Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1079 The Economic Base Determines the Superstructure

Chapter 1079 The Economic Base Determines the Superstructure
"It couldn't be better."

Luo Quan was quite satisfied with this answer. Although the goal was not achieved immediately, at least it was achieved.

"By the way, Madonna, please stand up a little bit."

After coming out of the virtual world, Fafreya took out another spherical instrument, and pointed the one-eyed eye at Luo Quan:

"The church decided to build another 120-meter-high statue of the Virgin on the square outside the summer palace. We need your figure and appearance data, and then reproduce it in proportion.

In addition, this data will also be used to make pure holy clothes, which are special clothes for you to preach and bless. "

"Do you need me to pose?" Luo Quan walked over according to Fafreya's intention.

The saint smiled and replied: "No, just relax and stand. The scanning beam of this instrument is quite smart."

After speaking, a blue beam of light shot out from the ball and completely covered Luo Quan's body. After about three seconds, the beam disappeared.

"Okay." Fafreya put the instrument back into the storage ring.

"If there is no other request, Lady Mother, we will leave now." Varena stroked Luo Quan's chest and saluted, and Favreya followed suit.

"Goodbye, goodbye, I will contact you again if there is anything to do." Luo Quan waved at the two of them.

After the people left, Ye Zhining finally asked, "Luo Quan, it seems that you are very persistent in becoming stronger."

"Who wouldn't like to improve their strength?" Luo Quan asked back.

"That's true." As a martial idiot, Bai Xingwei nodded in agreement.

The greatest joy in her life is to watch her cultivation grow little by little, and defeat one after another formidable opponents, so she quite agrees with Luo Quan's statement.

And because Ye Zhining entered the Tao through luck, the process of gaining strength was too simple, so he didn't care so much.

Ye Zhining smiled and said: "If you want to become stronger like this, you can tell me directly. I still have a lot of Nine-Turn Golden Pills in my hand. If you eat any pills of this level, you can reach the realm of divine refinement." !"

"The level improvement brought by the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir is indeed fast, but at the same time it will also be accompanied by unstable foundation." Bai Xingwei shook her head when she heard this, "If Luo Quan's ideal is to become a master at the entry level, this is not the case. A good choice."

Luo Quan nodded: "That's what I thought. Although step-by-step practice is slow, at least the foundation is solid. In the long run, it will be better."

"That's true." Ye Zhining was not too entangled, "In short, I support your decision. If you are not satisfied with the cultivation resources that Liming Church gave you, you can tell me."

Speaking of which, Ye Zhining seemed to have remembered something, and patted Luo Quan on the shoulder again: "Actually, when the saint of the Dawn Church asked you to make a request, you can be more unrestrained and mention all the treasures you can think of , they will definitely be able to get it out."

Luo Quan explained with a smile: "I don't want to establish a good image for the public. As a Holy Mother, at least I have to behave a little nobler."

Bai Xingwei chuckled: "The nobility in your mind may not be the same as the nobility in the hearts of Huanyu people."

"What do you mean by that?" Luo Quan was a little puzzled.

Bai Xingwei explained: "In Huanyuxing, everyone's family is very rich. Even the believers who are living in poverty just mentioned are actually just deliberately suffering, and their identities in the secular world may be hundreds of millions. rich man or something.

As for the money needed to build a palace, it is not as exaggerated as you imagined. Compared with the behavior of real local tyrants, this can only be regarded as the lowest level of luxury.

Therefore, you don't have to worry about being complained by netizens for building a palace. In their hearts, this is a natural expense, and they don't think you are vain or anything.

The reason is that there are too many rich people in Huanyuxing, and this level of consumption is really not high. "

"That's what I want to say." Ye Zhining nodded, "Which of the ministers in the court does not have their own private vacation planet, on which they are the emperor, and they can do everything they want.

Building a palace is really no big deal. "

After listening to the two women's explanations, Luo Quan knew that he was sitting on the sidelines.

It seems that the development and affluence of the civilization of the universe is far beyond what I have seen, and it cannot be summed up by the prosperity of the world.

Fortunately, she just insisted on asking the saintess to build the summer palace more simply, but now it seems that she is too ignorant.

