Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1069 Double Happiness


In the ward, little Arthur's cries almost toppled his father's Tianling cover.

"I swear to God, this kid's high-pitched voice will be comparable to Pavarotti in the future!" Leon rubbed his temples, his haggard face seemed to have aged a dozen years overnight.

The maturity of a young father came so suddenly, but compared to the initiative of others, Leon made the change completely passively.

He stayed up late at night to accompany the bed, and immediately held the baby in his arms after being awakened by his son's crying.

But Little Arthur was like the reincarnation of a siren, the sound was extremely loud, and he couldn't stop at all from the beginning.

The couple urinate and breastfeed, but to no avail.

In the end, Luo Quan, who had rich experience in raising children, was invited over to let her see what was going on.

After Luo Quan took little Arthur into his arms, Leon breathed a sigh of relief and said what he just said.

"He doesn't drink breastfeeding, and even changed his diapers, but he still cries. What's wrong?" Mia asked Luo Quan softly, asking for advice.

Compared to Leon, Mia is more gentle and patient.

When she watched Luoquan take Luoxi before, she had a deep understanding of the baby's ability to make trouble, so she had already prepared her heart.

The most urgent task is to learn how to be a mother so that little Arthur can grow up healthy and happy.

Luo Quan didn't answer right away, but first looked at the diapers tied around Little Arthur's waist.

Sure enough, that's the problem here.

"The diapers are too tight."

Luo Quan said while loosening Arthur's diaper, and then put it on again: "The skin of a newborn is very sensitive, and any discomfort will be magnified, not only the tightness of the diaper, but also pay attention to the angle and strength when holding him .”

While speaking, Luo Quan had embraced Arthur in his arms again, and the high-pitched performance of "Little Pavarotti" gradually died down, and he returned to sleep holding two small fists.

After seeing his son finally fell asleep, Leon showed a relieved smile: "It has to be you, sister, there is a way to deal with children."

"Hush—" Luo Quan raised his index finger, frowned and gave his younger brother a look.

The meaning is very simple, that is to shut up the old lady!

It was hard to put this kid to sleep, but if he woke up later, it would not be so easy to quiet him down.

Leon, who was warned by the elder sister's eyes, smiled awkwardly, and seemed a little at a loss in the ward with his hands in his hands.

After a while, Mia took her son from Luo Quan's arms.

After tossing so far, I basically don't feel sleepy anymore. Seeing my son's cute sleeping appearance is the greatest enjoyment.

After finishing it, Luo Quan didn't bother the family of three to cultivate their relationship, turned around and quietly left the room.

The hospital at five o'clock in the morning was not as quiet as expected, and she could hear many babies crying with her hearing far beyond ordinary people.

Looking at the time, it was basically not too far from her usual wake-up time.

If it was before, she would definitely have to go back to sleep in the cage, but now there is no need.

I went downstairs to the breakfast street outside the hospital and bought a large bag of steamed buns with soy milk and fried dough sticks, as well as a thermos filled with lean meat porridge.

There's something for everyone, with everyone's taste in mind.

Although the taste is not as good as that of her own at home, but it will be enough to deal with it in the past few days, and eat it after returning home from the hospital.

After gnawing on two large buns of sauced meat, Luo Quan turned on his phone.

"Memories of Murder" is about to be released, and the film-related media are all staring at the biggest piece of fat in the Labor Day schedule, almost reporting the situation inside and outside the theater in real time.

Luo Quan was not the only one who got up early, and many fans were standing outside the theater at this time, just to watch the movie as soon as possible.

As of this time, the pre-sale of "Memories of Murder" has reached [-] million, which is already comparable to the hot blockbusters in the Spring Festival.

As for the movie critics, there is no movement yet. Countless film critics with vicious tongues are accumulating energy at this moment, waiting to see whether this movie is a masterpiece or an epic bad movie.

