"What's going on today?"

In the Shengtang Palace, the Four Seas Shengping Hall, the ministers looked at the empty dragon chairs and talked a lot.

Today is the day of the morning court. The ministers prepared the materials for the performance, tidied up their appearance, and set off for the palace early. They have been waiting here for almost an hour.

Because time was tight, they didn't even eat breakfast, and only had time to chew two quick-acting nutrition pills.

According to the usual situation, Her Majesty the Empress should have already arrived, why is there no sign of anyone even after ringing the clock three times this morning?

While the ministers were whispering, the empress's chief female officer came out, and the ministers in the palace immediately stopped their voices and stood still, like a serious telegraph pole.

"The female emperor's oral order: the court will be canceled this morning, and all the ministers will leave after handing in the memorial. I will deal with it at the next meeting."

The old ministers with white beards standing in front of the officials first looked at each other in blank dismay, then one of them stepped to the left, raised his hand and asked in salute, "May I ask why the Empress suddenly canceled the early court?"

The female officer was expressionless: "Your Majesty only said to cancel, why did I dare to ask?
If Mr. Zhang has something important to do, I can take the trouble to make a trip for you, and ask if His Majesty is free to see you. "

"Then there's no need." Master Zhang waved his hand, how dare he ask if the Empress is free when it's obvious that she's not free.

"Go back if you have nothing to do."

The female officer nodded, and then said: "By the way, Your Majesty knows that your lords get up early and stay late at night, and often leave home without breakfast. You must be hungry right now, so I specially asked the imperial chef to prepare breakfast in Baihua Hall, everyone. If you feel hungry, you can go to eat, and you don't have to live up to His Majesty's kindness."

"I thank you for the grace!"

Thousands of officials inside and outside the hall shouted in unison, with an extremely respectful attitude.

At the same time, the empress dove from the early dynasty woke up faintly from Luo Quan's arms.

After she came back, she suffered from insomnia all night long, but she slept very soundly when she got to Aifei's side, which showed that they were destined to be a couple.

It's a pity that Concubine Ai doesn't seem to think so.

And Aifei's sleeping appearance...

Ye Zhining frowned and glanced at Luo Quan, then reached out and wiped away the glistening saliva from the corner of her lips. Did he dream of something delicious again?
The movement of wiping the corners of her mouth awakened Luo Quan from her dream. She looked around with vain eyes, and wanted to raise her hand but found that she couldn't feel her own hand.

"Damn, where are my hands!" Luo Quan was taken aback, and then realized that both of his hands were under Ye Zhining and Bai Xingwei's bodies.

It would be fine if it was an ordinary person pressing so hard, but these two people beside her were not ordinary people, even the unconscious force in her sleep was enough to make her arms go numb.

After one night, she couldn't feel the existence of her arm.

"Don't panic, it's just a lack of blood supply due to squeezing."

Ye Zhining touched Luo Quan's shoulder for a while while speaking, and soon the blood started to flow again, and the discomfort night disappeared.

"Your massage technique feels like I'm much smarter, and you'll see immediate results." After seeing this scene, Luo Quan made a joke.

Ye Zhining chuckled lightly: "This is simply using zhenqi to dredge the meridians and blood vessels, and it won't make people feel comfortable. Compared with you, it's far behind."

Probably because she couldn't listen to the two people's business bragging, Bai Xingwei also woke up and stretched comfortably: "It's been a long time since I slept so comfortably."

"Xingwei also feels this way?" Ye Zhining's eyes lit up, "I also feel that being with Luo Quan is much more comfortable than sleeping by myself."

Bai Xingwei showed surprise in his eyes: "It seems so, but it's also my first time, so I don't know if it's a coincidence."

"Think of me as a sleeping pillow, right?" Luo Quan chuckled, "Why didn't I know that I still have such a miraculous effect?"

"That may be because you haven't slept enough with others." Bai Xingwei gave the answer straightforwardly. "

"Nonsense, how many people can I sleep with as a young girl?" Luo Quan rolled his eyes, and now he just wants to give Bai Xingwei a middle finger.

"I kind of want to have breakfast." Ye Zhining rubbed his stomach and said at this moment.

Neither she nor Bai Xingwei will be hungry, but the habits they have developed since childhood will not change with the improvement of their cultivation, and they will want to eat when the time comes.