It's like eating at a king's banquet. Everyone used a gold spoon, but the servant handed her a silver spoon. She didn't dare to take it, so she quickly said that she only needed a wooden spoon.

That's probably what it means, after thinking it over, Luo Quan now regrets it.

If she knew this was the case, she should have opened her mouth like a lion. It's really a pity, and now she turns her head and asks the saintess to add something to her, and it's a bit hard to say.

After thinking about it, Luo Quan decided to forget it.

"How long does it usually take for a Summer Palace of this size to be built?" Luo Quan just looked at the construction area of ​​the Summer Palace of Our Lady, which is about 30 square meters.

Counting the external city walls, greenery and other buildings, the final area is estimated to be around one million square meters.

This is already quite large, and the total area of ​​the Forbidden City is only less than 80 square meters. It is really not suitable for me to live bigger than the emperor.

"That mainly depends on who will repair it." Facing Luo Quan's question, Ye Zhining laughed: "If it is the construction team of Shengtang Dynasty, it can be completed in a month at most.

But if it is the construction team of the God Blessed Federation, it is not easy to talk about. It may last for a year or a half, and the short may not be five, six, seven or eight years. "

"It took so long!" Luo Quan's eyes almost popped out.

A building complex as large as the Forbidden City was only repaired for 14 years in ancient times
If modern technology is used, as long as there is enough money, it will definitely not take seven or eight years to complete the project.

As for the Huanyu people whose technology is ahead of the earth by an unknown number of dimensions, it would take so long to build such a palace. Luo Quan really can't understand it.

"Why is that?" Luo Quan asked in disbelief, she couldn't figure out why the gap between the two was so big.

"Because I want to make money." Ye Zhining chuckled

As the Holy Tang Empress, she has cooperated with God Bless Federation on countless projects.

But the efficiency of those who use the God Bless Federation construction team is horribly slow.

A small project that can be done in three days can be dragged on for three months!

Why procrastinate?Because the longer you wait, the more you earn.

If you finish the work in three to five days, how can you ask the finance department for money?

If your subordinates don't go in front of the finance department, how can the finance department withdraw money from the treasury?

If the benefits cannot be transferred layer by layer, many elders will be unhappy.

The slow progress of the project is at most a few reprimands, belittling the ability of the person in charge.

But if the elders are upset, throwing off the black gauze hat on the head will be light, and if it is not done well, he will be shot in the back five times and die.

Therefore, the construction team of the God Bless Federation has an unspoken rule, that is, after the construction of the project is started, it will be dried for a month, and then it will be fishing for three days and drying nets for two days.

The euphemistic name is that this is a benefit for employees, even workers can not work hard.

In fact, it is a waste of foreign labor, dragging the project into a state of construction, and then constantly asking the finance department for money.

The bigger the project, the more this is the case. Previously, God Bless Federation wanted to transform a large planet into a mechanized habitable planet. The plan was to complete the construction within five years, and then start construction for three years. Now the stage has just been set up. No such materials are ready, and I am afraid that no one knows how long it will take to complete.

But anyway, this livable planet is not an imminent and important project, so no one cares how long it takes.

In this state, Luo Quan also began to worry about the construction progress of his summer palace.

At their speed, I am afraid that the palace may not be able to be repaired after the birth of the Holy Son.

Of course, the premise is that there must be this Holy Son.

"In short, you should try to mention it when the time comes, and the construction team of Shengtang Dynasty must be undertaken, and the supervisor should try to find local ones as much as possible.

We are notoriously pursuing efficiency here. Although we do not treat people as human beings, we can at least satisfy Party A, provided that we have enough money. "

Ye Zhining reminded Luo Quan, but Luo Quan didn't know whether he could be in charge of this matter.

Judging from the tone of Bishop Valena and Saintess Fafreya, it seems that everything must be reported to the Pope for decision.

If you make your own request, it is estimated that the pope will decide in the end.

So whether this matter can go well or not depends on whether the Pope is on the right track.

"Actually, building the Summer Palace of Notre Dame for you this time will benefit the Church of Dawn without any harm. They don't even need to pay for it."