But whether it is the former or the latter, they will definitely spend a lot of ink on "Memories of Murder" here.
Four hours later, when fans saw the conversation between Xiao Yang, who played the male lead, and the little girl, the anger, depression, and helplessness in their hearts accumulated to the peak, but they were unable to vent.

The policeman who led a team to investigate the Hwaseong serial murders many years ago has now become a successful businessman. When he returned to the scene of the crime, he was lying in the sewer ditch, hoping to find some clues as before.

But like every investigation he had done before, this time there was still nothing to gain.

At this time, a little girl came over and asked him what he was doing in a ignorant manner.

The hero smiled and shook his head: "Nothing."

"Before, there was an uncle like you, who lay down here and looked inside." The little girl continued.

The male lead's expression changed, and he asked, "Why did that uncle look in here?"

"He said looking inside would remind him of what he had done here." The little girl replied.

The male protagonist was stunned for a while, his lips trembling: "Have you seen his appearance clearly? Can you tell me what he looks like?"

The girl thought about it for a while, but still pouted and shook her head: "It's very common, I can't remember it."

This dialogue completely suffocated the audience whose mood had been fluctuated.

Once again, brushed shoulders with the murderer.

And it's frightening to think about, because the murderer's appearance is so ordinary, he might be hiding beside us.

In a busy street or a remote alley, he also passed us by!

Just when everyone thought everything was coming to an end, the male lead suddenly raised his head and stared at the camera with his irregular big and small eyes, as if staring at all the audience who were looking at the screen.

His expression is occupied by a variety of emotions, anger, sadness, helplessness, determination, almost all can be analyzed from the eyes.

This sudden gaze caught all the audience off guard, followed by tingling scalp.

The hero didn't say anything, but the audience seemed to hear a silent roar, which was deafening.

Here it is, the movie is finally over.

However, before the list of cast and crew comes out, there is still a follow-up to the case, which is the one that Luo Quan added for his body.

After seeing that the criminal in reality was finally caught and the truth finally came to light, people also showed relieved smiles.

Justice came late, but it came after all.

However, they did not know that South Korea, where the case occurred, only had a 15-year retrospective period for criminal cases.

After more than 15 years, even if the killer is caught, there will be no prosecution.

And this murderer was sentenced to 25 years for another rape and murder case. If he is healthy, he will be released after serving his sentence in a few years.

In fact, justice did not come, but missed the appointment.

However, Luo Quan did not add these contents. After all, the plot of the movie itself is very depressing, so there is no need to use reality to confuse the audience.

And as the first batch of viewers walked out of the theater, all five entries related to "Memories of Murder" were on the hot searches.

"Best booking of the year!"

When this title was a hot search before, it was still a question mark, but now it has become an exclamation point.

Even though Luo Quan has so many honors, before seeing the movie, people are still skeptical about the quality of the movie.

After all, there are no absolutes in the world, even Luo Quan, who claims to be omnipotent, cannot have children by himself.

In the same way, all her movies may not be available online, maybe this one is a big bad movie.

However, after the movie was released, these may or may not have become nonsense.

Luo Quan is still omnipotent, and all her works are still high-quality goods, without stretching her hips.

And this time it can't be called a masterpiece, it already belongs to the category of masterpieces, and it has been several years since China has seen such an exciting and profound movie.

After the Douban score was released, the score soared rapidly and then fixed at 9.3.

A domestic film opened at 9.3. In the past few years, apart from "Farewell My Concubine", only "The God of Medicine" has achieved this achievement.

"This is an undisputed masterpiece, whether it is the plot, acting skills, camera language or the portrayal of the environment, it has reached the pinnacle level.

Luo Quan used this movie to tell everyone that Oscar statuettes are not so easy to get, and her awards are definitely not based on so-called political correctness, but on genuine artistic level!
Originally, I was a little dissatisfied with her arrogant remarks before the movie was released, but after watching the movie, I realized why she was so crazy.

