"Your Majesty will be staying at home tonight, why didn't you notify me in advance, I have no preparations here."

Bai Xingwei got up anxiously, intending to greet her servants to arrange a sumptuous dinner.

She met the Empress a while ago, but that time the Empress came to find Luo Quan, and after knowing the existence of the Consonance Mirror, she followed the mirror and went to Earth, and didn't stay long.

And this time, His Majesty said that he wanted to live in Bai's house by name. Bai Xingwei, who had never encountered such a situation, was in a hurry, thinking whether to call her parents back to take charge of the overall situation.

Seeing Bai Xingwei's excitement, Ye Zhining waved her hands and said, "Don't bother, I haven't eaten any delicacies in the palace? This time I came out just for a change of taste. Ordinary home-cooked dishes are fine. If it's love... The food cooked by Luo Quan is even better."

Luo Quan had an agreement with Ye Zhining, so it doesn't matter how you call her in private, but if there are outsiders around, don't call her Aifei, there is no word about it, if it is spread, it will have a great impact.

However, Ye Zhining was also yelling, and almost blurted out the words "I love my concubine", but luckily corrected it in time.

And Bai Xingwei didn't respond at all, probably didn't hear clearly, and asked again: "Your Majesty, I don't know why you are here this time?"

"Look for her." Ye Zhining turned to look at Luo Quan next to her, "You know the identity of her Holy Mother, the Church of Dawn sent a lot of people to build a summer palace for her, there is a lot of information to know, This time I’m here to let you know.”

Bai Xingwei was taken aback: "It actually alarmed His Majesty to come here in person."

Ye Zhining smiled and replied: "After all, Luo Quan and I hit it off right away, and our relationship is very close. After parting, I will recall the days on Earth from time to time.

This time I heard that Luo Quan came to Huanyu, so of course I came to see her immediately. "

"So that's the case." Bai Xingwei nodded thoughtfully, but she had more doubts in her heart.

The Majesty in front of me is a female emperor, no one knows what her taste is, after all, her harem is still empty.

If her taste is a bit more feminine, then maybe she has fallen in love with Luo Quan.

But this is also normal, Luo Quan is so beautiful and has such a good figure, both men and women will fall in love madly, so it is not surprising that the empress falls in love with her.

Combined with the empress being so considerate to Luo Quan, Bai Xingwei even felt that the two of them might really not be ordinary friends.

But if this is the case, will he, who also has a good relationship with Luo Quan, be regarded as a love rival by His Majesty?
Although I didn't mean to stay and fly with Luo Quan, but simply thought that we were good friends, His Majesty probably didn't think so.

If His Majesty becomes jealous because of his good relationship with Luo Quan, it will be troublesome to blame his parents.

"I have something to discuss with you." Seeing Bai Xingwei bowing her head in thought, Ye Zhining said with a smile, "I will share a bed with Luo Quan tonight, do you want to come?"

"Weichen will go and make arrangements... huh?"

Bai Xingwei subconsciously thought that the empress made some request, and agreed without thinking too much.

Only after agreeing did I realize how outrageous this request was.

Why sleep in the same bed? Doesn't it mean that she is going to sleep with her, and she is still with Luo Quan!
Bai Xingwei never dreamed that she would one day serve the emperor's bed.

It stands to reason that this is the supreme favor for the women of the Holy Tang Dynasty, but Bai Xingwei is uneasy at this time.

First of all, like Luo Quan, she doesn't intend to spend her mind on feelings. Martial arts training is what she is most obsessed with.

But the empress's orders had to be obeyed, and if she was an empress, she seemed to be much better than a male emperor, so the resistance in Bai Xingwei's heart was not particularly high.

If the two of them talked in private, they might agree.

But in front of Luo Quan, this is really embarrassing.

What should I do? Do I agree? If I agree, will I appear to be very casual and dissolute?
Do you want to refuse it once, and show your chaste and strong woman side?
In the few times I got along with my mother, the most profound teaching I got was that girls must not be too casual, especially in relationships.

If you are casual, the other party will probably not cherish you, so proper reserve is a must.

But considering that the object is the empress, if she refuses, God knows what will happen.

"What should I do?" Bai Xingwei blushed, looking in a dilemma.