"The cook at home prepares breakfast every day, but it's definitely not comparable to the imperial chef." Bai Xingwei said while getting up and getting dressed.

Ye Zhining smiled and said: "It's okay, it's just breakfast, just satisfy your appetite, it doesn't need to be delicious."

While Chef Bai's family was preparing breakfast, the three women got up to wash up one after another.

Luo Quan was going to meet people from Liming Church today, and he didn't know if the occasion was formal, so he wore a loose coat.

Breakfast was all kinds of special cakes from the Tang Dynasty, and the cooks were pretty good. Ye Zhining and Bai Xingwei both ate a lot.

"Speaking of which, you don't need to go to court early?" Luo Quan remembered this after eating and drinking.

The emperors in TV dramas are all going to the early court, and the most common content is to watch the ministers arguing, which is quite interesting.

I just don't know if the real Zao Dynasty looks like this.

"Your Majesty is not going to court early today!" Ye Zhining put down her chopsticks and laughed, "Didn't you come back? I want to stay here for a while. When I was going to court early, I got up an hour and a half ago and began to take a shower and change clothes .”

"So you just gave today's breakfast to the pigeon, right?" Luo Quan directly gave Ye Zhining a thumbs up: "It's really good, congratulations on taking another step forward on the road to becoming a faint king."

"How can you become a fool if you cancel the morning court once?" Ye Zhining was very unconvinced, "I have been in the morning court all my life, and I am diligently correcting the memorials every day, and I am not allowed to enjoy it."

"It's okay, it's really hard work for you."

Luo Quan nodded quickly, and then wondered in his heart that Ye Zhining would often do this in the future, would he be regarded as someone like Baosi and Daji by the ministers?

In the end, the angry ministers couldn't bear it anymore, and a Qing emperor clicked himself, wouldn't that be more wronged than Dou E!

But if it's really like what Ye Zhining said, it's just an occasional indulgence, then it's okay.

After all, the Shengtang Dynasty is now in the world, and there is indeed no urgent need to solve the memorial. If it is pigeonholed, it will be pigeonholed. The ministers will not attack her because of this matter.

Besides, her current identity on the table is the Holy Mother of the Dawn Church. Even if these ministers really want to harm themselves, they have to weigh whether they can bear such consequences.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan was relieved a lot.

This is the advantage of having multiple identities. Whenever you encounter trouble on one side, you may get a solution to the trouble by changing your identity on the other side.

"What are you thinking about being so happy?" Seeing Luo Quan bowing his head and smiling without saying a word, Ye Zhining also asked with a smile.

"I'm laughing and I will have my own palace soon, and it will be very luxurious." Luo Quan opened his mouth and came directly.

"So you like this." Ye Zhining felt that she had grasped Luo Quan's hobbies, "If you like this kind of luxurious palace, I can also ask the Ministry of Industry to start preparations immediately and choose a geomantic treasure for you How about building a palace and calling it Luoshen Palace?"

"Fengshui treasure land is okay." Luo Quan chuckled, "Forget it, you won't get paid for nothing, if I really made some contribution, it's fine to build one, but you have no reason to build it, Isn’t that a waste of time and money?”

Ye Zhining said puzzledly: "How can it be considered a waste of money? I can pay for it myself and recruit workers at a high price. It is definitely a good thing."

"Let's talk about it later, and I already have a palace, and I can't live in a new one. There is no need for this."

Luo Quan shook his head, but finally did not accept the gift: "If you must give it, you can give it some jewelry and rings, the shiny ones, I like this."

Ye Zhining showed a smile: "Okay, I will give you [-] million points then."

Although it was not a gift, at least knowing what Aifei likes is a reward.

Originally, she thought that Luo Quan regarded money as dung, and did not enjoy a life of extravagance and lust. His consumption desire was appallingly low, and his appearance of wanting nothing was almost the same as that of nuns in temples.

This actually made Ye Zhining very troubled, because without desires, she would have no way to match what he likes.

How can you get in touch with her if you don't like her?
The good news is that at least now I have figured out one of Luo Quan's hobbies, which is shiny jewelry.

She had already kept this matter in mind, and she was going to ask the Minister of the Household Department to check her private treasury immediately after returning to the palace to see how many treasures there were.

