"Why am I so lazy?" Luo Quan looked at Ye Zhining dissatisfied.

"If it wasn't for the fact that Aifei wants to save trouble and want to lose weight by taking pills, I wouldn't give you this beauty pill.

It is impossible for the current beauty pills to only have cosmetic effects. How can they compete with other products on the market without additional effects of whitening, breast enhancement, buttock enhancement, and anti-oxidation?
So this is neither my fault nor the pill's fault, so whose fault do you think it is? "

Ye Zhining looked at Luo Quan with a smile, and made a well-founded analysis.

Luo Quan fell silent after listening, and realized that it was indeed his problem.

At first, when she found out that she was gaining weight, she planned to lose weight through exercise, but she thought that Ye Zhining had better medicine, so it was useless.

Who knew that this medicine was too effective, causing such an embarrassing situation now.

"Hey, I'm a little lazy this time. If I knew it earlier, I would rely on normal exercise to lose weight." Luo Quan lowered his head and sighed, and then found that he could no longer see his stomach and feet.

Probably this is the different scenery that girls of different shapes have.

"My concubine, don't be sad."

Ye Zhining sat next to Luo Quan and put her arms around her shoulders, and said softly, "Actually, what's so bad about being older? In our Tang Dynasty, plumpness was always regarded as beauty. If you were born a Taiping princess, the charm But it's a big discount.

As for Aifei's current appearance, she is the most popular type in the Shengtang Dynasty. "

"I was popular before I took the pill."

Luo Quan sighed, not intending to continue this topic, and changed the subject: "During the time you were on Earth before, it didn't delay you to come back and miss any major events."

"I love my concubine too much." Ye Zhining laughed, "The world is peaceful and the people live and work in peace and contentment, so what can happen.

The ministers' memorials are nothing more than related to people's livelihood, economic policy, scientific research, etc. They are important and important, but most of them I just glanced at them and signed them. "

Ye Zhining stood up as she spoke, and her eyes became deep: "The great dynasty of Shengtang has been running until now, and every structure and department has found its own business rules. In addition, the territory of the universal civilization is too vast. So far, about [-]% of the resources have not been explored.

In the absence of foreign aggression, it is difficult for civilization to even have a crisis.

So don't worry about these things, Aifei, just live every day happily. "

Hearing what Ye Zhining said, Luo Quan knew that he was a little unfounded.

As far as the internal and external situation of Universal Civilization is concerned, it is indeed quite dreamy.

There is no enemy that can threaten this powerful civilization, and there are almost inexhaustible resources inside. Although the people's life is not utopia, it is relatively stable and prosperous. If you only look at the universe, you can call it a paradise. Pass.

Speaking of heaven, Luo Quan remembered the matter of Liming Church: "By the way, Your Majesty, has the Holy Maiden looked for me these days?"

"I've looked for it." Ye Zhining nodded, "Didn't the Pope of the Dawn Church say that he wanted to build a summer palace for you? You don't want to go to the territory of the God Blessed Federation, so you can only build the summer palace. When I came to my place, I was on the phone with me a few days ago and talked about this matter."

"Then do you agree?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

Ye Zhining smiled and replied: "It's a good thing to build a summer palace for my concubine. The church is responsible for the money and materials. This is a huge project that can drive the development of the local economy, and at the same time promote the development of the Holy Tang Dynasty and the God-blessed Federation. China's diplomacy can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

Therefore, I am quite in favor of this matter, and have already signed and arranged for the minister of the Ministry of Industry to handle it. The cardinal and craftsman from the church are expected to come over in a few days.

At that time, there will be many details to discuss with you. Aifei, you can ask them for any requests you have for the summer palace. These fanatical believers now see you closer than their own biological mother. "

"So exaggerated?" Luo Quan was taken aback.

"Since the previous Holy Son traveled to the Star Sea, he has lost the blessing of the holy power, and the flow of the fountain of light in the holy city has decreased a lot.

This kind of spring water has many magical effects such as prolonging life, improving the cultivation of holy power, promoting meditation, and deepening faith. It is one of the treasures that the Dawn Church relies on for its survival.

