awards at home and abroad.

As for the two double-yolk eggs, the former is unprecedented in Cannes and will be remembered forever and talked about with delight.

As for the double-yolk eggs at the Golden Rooster Awards, the competitors are the type that must win the award. "Farewell My Concubine" can win the award together, which is already very powerful.

Although it is not the first time a double yolk egg, it will definitely be read by future generations for a lifetime.

As for "Memories of Murder" this time, even though it hasn't been released yet, it has been given the same status as "Farewell My Concubine" by netizens including Luo Quan himself.

It is really rare to see such a heated movie before it is released.

But because the director was Luo Quan, everything became reasonable again.

And just when countless movie fans were eager to see the finished film, some problems appeared in the review of "Memories of Murder".

Luo Quan's works seldom encounter problems in the review process. Unless there are really illegal content that cannot pass the review, otherwise the green light is usually given the whole process.

The last time I encountered a red light was filming "Farewell My Concubine", and I changed a lot of lines.

But after all, there are age issues, and some sensitive content is involved, so it is normal to encounter red lights.

But this time, the reason is simpler, that is, it is not allowed to show that good does not overwhelm evil.

At the end of the movie, the police spent huge manpower and material resources, and the investigation almost collapsed, but they still failed to find the criminal.

It is certainly not okay for the killer to get away with it.

If it is to be amended, it must be to bring people to justice.

But if this is changed, the look and feel of the movie will be very different, which is completely an irreconcilable contradiction.

Artistry and review, the two cannot be combined.

After being clearly told that the murderer cannot go unpunished, Luo Quan even thought of giving up the mainland market directly.

Fortunately, He Ju helped a lot, and under his mediation, Luo Quan obtained a compromise plan.

That is, the content of the film will not be changed, but it must be noted at the end of the film that the real case has been solved and people can finally see the clear sky.

So Luo Quan also agreed to this request, and added a sentence at the end of the movie:
"This work is adapted from the Hwaseong serial murder case in South Korea. The case was solved in 2019. The murderer confessed to the heinous crime he committed 20 years ago..."

This not only does not change the content of the film, but also promotes the positive energy that any evil will be brought to justice, which perfectly meets the needs of both parties.

Finally, the movie passed the review without any risk.

Sure enough, if an excellent work wants to come out, it always has to go through some twists and turns.

The harder it is, the more legendary it can be.

After the review was passed, the release date of the film was officially confirmed, the pre-sale channel was opened, and nearly [-] million box office was earned overnight.

As I said before, this [-] million is the basic disk that Luoquan has accumulated through years of hard work and word of mouth.

As long as there are new movies released, the pre-sale box office will be at such a level, unshakable.

However, due to the strong publicity and distribution this time, the pre-sale box office must be more than that. If it is during the Spring Festival, it may break a record or something.

It's a pity that the only holiday that can be met now is May Day. Although there is a small holiday, the enthusiasm for watching movies is definitely not as good as that of the Spring Festival or National Day, so there is basically no hope of breaking the record.

And as the days passed, the release date of "Memories of Murder" began to count down, and Mia's due date also ushered in the countdown.

Mia's giving birth to a baby is the biggest thing in the family right now.

To be on the safe side, Mia had already been sent to the Maternity Hospital affiliated to Fudan University for delivery, and Leon and Luo Quan took turns guarding the bedside.

At the same time, through the video, parents and Mia's parents will watch it from time to time.

On a stormy night, Mia, who was happily drinking chicken soup, broke her amniotic fluid without warning.

Luo Quan, who had already experienced it, was not as flustered as his brothers and sisters were. First, he pressed the emergency button on the head of the bed, and said into the loudspeaker, "The woman in house number 603 has her amniotic fluid broken. Doctors and nurses should prepare for the operation quickly."

"Lolo, you're so experienced, you're not nervous at all." Seeing Mia's wailing, Wen Xia's face turned pale, and her whole heart fluttered because of Mia's wailing.

"I was there when my mother gave birth to Luoxi. The situation is not too bad. Don't panic at this time. Just wait quietly for the doctors and nurses to come over."

Luo Quan opened the door as he spoke, looked at the corridor outside, but saw no one.

Think about it too, this is just the beginning of the call, how can it be so fast.

Two minutes later, doctors and nurses arrived.

The female doctor first checked Mia's condition, and after confirming that she was about to give birth, she sent the nurse to the operating room with a car.