The treasures in the national treasury are all accumulated from gifts from my elders since I was a child, and there are many categories and an astonishing quantity.

However, compared to the small treasury of the father, it is still a lot worse.

That is the essence of the rare treasures of the Holy Tang Dynasty, many of which she has never even heard of.

Anyway, the father doesn't need it when he travels abroad, so he might as well just use it as a pretense for himself, so that he won't be able to get lost in Luoquan by then?
Thinking of this, Ye Zhining had already begun to imagine Luo Quan's expression full of little stars.

At this time, Luo Quan also got in touch with the Church of Dawn through the optical machine. The contact information was left to her by the saint of Fafreya last time, and the contact person was naturally the saint of Fafreya.

"My lord, our bishop who is in charge of building the summer palace has arrived at the imperial capital of the Tang Dynasty. Please tell us your current location, and we will look for you right away."

The saint sent a voice message, and Luo Quan studied the optical machine function, and then sent a coordinate to the opposite party under Bai Xingwei's guidance.

"Are people from Liming Church coming?" Ye Zhining asked while sitting on the sofa, making a cup of scented tea.

Today she didn't wear a dragon robe, just a bright yellow casual dress, but it still looked expensive.

"Yes, they are coming to see me and just sent the coordinates."

As soon as Luo Quan finished speaking, another message was sent over there: "My Lady, we are already outside the door, can the guard let us go?"

"I'll go, so fast." Luo Quan raised his head in surprise, "Xingwei, Fafreya and the others are here."

"Don't worry, I've already sent greetings to the guards." Bai Xingwei clapped her hands, and the maid immediately brought some pots of hot tea, and prepared some pastries and fruits.

Although it is not particularly grand, there are still the most basic hospitality etiquette.

After a while, a group of foreigners in white clothes and robes walked in with peaceful faces.

They were a little surprised to see Ye Zhining sitting next to Luo Quan, and then greeted Luo Quan: Good day, Holy Mother, and then saluted Ye Zhining.

As believers, the status of the Virgin Mary in their hearts is higher than that of the kings and leaders of any other country. Even if the Pope is sitting here, the good day of the Virgin Mary must be said first.

And Ye Zhining didn't care too much about the order, after all, it was Luo Quan, so he just raised his hand: "Excuse me."

After the two bosses had finished greetings, it was finally the turn of the owner of this room. The hospitable Bai Xingwei also received a blessing of "May Father Li bless you".

Although she didn't believe it, she put her hands together and said thank you.

Seeing this scene, several religious figures pursed their lips, but in the end they didn't take it too seriously.

This is not much different from crying for the Bodhisattva in the Laojun Temple, but considering that Bai Xingwei has no malicious intentions, but simply does not understand these religious etiquette, so something went wrong.

There is absolutely no need to make a special correction, maybe it may offend others, let's get into the topic.

"The purpose of our visit today, I think you should already know, Mrs. Holy Mother."

A middle-aged woman in her early forties beside Fafreya spoke, and then took out a palm-sized disc and placed it on the table.

"This is a real projection device. Wearing this, you can see the design concept of the Summer Palace of Our Lady." The woman handed over a few pairs of glasses, and the three women took them and put them on.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am one of the twelve cardinals of the Church of the Dawn. You can call me Varena, Mrs. Virgin Mary."

The female bishop pressed the switch while speaking, and the disc shot out white lights, making the three women seem to have traveled over the sky of the imperial capital.

In a plain to the south of the imperial capital, this is the settlement of Dawn believers. Many people live and practice here. Although it is not as prosperous as in the city, everyone is satisfied with life here.

And now, the Summer Palace of Our Lady is going to be built next to this place where believers live, and I don't know if it will break their peaceful life.

The first projected image is a macro bird's-eye view. After Luoquan zooms in, he can even see the daily life of the residents in the settlement. I don't know if there is an aircraft hanging in the sky at this time.

Looking at the magnificent and luxurious Notre Dame's summer palace next to him, Luo Quan turned his head and asked: "Bishop Valena, is it really appropriate to start a large-scale construction project in such a quiet, peaceful, and poor place?

The believers live a life of poverty, there is no need to use a magnificent palace to interfere. "

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