The departure of the Holy Son was a big blow to the Fountain of Light, but recently the Fountain of Light has regained its vitality, and the spring water gushing out every day fills a bathhouse for ten thousand people. Guess whose credit it is? "

"It can't be me?" Luo Quan laughed silly.

"Otherwise, who else could it be?" Ye Zhining also smiled, "The former holy city was like an old rich man who was rich, but he always felt depressed.

Now with the irrigation of the Fountain of Light, the whole city is full of vitality, and the church leaders and ordinary believers are all very happy now, saying that it is all thanks to the great Holy Mother.

Now that you are on the streets of the God Blessed Federation, if you meet believers, they will probably run over to kneel down and pray to you immediately. "

"Really?" Luo Quan was still a little skeptical about this statement in his heart, "During the live broadcast before, there were quite a few federal citizens who said strange things in the barrage."

"Hey, doesn't this mean that you are attractive?" Ye Zhining patted Luo Quan on the shoulder, "Besides, there is a big difference between people on the Internet and in reality, and I have a deep understanding of this situation.

When I have nothing to do, I usually use my trumpet to read my own people's evaluation of me. The comment section of the official account is quite normal, and they are all praises of me.

But when it came time to count the beauties in the universe, these people completely changed their faces. Although they still praised me, their language changed from respect to disrespect. What's more, they even wanted to stab me in the back. You said this is not lust Daredevil?

But that's the way the web is, and most of what's said here doesn't extend to reality.

But in reality, these disrespectful people will only submit to me! "

Hearing Ye Zhining say a lot, Luo Quan glanced at her expression and smiled: "You seem quite proud."

"Of course it's something to be proud of, after all, it's also a manifestation of charm."

Ye Zhining lay back on the bed as she spoke, and patted the soft cushion under her body: "My concubine, since returning to Huanyu, I have only a handful of hours to sleep.

It's not insomnia, it's just a simple inability to fall asleep, thinking about it, it should be caused by not having your company, concubine Ai.

In order to save my weakened nerves and my haggard body, would you like to sleep with me tonight? "

"You, a super master who is above the Tao, will gradually become haggard?" Luo Quan felt that he was being deceived by a fool, and why this sentence was so familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

"I never tell lies. If you don't believe me, look, my face is haggard." Ye Zhining opened her big watery eyes, and there was no negative state on her beautiful face, and her complexion could be said to be quite Not bad.

Nonsense, the lifespan of a martial artist of this level is measured in tens of thousands of years, life and death are just a matter of breathing, so don't have too much vitality.

Ye Zhining is also an upright man, and it's hard to think about it, so she is obviously talking nonsense.

But because she did him a favor, Luo Quan didn't expose the lie, he could only nod his head: "Whatever, but maybe Bai Xingwei will come to find me at night."

"Why, she also has the habit of sleeping with concubine Ai?" Ye Zhining froze for a moment, pouted, and seemed a little unhappy.

Luo Quan shook his head: "Not before, who knows in the future, she came to me for something a few days ago, and just took a bath with me."

"What!" Ye Zhining stared like a copper bell, "I have never enjoyed such treatment in the same bathroom as my concubine, how unreasonable it is!"

"There are too many people who have bathed with me, you didn't tell me." Luo Quan chuckled, "Besides, they are all girls, what's wrong with taking a bath?
There are also public bathhouses in the north of our country, where dozens of people take a bath together. "

"Isn't that the wine pool and meat forest?" Ye Zhining imagined that scene, and felt that only her licentious father could do such a thing.

In ancient times, this was an operation that could only be performed by a subjugated king, but it was quite enjoyable to enjoy.

"I don't even know why you brought it up to the wine pool and meat forest." Luo Quan felt helpless when he heard Ye Zhining's description, it was a regular bathhouse!
"So there are still irregular ones?" Ye Zhining was curious.

Speaking of it, she had only heard about it since she was a child, and hadn't experienced it seriously.

Her father probably went there a lot when she was young, and several of the concubines were also the head oirans of Jinfengyululou.

As for what type of organization Jinfengyululou is, in the words of Aifei's hometown, it's probably something like Meikong.com.

"Anyway, I've never been to a bathhouse, so don't ask me if it's normal or not."

Luo Quan is not interested in such topics: "Anyway, Bai Xingwei and I have taken a bath, and basically all the girls you have met at my house have also taken a bath. If you want to take a bath, you can arrange it when you have time.

