Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1078 The Holy Mother is kind and does not see the poor

Chapter 1078 The Holy Mother is kind and does not see the poor
"You don't need to worry about this at all." Varena smiled slightly, "These believers were very excited when they heard that the Summer Palace of Our Lady was going to be built near the settlement, and they also said that they could finally accept the salute of the Holy Light, and they were very happy. Longing to meet you, the Holy Mother, to kiss the land you walked, and to admire your holy figure."

Luo Quan's eyes widened when he heard this: "There's no need to be so exaggerated. Does the land I walk have the effect of prolonging life? It's really unhygienic. Don't do this."

"Your Majesty, you don't know anything." Fafreya took over the words, "In the Code of Dawn, the Virgin is the most pure and flawless person in the world, and the land she walks symbolizes the love of the heavenly father for the world, full of holiness with blessings.

Believers kiss the land, also want to get this blessing, it is a good thing. "

"So you also kiss?" Luo Quan looked curiously at the saint and the bishop.

"That's not true, I have other ways to get blessings." Bishop Varena shook her head and said.

The saint's answer was: "When I was a believer, I also kissed the land where the previous Holy Mother walked.

But after I became a saint, the previous saint left Huanyuxing, and I didn't have this opportunity.

If Our Lady is questioning the strength of my faith, I'm more than happy to prove it in action. "

Saying that, the saint knelt down and crawled to Luo Quan's side.

"You can't do it!" Luo Quan quickly pulled the saint up.

She was just joking, she didn't expect this saint to be so upright, she kissed as soon as she said goodbye.

If you really want to bless her, wouldn't it be more straightforward to kiss her face?

However, according to the Code of Liming, the kiss on her face is probably not a blessing, but a proper blasphemy!
"Since you have all decided, let's start working here, but in the end, it will be a little far away from the place where the believers live, so as not to disturb their lives."

Having said that, Luo Quan no longer rejected the church's kindness.

If Bishop Varenna misunderstood what he meant and really removed these believers, would it still be okay after spreading the word?

The Virgin Mary is kind-hearted and does not see poor believers, so after the construction of the Summer Palace of Our Lady, all the believers around were driven away.

Once this kind of speech spreads, his reputation will be completely ruined.

In fact, she just didn't want to build a lot of construction in this paradise-like place, and then use the extravagant summer palace to pollute the pure hearts of these believers.

After all, as the Virgin Mary, she still wants to bring something positive to everyone.

But seeing Bishop Valena's insistence, Luo Quan finally nodded in agreement.

After appreciating the bird's-eye view, Bishop Varena pulled his hands together, and everyone's eyes immediately came from the sky to the front of the Summer Palace.

First of all, outside the summer palace, there is a high circular wall that encloses everything inside.

In the center of the ring is the Summer Palace of Our Lady. It is a symmetrical building with spires, very Gothic style, elegant and beautiful.

The color of the summer palace is all white. From a distance, it seems to be covered with a layer of white snow, and it blooms with a holy white light under the sunshine.

"It's so beautiful." Luo Quan couldn't help admiring, thinking that this is her new house in Huanyu, she couldn't help being a little excited.

"It's even more beautiful inside." Bishop Varena laughed and pulled her hands together again.

The line of sight moved to the interior of the summer palace, first of all the main hall.

"This is the sanctuary where Our Lady listens to believers' prayers and repentance. Here you can spread the Holy Light and the teachings of the Heavenly Father to believers, and bless believers."

Varena introduced to Luo Quan as she walked: "There will be a pool in the center of the temple. After the completion of the construction, the seeds of the Spring of Dawn will be brought from the Holy City and placed in it. As long as the Holy Mother is here, the pool will be full of water. The fountain of dawn keeps gushing out, bringing health and faith to believers."

"So this is rootless water?" Luo Quan asked curiously. Until now, she still couldn't understand why a mouthful of the spring was connected with her own existence. She couldn't be related to this spring of dawn just because her name was Luo Quan. Is quantum entanglement happening?
Fafreya nodded: "Theoretically, it is, but it can also be regarded as being born of you, the Holy Mother."