Seeing her like this, Luo Quan's mouth twitched, and reminded him aloud: "Don't think too much, just sleep on the same bed, there is no other project."

"Ah, is that so?" Bai Xingwei showed an embarrassed smile, it seemed that she was thinking too much, and she was slightly relieved.

"I just heard from Luo Quan that you and her are very close, and that Luo Quan's friends are my friends, so I thought that we would have a long talk all night to enhance our relationship. This proposal should be very good."

Ye Zhining explained pretendingly, while Bai Xingwei nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, it's really good."

"Okay, then it's settled."

Ye Zhining slapped her hands happily, then turned to look at Luo Quan: "So tonight's dinner?"

"Let me come, but I'm not very familiar with Huanyu's ingredients, so don't blame me if they don't cook well." Luo Quan vaccinated the two of them in advance.

Although the processing and cooking methods of dishes remain the same, the amount of various ingredients in the universe is much more than that on the earth, and the taste, texture, and characteristics are also more complex.

Which kinds are delicious when fried together, and which kinds are the deadly rivals that must never be put together. Luoquan has no research at all now.

So if you bite the bullet and cook, you are likely to make dark dishes.

Even if you look at the recipe temporarily, it is impossible to raise the level of cooking to the level of a master.

"It doesn't matter, your cooking skills are no worse than the royal chef's. After I come back, I miss the fish-flavored shredded pork you fried every day."

Ye Zhining looked nostalgic when he spoke, it seemed that he really liked this dish.

"If it's ingredients from the earth, then I'm definitely confident, but now...in short, I'll do my best."

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he quickly turned on the optical machine and downloaded all the recipes available on the Internet, and then let the system start scanning.

Facts have proved that it is still useful to hold Buddha's feet temporarily. In the evening, Luo Quan put eight dishes and two soups on the table.

Of course, the dishes made according to the recipes that can be found on the Internet are so delicious no matter how delicious they are.

The truly peerless delicacies are in the hands of those top chefs, and they are not taught by non-closed disciples, and those that can be learned by outsiders are all insignificant side dishes.

So although the dishes made by Luoquan taste pretty good, the level is only at the level of home-cooked restaurants in the streets and alleys.

"Hey, the car overturned this time."

Luo Quan tasted a piece of double-cooked pork fried with flying black hairy porpoise, and sighed.

He can eat and eat, but he is not at the same level as himself on Earth.

Bai Xingwei and Ye Zhining are both delicacies from mountains and seas. It's hard to swallow dishes of this level, but they definitely won't gobble them up like this.

"You really know how to act. I, a person who doesn't have high requirements for food, think it's not so interesting, but you eat with gusto." Luo Quan smiled, dismantling the illusion of the two working together.

"Haha, it's not as bad as you said, but I think it tastes pretty good."

Bai Xingwei said as she picked up a large piece of braised Kui beef, put it in her mouth and chewed for a while, but she just couldn't swallow it.

Ye Zhining was not to be outdone, and planed the rice with great mouthfuls, as if eating to his heart's content.

"Okay, delicious is delicious, don't act like this just to comfort me.

Give me some time, and I will definitely raise my cooking skills to the level of a master! "

Luo Quan seldom gives people a guarantee, but this time he has made up his mind.

"Then I'll be waiting for you to condense the delicacies of food spirits." Ye Zhining put down the bowl and chopsticks, smiling expectantly.

Everything in the universe can enter the Tao. Luo Quan's singing before made a song, which attracted countless people to exclaim.

After the culinary arts enter the Tao, what is condensed is the food spirit.

Every dish will have its own food spirit, and only when the dish is perfected will it be born in a thousand golden lights.

In addition to being powerful in combat, food spirits will also make diners fall into a short-lived illusion of delicious food, bringing great enjoyment to the various senses of the body.

Just one meal can keep people from being hungry for three years!
So there is a saying in the culinary world, that is, if you eat food that can gather food spirits, the rest can only be counted as pig food.

In music, Luo Quan has always had unparalleled self-confidence.

But if it's cooking, she really can't guarantee that she can reach the level of Taoism. She can only say that she should try her best, at least so that Bai Xingwei and Ye Zhining can eat happily.