As for whether Bai Xingwei will come over to sleep with me tonight, and talk about the accumulated topics that I haven't seen for so long, then I can't say for sure. "

"It's okay, it's a big deal to sleep with a big quilt!" Ye Zhining waved his hands grandly, and began to fantasize.

If it was a man, taking a bath with Luo Quan, Ye Zhining would have lost his temper a long time ago, and slapping him ten thousand times would not be enough to relieve his hatred.

But if you hear it's a girl, that's another matter.

And she has seen the Bai Xingwei that Aifei said before, she is a pretty good girl.

Although her appearance is not as beautiful as the concubine Ai, she has a kind of classical beauty that is hard to see in the Tang Dynasty now, and her heroic appearance makes her a hero among women.

In addition, her master also taught her in the court for a period of time before, which can be regarded as half of the emperor's master, so the two of them are naturally regarded as the relationship between master and sister.

And her mother is also her confidant guard, which is tantamount to kissing and kissing.

With so many relationships, it seems like a good choice for her to come to sleep with Aifei.

Ye Zhining glanced at Luo Quan, and a very greedy thought arose in her heart.

But now it is definitely not possible to express such thoughts, maybe Aifei will be jealous, so Ye Zhining can only show that she doesn't mind, as if she has suffered a disadvantage.

"You are quite magnanimous, but Bai Xingwei may not come, I just said that there may be such a situation."

Luo Quan didn't think too much when she saw Ye Zhining's appearance, or she never guessed that Ye Zhining would be so bold.

"Anyway, go and say hello to Xingwei first. You don't even know about a distinguished guest at home. That's not okay."

Luo Quan stood up and was about to open the door, but Ye Zhining said aggrievedly, "Why do you call Xingwei so skillfully and intimately, but you never call Zhen Zhining?"

"You are the empress, my sister." Luo Quan was speechless, "Without your consent, I am not afraid of beheading if I shout casually?"

"How is it possible, I can't bear to cut off my concubine's head." Ye Zhining hurried forward and grabbed Luo Quan's arm, and said with a smile: "Besides, this kind of large-scale has been abolished for a long time, and people's happiness index is high now. , who has nothing to do to live a good life but commit a serious crime that requires death."

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "So I can call you Zhining in the future?"

"You can also call me my husband." Ye Zhining lowered her head shyly.

"Why are you so shy to call your husband?" Luo Quan was really powerless to complain.

Obviously, Ye Zhining is the stronger side, so why did he act like he was being coaxed?
"That's right." Ye Zhining seemed to be aware of this too, how could a dignified empress act like a little daughter? What if it got out?
It must be that I was too happy to see Aifei today, so I was a little disrespectful.

Ye Zhining coughed lightly twice, and straightened her dragon robe and hairstyle: "From now on, let's call him Zhining, and Concubine Ai. If possible, please add the word "Chenqie" when talking to me."

"Chen Qie?" The corner of Luo Quan's mouth twitched, "I've never shouted that before, I can't do it."

Ye Zhining persuaded: "If you can't do it, you can learn. I'm not used to calling myself "I" at the beginning. There is always a process."

"It's too early for the process, we'll talk about it later when the time comes." Luo Quan shook his head, expressing that she was not a little white rabbit who could be flattened and rounded by others.

"Okay, but you are not allowed to refuse when the time comes!" Ye Zhining was not in a hurry, and respected Luo Quan's insistence.

Although I don't know when exactly Luo Quan said, but anyway, her life is extremely long, and she has plenty of time to wait. After all, what she wants is everything from Luo Quan.

And the opportunity Luo Quan is waiting for is the day when she will achieve great martial arts, and then she will be able to turn around and exchange one point for another.

So what we have to do now is to procrastinate for as long as we can.

After successfully dealing with the matter of "concubine", Luo Quan opened the door and led Ye Zhining to Bai Xingwei's room.

"Let me introduce you, this is the Empress of the Holy Tang Dynasty—His Majesty Ye Zhining!"

Luo Quan stood between Bai Xingwei and Ye Zhining with a smile, and said to the former.

But Bai Xingwei was already dizzy and on the verge of falling.

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