Varena went on to say: "In the temple and your bedroom, there will be many artworks created by believers.

These believers are all famous artists in the history of mankind, and these works of art are all authentic works. If they can be illuminated by the light of the Holy Mother, they will become more valuable. "

"It's so amazing." Luo Quan laughed, but he wasn't particularly interested in it.

She has never liked to engage in such arty things, after all, she can easily spread handed down movements, paintings, and sculptures all over the temple, and all of them are signed by herself.

So there is absolutely no need to use Huanyuren's works to support yourself.

In comparison, she prefers those powerful babies.

For example, things like Divine Sword Holy Armor that can improve combat power, or natural materials and earthly treasures that can quickly improve skills, these are all good.

But she was too embarrassed to speak, and could only hope that the Bishop of Varena would be fine.

Perhaps seeing that Luo Quan was not very interested, Bishop Varena really asked: "My lord, these are the greetings prepared by the Pope for you, what else do you want?

No matter what kind of rare treasures, we can do our best to prepare them for you and send them to Notre Dame Summer Palace! "

"That's a lot, what more bike do you need?" Luo Quan waved his hand, pretending to be modest.

Varena smiled and said: "My Lady, you are too simple, this can only be regarded as the basic treatment among the treatment of the Holy Mother in the past.

Thinking back to those Holy Mothers thousands of years ago, the treasures they asked for were not available in most churches, and we still have to launch holy wars because of this. "

"This kind of person can also be a saint!" Luo Quan was stunned, "Isn't it appropriate to disregard human life for his own selfishness!"

Varena nodded in agreement: "So that was also the most turbulent period for our Church of Dawn. These saints later became typical examples of being bewitched by demons in the scriptures."

"That's a good reason." Luo Quan chuckled, and instantly lost interest in asking for wealth, lest the Liming Church would have another jihad because of him.

But seeing Valena kept looking at him, Luo Quan felt that if he didn't open his mouth, she would think that he was embarrassed to ask and kept asking.

So Luo Quan decided to ask for some simple gemstones: "It's just like gold and silver jewelry, diamond ring necklaces, etc. It's fine if you don't need too many. After all, I only have one neck and ten fingers. No more. I can't wear it."

"Er...Master, forgive me for my ignorance, what kind of treasure is this diamond?" Varena suddenly looked embarrassed, and asked Luo Quan.

She still knows about gold and silver. After all, the reserves of this thing in the entire universe are fixed, and if you use it, you will use less.

Therefore, even in the civilization of the universe, it is also a precious metal, and the price is not cheap. Both ordinary people and nobles like to use it to make jewelry to show their nobility.

But this diamond, she has never heard of it, it sounds like a tool used with electric drills and drilling machines.

At this time, Luo Quan also remembered that diamonds are called on the earth, and they may also exist in the universe, but they are not necessarily called diamonds, so I explained what it is.

After hearing Luo Quan say that this carbon element is produced at high temperature, it is extremely hard, and its appearance is dazzling, everyone suddenly realized.

"It turns out that the Holy Mother was talking about the Shining Stone."

Valena called out the name of this kind of stone, and Fafreya's maiden was tearful: "Your Majesty, you are so simple, in order to avoid wasting people and money, you only ask for the shining stone as a gift.

Your noble character is beyond my reach! "

"Is this thing worthless?" Luo Quan's heart pounded, and he turned to Ye Zhining and asked.

"Although the sparkling stone looks beautiful, the preparation is too simple, and the artificial sparkling stone is far more beautiful than the natural one.

If you like this kind of treasure, I can give you a shining planet, which is a planet twenty times larger than the earth and made entirely of shining stones. "

"A diamond planet twenty times larger than the earth?!" Luo Quan grew up like a hippopotamus. If fans were here, they would definitely shout that the huge mouth of the abyss has reappeared in the world.

After listening to Ye Zhining's description, Luo Quan knew how cheap diamonds or sparkling stones were.

No wonder the saint and the bishop were so moved. I don't know if they were really moved or if they were laughing at her ignorance.