In short, the flag has been set, but fortunately there is no deadline, so she doesn't have to worry too much.

But for tonight's dinner, it can only be said that there are a lot of leftovers.

Although Luo Quan has worked hard to eat, it is still difficult for one person to finish a table of meals.

Bai Xingwei and Ye Zhining also wanted to help, but Luo Quan saw the ink smears of the two of them chewing dozens of times, so let them hurry up and make up their minds, there is no need to force themselves.

After dinner, Ye Zhining rushed to the bathroom impatiently. The maid had just sprinkled the petals, and all kinds of skin care essences hadn't had time to pour out.

"Taking a bath just after eating?" Luo Quan rubbed his stomach and complained to Ye Zhining inside.

"Come on Luoquan, the water temperature is just right." Ye Zhining shouted from inside, and at the same time there was the sound of playing with water.

"Xingwei, do you want to have a bath together?" Luo Quan asked as he stood up.

"Um... then let's go together." Bai Xingwei hesitated for a while, and finally agreed.

I had soaked with Luo Quan before, and I didn't feel anything at that time.

Now there is suddenly one more person, and to be honest, she is still not used to it.

But when she thought that the object of the bath was Her Majesty the Empress, Bai Xingwei felt a little excited.

Throughout the ages, how many people can take a bath with the empress?
And before Luoquan appeared, the empress was the number one beauty in the Tang Dynasty, so it was hard to say who would take advantage of whom.

So despite being nervous on the surface, Bai Xingwei is actually secretly happy inside.

After all, she is the only one in the world who can be honest with the former most beautiful in the church and the current most beautiful in the universe at the same time.

"What are you waiting for, the water will be cold later."

Amid Ye Zhining's urging, Luo Quan and Ye Zhining pushed the door open and entered.

Compared with the small bathing pool in the previous hotel, the one in Bai Xingwei's house is much bigger, enough for a team of ten to do synchronized swimming in it.

The steaming heat permeated the entire room, and the purple and pink petals covered the surface of the water. The rich aroma made it impossible to distinguish whether it was the scent of flowers or the body scent of girls.

After a bang, the two entered the water one after another.

Luo Quan was still propping his hands on the edge of the pool, sitting in a bold and unrestrained posture.

"Luo Quan, it's not that I'm talking about you, why do you look like a man when you take a bath, and you're not tactful at all."

Seeing Luo Quan's appearance, Bai Xingwei frowned and began to complain: "I told you about this problem last time, don't you plan to change it?"

"Is there anything to change, this is the most comfortable way." Luo Quan said and groaned, and then started stretching exercises in the water from his toes to his back.

Luoquan has fallen in love with this activity ever since she discovered that being in the water can eliminate the problem of overloading her shoulders and neck.

Only when the buoyancy of the water counteracts a considerable part of the gravity, will her breathing experience the long-lost comfort, so the sitting posture will become so relaxed and casual.

"Sit however you feel comfortable, don't have to think about it so much."

Ye Zhining said with a smile, her eyes drifted towards Luo Quan from time to time, as if she had never seen the world.

"Luo Quan, I found out that your legs are so long." Bai Xingwei suddenly praised.

"Really?" Luo Quan lifted his right leg out of the water when he heard this.

The slender and big white legs are glowing with water, and there are a few petals on them, which are so beautiful.

Although I haven't measured it, if her legs are counted from the waist down, then her legs must be more than one meter long.

Because only the upper body can be seen during the live broadcast, fans are not particularly impressed with Luo Quan's legs.

But in the two swimsuit photos, Luo Quan's outrageously perfect long legs are definitely the most eye-catching existence.

Now that Bai Xingwei and Ye Zhining had seen these beautiful legs up close, and compared them with their own, they found that the gap was so big.

They are also beauties in people's mouth, but they feel that they are not the same species as Luo Quan.

In addition to being beautiful, Luo Quan also has an indescribable charm, which seems to have a demagogic effect, making people want to get closer involuntarily.

This kind of idealistic feeling is definitely not something that can be achieved by physical beauty.

Probably, this is the most beautiful gold content in the universe.

You must know that Luo Quan was still wearing earrings at this time, and his true appearance hadn't even been shown much, except for the last time he performed.

And that performance had already shocked the entire universe.

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