As far as this movie is concerned, how do you compare it to the few movies that have been released this year?
And Lao Mouzi, how many years has it been since he has filmed a work that can be compared with this "Memories of Murder"?
So I don't blame people for being so crazy, because there is indeed capital, and I sincerely hope that there are more people like this, the better. "

This is an evaluation made by a well-known film critic after watching "Memories of Murder".

Although I didn't do a deep analysis of the movie itself, I just generalized it, but that's enough.

Because for the praise of "Memories of Murder", it is not necessary to do it too carefully, because it is good in all aspects.

Of course, if you insist on looking for flaws, you can find them.

For example, in the film, the violent investigation of the police, the torture to extract confessions, and the conviction of eyes.

However, considering that this is making a movie and requires a certain amount of artistic processing, these flaws are still tolerable.

And the explosion of "Memories of Murder" once again showed the snobbish face of the entertainment circle to the fullest.

As soon as the news that the film's box office broke [-] million on the first day came out, many celebrities retweeted it on Weibo and @罗泉 expressed their celebrations. There are many Luo Quan who have never even seen each other, and have no friendship at all.

But there is no law that forbids them to show favor to Luo Quan.

It's one thing to be ridiculed by netizens, but it's another thing to be familiar with Luo Quan.

Didn't Xiao Yang become a top-ranking quasi-actor from a supporting role in Longtan who didn't reach the third line? Didn't he rely on his cheeky self-recommendation?
Seeing that he is so successful now, all the celebrities only hated themselves for not taking the initiative to find Luo Quan.

If I had found it at the beginning, maybe I would be able to explode now!

But there is no regret medicine in this world, and Luo Quan is not very interested in these belated overtures.

Including the box office hit of the movie, she herself did not retweet related Weibo to celebrate.

No matter how big the event is, the birth of my nephew is the biggest thing. Luo Quan's first news in B Elementary School is:
Leon and Mia's baby was finally born, mother and baby are safe and sound.

This sudden good news immediately aroused fans' onlookers:

"I'll go, today is really double happiness!"


"Is the baby a boy or a girl?"


"Ah, didn't you say that the mother and child are safe?"

"What's the baby's name?"


Seeing Luo Quan asking about the baby's name, he quickly replied underground: "The baby's name is Arthur, Arthur Frederick Albert."

"Just hearing the name is very domineering."

"Just kidding, the offshoot of the royal family is also the royal family, but it has a different name from the Queen's line."

"At first glance I thought it was King Arthur."

"As we all know, King Arthur's full name is Artoria Pendragon."

"Haha, it's okay without Arthur in King Arthur's name."


Fans were making wild jokes, Luo Quan turned around with a smile, sharing his inner joy with everyone.

But after the celebration, another fan asked:

"Luo Bao, why did I see your name in the credits list? What did you do?"

"I also saw Luo Quan flashing by, but it was too late to look carefully."

"Lobo always likes to surprise us a little bit."


Sure enough, sharp-eyed fans discovered this, but their eyes were not sharp enough, otherwise they would have noticed it when they saw the victim's profile.

But at that time, her makeup was relatively heavy, and she was wearing a headgear, and most of her face was buried in the soil. If you can recognize it, you must be a ghost.

"I played the victim in the woods in the movie, didn't you recognize it?"

Luo Quan replied proudly.

"Damn it, that corpse was played by you!"

"I said why the figure is so good. At that time, I felt so distressed when I saw it. I wished I could tear the murderer to pieces."

"Luo Bao's movie is really good. I'm going to watch it for the second time tomorrow."

"I think this is the pinnacle of domestic crime movies. The acting skills and atmosphere creation are simply invincible, textbook level!"

"Luoquan's technology, which one is not a textbook?"

"Haha, that's true."


This time, none of the fans tried to argue with her again, all of them were praises.

It is really not an easy task to make these people let go.

As long as the quality of "Memories of Murder" is not good, these people will probably come out again to make her not too complacent.

The good news is that this time I managed to make all doubts and belittling disappear.

At times like this, praise is the only voice allowed, and it makes sense!

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