Leon followed the car all the way and was stopped outside the operating room.

But it is not forbidden to enter, the expectant father can enter the operating room when the expectant mother is giving birth, so as to comfort and cheer the expectant mother.

But before going in, you have to change your clothes and disinfect them first.

As for Luo Quan, Wen Xia, and others, they could only stay outside the operating room.

With Mia's physical condition and the anti-fetal medicine she exchanged from the system, there will be no problems in this delivery.

Old mothers like Mrs. Zhang, after taking tocolytics, the whole process went smoothly.

Mia is in better health and younger, so naturally there will be no surprises.

So after Luo Quan closed the operating room, he first sent a message to his parents and Mia's parents:

"Mia's water broke, and she has already entered the operating room, and Leon is also there with her."

Concise and concise, without any superfluous description.

And Dad quickly sent a video invitation, and after connecting, he found that the two couples were sitting on the same sofa, and their expressions were also tense to varying degrees.

The two men calmed down a little, and asked Luo Quan's specific situation in a deep voice.

Luo Quan also answered truthfully, and reassured them not to worry, Mia is sure to be fine.

After talking like this for about half an hour, Luo Quan vaguely heard a loud cry of a baby coming from the operating room.

"Looks like it happened." Luo Quan looked up at the sign on the top of the operating room, "Operating" was still on.

"Is it so fast? It's only been half an hour."

The two women on the other side of the screen were shocked, they didn't expect it to be so fast!

This speed surprised even Luo Quan, because generally speaking, from labor pains to amniotic fluid breaking to natural delivery, it will last for several hours at the fastest, and more than ten hours at the slowest.

My mother is the faster one, and it took four or five hours.

I didn't expect Mia to be even more powerful. The whole process took less than an hour, which is considered a sudden delivery!
It is not a good thing to have a sudden labor, because giving birth too quickly may be accompanied by tearing of the body, bleeding, and both the mother and the baby are at risk of infection.

The abnormal speed of production also quickly made the two couples on the other end of the phone extremely nervous. They kept asking their doctor friend if there was any problem with giving birth to the baby in half an hour.

But the answers I got were, are you kidding me?

The translation is, are you kidding me?
Apparently, even the doctors were taken aback and were joking.

However, as the "operating" sign went out and Mia walked out with Leon's support, everyone was finally relieved.

Although Mia's face was a little pale, she didn't see too much fatigue, and her steps were steady, she didn't look like she had just given birth.

On the contrary, Leon's own steps were a little weak, and his thighs were visibly shaking.

Mia held a swaddle in her hand, a baby with golden hair and black eyes.

"It's a boy, seven pounds and three ounces, crying so loudly that the nurse who hugged him was startled."

Mia looked at the son in her arms with a happy face, and frowned after watching for a while: "Why is the head so sharp? It's so ugly."

"Newborns are like this, and they will have it in two days." The nurse next to him explained with a smile, "In addition, the baby will defecate within 24 hours after birth, so you need to pay attention to the color of the defecation and clean it up in time.

When sleeping in the same room and different beds at night, adults should also pay attention at any time, and inform us of any unclear situations.

Later we will arrange someone to explain the precautions to parents, so we must keep it in mind. "

After the nurse finished speaking, she was about to turn her head to go to work, but was stopped by Luo Quan: "Nurse, did my siblings give birth a little too fast this time, and the work was over within an hour after entering?"

"Our director was also very surprised, saying that he had been delivering babies for more than ten years, and had never encountered such a situation."

The nurse took off her mask, but judging from her expression, she seemed quite happy, probably because she would have another material for bragging in the future.

"However, we have carefully checked that both the mother and the baby are healthy, especially the mother, who can go to the ground immediately after giving birth, and it is estimated that it will fully recover in three days at most.

Our dean will come over to take a look later, if your younger brother and sister say no, it may become a special case in the textbook. "

After the nurse finished speaking, the whole family was left stunned and messed up in place.

After a long time, Eric on the other end of the phone turned his head and asked his wife: "Honey, how long did you use it when you were born in Luoquan, I can't remember exactly?"

"Three hours, almost tossed me to death." Luo Ni said with lingering fear after recalling it for a while.

"It seems that this baby will be great in the future, what's it called?" Mia's father slapped his thigh suddenly, and laughed like a cannonball.

"It's Arthur." Leon replied to his father-in-law with a grin. "I discussed it with Mia before. If it's a boy, I'll name him Arthur!"

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