But compared to the Holy Mother who asked the Holy See to launch a jihad to please her, this requirement of hers was really well satisfied.

It can't even be said to ask, but it's a little effort.

After all, Ye Zhining can take out a diamond planet that is [-] times larger than the earth. Even if the Church of Dawn almost missed it, it might not be difficult to get a diamond that is about the size of the earth by asking God Bless Federation to help raise donations.

At this time, Bishop Valena said: "Your Majesty, you don't know the customs of the world, so the deviation in the gift you proposed is also the reason.

However, this does not mean that the Church of Dawn will be stingy with your treatment, and there will be nothing less for you.

In short, although the sparkling stone is pure and dazzling, it is still too cheap after all.

If Mrs. Mary likes a similar baby, we can make preparations immediately. "

"You can figure it out, I'm afraid I'll make some jokes." Luo Quan chuckled and decided to hand over the solution to this problem to Liming Church.

She really doesn't know what is more precious in Huanyu, if she asks for something worthless, it will be a bit of a laughing stock, and it will be a waste of time.

Hearing what Luo Quan said, Bishop Valena also said yes again and again, saying that she would definitely report back to the Pope and give her a satisfactory answer.

"By the way, in fact, it doesn't matter what rare treasures are. What I really want are weapons and equipment that can improve combat effectiveness.

Or panacea, it is not bad to directly improve the cultivation level after taking it. "

Seeing that the topic was coming to an end, Luo Quan still didn't get what she really wanted, so she finally spoke up.

Valenna Luoquan was obviously stunned by the request, and then laughed: "Your request, Mrs. Virgin Mary, is really special, and you actually want to directly improve your personal force, not those external things.

But what you don't know is that the church attaches great importance to the safety of every Virgin, and we will arrange at least ten templars to protect you.

These templar warriors all practiced templar warfare, and they could condense the phantoms of seraphs, and even the powerhouses at the Dao level could not break through the defense line formed by them.

In addition, you can also choose ten trusted and close people to become holy servants. After passing through the path of light selection, these holy servants will gain unparalleled power. Together, they are enough to kill Dao-level powerhouses!
With these two guardian forces, plus being in the territory of the Holy Tang Dynasty, I believe that no one can be against you.

If you really feel that it is not safe enough, you can also recruit an additional holy army. After receiving the blessing of the Holy Mother, the combat effectiveness of these holy sword troops will far exceed that of ordinary holy monks.

After the number reaches a certain level, the power is also quite terrifying. "

Originally, Varenna thought that she gave three plans in a row, no matter what, she could reassure the insecure Virgin Mary.

However, she still shook her head: "Ten birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in the hand. I still prefer the feeling of power in my body. How powerful others are is ultimately others', not mine.

I always place an order. If I encounter trouble at this time and the guards cannot provide timely support, wouldn't that be dangerous?
So self-improvement is the last word. "

"But didn't the Pope give you a Necklace of Dawn?"

Valena looked at Luo Quan puzzled: "This baby not only has the effect of blocking the fatal blow for you, but also directly summons the Holy Paradise after the shield disappears, teleporting you directly to the Holy Land of the church.

Trust me, no one can hurt you there. "

"I really believe in the power of the Church of Dawn, but I still prefer to believe in myself." Luo Quan insisted on his thoughts.

Bishop Varena blinked, lowered her head and said: "I completely understand your thoughts, but you have just broken through to the third level now, and it is not that simple to quickly improve your strength.

Although panacea can have immediate results, this kind of behavior that backfires will always have a negative impact on your future cultivation ceiling.

So the specific method you need to use, and which path you will take to reach the peak, all of these need to be discussed in the long run, and I really can't give you a definite answer in a while. "

"It's okay." Luo Quan smiled and shook his head, "I'm not in a hurry, this matter can be taken slowly, even if you are in a hurry, you can't eat hot tofu.

My idea is that you can give me some cultivation resources for me to use first, and it will not be too late to talk about the plan later. "

Varenna nodded: "If this is the case, I will report to His Majesty the Pope later and let him decide."

(End of this chapter)

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