Ye Zhining continued to stab Luo Quan in the heart: "The status of the Holy Mother is quite lofty in the eyes of the church and believers, as long as the church announces that it will build the Summer Palace of the Holy Mother, most believers will donate to them.

You can imagine how many rich people there are in a church with a belief rate of 80.00% in the God Blessed Federation.

And each of these rich people only needs to pluck out one hair, and it is estimated that they can build more than a dozen palaces. "

"Stop talking." Luo Quan raised his hand to stop Ye Zhining's behavior, "If you talk about it again, I'm going to regret it.

If I had known that building the Summer Palace was such a lucrative project, I would have asked them to build it up for me according to the highest specifications, using the highest materials, and adding all the rarest treasures. "

"It should be like this!" Bai Xingwei nodded fiercely, "Just now I actually wanted to remind you that you can ask for more, but seeing you are so upright, I really think you are a noble person, someone who has broken away from low-level interests , a great man."

"Great fart!" Luo Quan swears directly, "Who doesn't want to live a better life? At first I thought that building a palace was already very luxurious, but who knew that in Huanyu, it wasn't even considered a show of wealth. "

"It's too late to regret it now." Like Ye Zhining, Bai Xingwei also suggested that Luo Quan should make some more demands.

This is to claim one's own legitimate rights and interests by legitimate means, and there is nothing shameful about it.

"Actually, Luo Quan, if you are really embarrassed, you can use another method." Ye Zhining suddenly thought of a better way.

"Let's listen to it." Luo Quan looked at the empress seriously, his eyes full of questions.

Ye Zhining said in a deep voice: "Just post a post on the Internet, tell the details of the summer palace that the Liming Church will build for you, and then say that it is so grand and powerful, I never dreamed that I would have such a building." treatment.

In short, you are happy, and share your joy with your fans. "

Then, knowledgeable fans will be enraged by the details you described, and start to question why the Church of Dawn is so perfunctory, bullying the Virgin who is from a small place and ignorant of the world, right?

Because your popularity is high now, things will definitely continue to ferment soon, and more and more believers will know about it.

When the time comes, there will be more people to blame, and the Church of Dawn will definitely readjust the building plan under pressure.

And you just did bad things with good intentions, no one will blame you, and you can even make believers and fans love you more.

As soon as this plan was presented, Luo Quan was startled. What kind of empty-handed wolf is trying to catch and retreat to advance.

Sure enough, the heart of playing politics is dirty, and this method can hardly find any faults.

"But if we do this, will it bring trouble to the Church of Dawn?"

Luo Quan thought for a while, and finally hesitated: "After all, it was out of good intentions for me to build the summer palace, and I ended up trying to plot against him, which is not good."

Ye Zhining said bluntly: "What's wrong with that, anyway, they don't pay themselves, and they want to make money through you. After all, they use your reputation to raise donations. Of course, you are entitled to ask for higher treatment. "

After much consideration, Luo Quan decided to wait a while before posting the news: "Let's wait for a while, maybe the Pope will also feel the problem after checking the plan, and maybe he will take the initiative to adjust it for me."

"You are so innocent and kind, no wonder you can be a Holy Mother." Ye Zhi stared at Luo Quan with a look of hatred: "How can there be so many good people in this world, do you think they are as willing to treat you as kindly as Zhen and Xingwei ?
How lucky are you, that any good thing can happen to you? "

"Don't do evil because it is small, and don't do good because it is small." Luo Quan said a motto with his head down.

In fact, she is also very contradictory in her heart, and regrets that she didn't get a better gift, and at the same time, her moral bottom line makes her feel embarrassed to use this method to avenge her kindness.

This is actually the status quo for most people.

If you are neither extremely noble nor extremely hypocritical, then you must live a hard life.

Luo Quan is such a kind of moral bottom line, but not so high that he doesn't care about everything outside of him, that's why he is so entangled in his heart now.

But the good news is that there are not many good people in this world, but she can always meet them often.

After a while, the saint sent her a short message:

"The Pope said that the previous plan was too simple and some revisions are needed. You are the Holy Mother of the Church of Dawn. Whether it is your image or the influence of the Summer Palace, it is very important. Too simple is not acceptable."

(End of this chapter)

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